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A new angle and possible explanation of the Alien/Demon/Angel phenomena?

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posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 09:31 PM
Hello Everyone on ATS, this is my first thread and it is just a theory of my own that I would like to share and get your thoughts on the likeliness or potential validity of my explanation for these phenomena.

The Phenomena I'm referring to is that of Alien Visitation, Angelic/ Demonic visitation and perhaps even Possession. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read it and I look forward to your comments!

My theory is that these beings have more to do with our consciousness than our physical reality in that I believe we create or project these things subconsciously. Allow me to explain, in years gone by, the people of this world believed in visits, not from Aliens as such but from Angels and Demons, and if we believe in UFO's because of the weight of evidence, sightings, common belief and government investigations/ cover up then we must also believe in the weight of evidence for the presence of Angels and Demons, there were sightings, some times mass sightings, they were accepted as part of common belief and also suppressed by governments/church and monarchy whilst they were known or rumored to be dabbling/ in contact with these beings.

It's the same story but now we live in the age of Science so now the beings are not scary, disembodied creatures but instead they are the at the pinnacle of technology, rumored to be almost eugenicists, meddling with the development of man through the ages, the same story as told of Gods, Angels and Demons in the past.
Many people also claim to 'channel' these beings in exactly the same way we used to 'channel' spirits or think a person was possessed, invocation and evocation, we just don't call it that anymore. I'm talking of-course about the Ra material and other such works using this means of 'communication'.

People like Stephen Greer who use meditation and channeling to try and contact these 'aliens', what is the difference between this and the occult practices that are still used to this day to contact dis-embodied beings such as through Solomonic magic etc? Are we saying that the demons of the past where aliens? I think not, as they were never claimed to be physical beings in the past even though they were assigned to different planets.

Before the 1930's or 40's many cases of people 'channeling' aliens resulted in the being saying it was from Mars or Venus etc, (like the spirits of occultism for centuries before...) but since we can now see Mars and Venus' surface and know there isn't currently life there, now when Stephen Greer etc 'channels' these beings they claim they are from the Draco star system or wherever, one that we can just see but can't see enough to verify if life is there or not. Just like it used to be before our technology allowed us to see that they weren't on Mars (whether they once were is another debate...).
Have they moved? Are all of these cases of channeling frauds? people such as Stephen Greer? I bet when we can see there's no life in the Draco system etc that they'll claim to be further away again, somewhere we can currently just see but can aim to reach, eventually....

My point is that I believe the Aliens of today are the Angels and Demons of the past and that we somehow create them or project them, a culture of superstition created monsters and horrible demons that could snatch you in the night... (like an abduction of today, people sometimes describe the aliens appearing in their room and carrying them or floating them up through the house, as if they are disembodied beings or spirits) and so these things became real.

Now we are in an age where superstition seems moronic and Science seems to be the key to the future, so what form have our 'overlords' or watchers took now? That of Science, the pinnacle of Science, always more advanced than what we have at any given time, they appear in the sky and do impossible turns at impossible speeds, at forces that the laws of physics say should crush the object as it does 90 degree turns at high speeds, they appear in disc shaped craft because we know, in the Age of Aeronautics that the ultimate shaped craft would be disc shaped or perhaps an oblong disc, so of-course that's what they have. We are in the age of advanced Physics, people are talking about perpetual motion engines and anti-gravity technology, so of-course that's what they have, in these silent little disc shaped crafts that seem to just float and glide with no obvious form of propulsion, they are the pinnacle or limits of what we can imagine as being perfect in every sense of the word, so are we just emulating their technology then instead of actually inventing our own?

continued next in part 2...

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 09:32 PM
I think we project these things then aim for it, when Men feared Angels and Demons he sought to protect himself, to protect himself he turned to God, to get Gods protection we believed/projected that God wants us to be 'good' and not 'evil' this then helped in the slow and still happening, evolution of the altruistic man, belief in God made man strive to be 'god like' and reach our full potential, which aided in the development of the natural sciences as we wished to know our limits and overcome them.
We studied the body as the invention of God (again, some people now like to replace 'God' with Aliens designing or improving us, same story... higher consciousness creating a lesser being) And this has now reached it's peak, so how do we advance further?

In the age of Science? We 'channel' beings that claim they are from outer space, that 'we are not alone' and we seek to prove it, so we start to develop ships to take us to the stars, so that we may know and if there isn't life on these planets already, then there will be when we colonize them, which we would never have done without the desire to search for life there in the first place. So it will have helped us develop the entire universe around us eventually and by projecting these disc shaped crafts, which we know is the perfect aeronautical shape; We will develop the technology much quicker as if it is some sort of emulation as opposed to invention, but this is not the case....further evidence that perhaps these Aliens are the demons of the past, they are said to be 'multi-dimensional' beings, they can appear and disappear or move up and down the string of string theory... what is the difference between this and the belief of spirits in the past? 'multi-dimensional, dis-embodied, same thing?... (and if you're multi-dimensional, why appear in UFO's at all? why build them if you can just move between dimensions..? just to show off turns to us in the air?)

