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The secret is to understand magnetic force but not much is known about the fundamental of what it is, however the effect of creating a magnetic field
from passing a electrical current through a wire is observed through experiments, that leads to one idea theory that a magnetic field produced in a
bar magnetic is a summation of micro currents in a magnetic material. It is one theory that seems to hold some weight.
A well observed phenomenon is having electrical current flowing in perpendicular plane to magnetic field lines will result in a magnetic force acting
on the conductor passing the current. In this situation a magnetic force will act on the electrical conductor; and this principal is the basis for how
electric rotating machinery uses magnetic force to turn an armature.
I believe the development of field propulsions systems using magnetic principals to produce motive force in a uni direction, will require greater
understanding of the fundamental nature of magnetism. The are detailed explanations contained in science books which will explain the phenomena
above, and i call the main stream science explaining this phenomena the Science of the Macro force.
To me the Micro force is the mystery, and this i dont see explained in main steam science, except for possibly in molecular chemistry where
explanations are used to explain bond angles of atoms in molecules.
When i try to explain the Micro force I will look at Fractal geometry which shows visually how something of a large scale can be built from small
replicated patterns. These patterns in my view are only accessible to us using our technology through frequency. For example we see under microscope
water crystals producing different geometric crystals in response to different sound frequencies. Referring again to the Fractals analogy I see the
most fundamental units of atomic structure are crystalline, and possible the forces holding the crystalline structure together are magnetic forces.
In this way then may be its possible to see why a bar magnetic produces a detectable magnetic field and why a piece of fruit produces no detectable
field. The reason being the bar magnetic is composed of the macro and micro forces, and where our technology can only detect and access the macro
force because the field extends beyond the physical extremity of the form. The piece of fruit only contains the micro forces which dont extend beyond
the form; and since our technology cant detect or manipulate the microform we see the fruit as a non magnetic material.
The key to the next phase I believe is to find a way of coercion the micro forces, and i believe this can be done knowing that macro forces and micro
forces are linked by frequency. Think of the analogy of an electrical step down transformer in terms of primary coil animating the macro current and
a secondary coil animating the micro current. Then realise the only accessibility or gateway we have to manipulating the micro force in the secondary
coil is to do so by manipulating the frequency of the macro coil. Frequency in this way becomes a bridge between the physical form of the macro verse
and the separate physical form of the micro verse.
Actually I do believe we have one known example on Earth where human technology is at work using this principal, its atomic explosion. There is a
alternative theory that argues these weapons can only be detonated through setting up the right harmonic frequencies. I tend to believe this is true
but cant prove it of course.
Hope that was useful you.