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My recent past life regression experience

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posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:32 AM
Hi Everyone,

About a month ago, I went to a woman who does past life regressions, hypnotherapy etc and had some interesting experiences. I've been trying to email her about some questions I had but unfortunately she hasn't replied to them for some reason yet. She was moving so maybe that's the reason...anyway...

To cut a long story short, she took me through the usual relaxation exercises and at one point she asked me to picture a beautiful place that I like and as I was picturing a beach with some birds flying around she said - ok so you're at a beach and there's birds there right. Which was pretty interesting!

I saw myself as an American GI in WW2 somewhere in England - which i've had a suspicion about for some time as i've felt I had died in WW2 in a past life. I then saw in my mind the point in which I died in some trench.

We then went further back to when I was supposedly some type of town healer in rural Japan (another place i've had feelings about but have never been). I told her that people would come to me to get healed of different problems and that I was very good at it.

We discovered what she said is the name of my higher self and we went through and talked about that and the reason that I was put on this earth. My higher self said that i'm a healer and that is my gift/power. We discussed how I had kind of shut down a lot of my abilities for some reason - perhaps not trusting it etc.

The most bizarre thing happened though towards the end, she said she was going to shut up for a minute and let my higher self do what it needed to do. Nothing happened at first but then I was infused with a crapload of energy into my body. It was around that time that I had what I think was a form of astral projection. My eyelids were shut at the time but they involuntarily squeezed very very hard and then suddenly all I could see (maybe in my third eye?) were stars everywhere. It lasted for maybe 10 seconds possibly and then we went on to other things.

Has anyone experienced the eye squeezing before?? I certainly haven't.

There's more to what happened but that is the gist of it. I'd be interested to hear what you think.


posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: Cruff

Wow! I really enjoyed reading that, thanks!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:39 AM
a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio


Glad you enjoyed it!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Cruff

What have you experienced since? May not respond soon (am going to bed).

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 01:49 AM
Some vivid dreams and just thinking about my life a lot more so far

I have started to re-read my Reiki notes too. I have had my level 2 attunement but haven't used it for treating anyone for some time sadly.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 02:38 AM
That was a very interesting experience!I Several years ago I had a past life regression, but it was not as exciting as yours. I am a healer also, but it takes alot out of me, I guess I have never learnt to separate myself enough from the healings I do. I normally lay on hands. My brother had pneumonia in 2013, they expected him to die or at least to be brain damaged. I drove 1600 miles to his home, picked up his wife and took her 150 miles to the military hospital they had transferred him to. I was so sick! coughing, wheezing and I felt like I had a concrete block on my chest. I stayed 10 days with him and against all odds he has recovered completely, no brain damage or lingering effects. They thought he would have to keep his trach permanently but he got it out 3 months after going home. He was in ICU for 2 months and in a coma for 6 weeks. He is his usual self now, but he did thank me even though he had no memory of me being there he said he felt me. It is hard on me though and I dont do it very often. Funny thing is that I was a doctor in a former life in England. I hope you learn to protect yourself better than I can and really get into helping others. I think what you were feeling when you clenched your eyes together was your connection to GOD, it is a wonderful feeling.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 02:48 AM
a reply to: lost in space

Wow! What an amazing story. That's great that you were able to help your brother!

I know that my Reiki master had stressed quite often the need to shield yourself from your patient so it's certainly something to remember. I can imagine that it would be easy to absorb some of the negative energy into your own body if you aren't careful.

Thanks for sharing that

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 06:10 AM
a reply to: Cruff

I've done past life regression before and also went through two lives. The most interesting thing about them is they weren't that interesting at all.

I was in WW2 in one of them, but never had to engage in battle. It was somewhere close to France, but the enemy didn't show up as expected.

After, I moved home to Alabama (I'm from Texas) started a family and became a banker in the small town. I worked my way up the chain to Vice President of the bank while raising a family.

