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Russia pulls back troops from Ukraine border (LIVE UPDATES)

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posted on May, 7 2014 @ 02:58 PM
Lay off the OP guys. There should be a Ukraine forum of it's own by now IMO. Many people interested in the Ukraine probably do not even know where to find the main thread anymore lol just my opinion. This is big news IF the troops do withdraw. I cannot see why Putin would randomly make this statement if not true ??
edit on 7-5-2014 by lightedhype because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
It won't change the fact American troops are building in Poland on the western border of Ukraine. I'm guessing they aren't there for the sausage.

Newsflash - Poland is a NATO member, it requested additional support due to the continued and present threat posed by Russia. 600 US troops is hardly a fart in a hurricane, they're there to monitor, and to support preparations should any further support be needed.

Welcome to the world of mutual military cooperation. Let's hope you don't have to actually understand first-hand how important it is.

My belief is you'll criticize it until your security and way of life is threatened, then you'd suddenly have a change of heart.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Rocker2013

My belief is you'll criticize it until your security and way of life is threatened, then you'd suddenly have a change of heart.

I've never felt very secure in my own country. I grew up during the Vietnam war and I am watching that same crap unfold all over again. The US defending "American shores" thousands of miles from home, right.


When they start singing that tune you know somewhere out there another country is in for it. The difference this time is its not The Persian Gulf and they aren't brown.

Take it away Sir George…

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 12:34 AM
Hey I love a charade......
These guys are sucking in the whole world to higher defense Russia, and the US are net arms exporting countries....they have to show case their wares too.....

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Rocker2013

My belief is you'll criticize it until your security and way of life is threatened, then you'd suddenly have a change of heart.

I've never felt very secure in my own country. I grew up during the Vietnam war and I am watching that same crap unfold all over again. The US defending "American shores" thousands of miles from home, right.

You cannot possibly compare your life and freedoms in the USA to the threat to peace and life in Ukraine at the hands of Russian aggression, to compare the two is utter lunacy.

I love Carlin, but the use of that (highly accurate) video is irrelevant to this conversation.

When you have tanks amassed on your border, with foreign troops seizing buildings while pretending to be citizens, and your region threatening to break away from the US with the real and genuine risk of a civil war being the result, THEN you can make a comparison.

Until then, people in the "west" need to wind their necks in and stop pretending they are so oppressed and hard done by. No rational person is buying it for one second.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: CalibratedZeus

Good job creating this topic and not contributing a single thing to it too, classy.

I know, huh?

What "troops", how far?

It won't change the fact American troops are building in Poland on the western border of Ukraine. I'm guessing they aren't there for the sausage.

Yah, its not Mainstream-ing source. Wonderful thing, the Internet.


100 something troops is hardly anything compared to 40,000 which is more likely to be a hundred thousand hidden on the border in towns and cities near the area. Putin is a snake and he is playing the Iran-North Korea card to drag this out till he can have his event that creates all the public support he needs to wage war in a full magnitude unlike the undercover guerrilla ops he is doing now.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:20 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Until then, people in the "west" need to wind their necks in and stop pretending they are so oppressed and hard done by

Thats my point, we aren't. Our "wars on terror" and "humanitarian campaigns" are delusional at best and a violation of international sovereignty with other countries. By the way, Vietnam is just one example. The US has been invading countries and killing people since it began.

Thats why I brought George Carlin into it. He's my go to guy on the matter of US foreign affairs.

Heres Louis Black on both the subject of fear mongering (the Cold War) and imaginary enemies (WMD).

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: intrptr

The show has to be continued.

Putin cannot command ukrainian separatist, maybe because they want their own (mineral-rich) state, so they will hold their referendum. The IMF will not let it happen. Why Putin has overseen military drills on countering nuclear strike?

The planned drills come ahead of the May 9 celebrations dedicated to victory in World War II.
edit on 8-5-2014 by maghun because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Personally I believe that like in Syria, the attempt is to create an atrocity so horrendous (like Odessa) that Putin will lose self control (which he hasn't) and swarm across the border into Ukraine, thereby giving the West all the fodder it needs to say , "Seee? He's invading, he's invading, something must be done!"

