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Rabbit Hole

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posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:42 PM
I feel myself teatering at the lip of the rabbit hole right now. Did we ever figure out which of Alice's worlds was the "real one"?

I'm Andy, and I'm unsure of what (or how much) to share here. I've been poking around this site all week. It's funny, in my classroom just around this corner, there is a sign that says "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room." I'm not a genius, but I read, pay attention, and ask a lot of questions. I always have. Consequentally, I often feel apart from my worldly Generation X peers. Ioften feer different, or cut off from. People can sense it in me, too, I think. They know I'm not quite like them. Sometimes I can ignore this. Lately, it's been difficult. Anyhow, I feel like this might be the right room.

I know enough to know that not everybody tells the truth all the time. I was stripped of my blind faith quite young and have never been able to find my way back. Question everything is my philosophy, and usually if I find myself unable to question something, the root is fear, and that fear needs to be examined. Give me truth even if it be despair -- Thomas Hardy. I remember hearing this quote in a lit. class and haven't been able to shake it. Truth has be an obsession for me for the last decade. Sometimes, though, I want to turn my back on the questions. I have a young daughter and I'm much more concerned for her than myself. If it was just me... I wouldn't have so much hesitation.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: lifeaftercheckmate

haha... I thought it would be appropriate for me to say hello...

Welcome to the club... jump in and see how deep the rabbit hole goes

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: lifeaftercheckmate

Truth has be an obsession for me for the last decade. Sometimes, though, I want to turn my back on the questions. I have a young daughter and I'm much more concerned for her than myself. If it was just me... I wouldn't have so much hesitation.

Thats about the sanest thing I have read on here all day. Keep your cards and your children close to your heart.

Welocme to the site.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:53 PM
Hello and welcome to ya.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 02:54 PM
a reply to: lifeaftercheckmate

Like Akragon, I also figure it'd be appropriate to say hello. I've been down in the rabbit hole long now that I've been outfitting it with stuff from IKEA.

I have the same attitude as you. Truth above all else. Nothing chafes me worse than liars, whether it be a lie told to oneself or to a crowd. And yes, question everything though I've come to add--question everything that you're told not to question at all as that seems to be the most pertinent things. The greatest thing I fear? The future that my children will inherit from all of our poor choices.

Welcome. I'd say that you're in good company here.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:25 PM
Welcome to the site. Better not teeter on the edge of that rabbit hole too long, a mouse might come along and give you a shove and you could hurt yourself falling uncontrollably in that hole. You Could also land on a Wrabbit and he might bite you with his moderator teeth.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: lifeaftercheckmate

Welcome to the deep end of the pool. Here's some welcome cookies...enjoy


posted on May, 3 2014 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: lifeaftercheckmate


eat this

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 09:23 PM
Welcome to the rabbit hole ..
Just remember what the doormouse said .. keep your head ..

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:03 PM
Welcome to ATS. I have similar problems with being the smartest person in the room. I don't even know how to dumb myself down.

About fear I can tell you "The Secret". The quote, "The only thing to fear is fear itself" is the truth. Satan himself is the fear of death (says the new testament).

Here's the secret. Your body operates in a flight or fight syndrome that is directly linked to your emotional state. I don't want to limit the precursor to fight or flight since love, jealousy, paranoia, and etc. emotions are linked to the emotional state of mind in a transcendent way. All emotion, thoughts, words, beliefs, behavior, are actually pioneered to have a biological singularity or genesis. Everything can be traced back to "belief" and belief, hence, fathers them all. About emotions, we operate in a defined way and that way can be characterized by psychiatric terms, even if psychiatry is centuries behind.

Normal State

All beliefs will differ in an individual's thought patterns as he rises or lowers into these emotional state. Such as a person changing his mind of something more then a whim.

If you are smart, and with a high IQ, you can follow these change in emotional/psychiatric states and realize that it is nothing more then the transcendence in humanity and not societal taboo created by men to profit from population's ignorance. Thus we have psychiatry. A relic of the past which in fact listed sexual addiction as a disorder in the DSM-V. I'll have pity on them when they find out that human souls have been manufactured if not existent for all mankind.