My point is that everything we have projected, a vengeful god, scary monsters, demons, angels, heaven, hell, aliens and spaceships, they have all made us develop key parts in our advancement in order to understand them and perhaps this is why most Sciences etc have been born out of the Secret Societies and the Occult because by knowing this principle of projection then by studying what these projections are and what they represent, then you may unlock the key as to what they are there to develop in man. Then you can release or study that information to make it a reality. Look at people like Jack Parsons from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory or Eliphas Levi, Paracelsus and many other occultists who contributed things to the advancement of people, science or consciousness at the time by studying the Occult, or look into how the TV was really first developed.... etc...

My question is, do you think that we could be projecting these beings ourselves for the purpose of aiding in our own development? Do you think that the Government may be hiding the evidence of UFO's because they know that their true nature has to be kept secret, in order for us to keep projecting it/striving towards it and its technology? If so, do you think that this may be why the Vatican released statements about UFO's a couple of years ago, accepting them as a possibility, as they know it's the same thing that they've been studying/'exorcising' for years?

Thanks again for taking the time to read my post

Kind Regards ,

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Elijah23

nice post

i wonder why this was removed.
when i refreshed few secs ago, it was gone

i read abt similar theory in 'secret history of the world' by jonathan black, that humans are capable of creating 'thought beings', maybe 'ghosts/aliens/etc' only appear if we want them to appear.


posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:03 PM
reply to post by Elijah23

Excellent post!! Aren't people an interesting lot? I'll tell you this, when I watch the move The Exorcist, it gives me the willies.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:07 PM
Didn't have time to read it all…but I thought you may like this book.

Dr Jacques Vallée has been saying this for decades, with over 50 years of hands on research within the field.

great book, easy read and can be found for free in PDF all over the net.



posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:07 PM
Your line of thinking is not considered enough, in my opinion, since too many in UFOlogy seem to be firmly indoctrinated in their beliefs, which I find so confusing considering the amount of disinformation from liars in the field and in the governments.

(IMO) Higher collective consciousnesses, from higher planes, and the denizens of those spaces have always influenced and inspired humanity in it's free-will-evolution. There are lawless beings, and (Cosmic) Law-abiding collectives in the game. (IMO)

I just read an article tonight that I think you might find interesting:

Esotericism and UFOlogy: A Different Perspective on the UFO Phenomenon
edit on 12-3-2014 by HenryBowen because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:08 PM
reply to post by Mr Mask



posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by Elijah23

My question is, do you think that we could be projecting these beings ourselves for the purpose of aiding in our own development? Do you think that the Government may be hiding the evidence of UFO's because they know that their true nature has to be kept secre

Projecting these beings, perhaps but I doubt it. Government cover-ups, if they did find something we'd be the last to know just like with most other things they determine is sensitive.

Funny you should mention the 90 degree turns. In 1964 a friend of mine and I were up on my roof with binoculars looking for satellites as we usually did at night. We saw one and as we watched it went from moving at a steady pace to a complete stop. It remained like that for 10 seconds or so then took of at a 90 degree angle and disappeared a few seconds later. To this day I have ne idea what it was.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:40 PM
Of course, there can be intricate meanings to every aspect of human life and even the cosmos as a whole. Carl Jung, the very famous protégé of Freud wrote a book precisely about UFOs. He gave some fleeting accounts of sightings, but sightings were not his point. He simply wanted to provide some credibility for his quite different theory away from the general topic, but he had to acknowledge that some UFOs appeared as physical objects so he could argue something entirely different. That argument was that they were an aspect of the human psyche that was being expressed in multiple ways so that the physical human could take notice of a relatively hidden inner state common to the creature. In short, his explanation didn't hold water when it came to really explaining even the physical evidence for UFOs. But his argument is instructive of how good brains can go wrong when they entertain a particular set of concepts.

I get the impression that you have not moved too far from the older works stipulating that demons are involved with UFOs or that UFOs flatly are demonic. I propose a different approach on the subject, a more realistic one. For more words on the topic than I will offer here, I suggest that you get acquainted with the many accounts of the thousands of people that have taken the drug Ayahuasca clinically known as '___'. An excellent book by scientist Rick Strassman and three other professionals is entitled Inner Paths to Outer Space. When Strassman was doing the initial and very carefully controlled '___' experiments using college students in the mid-1990s, his subjects, without any particular persuasions frequently reported contact with alien beings in one fashion or another. He made no attempt to elaborate on that strange occurrence except to mention it several times and attempted to account such unusual experiences as internal to the experiencer with no further elaboration.