Then NATO can swarm in to "defend NATO Interests". Then its WWIII and everyone is blaming Putin. Besides that NATO isn't threatened by the Ukraine or even a member of NATO, Putin hasn't done anything to weaken or destabilize the government of Ukraine. Those who burn tires, hurl firebombs and immolate people while shouting Neo Nazi slogans are doing that. With US financial backing and advisement on how to foment insurrection.

Nice try. its always been the US way to blame some leader or religious sects bad behavior in order to justify a Military "Intervention" on "Humanitarian" grounds. The thing people aren't buying anymore is who's really behind the atrocities.

The list of "Humanitarian" victims has grown too long. You have either bought the official line about what is occurring there or are promoting it. Either way you are mistaken.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: maghun

The IMF will not let it happen.

I agree. There is a lot of meddling going on there on all fronts through auspices of US state department, CIA, NATO, The EU, IMF, and Ukrainian criminal elements. Its a concerted effort to bring Ukraine into the western fold and make it a debtor nation like Greece, Italy and Spain (among others).

Anything "Putin" does is in response to all this meddlesome behavior on "his" doorstep. If Russia did the same thing in Canada we'd react similarly. Probably worse. Putin is showing remarkable restraint.

Hang in there Mother Russia. Don't give the bullies the excuse they are looking for to escalate this into a wider conflict.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 06:03 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Rocker2013

Until then, people in the "west" need to wind their necks in and stop pretending they are so oppressed and hard done by

Thats my point, we aren't. Our "wars on terror" and "humanitarian campaigns" are delusional at best and a violation of international sovereignty with other countries. By the way, Vietnam is just one example. The US has been invading countries and killing people since it began.

I agree, and this cannot be disputed. But, once again, it does not change the fact that Russia has invaded another country and broken international law.

Constantly saying "but America did this!" like a five year old is NOT AN EXCUSE.

Nothing anyone says about American military history with other countries changes this at all, none of it excuses Russia or gives it permission to invade a country.

"It's okay to invade Ukraine because the US attacked Iraq"
"It's okay to attack Iraq because the Nazis invaded Poland"
"It's okay to go to war in Afghanistan because the Roman's invaded the British Isles"
"It's okay to invade the British Isles because the Vikings did"

Do you not see how stupid all of this is?

Nothing changes the reality, and the reality is that Russia invaded Ukraine.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 06:05 PM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Personally I believe that like in Syria, the attempt is to create an atrocity so horrendous (like Odessa) that Putin will lose self control (which he hasn't) and swarm across the border into Ukraine, thereby giving the West all the fodder it needs to say , "Seee? He's invading, he's invading, something must be done!"

Crimea was invaded, and Crimea was stolen from Ukraine by Russia.

No other country needs to point and scream "See! He's invading!" HE ALREADY DID

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: lightedhype
Lay off the OP guys. There should be a Ukraine forum of it's own by now IMO. Many people interested in the Ukraine probably do not even know where to find the main thread anymore lol just my opinion. This is big news IF the troops do withdraw. I cannot see why Putin would randomly make this statement if not true ??

Did you really just say that you can't see why Putin would make this statement? LoL

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 08:05 PM
a reply to: deviant300

...........and in recent news foreign Minister Molotov meets with his German counterpart, Minister Ribbentrop, to sign a new non aggression treaty. Molotov commented the agreement would bring peace to the region that the world has never scene.

specifically to Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Finland.

When Molotov was asked why they were bombing Finland he replied they were in fact not bombing Finland but delivering food shipments by air to them.

Withdrawing troops from the border of Ukraine my ass.

edit on 8-5-2014 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Nothing changes the reality, and the reality is that Russia invaded Ukraine.

So you say. I see that Kerry, the chief of the CIA, McCain and people from the state department all meddling over there. Kerry gives speeches. He says, Putin must do this and must do that.

Every time McCain, the CIA and state department visit another program jumps off from Kiev, where the usurpers are.

