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Christianity is a Sophist Front.

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posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by swordwords

are you stating that cleopatra didn't have a son or that she was a metaphor herself? i want you to ponder this for a moment because if you really think about it, pieces will start fitting together even better than they already do. for example, if there's evidence of sophist philosophy in jesus' teachings, consider his mother was a greek-egyptian-jew. it's entirely possible the philosophy itself was part of her ancestoral upbringing. she was of the line of ptolemy. read about ptolemy.

i don't think the argument is whether or not he existed, but rather, why weren't we told he was the last pharaoh. as the adoptive son of julius caesar, he became heir to the throne of the roman empire, when julius was murdered by his own men (explains why octavian freaked out). as son of cleo, he was heir to the throne of egypt, and as a royal of line of david, he was a candidate for throne of israel (explains why herod freaked out)

oh yeah, the more you study this, the more you realize, jesus was not a metaphor.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by swordwords

It is up to the amateurs to expose the Sophists

Biblical Testament has already exposed the powers behind the imitators being 'antichrist' (in the false image of Christ) thousands of years ago.

What does the term 'greek gods' mean to you? Where did that influence originate from? Do you think such elements may bear any relation to the 'sons of god', that 'fell' to earth mentioned in the Bible?

What entities then do you possibly think had influenced their citizens 'philoSophia's' and their 'advanced' learnings as the Greeks were renowned for, as well as earlier civilizations, such as the Sumerians? What figures of reference do much of their historical artifacts depict (across the ages, influences extending cross-culturally worldwide)?

Who is Sophia anyway, and how is 'filos' defined to associate it with Sophia?

What does the Bible have to say about those that came down to corrupt mankind with all manner of 'gnosis'? Were such entities in fellowship with the Holy Father (and the Son Borne of His Distinct Image in flesh) or clearly outlined as Rejecting rebels?

Tiny pieces of scripture taken out of context for misapplication will not ever shake the Foundations of Truth openly Bestowed to mankind. The Truth is often simple, such as powers of wickedness and corruption and powers of Holiness and Grace in earthen operation. We predominantly show our allegiances by our choices in life, one way or another in fellowship or Rejection to the Way,Truth and Life in Christ.

If people dedicate their efforts to seeking Christ with sincerity of heart and soul, then the Holy Spirit will certainly Help pull the veils of distortion aside.

Seek without bias and Miracles can Flow through. Just a little more faith and trust...
edit on 6-11-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

the teaching that 'gnosis' (i.e. book learning/education) was evil, is not what the fall narrative depicts. knowledge=procreation. adam KNEW his wife, and she begat. the big no-no in the old testament was sex/procreation. when the accuser found out humans had knowledge (procreation) he demanded their dna be nerfed (blocked the way to the tree of life/cut the legs off the serpent (dna)). he didn't want procreating, eternal, sentient, intelligent mammals, procreating all over his planet and living forever (who owned the planet in the old testament and the beginning of the new? give ya 3 guesses, first 2 don't count)

edit on 6-11-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by undo

the big no-no in the old testament was sex/procreation.

I do not know where you sourced this, however it certainly was not from the Bible.
"And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth, and multiply therein."
Genesis 9:7

(who owned the planet in the old testament and the beginning of the new? give ya 3 guesses, first 2 don't count)

There was a rebellion from the Authority of our Creation clearly outlined in the Bible. It is that Authority that is in Charge of the extra-terrestrial plan ultimately, not the ones imprisoned within these earthen dimensional realms for their sinful desires in dwelling.
edit on 6-11-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

put on your reading cap, grab a sandwich or glass of water and get ready to read.

i just sourced it from the old testament. Adam knew his wife. what's that mean? it means knowing, knowledge, to know or knew, is to have sex. the entire fall narrative is about the accuser of human beings, being right ticked off that humans were procreating on his planet.

let me back up a bit and give ya some references you can look up yourself.
in the king james version it says And so God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female created he them.

the word for man there in hebrew originally, was adam. how does god create a he who is a he-she? (dissect the verse and see for yourself). that's not a singular hermaphrodite. you can tell because it says "them" and male and female. not only that, the word for god there is actually elohim, a plural word meaning gods. the translators made a few assumptions while translating from the original hebrew. so what was there originally, were male and female copies of god. not hermaphrodites but copies of male and female elohim. they didn't procreate to increase their numbers - they were made as copies.

