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Are Aliens Demons?

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posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 04:40 AM
reply to post by goodison3

Alright alright ALRIGHT!

Lets just settle this "demon" business once and FOR ALL.

First, ask yourself, what is a demon? Is a human capable of being a demon? If not, do you believe in possession?

What exactly is defined as a "demon."

An etheric being made of (????) "energy" aka another dimension, that can somehow, sometimes, interact with "this" dimension?

Because really, most life on this very planet, let alone E.T. beings, can access other "dimensions," planes, etc. So if we factor in the whole ill-will, malevolence aspect in which defines a "demon", then it would seem almost any being is capable of "Being" a supposed demon...

We need hard facts and knowledge, not slander and labeling. We all see how that works with the modern major media.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 04:42 AM
If you are going down this path of research then you need to look at the etymology of the word Daemon in both Ancient Greek (New Testament references), Hebrew (Old Testament references), Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Babylonian. I have done some of that but not as a serious effort - results are interesting but non-conclusive as of yet.

The ancient texts seems to indicate several races of aliens (angels) visiting Earth, most importantly the Watchers - or Nephilim. The Nephilim were chosen as the alien caretakers of humanity as they could shape shift to look just like human (like a snake sheds it skin), but they were not allowed to intermingle - something they eventually did after being separated from the rest of the aliens races for up to 1,000 years at a time. The Nephilim took pity and related to us humans - especially their leader Satan (Samyaza) and shared their knowledge with humans - thus being the original Bringer of Light (light as in a symbol of knowledge) that some many gods have been attributed to in the millennia’s afterwards. This is of course a very similar story to the biblical Fall of Man Genesis 3:1-24 - but without all the Tree of Knowledge symbolism etc.

As I said, nothing conclusive but still interesting.


edit on 9-2-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: Spelling

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 05:15 AM

If you are going down this path of research then you need to look at the etymology of the word Daemon in both Ancient Greek (New Testament references), Hebrew (Old Testament references), Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Babylonian. I have done some of that but not as a serious effort - results are interesting but non-conclusive as of yet.

The ancient texts seems to indicate several races of aliens (angels) visiting Earth, most importantly the Watchers - or Nephilim. The Nephilim were chosen as the alien caretakers of humanity as they could shape shift to look just like human (like a snake sheds it skin), but they were not allowed to intermingle - something they eventually did after being separated from the rest of the aliens races for up to 1,000 years at a time. The Nephilim took pity and related to us humans - especially their leader Satan (Samyaza) and shared their knowledge with humans - thus being the original Bringer of Light (light as in a symbol of knowledge) that some many gods have been attributed to in the millennia’s afterwards. This is of course a very similar story to the biblical Fall of Man Genesis 3:1-24 - but without all the Tree of Knowledge symbolism etc.

As I said, nothing conclusive but still interesting.


edit on 9-2-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: Spelling

Very interesting story and information, thank you.

All the similarities between all of the religions, both modern (somewhat) and ancient, many have some of the same symbolism, themes, icons, story archetypes, you name it.

Really makes you wonder. Was this a story of past, of future, of now, a story of the way it always has been??

I do hope us average humans are privileged to know, for certain, of extra terrestrial intelligence and beings within this century.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 05:17 AM
Demons defined in this quote from the Catholic Encyclopedia:

In the same way the Greeks and Romans may have worshipped their divinities, fondly believing them to be good. But the Christian Scriptures declare that all the gods of the Gentiles are demons.
Daemons from guardians to counselors of humans, intermediates they are superior to humans but not to gods.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 05:41 AM

I do hope us average humans are privileged to know, for certain, of extra terrestrial intelligence and beings within this century.

Those were the days called the Golden Age of Man.

