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Members of I'm Sad… And Maybe You Are Too…

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posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:34 PM


“In much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.”
-Ecclesiates 1:18

In context, there's no solace in Ecclesiates (possibly written by Solomon as a biography of Koheleth), which is a warning against gaining knowledge, and that it leads to a meaningless life. Offering the shallow advice: "A man hath no better thing under the sun, than to eat, and to drink, and to be merry," and that, "much study is a weariness of the flesh."

That's fine. The bible is full of crap anyway.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 10:47 PM
I'm sad that you guys are so sad.

posted on Dec, 24 2013 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

I joined ATS primarily to practise writing and argument, to listen to opposing arguments and learn from them, to see another way of looking at the world. I have found some of that but not all.

I only joined a little over a year ago after lurking on and off for several years. The changes I've seen, I attributed to personal attached by those who 1) don't like my opinions or 2) take pleasure at derailing and/or disrupting threads and have chosen not to participate. But this thread leds me to believe it isn't me or my ideas so much as a shift in the culture of ATS (I'm a tad self-centered too).

All to often, rather then discussing or even arguing a topic or idea, the dialog devolves into attacks on the character of the poster; the asssumed character of the poster. In fact, we no nothing about the people behind the keyboard we are interacting with beyond the words they write and has no basis for decerning the quality of their character.

Part of me (the closet authoritarian in me) want to see disruptive persons banned, but I realize the slippery road that is. Some posts just have to be ignored and accepted with patience and tolerance. Starved for attention, perhaps they will learn how to interact productivly.

This thread has been pleasant and I am happy to see the participation and I am displeased by those who continue to blame polarization on certain segments of society. We all have blind spots and I like to think that those who are unwilling to listen to 'certain people' are doing it because of such blind spots and not deliberately.

I continue to ask people for their sources of information - so that I may be informed as they are and make up my own mind and am sad to say it's a rare day I get any response to my requests. I enjoy other's opinions and want to know how they came to them and that's why I'm here.

Rather then deny ignorance maybe we should promote willingness to be open minded.

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 08:59 AM

Getting everyone to stop fighting over religion is a tall order indeed. That is something most people like to bicker about. Most are quick to say `My god is better than your god` and be willing to argue for day on end to prove it.

Yet, if everyone could actually pull this off it would be great. Fresh start for a lot of people in fact. I am all for it.

I don't know about anyone else.....there isn't much my god vs your god stuff on ATS. Don't see the Muslims fighting the Buddhist or the christians ect ect.

What we do have is a good deal of fighting between the anti-christians and the christians. Most of the "religious" fighting falls under that heading. 98%.

And about 80% of it has to do with anti-christians posting misrepresentations in order to demean and make a stock of any number of christian positions. Don't see many christian trolls at all. Threads having to do with Christianity are 10 to 1 antichristian. That's my take on the issue.

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Logarock

Well, I'd say anti-muslim sentiments are also far from unheard of...

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 11:34 AM

What we do have is a good deal of fighting between the anti-christians and the christians. Most of the "religious" fighting falls under that heading. 98%.

And about 80% of it has to do with anti-christians posting misrepresentations in order to demean and make a stock of any number of christian positions. Don't see many christian trolls at all. Threads having to do with Christianity are 10 to 1 antichristian. That's my take on the issue.
Not to engender any actual religious debate, I'd say that what you are talking about can be ascribed to an often-unseeming relationship between religion and politics.

posted on Dec, 25 2013 @ 10:28 PM
< This is my opinion, and my own only.

Overall, to look at this situation as it is -
For you to be sad with the current state of ATS, that says something.
To post it openly as the owner, that also says something.

But, I will say this:
Regardless of the state of the world, or the board - fighting over simple things
is like pissing into the wind... which is generally not advised in the real world
or Even in small world like this.

The real question that needs to be asked is this:

Has ATS gone down the hill?
And it's been said many 'a time here.
If you were to ask me, SO ... I'd say it has.

That's just my dos pesos hombres.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Thanks for this one. I've been ...disappointed with my beloved CBC's focus on war news this holiday season. Then I killed a couple of hours on Christmas Day re-watching "Starship Troopers," a rather brilliant satire. It's all starting to come together...

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 10:07 AM
Good day to all of you fine ATSers. This is the first post that I have made so I see this as an introduction. This thread has inspired me to start posting on here as I have checked this website as a source of gathering differing views on the many problems of the world. It seems to me that the site has gone through some changes as of late, and that does make sense for there is an ever increasing number of people who are seeking information from new sources, and most are unfamiliar with the true degree of corruption in the world, therefore they are emotional and caught up in the script that TPTW (I prefer the concept of them as the powers that were as opposed to the powers that be) push through the mainstream media. Which would result in the seemingly depressing influx of ignorant views on forums such as this. However I agree with a few of the others that have made the comment that there is benefit that can be found from the less then tactful approach of some.

One of the benefits and it is actually part of the reason for my decision to begin posting here, is that you can work on and perfect your debating skills. This has many applications and is an essential part of being able to make the points you have when dealing with emotional subject matter such as politics or religion, and the myriad of other corrupt topics that need to be discussed with level headed respect and understanding in order for us to move beyond the faux division that has been created.

Another thing that I find great about this forum, is that it encourages one to learn as much as they can about the issues they are discussing. I for example have made the mistake of believing certain theories that had been a little misleading to say the least, which resulted in me embarrassing myself due to not being thorough enough in my research. Thankfully due to friends skepticism, I have taken a new approach in learning and it has helped me not only see what I want.

