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Freedom From Religion Foundation is an Organized Accepted Hate Group

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posted on Dec, 6 2013 @ 03:53 PM



I will not address this post except to say, this is not about any religion it is about the FFRF stealthily hiding behind the curtain of Separation of Religion and State and the name FREEDOM FROM RELIGION (un-qualtify in both which means ALL RELIGIONS) FOUNDATION but only advocating against a single targeted religion.

You're acting like Christians are innocent in this.
I've had a Jewish friend who was told he was "going to burn in hell" by a born again christian co worker.
I don't have time to Google the amount of crappy behavior by other christians and christian groups and or business owners. I'd be here all day.

Maybe if people were nice to each other and didn't preach all the hate against gay people or anyone for that matter the FFRF wouldn't be in existence.

Again this is not about Christians or their behavior.

It is about hate against Christians and their Organizations under the disguise of Freedom From Religion (no qualification so it means all religion) and the separation of religion and state.

This is about a group whose only purpose and you and others have agreed, is to malign, promote malice and hatred towards Christians. And all your post does is to justify their hateful practices because all Christians basically deserve it because of the unBilical actions of a few who call themselves Christians.

How quick people are to condemn ALL Christians based on the actions of a few. But there is no condemnation against the hate that FFRF spews forth every day. Where is the equality in that?

You probably agree that the knock out game many black gangs are premeditating and perpetrated against Jews is because blacks have not experienced the success the Jews have. As if that justifies their right to play this so called game against Jews and all whites in general. Because after all all whites deserve it because a few whites are successful.

FFRF should either change their name to represent their true agenda or start going after other religions and their public displays just as eagerly as they have Christianity.

edit on 6-12-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 07:49 AM
Remember Everyone lets use the facts not our personal feelings when it comes to the truth of this matter.

The Facts Stand that FFRF is a hate group by definition and should be treated as any other hate group and not given special treatment because of the group they are opposing.

Hate is hate.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 01:43 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

You can't say it has nothing to do with it when it has everything to do with it.

Since a group like this would probably not exist without some Christians un Christian like behavior.

Same thing with radical muslims. by other muslims not condemning the behavior of a radical few they tacitly endorse the behavior.

Maybe groups like this wouldn't ever exist if other Christians came out and said. We don't endorse this behavior and it does not represent our views or values.

posted on Dec, 7 2013 @ 02:10 PM

reply to post by ChesterJohn

You can't say it has nothing to do with it when it has everything to do with it.

Since a group like this would probably not exist without some Christians un Christian like behavior.

Same thing with radical muslims. by other muslims not condemning the behavior of a radical few they tacitly endorse the behavior.

Maybe groups like this wouldn't ever exist if other Christians came out and said. We don't endorse this behavior and it does not represent our views or values.

Again you amaze me with your open mind. Take your feelings out of the equation and look at only the facts.

A group that is for separation of religion and state should not pick and choose which religions to select to keep out of the Govt, it is either all or none. That is what the OP was all about.

When they use their position to attack only one particular group they show that they are not equal in their treatment of Religions. On top of that their web site promotes animosity and anger towards all Christians without distinction. these Characteristics is what makes them a Hate Group.

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

My mind is fairly open and I know that there are three sides to every story.

However let's just agree to disagree.

afaic as long as Christian groups keep on spreading their own brand of hate towards gays don't complain when someone dishes the hate back.

edit on 8-12-2013 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2013 @ 04:19 PM

reply to post by ChesterJohn

My mind is fairly open and I know that there are three sides to every story.

However let's just agree to disagree.

afaic as long as Christian groups keep on spreading their own brand of hate towards gays don't complain when someone dishes the hate back.

edit on 8-12-2013 by grey580 because: (no reason given)

So in your mind fight hate with hate?

Or because one group is hateful, label all as haters, and oppose them with just as much hate you estimate them to be dishing out?

Does that sound like an open and tolerant mind, one that freely thinks?

