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2014-15 Blood moons prophets and seers apply within.

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posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by Akragon

Indeed. Whoever he was or if he even existed, i do belive in those "teachings".
I mean, is the right way to live mate. Do no harm, do not lie, etc...who could be against those teachings? ...prolly our government huh?

Anyway i was pointing out that fact just in case some1 writes about the jewish rabine who wrote the name of the mesiah on a piece of paper ^^

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:04 PM
Well, Christ himself isn't coming back to earth until the earth has been pretty much torn apart between our actions and God's. The actual end of the Tribulation, the battle of Armageddon, only comes after seven very long and horribly years, and you're fooling yourself if you think we're even the smallest way into those. Things are bad, but they aren't that kind of bad. After all, we're told that if Christ doesn't come and put a stop to things, there would be nobody left alive on earth at all. That should tell you that we're nowhere near the end of the seven years of Tribulation.

Nope, if the Tetrad signifies anything, it may signal the beginning of the Trib, the beginning of the peace agreement (which is more of less the same thing), the building of the 3rd Temple, the Psalm 83 War, the Rapture (if there's going to be one( as there are two solar eclipses interspersed with the Tetrad, etc.

As to sinful people seeking signs, well, we were told what to look for to know that the end was near, and those conditions all seem to be met. It's evident that the world is increasingly hostile to people of good faith (I'm not just talking about Christian, but even good faith) and evil is called good and good is called evil. The general description of personal character is becoming the norm rather than the exception ...

It's not sign seeking. It's right there for anyone with the eyes to see.

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:07 PM

reply to post by Akragon

Indeed. Whoever he was or if he even existed, i do belive in those "teachings".
I mean, is the right way to live mate. Do no harm, do not lie, etc...who could be against those teachings? ...prolly our government huh?

Anyway i was pointing out that fact just in case some1 writes about the jewish rabine who wrote the name of the mesiah on a piece of paper ^^

government yes... they are against his teaching... they help only themselves...

Banks... their theme song is usury... Something Jesus was strictly against...

Many Christians are actually, believe it or not... Judge not, yet many love to judge everyone that is not part of their club... then some even have the audacity to say its "righteous judgement" LOL

His teachings are simple, eloquent... and amazing... but most do not understand the simplicity because its covered it a veil of "religious dogma" and ritualistic symbolism...

Though the core of his teaching is the truth, the life, and the way

edit on 25-2-2014 by Akragon because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 25 2014 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ketsuko

I liked your post. Thanx for adding to the discussion mate.
I agree with you in the last part.About the signs being clear or at least , clear to whoever wants to see right?
I'm not a christian nor i profess any other religion , but i am , as well as others in my same position, aware of the imminent changes we are going to face.
I also went to catholic school and i have a profound interest in all religions so i do a lot of research on it. Dont know why really , i just feel attracted somehow

And well, to stay a bit more on topic, those other coincidences with the past 4 blood moons are really interesting and well, i dont believe in coincidences so ^^

posted on Feb, 26 2014 @ 02:40 PM

we were told what to look for to know that the end was near, and those conditions all seem to be met.

Indeed they have. We're basically where they were in Ninieve when God had called upon it's destruction. God has probably switched to manual, monitoring the situation from hour to hour. Our sins have lit. breached the top floors of the Heavens and all of Heavens' eyes are on God: What will he do? Will he destroy this playground like he said, will he set aside the treaties and interfere, or will he let the humans carry on and go for the 'else inevitable' ? What would Jesus do? And what about that son of his? Will he make any difference? How on Earth can the seed of the Adams overcome in a world like this?

Humanity and his world is balancing on the verge of annihilation. People are going crazy down here, some get turned on by monkeys and others marry trees for Gods' sake. The weapons are so sophisticated that they let you destroy whole mountains and basically kill anyone anywhere in the world by the press of a button, and they seem to press them all the time like kids on 80's coin-up machines. Politicians, officers and judges are as corrupt as hookers and waiters, and life down here is everything but sacred. The Earth has become a cesspool and they are sending plutonium-powered Titans through the sixth heaven aimed at random.

I'm planning to stay for the showdown as the four winds are stretched and they march at 'Armagheddon. The air smells of goforite-- A Last World War before the millennium march when the Cubus Christi is built in orbit. But. For all I know this is all a charade and we are already switching with the City. It certainly feels that way some times.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 02:56 PM
Blood Moons start next month!

Kerry & Obama want to get that peace treaty going next month too.

