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Crystals and Colors and Chakra's

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posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 08:54 PM
Crystals! Had a fascination with them for quite some time. My aunt, a a self proclaimed psychic would give crystals as gifts, telling the receiver when, how, why and where to wear it. For example, if someone was having nightmares, she would give him an amethyst stone (always rough cut) to place under their pillow, to help stimulate better dreams. You know what? It works, for me anyways.
Crystals are often associated with new agers and this can turn people off to crystals, the healing properties they have and connections to the Chakras.
There are some naysayers out there that believe that crystals only work via the power of suggestion. I personally don't agree with this opinion.

Scientists may have shattered one of the fundamental beliefs of the New Age movement: that dangling a crystal around the neck raises personal energy levels and uplifts the spirit.

A study has shown that the sensations reported by believers in crystals – such as tingling, warmth and feelings of well-being – come instead from the power of suggestion. When given cheap, fake crystals, people reported exactly the same mysterious sensations as when they handle the genuine articles.


However crystals aren't just a new age fad, they have been used since ancient times by Sumerians, Egyptians, Indians and are even mentioned in the bible.

Sumerians carried Lapis Lazuli into battle as a representation of carrying god with them.

They could have looked like this


Healing gems have used for many thousands of years. The earliest written record in crystal healing come from ancient Egypt known as The Ebers papyrus which describes the medicinal uses of various healing gem stones.

Ancient Egyptian Amulet with Lapis Lazuli


The Egyptians used crystals for protection and healing. The text, Ebers Papyrus from 1500 B.C., documents medicinal use of crystals. Amulets were worn to protect health and amulet depicting the girdle of Isis was worn to reduce blood flow from a miscarriage. Crystals adorned the head dress of the pharaohs and often crystals turn up at ancient Egyptian burial sites. Cleopatra wore an amethyst ring and it was thought that amethyst would secure faithfulness of husbands.

The bible gives reference to crystals hundreds of times. The breastplate of Aaron was decorated with 12 stones which correlated to the Zodiac. High priests were required to wear these ornamental and protective breastplates. in the Old Testament, God gave Moses specific instructions regarding the twelve stone or crystals that were to be placed on the breastplate. In the New Testament, the city of Jerusalem was built on a a foundation of crystals. Jasper was the first foundation, then sapphire, chalcedony, emerald, sardonyx, sardius, chrysolite, beryl, topaz, chrysoprasus was the tenth, jacinth and finally amethyst as the twelfth.


list of precious stones in the bible

Seeing the following images makes it much easier for me to find the connection between crystals and the chakras they work best with.

The crystal directory will show what crystal is connected to each chakra.

The Chakra System

Here is a great image that shows the color and chakra connection:

Here are a few of my favorite and most used crystals:


This one is just for the ladies! It can enhance psychic abilities, bring inner harmony and help anxiety. The magical properties of the Moonstone can be recharged under the light of the full moon.
Chakra: Sacral

This gemstone is surrounded by a good deal of mystique and magic. In many cultures, for example in India, it is regarded as a holy, magical gemstone. In India, moonstones are also regarded as 'dream stones' which bring the wearer beautiful visions at night. In Arabic countries, women often wear moonstones sewn out of sight into their garments, for in their cultures the moonstone is a symbol of fertility.
The moonstone symbolises our being in its entirety. With its soft shimmer, it strengthens our emotional and subconscious aspects. The associations connected with that make it a "lovers' stone", evoking tender feelings and safeguarding the true joys of love. It is also said that wearing a moonstone strengthens our intuition and our capacity to understand



This beautiful is a great stone for astral travels. It comes in many different colors, as you can see in the pic. I prefer the pyramid in the upper left hand corner. Apophyllite symbolizes the light at the end of a dark tunnel. It also helps to open the third eye, pineal gland. To clean place under warm running water and then recharge in a glass of water with green tourmaline or aventurine or among rock crystals.
Chakra: Heart and Third Eye

It is also an excellent crystal to aid astral travel, as it gives a stable connection back to your body to aid your return. It is known to aid access to the Akashic records... the repository of all the information about what has ever been.

Using this crystal may aid you to break through the veil to discover what has been preventing you from experiencing true happiness. Use this experience to learn more about who you are, and what your deep inner reasons might be for many of your current and past actions.


continued in next post......

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:00 PM


When people talk about crystals this is that will come to mind to most people, in fact crystal balls are typically made of Quartz crystal (it comes in many different colors) and is often referred to as "The Universal Crystal" because there are many different uses, it's a master healer stone.
Chakra: all

Psychically, quartz is a powerful stone. It is used for psychic protection because it counters black magic and protects from negative energy. Quartz is very useful on the third eye chakra for clarity of psychic vision, and can be used to communicate with spirits and other worlds. Quartz is a stone that can access ancient wisdom and bring it into the present. It is a very good stone for astral travel, manifestation, scrying, channeling, dream recall and dream work.


