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Hamas executes Palestinian anti-war protesters in Gaza

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posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 10:16 PM
Hamas chains mentally ill man to building to become casualty

An Israeli soldier frees a mentally ill man #Hamas chained to a building to be a casualty

pic at link

This is what is part of the casualty count.
Wonder how many other undesirables Hamas did this to.
So now we have the executed and the mentally ill tossed into the sympathy body pile for Hamas.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: GogoVicMorrow
a reply to: hammanderr

Uh.. but you seem to be forgetting that this isn't a foreign country they are invading.

This is like the whole US army trying to bomb out a militia in Idaho.

Stalingrad and Fallujah were just cities, but quelling them took a heavy toll. Palestine is the Palestinians to police, if they won't do it then I guess Israel will have to keep bombing them. Even if the IDF went in on foot and cleared structure to structure civilians would still die.

No matter what the IDF does anti Israelis will continue to be anti Israeli.

Israel will not win the battle of public opinion, they may as well win the actual battle.
edit on 4-8-2014 by hammanderr because: Wording

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 10:56 PM
a reply to: Humanity4Ever

Israel has crossed the line in a major way. No doubt about it. But this is not the first time nor the last time Hamas has done this when the public stand up to them. Hamas has no problem murdering there own directly by gunfire. They line them up face first down on the ground and they shoot them to death. Take heed that Israel is reporting this though. Use critical thought and question everything from both sides. It's an information and propaganda war as much as a conventional war.

posted on Aug, 4 2014 @ 11:56 PM

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: beezzer

originally posted by: Humanity4Ever
a reply to: beezzer

According to the Israeli news channel, which translated the original report from a Palestinian news channel, Hamas shot a group of Palestinians protesting Hamas' role in the escalation of the conflict.

This really should come as no surprise. Thousands of protesters have been shot dead in the streets many times in recent history by radical Islamic groups and regimes all over the middle east.

I could believe the story only because war, any war, carries it's own fair share of horrors.

A fair assessment. Do you also believe what Hamas points out?

Not always. To be honest.

Look, there are two sides to this war. Some have chosen to support Hamas. Some have chosen to support Israel. I get that.

I hope it ends and that there is peace because war is ugly and damned stupid.

But I guess I'd be called a "Zionist" because I think Israel has a right to exist.

No, you are not a Zionist, you are just another who has been fooled into taking a side, and a side that is NO BETTER than the other, you can claim for eternity that you are not swayed by systems that you cannot see, but you are the same fodder.

In the end, all of the people you support, will change or become as irrelevant to everything, as your soul feels the other side is.

Better hurry too, cause the REAL dogs of war are hovering, like literally slobbering to stab everyone in the back!

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: Cuervo
If Israel wanted to play this in a more morally-acceptable fashion, they'd go in as liberators instead of indiscriminately killing anybody in their way. They have the resources for it. They don't need to do what they are doing.

Great post. The thing is that if Israel has such a pulse on the Palestinian people why do they need to bomb the crap out of them? Go in on the ground. Surgical strikes. Not carpet bombing.

Yup I was echoing these comments in another thread... Palestinians are stuck between 2 bullies... People say "Oh its the palestinians own fault, they should kick hamas out"

I would LOVE to see these people with a gang of armed thugs in their house. And watch them "kick them out", this isn't a choice palestinian civilians have!

Which as you both have said puts into context just how sickening isreals actions are!

Snipers anyone? Go in undercover, lay low and pick em off 1 by 1...Snipers could take em out a goor distance away! No need for carpet bombing and white phospherous! That is just sick!

There is NO excuse for what isreal is doing... non...

This is a similar scenario...

Killer gang on the loose in new york... Teorrising people and killing people... The febs come along and fence in new york... Attacks start to come over the fence, as they would of course. So the feds fly over dropping some bombs and killing a bunch of innocent new yorkers at the same time...

It's retarded!!!! At the very least!!!!

Erm, how about investigate those responsible and bring em to justice??? Ever thought of that isreal??? lol

Meh... nothing will change, palestinians will be culled off while the world watches....