let's go a bit deeper now into the text:

moses was raised in pharaoh ahmose' house, as an egyptian. he had the egyptian history of the creation account, as well as the mesopotamian creation account from his mother, who was his nanny. the people who restablished egyptian civilization following the black sea flood were the descendants of noah. ham re-settled egypt and cush resettled ethiopia. these 2 countries defined the southern and nothern borders of egypt. they took with them, the history of creation and flood account. fast forward to the time of moses. the flood and creation accounts are still in evidence in the pharaonic records and stories, but they now have a cultural tilt, generational layering and word variants. it's the same story as the mesopotamian version but it's a bit harder to detangle it from the text. for example:

atum was the god of creation in egypt. it says "finisher of the world". i believe both atum and adam are the same word and that they both are plural words, just as elohim is. in fact, i believe i can prove that atum/adam = elohim. let's take the sumerian kings list as a source document. the first king on the list, is alulim. i do believe that is a variant and older spelling of elohim. remember the language of the bible is not what's at contest here, but the actual events it is meant to depict.

now i'm not saying adam was elohim in the strictest sense, but rather that the creation was named after its creators, thusly why elohim is known as atum in egypt. moses must have decided to use the older mesopotamin term, elohim and the newer egyptian term atum, to describe the event so that people would realize these were 2 different things, even if they did have the same linguistic source and even if they were copies of the originals, they were not the same thing as the originals. in effect, there was more than one adam creation (jesus referred to himself as the second adam for more than one reason).

the first adam/elohim, made copies of themselves that the bible calls adam.
the second adam were the copies of the elohim
the third adam were the procreating humans.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 03:21 PM
addendum to my post above: take note how references to the egyptian gods of creation always refer to them as self-created. that's a big clue.

edit on 6-11-2013 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by undo

i just sourced it from the old testament. Adam knew his wife. what's that mean? it means knowing, knowledge, to know or knew, is to have sex. the entire fall narrative is about the accuser of human beings, being right ticked off that humans were procreating on his planet.

May few words aid understandings to highlight that the 'serpentine' angelic leader, (along with the rest of his Elohim that had sex with the Eves), created the corrupted sin-filled lineage of Cain by their seed, hence passing on their sin with genetic exchange that was violation of God's Natural Evolution Plan for His Beloved Creation. Such was a chosen rebellion from the Elohim's Divinely Appointed Caretaker role as 'Watchers' and such corruption still continues to this day with the genetics of man so thoroughly tampered with and polluted as in the days of Noach, with these fallen spirits still dwelling within earthen realms, (having been imprisoned for millenia) and interacting with humankind still.

Christ, the Holy Anointed represented part of the 'second Adam' as the unblemished by sin, Borne unto the earth in flesh, yet as an uncorrupted earth Planted Creation, just like the first Adam line originally was (yet became so in partaking with sin alongside the rebellious Watchers). Yeshua/Jesus was Deemed by our Father of Creation to be the one (at the Right Hand) Worthy to be Sent to pay our spiritually misled debts as a Merciful final Sacrifice for mankind's willfully chosen, genetically inherited bondage within those wicked elements (under the 'estranged from Heaven' curse of death). The Righteous Judgement awaits for those fallen elohim, alongside with those children that desire by Rejection and rebellion against the Kingdom in turn to follow them to their eventual fate in Fire.

egyptian gods of creation

Simply 'gods' of corruption, with genetic knowledge via the Heavens from which they first Originated before their curse upon us and themselves- falling for pride primarily, and now seeking our destruction in spite for theirs fated in due course of Judgement.
edit on 6-11-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

you must not have understood my post. the egyptian gods of creation are the same as the biblical. they are not nephilim, watchers or any variation thereof. they are the same information as that found in the biblical texts, from an egyptian perspective. same stories.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Calling on Jesus does not stop anything. I know by first hand experience, however calling on myself did work. Jesus apparently had no power over the entity in my room that night.

So you were a per-existing believer in Jesus and were paralyzed and calling on Jesus did nothing?

I just want to get the scenario right because people who have no prior faith when throwing around whatever name they think of, whether it is Jesus or anything else does nothing.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by windword

Nonsense! I've repelled "them" by laughing at them and telling them to leave me alone. No hocus pocus!

You repelled them in a sustained way, i.e they have never since come back or tried to interact with you again by laughing at them once on that occasion???

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by undo

you must not have understood my post. the egyptian gods of creation are the same as the biblical. they are not nephilim, watchers or any variation thereof. they are the same information as that found in the biblical texts, from an egyptian perspective. same stories.

How can they be the same 'stories' when our accounts do not align?