I can't wait to see what happens!

Rapture got to be on Feast of Trumpets, though. I think that the "3 days of darkness" will go with the cresent moon sighting that determines the "day and time no one shall know".

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by saidative

Have you noticed that the timeline to attempt to conclude the negotiations with Israel concludes in April, the first month with the first of the tetrad?

I don't think Israel will conclude any deal with Palestine. Even if Israel were willing, the Palestinians aren't interested in anything but the complete destruction of the entire Jewish state. And given the Biblical prohibition against splitting up God's land, we're treading dangerous waters by both insisting that Israel split itself and by threatening actions against them if they don't go along with what we (the US) want. This is, of course, from the point of view of someone who is looking at warnings in scripture and at what happened to Sharon when he agreed to give up Israel's land.

So, what happens if the deal falls through, and the US leaves Israel on its own or worse, cuts them off and leaves them to the wolves? Will we see the Ezekial 38 war or the destruction of Damascus as a result? Certainly the last two tetrads marked wars for Israel.

posted on Mar, 6 2014 @ 04:34 PM
I was looking at some of the Islam prophecies and I guess some of them believe Damascas has to be destroyed, just like in the Bible. Like some of the ones over there fighting believe that. lol

Who would live in Damascas?

Looks like Israel's gonna be forced to do something real soon.
A month and a half sounds about right. Just in time for the Blood Moons to stay prophetic.

Just saw where Iran's flaunting some new threatening missiles or something too
edit on 28pm3606pm3136vAmerica/Chicago by saidative because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2014 @ 07:56 PM
April 15, 2014 - 1st Blood Moon (Jewish Passover)

April 15, 2014 (and then some) will be a very pivotal time for:
1. USA
2. Russia
3. Vladimir Putin

Astrologically speaking there is a Cardinal Grand Square (negative energies from squares and opposition) falling directly on the USA's natal Sun of 1776. Pluto is directly opposite the USA's Sun, while Jupiter in Cancer is conjunct the USA's Sun. Both Uranus in Aries and Mars in Libra are squaring the USA's Sun (along with transiting Jupiter).

This period will provide a greater awakening aspect for Americans. Perhaps the Americans that still have their heads in the sand? What you may expect is that more revelations about what the USA is really up to perhaps regarding Russia/Putin/Ukraine, will surface or be made known. (Saturn is still in Scorpio - uncovering all things hidden).

The Grand Cross also affects Russia. There are transiting and natal affects going on involving Uranus (transit and natal), Pluto (transit), Mars (transit), Jupiter (transit), and Uranus/Neptune (natal). Perhaps too lengthy to explain. Needless to say Mars is involved mainly with Russia's natal Uranus and Neptune which may push Russia to take a more hard-line stance regarding Crimea/Ukraine.

The Grand Square on April 15 is going to cause issues for Putin. It involves Libra Mars conjunct his stellium (grouping of Libra planets). It's possible that the outcome of the stellium/Mars could be one of two thing:
1. Putin pushes more military action (Mars) while proving to the world that the USA was behind Ukraine
2. There could be an assassination attempt on Putin (although I'm not sure how successful it will be).

Given the effects of April 15, 2014 Grand Square on Russia and Putin both I'd expect something major between April 15 and May 25 (approx.) as some planetary effects linger.

April 15, 2014 is the beginning of the Paradigm Shift. We have more Blood Moons coming later this year and 2015. We also have 2 more Cardinal Grand Crosses that involve Pluto and Uranus (very transformative) will happen this December 2014 and March 2015.

Also, Pluto will stay Opposite the USA's natal Sun well into 2016. And it moves in and out of opposition to the USA's natal Sun in 2017.

Two things are for sure:
1. The Blood Moons have a history (specifically for the Jewish people)
2. Astrologically, the sh#!ts about to get real! (USA and the world)
edit on 9-3-2014 by WCmutant because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by WCmutant

Thanks for putting that together . I have been reading in a magazine about this upcoming cross and the eclipse .
It does look difficult and the energy tends to build up and I think express itself in the days before the aspects become exact?
I am watching with much interest and a bit of caution, to see if anything happens. My natal moon is being hit by the eclipse and as my moon is the apex of a yod ,I think it will be activated .My natal moon is at 23 degrees 51 sec Aries. Can any astrologers help thanks please.1%
edit on 28-3-2014 by my1percent because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 09:22 AM

Well, Christ himself isn't coming back to earth until the earth has been pretty much torn apart between our actions and God's. The actual end of the Tribulation, the battle of Armageddon, only comes after seven very long and horribly years, and you're fooling yourself if you think we're even the smallest way into those. Things are bad, but they aren't that kind of bad. After all, we're told that if Christ doesn't come and put a stop to things, there would be nobody left alive on earth at all. That should tell you that we're nowhere near the end of the seven years of Tribulation.