I strongly believe that the ETs are real, much as they appear in body and ships. In the days of my abduction back in 1964 and later, we were ready meat at hand. Myself, I was driving at night on a country road. These days I suspect that the ETs find the incredibly growing numbers of '___' users easier, more handier and even receptive targets. The ETs have incredible mind control abilities from a distance as many abductee, myself included, will testify. The accomplished ETs will have few problems getting into and controlling if not altering the philosophical states of mind of some '___' users that have willingly opted for the experience.

Again, as with the college students in the initial trials, Some of them remember strange, mind expanding encounters with aliens. Reflecting back on my experience, I remember only the beginning and end of my two-hour time loss. If I can be programmed starting from a fully conscious state while driving, I suspect it likely that taking control of '___'-spiked minds would be easy. Granted, some folks undergoing the '___' experience are not healthy, way over their heads, and get cross with what they find at any level. (I suspect the ETs recognize early on those they should not touch.) But many if not most experiencers seem to absorb a breath-taking new perspective with alien help and with no undue residue but rather with a startling new and positive outlook beyond everything they had ever known before. In short, a lasting conversion of spirit/soul.

From what I understand in learning about '___' is that typically the experiencer gained a perspective of a greater appreciation of the cosmos and, practically, a propensity to think that the New World Order is not such a bad concept for a united humanity. As formerly a country bumpkin at the age of 24 during my time-loss, I can attest that overnight I had a change of view on far beyond that I held the day before. Many of the experiencers of '___' users today seem to report the same.

(To any mod that wants to scrap this post on stated policy, I would say that it is time to rethink the criteria for banning discussions of '___' on ATS. For myself, I've never taken '___' or even smoked a joint.)

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by Elijah23

My question is, do you think that we could be projecting these beings ourselves for the purpose of aiding in our own development? Do you think that the Government may be hiding the evidence of UFO's because they know that their true nature has to be kept secret, in order for us to keep projecting it/striving towards it and its technology? If so, do you think that this may be why the Vatican released statements about UFO's a couple of years ago, accepting them as a possibility, as they know it's the same thing that they've been studying/'exorcising' for years?

I think the mind is an incredible thing.
Honestly, if you look at how the brain works and what the mind seems to function as, almost anything is possible.

I'm not sure why the gov feels the need to keep everyone in the dark on UFOs. Maybe it has to do with free energy among other things that would totally mess up how the world is running. It wouldn't take much to cause the world to spiral out of control, so maybe for whatever reason they feel they need to keep things stable, if you get my meaning.
Or to keep things from going to fast.
Lots of possibilities, and probably lots of different reasons why.

I think as far as angels and demons, it is subjective to the experience.

I could be creating these things myself, to help me along,or as I believe, they could just be something we can't understand because they are beyond our realm of understanding other than what they choose to show us on a personal level as time and experience goes on.

I think that we are repressed and have been held down spiritually since the beginning of our existence. We do it to ourselves. We form religions and governments that end up doing nothing but controlling and putting us into slavery for a select few and that it has always been this way. I think that it is the fear of loss of that control that causes so much secrecy on so many subjects.(UFOs included) Now though, slowly, mankind is freeing him/herself. As the years roll on, with the internet, and how technology is advancing, it is inevitable that we will collapse because things are advancing so fast now that technology itself is almost getting to the masses faster than the world Governments, and when we become stronger as individuals than our Governments,what happens then?

But then, this is all just a dream, and you are the dreamer.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by Aliensun

It may appear that I have over simplified the situation of ETs, demons, angles, etc. in prior post. That was not my intention, since I used considerable space there, I didn't want to move into the area that I also feel is legitimate. That is, the spirit domain where our three factors and probably others co-exist in a dimension or dimensions other than what we are aware.
The UFOs present a doorway to reality far in excess of what we are prepared to accept from our entirely (so it would seem) physical point of view on ourselves and the cosmos.

posted on Mar, 12 2014 @ 11:07 PM

My question is, do you think that we could be projecting these beings ourselves for the purpose of aiding in our own development?

good question..
did our ancestors also project the archon mythos? or yezidis (sic) or anything else we could dredge up from the past? lovecraft's cthulu comes to mind

i see the same idea being expressed in something like game of thrones, with that huge ice-wall they've constructed to KEEP OUT all these horrors..

if it's US doing this (projecting as you say) then we would really seem to create our own reality (i can just see all those crowley fans cheering) but i suspect there is more going on here, if this all supposedly leads back to 'doing as we want is the whole of the law' then i don't see much potential good coming from this?