I am afraid we are caught in the middle of galactic politics. All the alien genes are being bred out of us ever since Noah who was the only pure blooded (uncontaminated genes) human at his time, in addition to a sociocultural program to weed out "bad ideas", and a religious program to make us as a culture forget about real magic and the power that each individual can harness and control. Like in any VIP Club, there are members and non-members - so far, we are not on the VIP list. Every so often, the future of Man is discussed in the Higher Circles - so far, we have not been deemed worthy. When this happens a worldwide cataclysm is ordered by the "gods" that wipes out most of humanity, this has happened many times and each time marks the start of a new Age of Man (see Hesiod's Five Ages of Man):

(ll. 109-120) First of all the deathless gods who dwell on Olympus made a golden race of mortal men who lived in the time of Cronos when he was reigning in heaven. And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all evils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things, rich in flocks and loved by the blessed gods.
(ll. 121-139) But after earth had covered this generation -- they are called pure spirits dwelling on the earth, and are kindly, delivering from harm, and guardians of mortal men; for they roam everywhere over the earth, clothed in mist and keep watch on judgements and cruel deeds, givers of wealth; for this royal right also they received....
Hesiod Works and Days

Cronos the Titan was an alien race that ruled our galaxy way back in the Golden Age of Man - that were much more permissive with primitive and crossbred races like humans. When the Cronos were defeated by a more advanced race - called Zeus in Greek mythology - the politics changed. The alien race (actually more like a collective of races) that we call Zeus does not come from our galaxy and they controlled many galaxies at the time the Cronos did not even have the technology for inter-galaxy travel. It was Zeus that punished Prometheus (Satan) by chaining him to a rock (Earth) and not Cronos. This is not just due to the internmingeling with humans like ancients texts say though, shapeshifters are generally percicuted by Zeus because of their capabilities and live in hiding everywhere they are present in our galaxy.


edit on 9-2-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 05:44 AM
Semantics but...

I think...

"Aliens" are angels (good) or fallen angels(bad).

Nephilim / The mighty ones are fallen angels' half-human offspring which should be considered as earthly as any human.

If a nephilim dies, they become a demon.

It is like a dead human is a "ghost", and not a human. Although, I do not know if "ghosts" are anything more than fallen angels or demons. That is, I do not think human souls are allowed to stay on earth - I think they must go to Sheol (Abraham's bosom / Paradise for the good people or Hell / Hades for the bad) if their body is truly dead. If their body is not dead, they may be able to astral project / OBE.

I do not think heaven is accepting anyone, yet. I think it is not ready, yet.
edit on 2/9/2014 by Bleeeeep because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 05:48 AM
I think it could be that demons are actually aliens or a result of alien experimentation. This is because there seems to be cave paintings depicting aliens and UFOs. To a primitive society they would be looked upon as gods because the primitive human would not understand that their magic was just advanced science. Angels and devils? Maybe more than one type of alien species seeded here or had a battle here and one lot wanted to protect us and one to harm us. It is only a possibility of course.
Maybe the so called lizard aliens were the first genetic experiment coming from dinosaurs or evolving from them and had to take cover as primitive creatures below ground due to whatever wiped the rest of the big ones out. Adapting to their new habitat they thrive whilst the planet evolves, perhaps with more alien seeding/experimentation this time with primates, becoming us. Maybe the alien geneticists realised their first experiment was given too much intelligence/esp and the use of the whole of their brain whilst maybe coming from a creature that was a tactical killer with no real empathy. So they became an advanced race of what we would call evil creatures. Who knows, maybe all the stories of god purging the planet or of mass wipe outs were the alien geneticists trying to wipe out a failed and dangerous evolutionary experiment, but they survived and thrived below the surface. When man has evolved enough the 'good' aliens, who this time limit how much we get to use our full brain capacity, give us a set of rules to help us to survive and not end up going 'feral' like the last lot. Thus religion is born. From many gods, good and evil, to weird and wonderful ( now mythological) creatures, possibly other experiments, to eventually a belief in a single god of some sort and an evil devil and demons. God and the good angels come from above, the heavens, and are of light (space ships?) and devils from below, gnarled and with horns/tail/talons etc may just be the reptoid race who came before us and who want to control us to be their slaves or even their energy or food.
Perhaps, they really can shapeshift, or maybe it is just an advanced mental ability to influence our perception so we see them as human. This would be the perfect way to disguise yourself as a religious leader or world leader, eg. A priest or monarchy, and so control us from within. Now we are many and losing our faith, perhaps more than they can control on a mass scale, they need to steer us into this new world order, culling our numbers so we once again become more manageable and are being forced to show themselves more as we become more questioning about what is and has been, really going on.
I know this is total conjecture on my part, but it fits as much as any other explanation.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Who is to say animals dont communicate to each other? Also we have been breeding animals ever since so yes we do cause impregnation...