Sounds more like hate for hate sake.

And again you have wonderfully justified FFRF's hatred, ok'd their hatred for Christians ONLY, and their right to hide under a banner of separation of Religion and State and freedom from Religion and their right to be a 501 non profit organization, that never once opposed other religions in the Govt or schools. You Justify and support their bigoted and biased Views as long as it is against Christianity and Christians

Can hatred be justified for one but not for all?

If FFRF can be justified to hate, then all other hate groups should be allowed to operate without opposition just as they are. And given 501 status and all the protections and privileges that pertain thereof. It is only fair and equal under the law.

by the way, the FFRF is not the only hate group allowed to operate without the MSM and others coming against them. TBP and TNBP are both hate groups that are allowed to belittle, malign and hate with out impedance and many justify them just as you have the FFRF.

edit on 8-12-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

This puts me in mind of my two toddlers.

They don't seem to get that if one is mean to the other. The other will react negatively and way out of proportion to whatever the offense was.

And then the first one is crying wondering what they did to deserve such treatment. Much crying and shouting of why they so mean to me?

I don't know what you want to hear?

Yes yes you're right and the FFRF are a bunch of meanies and should burn in hell?

I'm sorry you're not getting the answer you want to hear.

For the record no one deserves to be hated on. Neither gays nor christians.

But as long as the FFRF doesn't break any laws. It's a free country and they are entitled to any opinion they choose to spout. Just like the KKK does, just like how many christian groups and the Westboro Baptist Church does as well.

No matter how stupid that opinion is.

posted on Dec, 9 2013 @ 04:19 PM

reply to post by ChesterJohn

This puts me in mind of my two toddlers.

They don't seem to get that if one is mean to the other. The other will react negatively and way out of proportion to whatever the offense was.

And then the first one is crying wondering what they did to deserve such treatment. Much crying and shouting of why they so mean to me?

I don't know what you want to hear?

Yes yes you're right and the FFRF are a bunch of meanies and should burn in hell?

I'm sorry you're not getting the answer you want to hear.

For the record no one deserves to be hated on. Neither gays nor christians.

But as long as the FFRF doesn't break any laws. It's a free country and they are entitled to any opinion they choose to spout. Just like the KKK does, just like how many christian groups and the Westboro Baptist Church does as well.

No matter how stupid that opinion is.

None of the above represents anything I have said.

FFRF should be fair and balanced in their "so Called" freedom from religion separation of Religion and state by equally going after other religious groups who granted favors in the same institutions FFRF has gotten Christian activities banned. they should not limit themselves to only going after Christians groups ONLY.

Like I said either change the name to more accurately represent their true agenda "Freedom from Christianity Foundation" or Start some activities after other religious practices promoted in Schools and Govt.

edit on 9-12-2013 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 11 2013 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by ChesterJohn

It sucks to be treated unfairly doesn't it.

I wonder if gay people feel the same way.

posted on Dec, 12 2013 @ 01:34 PM
I think they're both hate groups nowadays.

I'm pretty hellbent against Bible thumpers AND very driven non-believers.

They both bash and ridicule one another.

They both build empires of hostility against one another, in the social sense (usually).

AND, they BOTH seem to hate me.


Because I am a nondenominational believer in a higher power.

I am not a Christian, and I usually can't stand anything related to religion.

I am also not a non-believer, because I personally believe I've experienced enough unexplainable things throughout my life to keep me believing, or at least questioning, the spiritual existence and reality of our world.

I am on my own, personal path, believing in a higher power and avoiding sides--like the churches, or these non-believer hate movements.

There's a saying I made up;

To choose a side is to choose the WRONG side.

Everyone really ought to stop fighting and shut the hell up, because there are a lot bigger problems snowballing out of control right now that are gonna screw us all in the end, and it won't be specific to Christians or non-believers.

ALL of humanity is suffering.

Priorities, guys.

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