Nope, if the Tetrad signifies anything, it may signal the beginning of the Trib, the beginning of the peace agreement (which is more of less the same thing), the building of the 3rd Temple, the Psalm 83 War, the Rapture (if there's going to be one( as there are two solar eclipses interspersed with the Tetrad, etc.

As to sinful people seeking signs, well, we were told what to look for to know that the end was near, and those conditions all seem to be met. It's evident that the world is increasingly hostile to people of good faith (I'm not just talking about Christian, but even good faith) and evil is called good and good is called evil. The general description of personal character is becoming the norm rather than the exception ...

It's not sign seeking. It's right there for anyone with the eyes to see.

The assumption of 7 years of tribulation is an assumption, your teachers incorrectly assumed the two 3 1/2 periods of time spoken of are in succession and lead up to the final day of Armageddon. This is incorrect.

There is a "time" of Jacobs (Ephraim and Manasseh) trouble, which is not 7 years.

The third temple is spiritual, the Body of Christ is the Temple of God (place where God chooses to dwell in); with each member a "living stone" fit jointly together in perfection. God's Church is the temple whose builder and maker is Jesus Christ. Looking to physical Israel for a physical third temple and physical abomination would be an effort in futility.

There is no rapture. There is a resurrection to eternal spiritual life for the 144,000 redeemed from the present age of mankind's self rule over the past 6000 years of human history, this event occurs on the final day of this age, the day of Armageddon which will be on a Pentecost.

There is also a large group of human beings that are brought to repentance during the "time of Jacob's trouble" because of the destruction around them, and they will be blessed to live on into the millennial reign of the Kingdom of God on Earth as subjects in the Kingdom ruled no longer by men, but by spirit beings perfected through Christ; there will be millions that fall into this awesome group.

All 7 seals have already been opened (they are spiritual).
The abomination that makes the Temple desolate has already occurred (Church of God Apostatize).
The man of sin has been revealed and died 40 Sabbaths to the hour after he destroyed the Temple (spiritually).
The 1335 day count for the sealing has already been completed.
The 1290 day count of the time of the 7th seal has already been completed.
The 1260 day final witness from God against mankind has already been completed.

All things are complete except the trumpets of God that sound in the day (year) of the Lord; which is the same time period as the "time" (year) of Jacob's trouble. These 7 trumpets bring about the end of all governments of mankind, and usher in the Kingdom of God on Earth.

All 7 trumpets will sound in a single "time" (year). The 7th trumpet will sound on a Pentecost. Therefore all 7 trumpets will sound from one years Pentecost leading up to another years Pentecost (between the two Pentecosts); the year of this occurring has not yet been revealed by God, and looking at these tetrad of blood moons surrounding Pentecost 2014 through Pentecost 2015 causes me to at least be very interested in how events transpire moving forward.

We are far closer to the end of this age then most can comprehend at this time. In time, God will make all these things known to all mankind. Death in this age is not the end, it is halftime.

Thy Kingdom come.

God Bless,
edit on 28-3-2014 by ElohimJD because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2014 @ 02:49 PM

All 7 seals have already been opened (they are spiritual).

Then hand me the original scroll of John's Apocalypse straight away, and I demand proof the lamb of God is OK and has enough hay and water!

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 02:52 PM

reply to post by zarzelius

You don't have to be Christian to believe in the message Jesus gave us my friend...

I am not Christian, but I believe his message with all my heart and soul

Then you are a Christian! Don't be all up in the closet about it.
Being right with God has nothing to do with being right with a church, cause Gods Church is in his true believers. The ones who have him in their heats locked away there forever.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 03:10 PM
There is a reason the mighty Russian Bear woke up and is on the move. Russia is Gog and the Gog-Magog war can start at anytime. These Blood moons do not come on Jewish-Christan holy days just for the sake of it.

These moons are a warning! Russia taking and keeping its bases in the Black Sea were essential but Putin is a master at Chess. All these tanks NATO is seeing on the border with Ukraine is probably his old wore out tanks with a few new tanks mixed in while the real invasion force is sitting north of Georgia and elsewhere. Putin has his eye on Israel and Israel only, well that Syria and Lebanon.