What I love about ATS is that it is the only place I know of where you can sift through just about all the various angles one could take on some of the more disturbing conspiracies. It is a great gathering of minds where you can have everyone sharing the information that they have gathered, and with the whole spectrum of information that is out there from disinfo/psyop to absolute confirmed reality, makes it an invaluable tool to unite us all in our search of truth, at the very least to break down the illusions fabricated by the corporate media.

That being said when you discuss the topic of spirituality, there are simply so many misconceptions on the idea of god that it is innumerable. It is a word that has been abused to the point of absurdity. Because of this I try to not use this word. Suffice it to say I think there is something to be taken away from all the worlds philosophies, I like the description of them as different paths up the same mountain. I think that the ego is the greatest tool that we designed for ourselves to learn from, some of the hardest lessons come from the attachment we place on the desires of the ego, such as being right. I am learning more and more the truth behind the all is one concept. Whether you wish to call it Buddha, Brahman, Holy Spirit, Christ consciousness, Spirit, Tao, or the ever powerful flying spaghetti monster makes no difference, you are a creator and this is your world. It has been said that the life is the school for the soul and I think this to be true, we are all here to learn and teach, I like the concept of Karma to describe that process, and I like the Buddhist idea of not attaching good or bad to all of our experiences. Compassion, empathy, and patience are some of the glaring lessons my life experiences have brought me, and I only beginning to understand this.

I am sure there will be time when engaging in differing views that I may be less then tactful, however that is part of what I will be focusing on developing through this forum as well as becoming more informed. If I ever do cause insult please check me and my ego, for sometimes my sarcasm goes beyond simply humor and becomes simply insulting. I look forward to the future conversations I shall be having with all you fine ATSers!!



Your gift to the world is you, make it a good one!

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by Logarock

While there is no shortage of self congratulatory atheist posting on ATS, there is also no shortage of self righteous Christian posting, either. A good example from today, we have members here coming in with the self righteous "you don't need your packages on time you materialistic heathens" stuff:

Perhaps it would be best to leave the preaching to an audience that is more willing to listen?

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

LOL. Yea Tex but that's lame, very lame, compared to a thread recent about Jesus being cloned from His foreskin that somehow managed to survive. It looks like the poster may have been doing that TIC which would be ok with me.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Logarock

Well....when you hold onto a foreskin as a holy relic, you do kind of invite a touch of sarcasm. But that aside, I am not seeking moral equivalency here. Just reminding all that religious hate can sometimes be hidden in false piety.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Dude, nothing is full of more false piety this time of year than the gift giving ritual. I can perfectly see where someone anyone could be repulsed by the seasonal consumerism/materialism. Deny ignorance!

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:30 PM
I wonder does all the praise for the Robertson, right wing hero, have to do with the idea of being more civil and not damming each other to hell.

I think the guy who said Sarah Palin should eat S___ was way out of line.
I don’t like Sarah Plain, I despise her right-wing politics and have spoken out against it vociferously, but what that guy said was way out of line, imo, and I agree with his politics, but I would never in a million years tell Mrs. Palin such a foul thing.
In fact I would defend her womanhood from such a low down statement.
It’s about understanding WE ARE HUMAN BEINGS.

Frankly I am appalled at some of the manners on this forum.

I just say to a guy “would you have the nerve to address me face to face like you address me on this anonymous forum?”

Because truthfully I never start stuff but unfortunately the way I was raised doesn’t allow me to take any crap, though I repeat I never start it.
But believe me I know how to finish things.

But my point is that some of you guys are very very nasty.

I wasn’t raised to be so nasty but on the street I learned an eye for an eye so I can take care of myself, in person, on-line and any dam where.

You guys have to realize everybody can’t take the kind of abuse a lot of you guys do.
You abuse people you don’t know what there life is like.
They may go in the room and kill themselves after you abuse them or their religion or way of life
You don’t know who is behind these words on this forum but you do know it is a human being just like yourself, with feelings, love ones, and vulnerabilities JUST LIKE YOU!

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 08:33 PM

reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Dude, nothing is full of more false piety this time of year than the gift giving ritual. I can perfectly see where someone anyone could be repulsed by the seasonal consumerism/materialism. Deny ignorance!


posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Aww...I like the ritual. I don't let it make me nuts, and I shop all year as 'the perfect gift' shows itself at a reasonable price. Yes, it can become a vulgar display of materialism, but only if you let it. As to the religious nature of the one faith has a monopoly on its roots...spiritual and otherwise. It's kind.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 09:44 PM

Members of I'm Sad… And Maybe You Are Too…

I was I just don't care!

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

To us, we do some gifts and what not. There is pleasure for me in giving stuff to people, especially my kids (and my nephew...we decked him out in full cowboy gear, with a swank Radio Flyer horse. Too cute).

But at the end of it all, we are all there for the food. Good food, good wine....especially this year. Really good wine.

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 10:06 PM

But at the end of it all, we are all there for the food. Good food, good wine....especially this year. Really good wine.
...fellowship, good cheer (and really good wine). is busy. Some stuff you just have to schedule annually, right?

posted on Dec, 26 2013 @ 10:11 PM
reply to post by JohnnyCanuck

well, we do it every Sunday. But we don't typically eat carbs, and we certainly don't eat such high quality beef every week. But we absolutely all sit down together on most evenings, and every Sunday (no matter what).

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