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Pope Francis: 'About 2%' of Catholic clergy paedophiles.

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posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 09:58 AM
Pope Francis has been quoted as saying that reliable data indicates that "about 2%" of clergy in the Catholic Church are paedophiles.

So thats about 8000 paedophiles employed by the CC.
Good to know he is on a crusade to clean up the CC.
He is also supposedly said that they must review the celibacy rules for priests seeing it was introduced over 900 years after Jesus death.
Some may say how many paedophiles are in any organization or company but the priests have a different relationship with people one that should be one of the most trusted.
Anyhow keep up the good work moving the CC forward and not backward.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:03 AM

originally posted by: boymonkey74
He is also supposedly said that they must review the celibacy rules for priests ...

Some people mistakenly think that celibacy causes pedophilia. That's not the case.
(*I'm not saying you do, boymonkey, I'm saying that SOME folks do).

Pope Francis immediately set out to clean out the garbage.
It's a tough job for anyone let alone a fella his age and in his health.
I wish him well.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:13 AM
lets not forget about his international arrest warrant served for child abduction..

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:14 AM
a reply to: 2Chainz

What the pope? what arrest warrant and from what international body?.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:37 AM
It's all well and good to cite statistics, but 2% is still way too high. The statistic should say 0%, and i expect the pope to follow through on his words and rid the church of such filth. It's good to see that someone is finally doing something about it. Though, their efforts would be better if they had actually fully cooperated with the Australian government on such matters (which they haven't done so).

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:39 AM
Does someone want to explain to me how all these criminals elude arrest, indictment and prison time? What kind of organization harbors child molesters in their midst and pays off the victims with money sourced from the 'donations' of believers, the same public whose children are being victimized?

And why would ANYBODY have anything to do with an organization like this? What is it about a silly frock or white banded collar that presupposes automatic respect for the wearer, rather than pointing and laughing?

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: signalfire

Oh I agree but thought I just better report it.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 10:51 AM
Catholics think that sex equals sin,"Original Sin". They believe sex is so sinful that Mary had to have been miraculously conceived without sex so that she would be "clean" enough to conceive "God" without sex.

Condemning sexuality is unnatural and aligning oneself with the unnatural through celibacy requires a good amount of self loathing. As a matter of fact, self loathing is a Catholic staple.

Of course being sexually violated by a trusted individual like a priest, who has taught that sexual feelings are sinful, then plies young ones, forcing them to arousal, in which they have no personal control, causing their victims to also feel a sense of "self loathing", because that's what rape invokes, just perpetuates the sickness.

Personally, I think the Jews had it right. Never trust a man who can't keep a wife and family to be an example or to teach spirituality.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:02 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

That's the best case scenario but I'd wager the number is much higher than 2%. The Catholic Church is, or was, a perfect cover for these "priests" to commit their crimes.

What pedo wouldn't join the church? Free reign of children to abuse under the perfect guise and no one ever questions why you're not married or at least ever have a girlfriend. Worst of all, that collar comes with immediate trust of your followers.

Abandon the church, it is corrupt and filled with black slime. As good as this pope appears to be I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. Clearly these men are masters of hiding behind a veil of goodness. Where else would true evil lurk?

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: boymonkey74

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State declared both Queen Elizabeth and Pope Francis, along with many other officials of the Vatican, guilty of crimes against humanity. The evidence is clear to anyone not turning a blind eye.
Any citizens arrest attempts have been counteracted by locking people up in the looney bin.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: windword
Catholics think that sex equals sin,"Original Sin".

Um ... no. Catholics do not believe that sex is sin. And 'original sin' is the belief that Adam and Eve disobeyed God when they ate of the apple in the Garden of Eden. Original sin has nothing to do with sex.

They believe sex is so sinful that Mary had to have been miraculously conceived without sex so that she would be "clean" enough to conceive "God" without sex.

Um ... no. Catholics do not believe that Mary was miraculously conceived without sex. If you are trying to bring up the Catholic belief of 'Immaculate Conception', that refers to Mary being conceived without original sin on her soul. It has nothing to do with sex.

Condemning sexuality is unnatural and aligning oneself with the unnatural through celibacy requires a good amount of self loathing.

Suggested celibacy for those engaging in the Lords work can be found in the New Testament.

As a matter of fact, self loathing is a Catholic staple.

Self loathing ... no. An over abundance of guilt ... yes.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:27 AM
a reply to: 2Chainz

Dude ... that is a hoax.
International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State
It's a one man blog site. There is no tribunal.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Swills
Pedophiles look for happy hunting grounds. They look for places where adults can work with children in trusted roles. Pedophiles love churches, synagogues and schools. It's not a church thing or a synagogue thing or a school thing ... it's a hunting ground thing.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:37 AM

originally posted by: windword

Condemning sexuality is unnatural and aligning oneself with the unnatural through celibacy requires a good amount of self loathing.