I did not take care of myself health wise, and died of a heart attack in my living room in my 50's in the 50's.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 08:44 AM
I've had visions of a couple past lives in a waking state, but only had one past life regression done by a channeller. Now that I think about it, perhaps the channeller took me back to this particular past life for a reason, which I know now that I should explore in depth. The past life she took me back to was an Egyptian high priestess (considered as a god) and supposedly I was actually married to Atum.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 10:53 AM
There was a thread a few weeks ago about how scientists have noticed memories can be imprinted on mice through genetics/DNA. Reminded me of the Assassin's creed games. I think this may be part of it, but it doesn't answer everything.

My son's friend was in a restaurant, he's seven, and started singing some song while waiting on the food. AAn old waitress passed by, like one of those old waitresses who should be enjoying their golden years instead of refilling coffee, She paused and asked him who taught him that song. He said he'd always known it. Turned out to be some obscure jazz tune there was nigh probability of him have ever been exposed to and he he knew every lyric.

The Universe is still a wonderful and strange place.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:47 AM

originally posted by: InTheLight
I've had visions of a couple past lives in a waking state, but only had one past life regression done by a channeller. Now that I think about it, perhaps the channeller took me back to this particular past life for a reason, which I know now that I should explore in depth. The past life she took me back to was an Egyptian high priestess (considered as a god) and supposedly I was actually married to Atum.

That would explain your avatar. I actually have that deck and that card is one of my favorites from it (queen of pentacles). I'm surprised you don't use the High Priestess from it, though. She's got the owl and pomegranate... totally relevant to your experience. If you don't have that deck, google it and you'll see the image I'm talking about. You'd probably dig it.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:59 AM
The only past life I've remembered on my own was that of a child dying in the blitz in London during WWII. I was young, not a toddler, but young. I was on a playground and the air raid sirens went off. I looked at my mother (my mother in that time period) was was talking to two friends on the side of the playground. She said to keep playing because the sirens always went off and nothing ever happened. (she was wearing 1940s style clothing and so were the other women). Then a bomb fell on the playground and I blew up and died.

I am drawn to ancient Egypt, ancient Rome, ancient Greece, Feudal Japan, different Native American Indian cultures, ... it wouldnt surprise me if I've been here a bunch of times. A psychic once did a past life reading on me and she said I was the oldest soul she'd done a reading on ... the past life she came up with was pre-caveman, a female dying in child birth .. so far back that language wasn't happening ... very tribal or herdish ... whatever you call people back then that roamed in packs.

I have no idea if the psychic is accurate or not, but it was entertaining.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Cuervo

originally posted by: InTheLight
I've had visions of a couple past lives in a waking state, but only had one past life regression done by a channeller. Now that I think about it, perhaps the channeller took me back to this particular past life for a reason, which I know now that I should explore in depth. The past life she took me back to was an Egyptian high priestess (considered as a god) and supposedly I was actually married to Atum.

That would explain your avatar. I actually have that deck and that card is one of my favorites from it (queen of pentacles). I'm surprised you don't use the High Priestess from it, though. She's got the owl and pomegranate... totally relevant to your experience. If you don't have that deck, google it and you'll see the image I'm talking about. You'd probably dig it.

Sure, i'd dig it and certainly use it as my avatar if I was totally immersed in that path, but the Queen of Pentacles serves me as a better reflection of learning and moving forward from existing and past experiences.
edit on 6-5-2014 by InTheLight because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: Cruff

Interesting. Well, you obviously have to take your spirituality by the hands and carve out your own path. Good luck on your journey!

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:17 PM
a reply to: the owlbear


That is very interesting indeed. I can imagine the old lady must've been very shocked!

Not that this was a past life regression but my nephew (at the time was about 6) had told my brother that he had learned how to tumble from my dad (who has been dead for 14 years). When we asked him more about it and if it was in a dream...he just said "no, he gave it to me when he died"....

Insert twilight zone music...

Thanks for all the interesting replies from you all

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 11:18 PM
a reply to: brazenalderpadrescorpio

Thanks! Shall do

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