Clear Quartz works on all areas of the mind and body, awakening, amplifying and transmitting energy and clarifying thought processes. It is an excellent stone for meditation, directing energies with more intensity. It connects to the higher self, removes negativity and allows access to your spirit guides. Clear Quartz provides clarity in thinking and awareness. It is also a powerful healing stone for any condition.



Amethyst is said to ward off danger and violent death. Recovering alcoholics wear it around their necks to help with cravings. My aunt always told me to place it under my pillow when I sleep to ward off nightmares. I still have a piece of amethyst on my bedside table. Clean once a month under warm running water and leave overnight next to dry hematite stones. Don't expose amethyst to the sun.
Chakra: Crown and Third Eye

Amethyst is the stone of spirituality and contentment, it bestows stability, strength, inner peace. It is a great stone for meditation and enhancing your intuition and psychic abilities with its calming and peaceful energy. Amethyst provides clarity and enhances conscious perception and understanding.

Healing: Assists in calming the mind, reduces insomnia and allows restful sleep, reduces stress, eases headaches, helps with hormone production, strengthens the immune system, cleansing organs and respiratory system, reduces bruising and swelling. Assists in the function of the pineal and pituitary glands.


Amethyst is very well known -- as from the ancients -- as a sobriety stone. It has been used for millenia to prevent drunkenness, and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc, and destructive compulsive behaviors of all kinds.


Having a ton of medical conditions, most autoimmune, I use crystals along side the medication I take to help aid with balancing the effected gland. For Hashimotos Tyroiditis I'll wear an aquamarine necklace when my energy levels are off. Not offering medical advice, just telling you about what helps me.

Aquamarine - Aquamarine is a stone of courage and protection. Used most often with the Throat Chakra to evoke more spiritual communication and to clear communication blocks, Aquamarine promotes verbal self-expression and balances the Pituitary and the Thyroid.


What are some ATSers favorite stones? How have they helped you?

edit on 18-3-2014 by Jennyfrenzy because: add

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

What are some ATSers favorite stones? How have they helped you?

I currently am using tourmaline through-out my house and in co-workers offices.

A psychic friend of mine sent me a big bag of it because there were a lot of negative vibes,nightmares, and things moving around that just shouldn't. Actually she sent it to me to take on a trip to a haunted location, but I spread it around the apartment, in the office, and embedded some on my cross.

You know, I never gave much thought to crystals, in fact I was a non-believer in many ways, however, a lot of things quieted down after.

And not just for me.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by Darkblade71

I really feel there is a connection between crystals and healing, be it our bodies or environment. Scientists explain it away with the power of suggestion but these practices have been around for thousands of years. Our ancestors have used many alternative methods through the ages, such as acupuncture. The fact that these practices are still around today says a lot, they work for many people.

Glad to hear the negative energy you were experiencing has calmed down.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:29 PM
First of all, that's a nicely laid out presentation.

One of my personal favorite stones to work with is Nuummite. It was one of the most ancient stones - about 3 billion years old, it's been known as a magicians stone. It's a storm and earth element stone that can bring Light into the denser aspects of the physical world and the human psyche. It is also a powerful shamanic tool in soul retrieval as it can assist in locating and integrating the aspects of self that have been separated from the whole.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:34 PM
I try to keep an open mind about the metaphysical properties of crystals. Some crystal specimens really seem to "speak" to me.
I second Tourmaline.
If I'm not mistaken, it gives off negative ions.

I'm also really attracted to Natural Citrine and Heliodor.

edit on 18-3-2014 by DenyFlatulence because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by starshift

Thank you

Have not heard of Nuummite, sounds like an awesome stone. Gives me goosebumps to know this is the oldest known mineral on earth!! Its beautiful, has interesting qualities and i want one! Thanks for the link, off to check it out.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:50 PM

I try to keep an open mind about the metaphysical properties of crystals. Some crystal specimens really seem to "speak" to me.
I second Tourmaline.
If I'm not mistaken, it gives off negative ions.

I'm also really attracted to Natural Citrine and Heliodor.

edit on 18-3-2014 by DenyFlatulence because: (no reason given)

I feel the same about certain crystals speaking to me.

Tourmaline is also known as the electric stone

Tourmaline gemstone is a semi-precious mineral stone well known for its incredible ability to aid in the detoxification process of the human body. It is one of only a handful of minerals that have the ability to emit negative ions and far-infrared rays.

It produces negative ions when put under pressure

The tourmaline gemstone has the uncanny ability to become its own source of electric charge, as it is both pyroelectric, as well as piezoelectric. When the gem is put under greater amounts of pressure or when it is dramatically heated or cooled, it creates an electrical charge capable of emitting infrared waves and negative ions. Today it is a well-known fact that tourmaline gemstone can seamlessly aid the body's detoxification process.¹


Have not heard much about Heliodor, have to check it out. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:54 PM
Here is an oddity that I have in my collection right now:

It's a double terminated Tibetan Quartz Crystal, Self-healed floater, parallel twin with sidecars..

