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Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1 - 2 Brien Foerster

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posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 12:49 AM
Here's Brien Foerster's latest videos where he visits the Giza Plateau with Yousef Awyan, Stephen Mehler and Chris Dunn looking for clues to it's mysterious origin. This is a must see for people interested in this subject.

In Brien's words -

''Contrary to the thoughts of most historians and egyptologists, mounting evidence from engineers, geologists and other scientific minds are revealing the concept that the Sphinx, Great Pyramid and other famous Egyptian works were created 12,000 plus years ago, and that the Dynastic Pharaohs simply inherited them...''

Would appreciate an embed as I don't seem to be able to post videos thanks


Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 1

Lost Ancient High Technology Of Egypt Before The Pharaohs Part 2

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 01:04 AM
Here you go, enjoy.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 01:06 AM
deleted, someone beat me to it

edit on 410717amSundayf07Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:07:41 -0500America/Chicago by signalfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 01:07 AM
Cheers guys!

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 01:49 AM
I would love to watch the videos, but I have a question please.
I have limited gigs on my internet USB stick, will watching the videos eat up all of my remaining internet time.

a reply to: JamesTB

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 02:06 AM

originally posted by: keenasbro
I would love to watch the videos, but I have a question please.
I have limited gigs on my internet USB stick, will watching the videos eat up all of my remaining internet time.

a reply to: JamesTB

I haven't got a clue about that sorry.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: JamesTB

''Contrary to the thoughts of most historians and egyptologists, mounting evidence from engineers, geologists and other scientific minds are revealing imagining the concept that the Sphinx, Great Pyramid and other famous Egyptian works were created 12,000 plus years ago, and that the Dynastic Pharaohs simply inherited them...''

*Fixed* ^^

The guy is promoting these ideas so people will want to go on his tours to S. America. In that light, the videos are very much commercials for his tour businesses.

As business models go, it's not a bad idea. The mainstream tour market is occupied by much larger outfits so Brien and his team have gone out to create a niche market with a few books here and few free videos there.

Is there anything substantial behind the '12, 000 plus years ago?' No, there isn't.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: JamesTB

''Contrary to the thoughts of most historians and egyptologists, mounting evidence from engineers, geologists and other scientific minds are revealing imagining the concept that the Sphinx, Great Pyramid and other famous Egyptian works were created 12,000 plus years ago, and that the Dynastic Pharaohs simply inherited them...''

*Fixed* ^^

The guy is promoting these ideas so people will want to go on his tours to S. America. In that light, the videos are very much commercials for his tour businesses.

As business models go, it's not a bad idea. The mainstream tour market is occupied by much larger outfits so Brien and his team have gone out to create a niche market with a few books here and few free videos there.

Is there anything substantial behind the '12, 000 plus years ago?' No, there isn't.

I disagree. I think Brien has a genuine interest in this subject and uses his tours to fund his research. To dismiss him as simply a tour operator is disrespectful. How many other people are doing what he does? He's there in the field recording and analyzing then passing the information on freely. He works with many scholars and experts who have immense knowledge in this subject. I'm with him all the way I simply don't believe that the Pyramids were built to be tombs, to me that ludicrous.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: keenasbro

You do need to be careful and aware of your internet quota if watching videos, they can eat it up pretty quick. While is does vary on video quality, 5 minutes of video is about 20MB.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 02:44 AM
a reply to: JamesTB

Perhaps you should read more archaeology and fewer fringe websites? If you do, the figure of '12, 000 years' becomes 'ludicrous' awfully fast.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: keenasbro
I would love to watch the videos, but I have a question please.
I have limited gigs on my internet USB stick, will watching the videos eat up all of my remaining internet time.

a reply to: JamesTB

You'll need about 500-600 MB to watch these movies in 480p.
With HD a lot more.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to James

I went to 5:22

TTFL about 5 seconds in

Chris Dunn, C D is not a reliable source for anything, the D in his name stands for Debunked and the C Constantly.

A bunch of guys making stuff up at the speed of light!

I stopped at 5:22 because one guy was talking about 'leveling' the plateau, they didn't they incorporated small hills into two of the pyramids, they did local leveling but you can see on the outside of the pyramid rock from said hills.

James why don't you make for us a summary of what you think is the best supporting 'evidence' for what Brien believes, say three items. Then we can look at those in details.
edit on 13/7/14 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: JamesTB

Perhaps you should read more archaeology and fewer fringe websites? If you do, the figure of '12, 000 years' becomes 'ludicrous' awfully fast.

