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Michelle Bachmann continues to bring the crazy!

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posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:00 PM
Greetings ATS,

Along the lines of absolute crazy GOP Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann actually suggested DEFUNDING the Executive Branch. I had not seen this clip until it was forwarded to me and I just can't believe she was a POTUS candidate. If you add this comment to the ridiculous lawsuit Boehner just filed against Obama it looks like a concerted effort to simply appease the base while accomplishing nothing. Defunding the EB is a joke and so is a lawsuit funded by the taxpayers that is DOA.
Please take a look and for all of you that will quickly dismiss because it came from FOX please keep in mind the host is absolutely calling her out.

Mods if you think this belongs in the Mudpit please do your thing.


posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: howmuch4another

Yeah, I saw this earlier today. Awesome video. Good on ya Neil!

+4 more 
posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:07 PM
It isn't crazy to threaten to defund and sue an overreaching executive branch.

The only thing crazy to me would be defending Obama and his record of failures, blunders and downright criminal activities.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

It is a waste of taxpayer money. I cannot stand this POTUS either but doing this stuff doesn't do anything but hurt the cause. It isn't realistic and we can point to any number of Presidents using EO's for their agenda.

Did you watch the clip? It was a good back and forth.
edit on 6/26/2014 by howmuch4another because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Metallicus

Dude...Failures?..Come on, be fair....Bush..need i say more...Both Have errors, yet if your gonna bash one, bash them all.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:36 PM
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Neil Cavuto...
Love how he asked her the tough questions! He was so frustrated with that nit-wit! She reminds me of that crazy dentist lady, Orly Taitz...

Boehner knows this suit is going nowhere. He's trying to appease the tea-partiers.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:45 PM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
I can't believe I'm agreeing with Neil Cavuto...
Love how he asked her the tough questions! He was so frustrated with that nit-wit! She reminds me of that crazy dentist lady, Orly Taitz...

Boehner knows this suit is going nowhere. He's trying to appease the tea-partiers.

I don't know BH. Real Tea Partiers (of which one sent me the clip) are against the waste of resources and money spent on political theater. I think he is trying to appease the Obama hating base of the GOP. I think Boehner is firmly in entrenched in politics as usual and Bachmann is a Tea Party poser. IMHO

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 12:59 PM
The republicans will do anything to distract us from what we are doing to our veterans and jobs. Both Bushes, and Reagan used the same powers. So, why now? Where were you on the Patriot Act that actually took away freedoms?

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: howmuch4another

Definition of Politics:

…looks like a concerted effort to simply appease the base while accomplishing nothing.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:11 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
The republicans will do anything to distract us from what we are doing to our veterans and jobs. Both Bushes, and Reagan used the same powers. So, why now? Where were you on the Patriot Act that actually took away freedoms?

The Patriot Act was bipartisan in its' support. It was extended in May of 2011 by Obama including the roving wiretaps.
All Presidents issue Executive Orders and Clinton averaged about one per week in his final months beating Carters supposed unassailable record.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: SirKonstantin
a reply to: Metallicus

Dude...Failures?..Come on, be fair....Bush..need i say more...Both Have errors, yet if your gonna bash one, bash them all.

You could make a laundry list of failures from every member of every branch in every party, however this thread is specifically aimed the current executive branch. Sure we could bring up anything, but that would be off topic here.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:17 PM

originally posted by: SirKonstantin
a reply to: Metallicus

Dude...Failures?..Come on, be fair....Bush..need i say more...Both Have errors, yet if your gonna bash one, bash them all.

Ah the vaunted Bush defense.... The last resort when a person has run out of excuses. Bash them all? How far should we go back? Let me be the first, Thomas Jefferson had slaves!

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:18 PM
The lawsuit will go no where but it's necessary to do .... be it Obama or Christie or anyone else. If the POTUS overreaches and breaks the law, then there should be a law suit, even though the corruption surrounding the POTUS will protect him. That being said, Michelle Bachmann ... I don't understand how she's still getting TV air time. Airhead.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: FlyersFan

I agree like usual FlyersFan.

My opinion otherwise

Just because it wont be exactly what we need it to be and just because it's probably for political theater doesn't mean that pointing out corruption wont be a starting point for more. Corruption in politics is holding us back, take what you can get but always push for more.
edit on 26-6-2014 by Antipathy17 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-6-2014 by Antipathy17 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: MarlinGrace

ROFL......Noice, nice


posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:31 PM

originally posted by: Metallicus
It isn't crazy to threaten to defund and sue an overreaching executive branch.

The only thing crazy to me would be defending Obama and his record of failures, blunders and downright criminal activities.

and I can add that Bachmann was emphasizing "defunding" the Executive Departments like IRS, EPA, HHS, etc. etc.

Obviously not completely eliminating them, just putting tighter controls on their wild spending that supports their wild ultra-Progressive policies (instigated by Obama & Co. of course)

I'm not surprised that many people think she was suggesting a "defunding" of Obama

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: MarlinGrace

originally posted by: SirKonstantin
a reply to: Metallicus

Dude...Failures?..Come on, be fair....Bush..need i say more...Both Have errors, yet if your gonna bash one, bash them all.

Ah the vaunted Bush defense.... The last resort when a person has run out of excuses. Bash them all? How far should we go back? Let me be the first, Thomas Jefferson had slaves!

And It seems the "Bush 'em" defense is actually being used right off the bat lately.

They won't even consider any genuine rebuttals

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:35 PM
Bachman is 'crazy' ?

Who is more crazy ?

Those who stand by and let the current administration and its cronies do whatever the hell they want.

Or those who are trying to END that 'reign of terror'.

I report you decide

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:35 PM
Good grief. When even Neil Cavuto thinks that you've jumped the shark you really are in trouble.

posted on Jun, 26 2014 @ 01:36 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Bachman is 'crazy' ?

Who is more crazy ?

Those who stand by and let the current administration and its cronies do whatever the hell they want.

Or those who are trying to END that 'reign of terror'.

I report you decide

"Reign of terror"????? Seriously? Holy underpants, are you feeling ok mate?

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