Thats my evidence. Your Russian "thunder runs" with tanks up main street are lacking. It may yet come to pass, but it will be Russia's response to what is happening, not the cause of it. Just like the occupation of Crimea happened after the coup in Kiev. Not before, after.

posted on May, 8 2014 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Crimea was invaded, and Crimea was stolen from Ukraine by Russia.

No other country needs to point and scream "See! He's invading!" HE ALREADY DID

Nice switch from Ukraine to Crimea. By the way, The Russians Black Sea fleet has been in Sevastopol for hundreds of years already. They don't have to invade whats already theres.

Plus it was a referendum that the people voted on in Crimea, unlike the coup in Kiev.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 09:30 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
So you say. I see that Kerry, the chief of the CIA, McCain and people from the state department all meddling over there. Kerry gives speeches. He says, Putin must do this and must do that.

So, let me get this straight.
You call Kerry visiting an ally "meddling", but Russia rolling military into Crimea, placing a pro-Russian politician in charge when he had less than 5% of public support in previous elections, and the military build up on the border is all perfectly fine and reasonable?

I'm sorry, but you are clearly so biased you cannot face reality.

originally posted by: intrptr
Every time McCain, the CIA and state department visit another program jumps off from Kiev, where the usurpers are.

No one is a Usurper. The ELECTED GOVERNMENT is still in power, with involvement from an interim PM and protest members.

You can claim this all you like, all intelligent and rational people are well aware of what happened in Kiev and no matter how many times you try to change historical fact you will not succeed in doing so.

originally posted by: intrptr
Thats my evidence. Your Russian "thunder runs" with tanks up main street are lacking. It may yet come to pass, but it will be Russia's response to what is happening, not the cause of it. Just like the occupation of Crimea happened after the coup in Kiev. Not before, after.

So you admit that there is an occupation of Crimea? Good, we're getting somewhere after all.

Now that you've admitted that Russia invaded and is occupying Ukrainian territory, it's not such a leap to identify exactly who is the aggressor here - here's a hint, IT'S RUSSIA

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 09:37 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
a reply to: Rocker2013

Crimea was invaded, and Crimea was stolen from Ukraine by Russia.

No other country needs to point and scream "See! He's invading!" HE ALREADY DID

Nice switch from Ukraine to Crimea. By the way, The Russians Black Sea fleet has been in Sevastopol for hundreds of years already. They don't have to invade whats already theres.

Plus it was a referendum that the people voted on in Crimea, unlike the coup in Kiev.

Facts once more...

1. The Sevastopol base was rented from the Ukrainian government by Russia, for the placement of their Black Sea fleet. The presence of their military there DOES NOT MAKE THE PENINSULA RUSSIAN. If this is your logic, then you would have to concede that wherever there is a US military base the country can be invaded by America. Do you agree or not? I have a feeling you only think this when it's Russia.

2. The "coup" in Kiev (pay attention to this bit, because it's the part you guys don't like to confront or admit) is an interim government formed by the ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES of the people of Ukraine, after their despotic leader fled the country. The representatives of the people are still there, still working alongside the protest movement to prepare for DEMOCRATIC ELECTIONS.

3. The referendum in Crimea was headed by an installed pro-Russian politician who had less than 5% of the support of the Crimean people. The referendum was held with no support from Ukraine, no support from the international community, and at the barrel of a gun. The options for the people both led to the same outcome and it was not a reasonable vote UNDER ANY INTERNATIONAL NORMS.

I don't really expect you to appreciate the truth, because you are one of those who consistently refuses reality in favor of Russian propaganda. You would claim that water isn't wet if RT suggested it. Regardless of your complete rejection of reality, millions of people around the world know the truth, even if the population of Russia are stupid enough to believe what their lunatic leader says.
edit on 9-5-2014 by Rocker2013 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

it's not such a leap to identify exactly who is the aggressor here - here's a hint, IT'S RUSSIA

I'd say the aggressors are the ones killing people, hence the term "aggression". I've yet to see much aggression in Crimea. In fact I think only one person has died in Crimea during this whole situation. To my mind, the Crimeans are the lucky ones.

posted on May, 9 2014 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

So, let me get this straight.

Then you proceed to twist my meaning to support your agenda.

Done here with this with you for now….

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