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Latin America Comes Out in Force Against Israel

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posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 10:50 AM
Not sure if this is in the right forum, but here goes. Latin America is protesting the Israeli bombardment of GAZA in an almost unanimous condemnation of Israel; pulling out diplomats and closing embassies.

"I can't remember another similar situation where (all the countries in the region) have reacted practically as a bloc," said political scientist Reginaldo Nasser, a professor at the Pontifical University in Sao Paulo, Brazil. One of the most symbolic recent developments came from Bolivian President Evo Morales -- one of the leaders of Latin America's far left -- who put Israel on its list of "Terrorist States" and eliminated a visa waiver program for Israeli citizens.

It looks like Israel is losing support on the World stage for its siege of the GAZA region. Israel should not have gone to such extremes under the veil of protection when they are committing an all out slaughter. FIrst, Israel started the conflict in order to save the three teens who were said to be kidnapped by HAMAS. Second, it was later found that the three were killed, so Israel went in to punish those responsible. Third, things turned for the worse when Israeli officials said it was Hamas who did it so now Hamas is made responsible to pay, and now we have a full blown conflict. What makes this whole situation even more tragic is the fact that ISIS is claiming responsibility for the murder of the three ISRAELI teens not HAMAS.

While Israel claims that Hamas was behind the murder of 3 Israeli boys which started this round of violence (and subsequent rocket attacks), the Times of Israel reported last week: A new Palestinian jihadist group pledging allegiance to the Islamic State (formerly known as ISIL) [or "ISIS"] has claimed responsibility for the killing of three Israeli teenagers last month in the West Bank, as well as other recent deadly attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians. Hamas has denied responsibility for the attacks. The New York Times also reported on Wednesday: On Tuesday evening, Israel’s antimissile system, called Iron Dome, intercepted a rocket “over the Tel Aviv area,” the army said, showing the reach of Gazan rocketry. The rocket was believed to be of Iranian design, a Fajr-5, and Islamic Jihad claimed credit. Tel Aviv opened some public shelters, and in a city near Tel Aviv, Rishon LeZion, people were instructed to leave the beach.

I'm sure the higher ups in Israel know this as well so why are they continuing to attack GAZA in the name of self defense when the ones who attacked aren't from GAZA? LATIN America is now against Israel......How many more countries will come on board against Israel in this so-called war? Why is ISRAEL being allowed to use a tragic event as an excuse to kill innocent civilians? In the end, Israel isn't making itself safer so what's the end game here, ATS?

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 10:59 AM
I don't think the 3 Teenagers was the reason for Israel attacking Gaza.. But at the same time, It's great to see nations starting to condemn the actions of the Israeli Government. Enough is enough.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: lostbook
What makes this whole situation even more tragic is the fact that ISIS is claiming responsibility for the murder of the three ISRAELI teens not HAMAS.

I'm sure the higher ups in Israel know this as well so why are they continuing to attack GAZA in the name of self defense when the ones who attacked aren't from GAZA?

Yes, they know. That information was first reported in the Israeli Times on July the 3rd. So yeah, they know...

Good on Latin America!

edit on 2-8-2014 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 11:35 AM
Big loud BOOO! at Israel

The thing is though, by the time there's enough noise being made to stop Israel, they'll probably have achieved there goal.
They should not be let of the hook by simply stopping their aggression, they should be forced to right the wrong they've done.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 12:42 PM
Well done a big applause to Latin America for this. I believe they are correct for putting Israel on the terror list. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck well its a duck in this case a terrorist...

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:00 PM
I just don't get it. Even worse, my country the US, is footing the bill. I wonder where this is all leading to especially when parts of Latin America are getting cozy with Russia.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:09 PM
Too bad Latin America won't do the same with the drug cartels in their own countries, and try to improve the lot of their citizens.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: darkwingduck


Just LOL!

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: DarknStormy
I don't think the 3 Teenagers was the reason for Israel attacking Gaza.. But at the same time, It's great to see nations starting to condemn the actions of the Israeli Government. Enough is enough.

Right, the three teens were used as an excuse to attack.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 07:05 PM
Yes, our president has criticized Israel a few times already (I'm Brazilian, btw). She said it's not a genocide, but it is a massacre and that killing women and children should not be happening. Our ambassador in Israel is in Brazil right now, he was told to come here to "answer some questions", but the president has also said that he will return to Israel.

That said, there is a somewhat awkward relationship now between Brazil and Israel, since the spokesman from Israel responded to those criticisms by saying that Brazil is politically irrelevant. But our president said that there won't be a rupture with Israel, so there ya go.

Basically, as far as Brazil goes, the political position is "you guys are overreacting, that's not cool and we're against those actions, but we're still friends".

I cannot speak for the other countries in South America, though. I don't follow their news.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 07:53 PM
Israel are going to find themselves at the bottom of that big hole they are digging....even if they manage to wipe out the Palestinians they will find themselves fighting a different enemy...whats the bet the rest of the muslim world stand up and say enough is enough...

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 08:00 PM
The real question will be:

When does Putin (backed by LA/BRIC)
decide to give US/Israel/Nato an Ultimatum to end the Gaza conflict?

& how would this affect Ukraine? Have they sent any ebola patients to Ukraine, yet? Only hopskip&ajump away from Germany, right?
edit on 2-8-2014 by Eunuchorn because: a

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 10:54 PM
When you finance both sides of a war you can't lose, ask King George the Third. He actually spent a lot of money aiding the American colonies that were revolting against him. One of the first things our new nation had to do was pay back our former king.
So let yourselves get dragged into anti-jew and anti-palestine rhetoric while the rich get richer and laugh at how easy it is to instill bigotry in idiots.

posted on Aug, 2 2014 @ 11:01 PM

originally posted by: abe froman
When you finance both sides of a war you can't lose, ask King George the Third. He actually spent a lot of money aiding the American colonies that were revolting against him. One of the first things our new nation had to do was pay back our former king.
So let yourselves get dragged into anti-jew and anti-palestine rhetoric while the rich get richer and laugh at how easy it is to instill bigotry in idiots.

it has always been about money,that what makes the world go round

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