..what i'm trying to suggest is; if we create all this stuff, and we suddenly become aware of this creative potential, do you think we'd be allowed to "create" the things we really want? like happy lives with healthy food, clean water and loving family units (and no more of these corrupt idiot rulers) the time this cat gets out of the bag, people won't be wanting any of that "old-fashioned" stuff

what you've said here is integral to all this - for the purpose of aiding in our own development
edit on 12-3-2014 by UNIT76 because: think about it

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 12:13 AM
Have you ever heard of this. . . ?

This is an interesting theory.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 12:54 AM

Have you ever heard of this. . . ?

This is an interesting theory.

yep the thought beings.
first time i learnt about that that is in the book i mentioned in my earlier post: the secret history of the world.

maybe i'm wrong but i think our imaginations or belief are also examples of it.
like when we create a story, we need a hero so we create a character..... we can "imagine" the personalities of the character, we can "imagine" how she sounds, walks, etc.
the character suddenly becomes "alive". we can feel how she feels when she's sad, happy, etc.

i also read in the writers journey by christopher voegler, there is a term called archetype.
it's like personifications/roles of every 'individual'.
so everyone of us is a hero.
a hero can be protagonist, antagonist, mentor, etc at anytime she like in her story (one life experience), etc.
i believe these archetypes are also related to tulpas.

edit on 13-3-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-3-2014 by dodol because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by UNIT76

if that's true.

maybe we also "created" the "creator" like "yahweh/allah/etc" and gave them "energy" to rule over our "minds" (we can see the common examples in the preachers when they say "god says..." or "god wants..." or "god needs..." symptoms) and ended up screwing up the entire planet with doctrines/religions/etc.


posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by Elijah23

Good points and thoughts, I would add to the idea that if human minds can project so many phantoms, what about other beings? Surely there could be all kinds of possible projectors. Also science openly plays with the idea of dimensions, so from there I would say can Humans see in to higher dimension? If so what are we seeing? How can we be sure that we are not projections also? Seems funny!

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by dodol

Hi, Thanks for your reply, I've read Johnathan Blacks' Secret history of the World, good book and yeah its a similar thing he's talking about, he talks abut the Buddhists who can create these thought beings, H.P. Blavatsky says the same thing in the secret doctrine or Isis unveiled, and any one with knowledge of western occultism will know them as 'Egregores' . I think We go further than that by creating these things on a sub-conscious level, mass projection of these Archetypal figures , then we strive to be like them/ emulate them. self-perpetuating consciousness, its a good system for the matrix....

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:37 AM
reply to post by UNIT76

think about that also, Archon... Archetype.... and Lovecraft's Cthulu is a perfect example, whether it existed or not (it didn't..) it now has a cult following and in, even if just a small way, is having an affect on popular culture, in every way from the fake 'Necronomicon by Simon' to episodes of Southpark.... and people will be trying to invoke it and evoke it using the same methods as any occultist would use to 'summon an entity' or nowadays... to contact an Alien...

And yeah like you said about the big wall in Game of Thrones, much like the big wall in the southpark imagination land episodes which I think were getting at the same thing, in a way..

And yeah I think we can project what we want and we're starting to discover that through things like 'The Secret' and the much older body of knowledge that it is taken from... (again occult and all to do with projection...)

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:41 AM

Have you ever heard of this. . . ?

This is an interesting theory.

Perfect mate, yeah that's the kinda thing I'm talking about, I think they are mastering consciously something that we do subconsciously, some latent ability that we use to advance ourselves by personifying the edges of our imaginations but that doesn't make them less real either. all the Occult notion of the 'Higher Self' I think its just our own Archetypal projection.

posted on Mar, 13 2014 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

I've read Strassman's book and I actually know quite a bit about ayahuasca.... but that's my point, why would aliens have a contact plant on the Earth? as a means of communication, we consume a certain plant and it puts us in communication or the more likely explanation I think is that the 'mind altering' substance allows you access to your own subconscious, where we store and create all these joint projections, varying by culture and time, the whole notion of non-physical communication with these beings likens it more to a spiritual encounter than a 'scientific' one, if you know what I mean.

I think these things are real just that we make them real in every sense of the word, I think that if there are 10 + dimensions in three groupings as some say, the first grouping being the 3 dimensions that make up our physical world then a supposed two non-physical dimensional groupings, well I believe that consciousness lives and interprets the 3d world and that the subconscious may be the link to the non-physical dimensions, making us multi-dimensional beings, perhaps that's where the notion comes from that we keep applying to Aliens now-a-days and if all dimensions exist in the same place simultaneously then we would live along side? well, our 'imagination'... but that's moving on to another theory, perhaps for another thread.
but thanks for your reply!

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