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Kangaruex4Ewe

Im sure the dog would tell you he wants his balls if you could understand it. Good and evil are just words. Ehat is bad for one person may benefit millions. Not revealing plans doesnt make them evil and who knows if we could fathom them anyway? I tell my cat to stop licking his arse but he never listens

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 08:32 AM
This subject/Debate really makes me giggle sometimes. It is exactly the same as God vs Alien theory's.

Is God born of this planet ???
we would have to say no right ? so speaking in the true sense of extra-terrestrial, God by definition is most defiantly not a terrestrial being, so has to be an alien however you like to look at it. the argument over God vs Alien theory is completely null and void. They are the same thing!

this also stands true for Angels and Demons, any being or entity not born of earth is by definition an extra-terrestrial,
so in answer to your question

Yes aliens are demons but demons are aliens also. This subject has become a split in understanding that is not needed and needs to be progressed passed.

It matters not what you call them, just know they exist.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by 1Providence1

Unless you figured it out from my postulation:

1. The Old Testament was written in Hebrew, and that is where the word "Satan" comes from
2. The Hebrew has another name for "Satan" which is "Samyaza" ("Gods Adversary")
3. Samyaza happends to be the leader of the Watchers (the "Nephelim")
4. The Nephelim was the order of angels (alien race) which lived on Earth and married humans. They also gave us knowledge and were said to be Bringers of Light (Light = Knowledge)

So there is a pretty clear red thread that one can follow.

When it comes to Zeus there are some connections between him and the Bible. Remember that it was Zeus that threw Prometeus (the Light Bringer or Satan) out of heaven and bound him to a rock (cast him to Earth) ?:

He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. - Luke 10:18.

Zeus's symbol is the lightning, is this just a strange coincident or is it something more to what Jesus's said?


edit on 9-2-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-2-2014 by MerkabaMeditation because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by goodison3

I am a christian, I believe though that While demon's can appear as angels of light, as good being's they can also masquerade in many different guise and after all the devil is called the father of lie's BUT by definition the alien's are not demon's but merely people from elsewhere, they may be radically different to us and in there own realm's have different standard's to live up to but no they are not demon's, which is to say they may in some cases be every bit as bad as a demon just like people here and we and they run the risk of forming the wrong impression if a bad individual in an individualistic society like our's is visits and does something bad.
Also there are many types of alien and whom is to say a demon from there world would not visit our world.
Other dimensions and other planes as well as other world's accross the star's and of course all there other dimensions and other planes.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:16 AM
reply to post by goodison3

Do demons exist and will they take a physical form on earth but disguised as aliens that seems plausible and would be a deception. Will they arrive and side themselves with someone who becomes the antichrist?. Who do you see as being a hybrid on earth right now? is the footage of Nicki Minaj's eyes turning reptilian real? she claims she gets posessed, Justin Bieber recently ended up in jail and theres footage of his eyes changing and he has to turn away to compose himself is that real?.

Um why are you asking ATS this when

Now im older and had experience of going to war, working with illuminati elites, seeing ufos for myself and finding faith.