: ]

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:13 AM

originally posted by: Kandinsky
a reply to: JamesTB

Perhaps you should read more archaeology and fewer fringe websites? If you do, the figure of '12, 000 years' becomes 'ludicrous' awfully fast.

Perhaps you could provide some factual data for your stance rather that just taking swipes at the OP.


posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:20 AM

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to James

I went to 5:22

TTFL about 5 seconds in

Chris Dunn, C D is not a reliable source for anything, the D in his name stands for Debunked and the C Constantly.

A bunch of guys making stuff up at the speed of light!

I stopped at 5:22 because one guy was talking about 'leveling' the plateau, they didn't they incorporated small hills into two of the pyramids, they did local leveling but you can see on the outside of the pyramid rock from said hills.

James why don't you make for us a summary of what you think is the best supporting 'evidence' for what Brien believes, say three items. Then we can look at those in details.

You have no interest in this subject all you do is try to shut down any thread which has a different opinion to yours. You haven't even watched these videos by your own admittance you stopped watching after 5 minutes ignoring the 2 hours of footage. Why do you bother?

Those structures were not built with stone pounders and chisels they are not tombs its obvious that they have a different use. Thankfully people like Brien do have an open inquisitive minds and are making sacrifices to get to the bottom of this mystery.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:29 AM
a reply to: JamesTB

Makes you wonder why he's on a website like ATS...

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:45 AM

originally posted by: JamesTB

originally posted by: Hanslune
a reply to James

I went to 5:22

TTFL about 5 seconds in

Chris Dunn, C D is not a reliable source for anything, the D in his name stands for Debunked and the C Constantly.

A bunch of guys making stuff up at the speed of light!

I stopped at 5:22 because one guy was talking about 'leveling' the plateau, they didn't they incorporated small hills into two of the pyramids, they did local leveling but you can see on the outside of the pyramid rock from said hills.

James why don't you make for us a summary of what you think is the best supporting 'evidence' for what Brien believes, say three items. Then we can look at those in details.

You have no interest in this subject all you do is try to shut down any thread which has a different opinion to yours. You haven't even watched these videos by your own admittance you stopped watching after 5 minutes ignoring the 2 hours of footage. Why do you bother?

Those structures were not built with stone pounders and chisels they are not tombs its obvious that they have a different use. Thankfully people like Brien do have an open inquisitive minds and are making sacrifices to get to the bottom of this mystery.

He doesnt have an open mind hes trying to make money. the great pyramid was carbon dated using mortar by the Edgar Cayce Foundation,They thought it was older to. The results came back dating the Giza pyramids between (2551-2472BC). Than there has been carbon dating of people that worked on the tombs in burials they found the workers and through there tombs can tell you even what jobs they did since building the tomb for the pharaoh was important to there after life as well it was like they posted there resumes an how they constructed it or helped anyway.

So finding people who know nothing about Egyptology to say the pyramid is 12000 yrs old is like getting a surgeon to fix your car he may know about surgery but doesnt know jack on how to fix an engine. all it means is hes convinced some smart people who know nothing on Egypt.

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 03:59 AM

the great pyramid was carbon dated using mortar by the Edgar Cayce Foundation,They thought it was older to. The results came back dating the Giza pyramids between (2551-2472BC).

Let us assume that the carbon dating is accurate. There are a great many who think it can be way out, but just for the discussion, let us assume it is correct.

So, 2551 - 2472 BC the Pharaoh comes along and sees the Pyramid and says, OMM, (that is OMG but the Pharaoh is a god so it is Oh My Me ) What a great tomb for me. Make that into a tomb!

So they rake out all of the old mortar and replace it with fresh mortar that they mix themselves. Luckily for us they use wood ash as one of the ingredients to make the mortar.

So the Edgar Cayce Foundation comes along and gets a small piece of flaking mortar and carbon dates it to the time that the pyramid was repaired.

Now, the above is just as likely as your view. Both views are just as valid.


posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 04:16 AM
) The overwhelming majority of Giza Pyramid ranges (high) are in the (rounded down 4 years and up 5 years respectively) 2700-2900BC range. Of the 11 ranges for G1 only 3 are less than 2700BC. Of the 6 for G2 only one is less than 2700BC and four are 2800BC and above. G3, 5 out of 12 are below 2700BC and is the only Giza pyramid to have at least one range less than 2600BC though it is still as old or older than G1 is conventionally dated. Of the 29 ranges offered, 19 (66%) are in the 2700-2900 BC range.

the above is from the 1995 study......

posted on Jul, 13 2014 @ 04:57 AM
At 30.56 in Part 2 we see this wall, in the quarry at Aswan, with a huge part of it sheared off. How could that possible have been done without the use of powered tools?

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