Remember all that oil found off Israel and Lebanon lately? That is a game changer and would cut his profits big time if Israel and the U.S. get it all. That is his prize, that and removing the U.S. from the middle east all together as Russia has wanted to have happen for 60 years.

I am not worried though. God has a biblical butt whopping scheduled for the Russian Bear and its middle eastern terrorist buds. I think its going to be hilarious those army's trying to fight with each other, especially when the bible says they will all be confused fighting each other. I don't think Israel will have too much of a problem with the keystone cops of military alliances lol.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 03:24 PM
My Blood Moon prediction: Nothing will happen.

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 04:54 PM

Just noticed that on April 15 2014 the Jewish festival of Passover there will be a blood red moon,then another on October 8 2014 the Feast of Tabernacles another,then on September 28 2015 the Feast of Rosh Hashanah a solar eclipse then the cycle is repeated with blood red moons on the 4th April 2015 Passover and September 28th 2015 Tabernacles.

I am not conversant with what this might mean ;either the crusty Rabbi's back in the 9th century when the modern Jewish calender was adopted really knew their astronomical stuff...or maybe there is a God.

So have at it fellow ATS'ers do I join the IDF or do I bring the tomato plants inside?

Combine that with the rise and convergence of Mars later this year and it looks to be interesting times ahead. The last time this event took place before the 20th century was in 5654 (1493-94 Gregorian ). You can research that time period for a hind sight look-see into what might be on the way now. It remains to see if we ( wider world 'we') have evolved/come far enough to overcome the lizard brain biological pressures these moons and the convergence will bring, much less become awake and savvy enough to escape the symbolism/excuse of them being used as justification for war and general bad behavior. Right now given tensions in Crimea etc. and the IDF hands in that fight, its anyone guess. "Have we grown up yet" seems to be the question cosmos asks at these times and we're not answering it very well in the positive.

Jewish mysticism is quite powerful when examined closely, not in itself so much, rather in its ability to hide out in other forms of belief and fester there. Its affect on the religious institutions on the planet are verifiable and its near total infiltration and usurping of global belief systems and believers themselves is quite something to research. Devil deceived the entire world remember

Id say bring in the plant anyway as radiation and acid rain are likely to kill it outdoors...and if you join the IDF well..dont expect to ever leave it....ever.

edit on 3-4-2014 by Rosha because: gremlins

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:07 PM


reply to post by zarzelius

You don't have to be Christian to believe in the message Jesus gave us my friend...

I am not Christian, but I believe his message with all my heart and soul

Then you are a Christian! Don't be all up in the closet about it.
Being right with God has nothing to do with being right with a church, cause Gods Church is in his true believers. The ones who have him in their heats locked away there forever.

Why must I accept a label to believe in his words?

There is a strong reality to what he said... which, if practiced... brings out changes in ones life

To accept said label... I would also be grouping myself into a "religion" which has 40k different flavors... which battle against each other over their doctrines.

If you recall, Jesus said you will know them by their fruits... and the fruits which Christianity has brought about have never been good...

As I've said, I don't need a label for my beliefs... nor do I need to accept that label to understand his truths...

Christianity does not hold exclusive rights to his words...

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:52 PM

reply to post by radpetey

GOD said, "the sun and moon were given for signs and seasons"....

Someone else in the bible said "a sinful generation seeks after a sign"

I wonder who it was

Taken way out of context. In regards to the OP. It is definitely a sign lol. One thing is for sure, won't have to wait long to find out lol.

Like the fact it is going to happen soon so we can actually see if it does mean something lol..

The Bot

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by Akragon

You are confusing Christianity with religion, catholicism, it is not. As stated Christians are the true church. No religion involved with being christian, the opposite. Don't confuse us with catholic religion. Christians don't kill dude...

The Bot

posted on Apr, 3 2014 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by dlbott

Because this generation isn't really that sinful right?

Once this happens, there will be some insignificant event that hundreds of people will see as another "sign"... and we'll wait, and nothing will happen... Which is the same thing that has been happening since biblical times...

People look for the end, when they have yet to find the beginning...

The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us, how will our end come?"

Jesus said, "Have you found the beginning, then, that you are looking for the end? You see, the end will be where the beginning is.

Congratulations to the one who stands at the beginning: that one will know the end and will not taste death."

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