How about you spill the beans

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by QuikSnap

and feeding them technology that is just being used to enslave us.


And you are helping them buy using the technology given to you to interact over the internet and other forms of media and communication.

Shame on you,

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by goodison3

Noones mentioned the weird looking celebs or politicians yet?.

I hope they don't other wise readers will know who lacks any critical thinking.

Humans each have their own unique perception when it comes to attractiveness in another.

The weird looking people to you look just normal to others.

I'm not an Icke kind of guy but i'm definitely seeing odd people on the tv who are in positions of power who just dont look right, the last one i saw was the female from DARPA who was promoting and wearing the micro chipped tattoo she didnt look right, she looked like she knew she was talking about something millions would call "beast tech", you can just tell when someones trying to take advantage of you sometimes right? but there she was laughing everything off i'll be honest seeing people like her and listening to people like her have begun to make me feel physically nauseous.

Maybe the issues is with you if you are getting physical symptoms

I'd like to think i'm in tune with whats going on and in a way if shes a demon i have some sort of protection against them or at least an internal alarm bell that manifests as a physical reaction?

Is that a question?

If so, no don't think that, that is a clear sign of paranoia, concluding a person you see on TV that looks strange to you and acts strange is a demon.

If you are getting physical reactions from your paranoia maybe its time to take down a notch or go see a medical practitioner and maybe discuss any treatments as that type of thinking will lead a person into a dark place when they loose themselves and become possessed themselves by the darkness they wish to identify in others.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by goodison3

So you don't think they're prepared to be seen on tv or on stage by millions as humans to gain the worship they crave or become politicians to gain leadership status so they can physically control the masses and send them down a path of destruction?

To control one must always stay unseen and unknown of.

your scenario doesn't fit with what a demon would want though,

Are you a demon?

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:38 AM

No! And I'm not going to express why! The entire thing is beyond ludicrous, dark age stuff.

Yes and I will express why

Its so obvious its enlightening

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:46 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

There are no words to describe what they have done. They're unleashing nuclear hell on earth and cutting people off medical in the US, and want babie to die in agony, your children, relatives, beloved ones. They are DEMONS.

The poor US.

OH save the children,

Are you a demon in disguise using children to strike fear in readers,

So much of what you post comes from a very dark corner of your mind and you try paint it like its what the evil world is doing.

CIA prop up brotherhood monsters that rape, behead and murder children.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:52 AM
reply to post by goodison3

No. They were still seen 1,000's of years BEFORE any tv...By every definition one can find..."DEMON' and "ALIEN" have two completely different explanations. Also, one-sided by addressing the world now, and not taking into account all the "demons and aliens"' in history that were reported all around the world back then, in different countries, with different religions, different languages, and different interpretations of the terms.

I suggest one reads a lot more on each and stay off of YouTube as source material. Oh. And find the definition of "user-submitted" material.
(No proof, no verification, only submitted by anyone anywhere). So, your "source" is severely flawed.

Now if you want to present us with data both scientific and historical...and not from some video'd have something. Even so. That would take you years to compile from writings, documents, scientific data and analysis.

posted on Feb, 9 2014 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

Those who created this simulatio nuniverse for the children are kazillions of years ahead of us in technology.


Those in the universe are billions and trillions of years ahead of us in technology.

Which one might that be,

The created simulation one where the creators are Kazillion years ahead or is this another

Our science is all ant hill crapola. Thats not what this is, and there was no big bang, the universe is not 14 billion years old.

Obviously you can elaborate further and give humanity a new science to study as these seem like solid statements and it wouldn't be something you really don't understand and are simply parroting in your own words?

One thing that you don't do with cosmic beings is assume the ones that reach here are rougly on our level. They're not. And this planet was formed, seeded, and life produced by THEM.

Which universe is this in the simulations one with creators being kazzilion years ahead or the other one, billions and trillions years ahead?

OH and is it billions or trillions years ahead? Big difference you know.

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