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: VoidHawk
No matter what Hamas is doing, what Israel is doing has always been wrong.

THAT is your response to Hamas murdering their own people in the street for calling for the killing to end? Sorry man but you're one sick pup. Obviously one of the haters that doesn't care and twists everything toward your anger of a race and/or country of people. I think there is a word for that, but I don't use that word.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: Corruption Exposed
a reply to: Humanity4Ever

So only Breitbart, a known peddler of Zionist Hasbara, is the only one putting this out so far? No Palestinians posting about this on FB or Twitter?

I would have heard of this by now, and if it was true, it would be all over CNN/FOX/NBC/CBS...etc...heck, these outlets would plaster this story if it was even half way believable. You know it can't be true if the MSM won't take advantage of an opportunity to demonize Hamas.

This will be in the HOAX bin rather quick IMO.


Can anyone verify the information on the source link that Breitbart used?

I can't read Hebrew.

While I agree FOX would cover it...the rest are on board with the administration who is obviously anti-Israel. Hell...they gave how many millions to Hamas/the Palestinians and gave nothing to Israel?

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:02 AM
a reply to: MALBOSIA
If you endorse hiding weapons and missiles in schools you are one sick puppy, dude.

i understand your sentiment, but it's a coward who hides weapons of war in a school. Or a church, for that matter.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 08:10 AM
a reply to: old_god

While I do understand and support much of what you said, I would like to point out a few things.

The UN found missiles stored in one of their schools. Only a coward would hide weapons in a school. If that isnt using Palestinians as human shields then wtf?

Regarding your point of Hamas is Palestine and Palestine is Hamas... umm.. no. That's like saying the Democrats are the US and Americans are Democrats. To an outsider who is clueless regarding the politics in the US, no doubt they may feel so, but it does not make it right. Hamas holds the majority of seats, but they do not represent all Palestinians as there are actually several groups. 5 will get you 10 that Hamas loses their majority soon enough. There was quite a lot of dissension when it was announced that Hamas had won a majority. I got the feeling that the majority of Palestinians were not happy with the results.

Kind of similar to a majority of the US are not happy with the results of our last presidential election.

Was your shill remark directed at me?

Oh, and if all you have seen this week is the shredded bodies of children then the Hamas propaganda machine is working. This kind of media coverage is specifically why Hamas has not previously agreed to a cease fire. They do not care about the common Palestinian whatsoever beyond whatever propaganda value their deaths bring. The more children the merrier!. If they did care about them they would have accepted the first cease fire offer. Now they take an unconditional one that does not even guarantee them the 2012 accords. Of course, as I have stated earlier, one does not use a cease fire to negotiates after a cease fire is in place (if one is losing,, that is).

edit on 5-8-2014 by bbracken677 because: (no reason given)

edit on 5-8-2014 by bbracken677 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:36 PM
Anyone else wondering why this isn't in the hoax bin yet?

This CLEARLY did not happen...

Breitbart is as bad as Sorcha Faal for frig sakes.

edit on 8/5/2014 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Hamas chains mentally ill man to building to become casualty

An Israeli soldier frees a mentally ill man #Hamas chained to a building to be a casualty

pic at link

This is what is part of the casualty count.
Wonder how many other undesirables Hamas did this to.
So now we have the executed and the mentally ill tossed into the sympathy body pile for Hamas.

A Twitter feed, from an Israeli(?)? Yeah, that happened. Is there any other source for this?

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:43 PM

originally posted by: intrepid

originally posted by: TinfoilTP
Hamas chains mentally ill man to building to become casualty

An Israeli soldier frees a mentally ill man #Hamas chained to a building to be a casualty

pic at link

This is what is part of the casualty count.
Wonder how many other undesirables Hamas did this to.
So now we have the executed and the mentally ill tossed into the sympathy body pile for Hamas.

A Twitter feed, from an Israeli(?)? Yeah, that happened. Is there any other source for this?

You can't say pics or it didn't happen so you attack the source, it is a pic of the guy chained there, it is directly from the source on the ground.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: TinfoilTP

And far be it that Israel would use digital media to spread propaganda.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: Corruption Exposed

Other sources alluding to this incident among others have been provided by other posters since I started this thread.