Every time I pick it up I get a tingling sensation that starts in my hands a reverberates through my entire body.
edit on 18-3-2014 by DenyFlatulence because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by DenyFlatulence

Thats a beauty, gave me goosebumps. Thats awesome you can feel the energy when you pick it up. I have nothing that beautiful, yet!!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

My favorites (collection-wise) are the metaphysical variants of quartz crystals - I don't care about the properties, although one crystal is usually designated as a "good luck charm" (this time around, it's a smokey phantom). I even have a crystal skull in the collection as well - a small one that has been named (if you can believe it, the only way I was allowed to buy it was if the ex gave it a name; she didn't even know why she wanted to name it).

In my interesting collection - I have a rainbow-collection on the windowsill; Sodalite, Amethyst, Green Quartz (very interesting combination), amber, a little jade, and a megalodon tooth. There's also some garnets, Hematite-encrusted quartz (a bit pricy and rare; I have the fake Strawberry Quartz up there as well), some aqua aura and rainbow aura, and a couple spheres.

Finally, I did actually break down and buy some small pieces of moldavite (This year, I'm going back to the rock & mineral show and picking up a couple other colors of meteoritic glass...Such as yellow desert glass and some kind of pink variety).

It's a sight to see when the sun hits all the crystals in the morning.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:08 PM

reply to post by DenyFlatulence

Thats a beauty, gave me goosebumps. Thats awesome you can feel the energy when you pick it up. I have nothing that beautiful, yet!!

Thanks jennyfrenzy!
I put it on hold at my local Rock. It was kind of pricey for me at the time.
I got home and remembered I had a scratch off lotto ticket from a few days ago that I had forgotten about in my car.
Scratched it off and had a big winner!
I went back the next day and purchased it!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by fossilera

Bet its a beautiful sight to see when you first wake up!! Thats an excellent way to start your day

I also just purchased moldavite, its in the mail, impatiently waiting. I have heard other astral travelers suggest this stone in particular. I meant to put moldavite in the OP as well.

There are many benefits of this stone, and exposure to it, including, activating the dream state when worn while sleeping, helping one to acclimate to the Earth plane environment if feeling not part of this world (especially in the case of Star Children), helps foster a deeper level of compassion and understanding for the human realities of the physical plane, aids in expansion of consciousness and rapid transformation in one's life-aiding the release of those things that do not serve one's highest path, visionary experiences, increased clarity, vibrational raising of both yourself and the Earth, energy cleansing, strengthens, aids in self discovery and enlightenment, cosmic and crystal consciousness, expansion, and even contact with interdimensional energies, and the list goes on... It is considered the only known gemstone of "extraterrestrial" origin (not of this Earth) and is associated with the Star card of the Tarot. But most importantly, it is a direct link to the Heart Chakra.


posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:19 PM
reply to post by fossilera

Smokey Quartz is a great crystal too.. That's awesome it's a phantom as well.
I need to pick up a smokey for my collection.
Just haven't found the right one yet.
I'd love to see a pic of your Hematite-Quartz btw!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

Wow!! That would be an amazing one to own..
Haven't found a Moldavite yet. Most of the ones I like are a bagillion dollars!!
Now I'm jelous!

edit on 18-3-2014 by DenyFlatulence because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by DenyFlatulence

I wish!! How beautiful is that one, more goosebumps!! Its from the interwebs link provided, unfortunately. They are stinkin expensive right!!!! Paid about $100 USD for a small piece. With it being so rare, don't want to miss the opportunity to own one.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy

I'm a little wary about buying Moldavite online. I've heard there are a lot of fakes floating around.
I figure it's worth it to pay a little more in person to be able to check it out with a loupe first.
I hope you post a pic when it arrives.
I'm excited for you!

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 10:48 PM

reply to post by DenyFlatulence

Thats a beauty, gave me goosebumps. Thats awesome you can feel the energy when you pick it up. I have nothing that beautiful, yet!!

Probably just a placebo effect. But if it works then who cares right.

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 11:03 PM


reply to post by DenyFlatulence

Thats a beauty, gave me goosebumps. Thats awesome you can feel the energy when you pick it up. I have nothing that beautiful, yet!!

Probably just a placebo effect. But if it works then who cares right.

Exactly, we are on the same wavelength

posted on Mar, 19 2014 @ 01:02 AM
I just wanted to say thank you for this amazing thread and would like to mention my personal favorite stone Golden Labradorite

Metaphysical Healing Properties: Golden Labradorite is one of the best stones for working with the third chakra, enhancing inner strength, vitality, courage, clear thinking, endurance, mental activity, spiritual focus and purposefulness. It can help one see the Divine pattern in one’s daily struggles. In dream work, it can assist one in consciously awakening in the higher planes and in bringing back important information. Golden Labradorite takes one into communion with the energies of our own sun, and with the Great Central Sun, the home and origin of consciousness in the Universe.

Also if you have not heard of The Book of Stones and The Stones of the New Consciousness I highly recommend these for furthering your understanding of the metaphysical properties of our crystal friends!!

Namste and Blessings

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