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City Wants Ban on Saggy Pants.

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posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:09 AM

Pull your pants up!!!

Tulsa is looking to pass a law banning sagging pants. First time offenders will get a warning and after that its a $25-$50 ticket.

The councilman who came up with the ordinance states it has nothing to do with race and I agree. I see more white boys doing it than blacks. Me, personally, can't stand to see kids dressing like that. Thank god my boy wants skinny jeans.....................

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

Opa Locka, FL has a similar law.

I still see people running around with saggy pants.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:15 AM


Thank god my boy wants skinny jeans.....................

I don't know what's worse, the jeans showing us the wearers underwear or the jeans making men look feminine.

Better if both were banned. No offense op.

edit on 13-12-2013 by mikeone718 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:15 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

I'd rather see a ban on skinny jeans.

Just sayin'

+1 more 
posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

Maybe they should put a ban on wasting tax dollars making stupid laws.

...And be wary, they'll come for the skinny jeans next

Society is not to be run like a private school, sorry -- it doesn't really matter if you don't like seeing it or not.

I personally don't like seeing mullets, white tank tops, or birkenstocks. I suppose if that law were passed, though, tacky lesbians everywhere would be outraged.
edit on 13-12-2013 by TheRegal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:17 AM
Skinny isn't any better it just disturbs you in a different way lol.

I rocked the baggy style in highschool, but it never dropped below my waist. I don't get why they have to show their boxers lol...

I even seen some near knees, it was hilarious when they run.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by mikeone718

Ha!!! None taken. I'm anti skinny jean as well.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:21 AM

reply to post by catfishjoe

Opa Locka, FL has a similar law.

I still see people running around with saggy pants.

The Tulsa police is too busy robbing Mexicans and not solving murders to write a ticket for saggy pants.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:22 AM
I know people have a right to express their individual styles and tastes but saggy pants lack both style and taste.

I wouldn't mind a law that passes that would eliminate the unsightly and offensive spectacle of some guy showing his BVDs especially around children.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:24 AM

I know people have a right to express their individual styles and tastes but saggy pants lack both style and taste.

I wouldn't mind a law that passes that would eliminate the unsightly and offensive spectacle of some guy showing his BVDs especially around children.

Can we ban slicked back hair that looks like it fell out of a 1950s gangster movie, too?

I find it revolting.

Oh and anything else that anyone wears that any single person may find offensive should be banned, too.

We definitely need the government to step in and tell us what to wear. Very important.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:26 AM
people should be allowed to wear what they want it saves time to identify the idiots.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:26 AM
Frankly I'm baffled this is still a thing after nearly 30 years.

Seems the whole "hip hop" style of fashion just stalled in 1992.

I keep waiting for the next thing so I can get all old-man crotchety about it with such phrases as "those damn kids!" but they're dressing exactly the same way they dressed when I was in school.

Looks more and more like I wont get my chance to complain about hippy hair or baggy pants because it's all the same crap that the kids were doing when I was a kid.

I suppose being able to make fun of hipsters wearing girls jeans is something but hipsters were wearing stupid things when I was a kid too so that takes some of the joy out of it.

Are the pleasures of being a bitter fogey gone? Will I not get my chance to complain about kids clothes and music? Have these things really been in a static state for decades now?

I wonder if this means that creativity among kids is dead?
edit on 13-12-2013 by thisguyrighthere because: terrible, terrible spelling

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by catfishjoe

I don't agree with "banning sagging pants", but if someone wants to look like a "gangsta", I'm all for obliging them, by treating them as such.

See ya,
edit on 690America/Chicago12RAmerica/Chicago2013-12-13T09:33:43-06:00Fridayu43America/Chicago by BenReclused because: Typo

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:29 AM
Tho these things might be unsightly, its part of the fashion trend, it will change.

I mean, baggy was the cool pants from 1990-2005.. people still wear it but it pretty much died.

Skinny took over, wonder how long it gonna take until medical association tells us that their sperm is damaged.

I want to see skinny pants dead, it makes men look like chickens!

Whats next fashion trend? bell bottoms? Hahahah! i heard some Asian countries men rock bell bottom and "man"purse.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Its really not that silly at all, saggy pants (we arnt talking loose fit just off the ass) but the REALLY saggy ones must be seriously dangerous!!!!

You wouldnt tie both your shoes together no matter how cool it looked

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:30 AM
I despise saggy pants and agree with Beezer about the skinny jeans as well.

I DO love laplanders (stocking hats) a lot though, so because of that I have to say that no law should be passed to force those who wear saggy pants to pull them up. If I support a law dictating "no saggy pants", then my hats may be the next to go. That's how it works.

They should have the right to wear them as long as it isn't indecent. As far as seeing boxer/briefs.... I see girls wearing much less and it isn't under their clothes, it IS their clothes.

We can't start chiseling away at other's rights and not expect it to snowball when it comes to something like this.
edit on 12/13/2013 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:30 AM
Sometimes it looks like the circus has come to town lol. but I dont think it needs to be outlawed.

Who's to say I dont look like a dork in the summer wearing work boots and shorts with a long sleeve button shirt? Sure there is a reason for what I wear normally, work related and its what I'm comfortable in.

I think its hilarious how these guys strap their belt around their thighs to hold their pants down and have to walk like they just crapped their pants.

Plus its a good sign of a pretty much worthless idiot that makes no contribution to society and allows for easier apprehension when running away from the crime they just committed.

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:32 AM


Pull your pants up!!!

Tulsa is looking to pass a law banning sagging pants. First time offenders will get a warning and after that its a $25-$50 ticket.

The councilman who came up with the ordinance states it has nothing to do with race and I agree. I see more white boys doing it than blacks. Me, personally, can't stand to see kids dressing like that. Thank god my boy wants skinny jeans.....................

how about a fine for fat-ass women (or men) who wear skin-tight clothing....when you can see the ripples of cellulite swaying to the movement of that person, that is just as disgusting...

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:32 AM
Droopy drawers are sloppy and low class outside a comedy act. What's been funny is watching the reality prison shows to hear the long term inmates themselves, and in more than one prison, describe just where and how that little custom came about. I many "cool kids" are aware of just what that had meant, anyway?

hey, more power to 'em though. Really.... No one is hiring someone who has their butt hanging out and thinks it looks good that way. That's less competition for everyone who can dress properly and show some personal pride. Why ever would we work to make finding work harder?

Let people self-disqualify. Who are we to stop them by force of law? Freedom and all that, right?

posted on Dec, 13 2013 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by TheRegal

You're absolutely right my bad.

Saggy pants are more stylish....

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