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Can we have a referendum poll?

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posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: stumason

originally posted by: theabsolutetruth
I think it wouldn't be in any way representative, given that most of ATS are US based, additionally it would be more than tedious to get stats from it.

I would imagine it would also be heavily distorted due to the general "anti-west", "anti-British" sentiment to found on here, not to mention the propensity of Americans in particular to equate the Scottish referendum with Braveheart and the "oppressive English" without having the slightest understanding of the History behind the Union.

I am Scots Irish and my brother claims he can trace our lineage all the way back to William Wallace's toe nail (yuk!) I for one would say let those who live there decide for themselves .... Try and keep everyone who is not a current part of the process the heck away.

Nothing wrong with an ATS poll for it would be like many polls; full of good intentions but lacking any substance other than how many on this board feel... even if ill advised (as some may be) it would be interesting IMO.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

"Well if you are not bothered either way, and don't have any interest in doing some research, then the poll is of no interest to you either then is it?"

Mmmmm, maybe I misspoke. I'm fascinated by the question of Scottish Independence. I'm just not sure I'd ever find enough unbiased background information to be able to arrive at a valid conclusion. I'm all in favor of the poll if for no other reason than sheer curiosity.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: uncommitted

I take it by your last post then that yours would be a resounding NO on an ATS poll then?

You are also forgetting that there are plenty of english and other foreign nationals being allowed to vote IN SCOTLAND about the future of the country they are currently residing in, and many, many more Scots all over the world (who hold UK passports) who are working etc who are also being denied a vote on their home country which they in all likely hood will be returning to.

It's the fairest way to allocate who gets to vote.


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: TonyS

That would be a shame, since -hopefully - this would just be an ATS poll where people could feel safe enough to voice their opinion, and then discuss it afterwards. It wouldn't be about getting it wrong or right, it would just be a space to see how ATS feels about the indy referendum.

It's a good opportunity to have a global response to a question, with no repercussions - it's just an opinion, it won't impact on Scotland's future.
If you're unsure though, the correct answer is yes. (Hee hee)

Just my opinion.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:47 AM
a reply to: TonyS

In which case let me help.....

Here's the No camps website and 'manifesto'
No campaign

Here's the Yes camps website and 'manifesto

Yes campaign


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:52 AM
a reply to: beansidhe

"it won't impact on Scotland's future.
If you're unsure though, the correct answer is yes."

LOL, got a laugh outa me. That's a good one.
Well, guess I'll have to start researching the issue. And I vote yes to having a poll. It would be even more interesting as a poll if they could track votes by location such that we could see a breakdown that way.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 07:58 AM
Can't see what harm a poll would do.

But let's face it, as has already been pointed out I'm not sure what level of response it would get.

And as those who have followed threads on the subject here on ATS can attest to there is a remarkable level of ignorance surrounding the whole issue.
And if we are completely honest there's also a huge amount of propaganda and outright misrepresentation, by all sides.

Got to say that like previous posters I suspect any poll would be heavily in favour of independence - its pretty pointless to go into why that would be here.

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:01 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: uncommitted

I take it by your last post then that yours would be a resounding NO on an ATS poll then?

You are also forgetting that there are plenty of english and other foreign nationals being allowed to vote IN SCOTLAND about the future of the country they are currently residing in, and many, many more Scots all over the world (who hold UK passports) who are working etc who are also being denied a vote on their home country which they in all likely hood will be returning to.

It's the fairest way to allocate who gets to vote.


Well, you kindly asked the question...

I think the poll would be meaningless for anyone outside of Scotland really, and seeing as you are having a vote on it then what is the actual point of a poll? On ATS you will get people with a ridiculously romanicised, idealised view of Scotland based on everything from alcohol to tartan to 'Celtic culture' to Braveheart to Brigadoon. None of that means anything to people who live in Scotland as it counts for nothing apart from the tourist pound/dollar/euro/whatever it will be that it will hopefully attract.

I get the feeling you actually want a poll as some sort of vindication, not sure what else you would hope to achieve from it, but if it gives you a buzz, hey, that's up to you!!

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 08:16 AM
Well having provided the links to the two camps, maybe they could be included in the introduction to the poll so people who are interested in taking part can see 'straight from the horses mouth' as it were, what is at stake for both sides of Hadrians Wall!

I think it has been suggested that to vote, you would declare whether you were Scottish (resident) Non-Scottish (resident)
Scottish (ex-pat), Scottish (temp abroad but still not allowed to vote) Scottish descent, and non-Scottish whatsoever.
And I think the OP has also suggested that voters could also vote on whether secession came up in their county/state whether they would vote yes or no. That would be interesting in itself as it seems to be a growing movement in many places in the world.

I'm a mongrel Welsh (speaking)/Scott (paternal side). I lived in Scotland (Aberdeen) and worked for the newspaper up there in their business section dealing with the oil industry between '85-'95. I married a Aberdonian (Pict
) and had 2 girls. I cannot vote, but would vote Yes in a heartbeat. I believed in an Independent Scotland way back then.

However, I am in no way a nationalist, because if it came to Wales having a secession vote, I would vote NO. I don't believe Wales can go it alone for many reasons.
If England had a secession vote to drop the rest of the UK, and I would be allowed to vote as I reside in England, I would vote Yes.....and promptly move back up to Scotland!


posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: uncommitted

As for your point about a wider community, fat fish and squeeky fish won't let English people voice an opinion without labelling them as haters.

LOL... LOL ...(How I miss that rolling - laughing emo.)

Not very subtle .... but extremely funny!

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: eletheia

originally posted by: uncommitted

As for your point about a wider community, fat fish and squeeky fish won't let English people voice an opinion without labelling them as haters.

LOL... LOL ...(How I miss that rolling - laughing emo.)

Not very subtle .... but extremely funny!

Glad you got it, I had a horrible feeling that maybe nobody would!!!

posted on Jun, 11 2014 @ 06:20 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: beansidhe

one problem might be that a large number of ATS members like me wouldn't participate because they recognize their distance from the subject and the fact they'd likely make a bad decision because they can't get quality information about the forces at play in this. It strikes me as being exceptionally localized and therefore remote to those of us who haven't lived in the situation.

I understand but it is an opinion poll, so there is no wrong answer and I don't want to see anyone getting a hard time for their opinion on the poll.

Also if you don't want to vote, it isn't compulsory...

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