The concept of abstaining from sex goes back well before Catholicism. I personally think its appropriate to purge oneself of carnal desires and practice disipline. I think sex is supposed to be soley for reproductive purposes. Unfortunately celibacy is pretty much impossible within the paradigm that most of humanity is trapped in.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: 2Chainz
a reply to: boymonkey74

The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State declared both Queen Elizabeth and Pope Francis, along with many other officials of the Vatican, guilty of crimes against humanity. The evidence is clear to anyone not turning a blind eye.
Any citizens arrest attempts have been counteracted by locking people up in the looney bin.

Not sure about the validity of that tribunal but it does at least shed some light on some of the undertakings of our nefarious overlords. I read somewhere about a Native group in Canada that officially brought charges against the Queen. Apparently some orphans dissappeared under her care during a Canadian tour decades ago.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

Catholics do not believe that Mary was miraculously conceived without sex. If you are trying to bring up the Catholic belief of 'Immaculate Conception', that refers to Mary being conceived without original sin on her soul. It has nothing to do with sex.

The Perfect Virgin
"God desired
that the Virginity of Mary,
the Mother of Jesus Christ,
be so perfect, complete, and all-encompassing
that even the manner of her Immaculate Conception
and her Holy Birth

Catholics do not believe that sex is sin. And 'original sin' is the belief that Adam and Eve disobeyed God when they ate of the apple in the Garden of Eden. Original sin has nothing to do with sex.

Jesus Christ was born without Original Sin because He was conceived without Original Sin. The Son of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Christ is also the Son of God. In the Roman Catholic tradition, Original Sin is, as I mentioned, passed down from father to child; the transmission occurs through the sexual act.[\b]

Self loathing ... no. An over abundance of guilt ... yes.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:19 PM

originally posted by: windword

The Perfect Virgin
"God desired that the Virginity of Mary, the Mother of Jesus Christ, be so perfect, complete, and all-encompassing
that even the manner of her Immaculate Conception and her Holy Birth

Immaculate Conception ... conceived without sin. Her parents had sex. It's all about no original sin on the soul. God (according to the belief) withheld the sin from staining her soul. The church in no way says she was conceived without sex. Original sin is passed down via sex ... but in Mary's case it was withheld even though her parents had normal sexual relations.

Trust me. I spent 20 years as a hard core third order Franciscan and then a conservative third order discalced Carmelite. this was my order I know what they teach. Mary's parents had sex. It's just the sin was blocked from the soul with a special grace from God.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:26 PM
Lots a hell of a lot of priests and bishops that can do a hell of a lot of damage. But then I forgot, the outer Church is hell. Have to go within to the true message not the murdering smiting ones.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

No it's a hunting thing and there's no better place to hunt than the Catholic church. The only teachers I hear about having sex with is teenagers of the opposite sex. I can't recall an elementary school case.
edit on 13-7-2014 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Swills
It's everywhere. All churches and schools are good hunting grounds.

Huffington Post - Protestant Clergy Sex Abuse

One of the most striking aspects of the Protestant clergy sex abuse pattern is that most people don't realize it is a pattern. The Catholic Church has taken a well deserved beating in the courts and in the court of public opinion as former altar boys, orphans and ordinary parishioners come forward with appalling stories of sex abuse. Yet equally egregious violations by Protestant clergy fail to generate the same level of outrage. Why? You might answer that the problems in the Catholic Church are uniquely widespread, but that would be the wrong answer.

Clergy Gone Wild - Abuse Reports Across the Abrahamic Religions

Freedom From Religion Foundation

Evangelicals Ignore Sexual Abuse

Denver Post

enkins said there has been no formal study comparing denominations for rates of child abuse. However, insurers have been assessing the risks since they began offering riders on liability policies in the 1980s. Two of the largest insurers report no higher risks in covering Catholic churches than Protestant denominations.

Wisconsin-based Church Mutual Insurance Co. has 100,000 client churches and has seen a steady filing of about five sexual molestation cases a week for more than a decade, even though its client base has grown.

“It would be incorrect to call it a Catholic problem,” said Church Mutual’s risk control manager, Rick Schaber. “We do not see one denomination above another. It’s equal. It’s also equal among large metropolitan churches and small rural churches.”

CBS News - Has Media Ignored Sex Abuse in Schools?

Hofstra University researcher Charol Shakeshaft looked into the problem, and the first thing that came to her mind when Education Week reported on the study were the daily headlines about the Catholic Church. "Think the Catholic Church has a problem?" she said. "The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests."

So, in order to better protect children, did media outlets start hounding the worse menace of the school systems, with headlines about a "Nationwide Teacher Molestation Cover-up" and by asking "Are Ed Schools Producing Pedophiles?" No, they didn't. That treatment was reserved for the Catholic Church, while the greater problem in the schools was ignored altogether.

Washington Post - Sexual Misconduct Plagues US Schools

Students in America's schools are groped. They're raped. They're pursued, seduced and think they're in love. An Associated Press investigation found more than 2,500 cases over five years in which educators were punished for actions from bizarre to sadistic.

There are 3 million public school teachers nationwide, most devoted to their work. Yet the number of abusive educators _ nearly three for every school day _ speaks to a much larger problem in a system that is stacked against victims. Most of the abuse never gets reported. Those cases reported often end with no action. Cases investigated sometimes can't be proven, and many abusers have several victims.

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