posted on Mar, 24 2014 @ 10:36 PM
New Earth-Sized Planet Found in Habitable Zone
Provided linked source courtesy of ATS member The Utopian Penguin to credit
Another source with the same announcement
So, Yet another one to add to the ever growing list! Pretty exciting stuff in today's day and age if I must say so.
I noticed that many of the newly-found earth-sized planets in habitable zones tend to be sported by red dwarf stars as their suns as opposed our
Earthy yellow dwarf star (sun)
So from what I gather by this is that red dwarfs, although only providing roughly half the heat as a yellow dwarf (respectively) are still apparently
hot enough to heat a surrounding Earth-sized planet enough to make it habitable for life. I thought this was interesting.
I also noticed many of these discovered earth-like or earth-sized planets can be found in what's called
"Goldilocks Zone"
This is a mostly up-to-date list of the best candidates for habitable exoplanets
If you go to this link and click through the little slideshow at the top it will show you some pictures of a few of the best candidates for habitable
planets with descriptions about them. Interesting stuff.
The newer ones I notice are generally the "Gleise" planets. Specifically Gleise 581 (which is displayed on the third slide in above link) that
seemed to have caused quite the uproar in the space exploration community.
I like the GJ1214b planet that is shown on slide 5 on the above link. It's described as a "waterworld."
That got my vote right away... Who
wouldn't want to live in a waterworld? It would be so majestic and beautiful... Anyways, enough of my added irrelevant and unnecessary commentary
Which planet(s) have you personally looked at and appealed to you the most out of all the Earth-like/Earth-sized planets in the habitable zone?