The secret is that when you enter into hypomania and mania, anger is more easily attainable. And anger at fear itself will send you into a world of truth. It's sort of an awakening, an enlightenment. But the government has the United States of America in a fear/ptsd state where getting mad at a human's surrounding proves most difficult.

Focus on your anger. Trace the roots of your fear. Use fire against fire by using Zoloft at high dosages to achieve these mind states. Pay attention closely and be sure not to harm others.


posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Teetotaler
It's almost midnight here and I'm going to have to re-read this again in the morning after a cup of coffee.
I did get the most of it, and this is quite in line with my experience and self-observation (from what I did read). I'd love to converse with yolu further on the subject, if you don't mind. I'm brand new on this site (joined this morning), so I'm not sure how the private messaging works yet.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: Expat888
Quite right. Thank you for the reminder.

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:42 PM

originally posted by: lifeaftercheckmate
I feel myself teatering at the lip of the rabbit hole right now. Did we ever figure out which of Alice's worlds was the "real one"?

I'm Andy, and I'm unsure of what (or how much) to share here. I've been poking around this site all week. It's funny, in my classroom just around this corner, there is a sign that says "If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room." I'm not a genius, but I read, pay attention, and ask a lot of questions. I always have. Consequentally, I often feel apart from my worldly Generation X peers. Ioften feer different, or cut off from. People can sense it in me, too, I think. They know I'm not quite like them. Sometimes I can ignore this. Lately, it's been difficult. Anyhow, I feel like this might be the right room.

I know enough to know that not everybody tells the truth all the time. I was stripped of my blind faith quite young and have never been able to find my way back. Question everything is my philosophy, and usually if I find myself unable to question something, the root is fear, and that fear needs to be examined. Give me truth even if it be despair -- Thomas Hardy. I remember hearing this quote in a lit. class and haven't been able to shake it. Truth has be an obsession for me for the last decade. Sometimes, though, I want to turn my back on the questions. I have a young daughter and I'm much more concerned for her than myself. If it was just me... I wouldn't have so much hesitation.

This is the most intriguing introduction I think I've ever heard on here.

I sense a lot of honesty here :

I was going to write a long reply, but, alas, please listen to this song:

Its my gift:

Beautiful song ...


This could be our fairytale,
They'll play the villains for our sword.

I could be the Alice,
to your wonderland,
and find where the beasts are lain,
where was the dragon slain?

This could be our fairytale,
we'll make them all disappear.

I could be the rabbit,
to your magic hat,
and find where the beasts are lain,
where was the dragon slain?

This could be our fairytale,
we'll fight them all to the end.

I could be the arrow,
to your leaders eye,
and where was the dragon slain?
where was the dragon slain?
Find where the beasts are lain,
where was the dragon slain?

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: idontfitinandidontwantto

P.S .. Love and blessings .

posted on May, 3 2014 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: lifeaftercheckmate
a reply to: Teetotaler
It's almost midnight here and I'm going to have to re-read this again in the morning after a cup of coffee.
I did get the most of it, and this is quite in line with my experience and self-observation (from what I did read). I'd love to converse with yolu further on the subject, if you don't mind. I'm brand new on this site (joined this morning), so I'm not sure how the private messaging works yet.

No problem. PM me any time.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: idontfitinandidontwantto
Beautiful song! Thank you for sharing. ^.^

Of course I like to present myself as bright and shiny and smart and certain. That's the wonderful thing about anonymity, though, it renders ego completely unnecessary, and so I did (and continue to) write honestly. I don't see a reason to hide here. In my outside life, sure there are a lot of things I can't talk about, but all of those things seem to have their own thread here already. lol I ran out of questions to ask in my outside world. I'm looking for new questions here. Dishonesty does me a great disservice in that endeavor.

posted on May, 4 2014 @ 02:19 PM

Heya Andy!

You'll find around 100 forums here, covering everything from Ancient Civilizations to Breaking News to Political Events and much more. All are welcome and everyone can contribute equally, so please come right in and make yourself at home!

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posted on May, 4 2014 @ 03:01 PM
a reply to: lifeaftercheckmate

Well said!

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