Furthermore, it is incredulous to suggest that this incident "clearly did not happen". There is no possible way you can ascertain such a statement.

If the subject matter of this thread offends you, don't partake in the discussion.

You have no right to demand that this thread be moved to the hoax bin. Get over yourself.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Corruption Exposed

Looking at this, and googling a bit, I cannot say that this "clearly" did not happen. Most of the sources I found refer to an original story in the Jerusalem Post. There are a couple that link to the "Palestinian News Agency" but without being able to read the language I cannot say whether that is even a credible source or Palestinian for certain.

This is not a case of "clearly" did not happen, however it is questionable. At least until more information is available.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: bbracken677
a reply to: MALBOSIA
If you endorse hiding weapons and missiles in schools you are one sick puppy, dude.

i understand your sentiment, but it's a coward who hides weapons of war in a school. Or a church, for that matter.

Cowards suppress those that are weaker. You can't judge people for what they would do in a situation the Palestinians are in. Not you or any Israeli has ever been through what the Palestinians are going though. Your demanding that people act civilized when being attacked by barbarians. Why doesn't Israel act civilized when they claim they are facing barbarians. Most civilized countries have rules of engagement. Israel just does what ever suits them when it suits them.

The Palestinians don't seem to have choice since we would have heard protest from them on social media by now complaining how they were being made to do it. So what ever REALLY happened the Palestinians seem to feel it is necessary. I will take their word for it before I take the word of Israel's lying snake tongue.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:31 PM
Hamas launch rockets from the grounds of a hotel housing journalists.

I'm assuming they hoped an Israeli retaliation would wipe them out for PR purposes. Israel are killing people, Hamas are worse.

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Humanity4Ever

Other sources alluding to this incident among others have been provided by other posters since I started this thread.

That is not true, please show me the posts that "allude" this incident?

Oh sorry you can't!

Nothing more than speculative social media posts, and a blog post.

I can go to any blog site and post "Israel gases hundreds of Palestinians" and quote anonymous "Palestinian sources" and it would be good enough for you to believe? Or does that only work if it suits your agenda?

Furthermore, it is incredulous to suggest that this incident "clearly did not happen". There is no possible way you can ascertain such a statement.

This is rich, especially coming from you...

Don't you think if Hamas "executed dozens of Palestinians" for anti-war protests it would have been reported by the Palestinians? It's been 7 days now and not a word of this other than the Israel's Channel 10.

All we have are Zionist propaganda outlets pushing this story with anonymous Palestinian sources as their claim for this story...LOL!

Deny ignorance?

Looks like a lot of you are embracing it.


posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: zerozero00
Hamas is an Israeli organisation set up and funded know like Al-qaeda was by the US...TPTB are always pulling strings from both sides...

Agreed, I just did a similar search a few days ago and thousands of hits said the same thing:

Israel Created Hamas

Also your comment about the UN is right on target as well...

posted on Aug, 5 2014 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO
No, you are not a Zionist, you are just another who has been fooled into taking a side, and a side that is NO BETTER than the other, you can claim for eternity that you are not swayed by systems that you cannot see, but you are the same fodder.


Interesting search term : 'The Illusion of Opposites US VS them'

The synthetic Hegelian solution to all these conflicts can't be introduced unless we all take a side that will advance the agenda. ~ Niki Rapaana

In propaganda this called a false dilemma. As in reality you can be with both, against both, be neutral with one and with/against the other. All in all, there is many more choices. But people usually fall into the trap and choose one or the other.

Would-be global rulers cannot physically control six and a half billion humans. Therefore, they must use secrecy and deceit. Keep the human herd ignorant and fighting with each other. Divide and conquer – it’s the oldest tactic in the book. And it’s relatively easy if you control the major academic institutions, the political parties and the major mass media (a mere five multinational corporations with interlocking directorships today control everything we see and hear. ~ Jim Marrs

Do The Global Elite Conceal Ancient Aliens?

edit on 5-8-2014 by Murgatroid because: I felt like it..

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