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Ice Storm: Temperatures Drop To -29C In US!!

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posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:49 AM
I team drive a refer 6000 miles a week.
We leave each Tuesday morning at 0800. We carry yogurt from Dayton, Ohio to Salt Lake City, Utah. Then from Salt Lake, we drive to Fort Worth, Texas. We then reverse the route. It normally takes us 5 1/2 days to run our route. I just now arrived back in Ohio. We saw it all, and drove through it. I REALLY love snow.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:01 AM
Really wasn't that bad in Iowa today, or at least the eastern portion. The thing that really get's me is the wind! It just bites you in the face the second you step out the door.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:33 AM

It's currently -20F with a wind chill of -40F here in North Dakota.

Doing some shopping this morning.

Patience. Take your time.
Dress in layers.
Don't panic.
I see your wearing your hat...............that's good.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Aktulu

I don't know, normally temps like this up here mean the roads will be just terrible. But in the more westerly part of Fairbanks we haven't had too much freezing rain which means I get to drive to work without gloves on. Yay!

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 03:37 PM
Those low temps - while they sound extreme - are not at all uncommon in Minnesota where I live.

While they were here Saturday and the wind was blowing away, we went for a drive to look at Christmas lights, went grocery shopping, did a stop at Walmart and I went into the office for a couple of hours. I did wear a hat (being bald, I find myself wearing hats more often these days) and I had gloves with me, but this was just a typical bitter cold day in Minnesota.

Further proof of global warming, lol

Edit to add: I did put my wife's car in the garage though - she is 6 months pregnant and I thought it might be a good idea.
edit on 9-12-2013 by EvenParanoidsHaveEnemies because: forgot sumthin'

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 05:01 PM
Meanwhile during this it was in the mid 30's in the Anchorage Alaska area and raining.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

China is the first Country of the World that made an affordable pact with extraterrestrial beings. Extraterrestrials had been trying to make such pacts in the past but they don't tolerate political and elite manipulation of Countries like USA and entities like the UN.
So China is building ghost cities for the time of their massive arrival, for ET's to live here on Earth.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:48 AM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

China is the first Country of the World that made an affordable pact with extraterrestrial beings. Extraterrestrials had been trying to make such pacts in the past but they don't tolerate political and elite manipulation of Countries like USA and entities like the UN.
So China is building ghost cities for the time of their massive arrival, for ET's to live here on Earth.



posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:48 AM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

China is the first Country of the World that made an affordable pact with extraterrestrial beings. Extraterrestrials had been trying to make such pacts in the past but they don't tolerate political and elite manipulation of Countries like USA and entities like the UN.
So China is building ghost cities for the time of their massive arrival, for ET's to live here on Earth.



posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 07:54 AM
I remember when I was 10 and living in ohio, one winter we had -40 (wind chill) and massive amounts of snow.

The midsection of North America, from the Canadian to American plains, has always been notorious for brutal, frigid winters. Though this early in the year is pretty unusual.

It has been unusually freezing here in seattle, with highs in the 30's and lows in the teens, well bellow normal.

posted on Dec, 10 2013 @ 11:47 PM

reply to post by OtherSideOfTheCoin

China is the first Country of the World that made an affordable pact with extraterrestrial beings. Extraterrestrials had been trying to make such pacts in the past but they don't tolerate political and elite manipulation of Countries like USA and entities like the UN.
So China is building ghost cities for the time of their massive arrival, for ET's to live here on Earth.

UMMMM..... huh?

Like what am I even reading?

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