The Egyptian perspective in any case is with contrary bias against the facets of Truth, considering the Elohim were worshiped by them falsely as 'gods' i.e idol worship against the True Creator. That is clear by all the monuments and structures dedicated to them in place within the geographical localities of Egypt, including their 'royal' bloodline of pharaohs which all formed part of the 'white brotherhood', cult of the serpent Caananite bloodlines. These ruling bloodlines are still in existence currently and rule with authority via the 'shining ones' (fallen angel power and principalities) today.

These Serpent class historically became known as:
the Quetzlcoatls or Kukulcans in Mexico
the Djedhi (the "Stable Serpents") of Egypt
the Druid Adders of Britain
the Dactyloi of Greece

edit on 6-11-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Klassified

I won't say alien abduction isn't real, because I can't. The possibility is there, and no one can prove otherwise. But the evidence points to alien abduction being a psychological(spiritual?) event.

I am skeptical on whether people are actually taken somewhere, it appears that the entities give the person a vision, but it just occurring in their bed while awake and paralyzed. The entities seem to have abilities I can not grasp like the ability to appear to one person while that person is in the presence of others. They are definitely have a psychological impact but the 'victims' aren't making it up. You have people who are paralyzed. hovering over their beds and if they stop the experience they have dropped back down on bed and their partner has been woken up by this telling them to stop jumping on the bed, even though the victim is lying flat.

It is not something occurring merely in the mind.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

it's what is known as generational layering.
let's look again at the first verses about the creation of adam.
the adam were created male and female in the image of elohim.
these are all plural words. plural adam were created in the image of plural elohim. some were created in the image who were female. some were created in the image of elohim who were male. and all of them were called adam. so if eve was the first female and created from the rib of adam, who were the females created in the image of elohim?

why doesn't it say jehovah there? answer: because it's many. not a singular jehovah (who was himself a conglomeration of 3), but many elohim. also the bible is the history of one genetic tree - the tree of jesus. i.e. the line of judah from adam. there are countless other genetic trees and other adam, but the bible is mostly not about the other adam, but the specific genetic tree that resulted in the messiah.

gotta read it very carefully, preferably using a reference that gives you access to the original hebrew words and the various meanings those words have, not to mention the roots of the words. it's all relevant.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Sophia, pagan.? That is the intercessor between heaven, earth and the underworlds, the tree of life, and Mom's energy, the way back home. And I agree, Christ has a lot of this same energy, is also the intercessor, compassion and turn the other cheek, equality and Goodness, and the way back home.

edit on 6-11-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 07:30 PM
reply to post by undo

I was wondering if you could provide the research materials that corroborate what you are saying? Authors, books and such. I would greatly appreciate that.

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:09 PM
reply to post by undo

why doesn't it say jehovah there? answer: because it's many. not a singular jehovah (who was himself a conglomeration of 3), but many elohim. also the bible is the history of one genetic tree - the tree of jesus. i.e. the line of judah from adam. there are countless other genetic trees and other adam, but the bible is mostly not about the other adam, but the specific genetic tree that resulted in the messiah. gotta read it very carefully, preferably using a reference that gives you access to the original hebrew words and the various meanings those words have, not to mention the roots of the words. it's all relevant.

You are absolutely correct in that last assertion of referencing. Most Biblical texts abound bear a predominantly Greek interpretation of the original Aramaic and Hebrew texts. The Greek bias to it's valued history of 'gods', along with the bias of the corrupt 'elitist' kingships of our ruling empires through history certainly lends credence that they would distort Holy texts to render in 'plural' creators of humanity. My edition of the Complete Jewish Bible for example does not include the plural, though I fully agree that the Holy Father that Jesus/Yeshua often referenced begat other fathers to 'oversee' our Divined evolution as stated previous. There is degree of certainty that the Elohim were cloning and splicing long ago in forbidden avenues as the Bible indicates, which introduced sinful corrupting abominations aside from the Original Plan- such as the Nephilim giant offspring of the Eve's partaking in carnal sexual relations with these esteemed 'gods' of men, to which their legacy has left monuments of reverence abound.

I take my position utilizing research in the field, too incorporating my reading of Biblical texts as a whole for basis in 'measuring' discernible Foundation principles..not to mention personal experiences that validate the Bible position that these 'fallen' elements are here now (they never left) and will be further surfacing to corrupt us further into sin and idol worship in mass effect, just as the days of Noach.

26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

This is the KJV scripture above. If we are to take it as absolute Truth, my assertions still remain accurate that the angels before they transgressed into sin were still holy in His Image, and at that stage still positively serving under a singular 'God' (not God's) in such a holy manner and His new Creation in man.

However once they started going outside the Holy bounds of the Plan and willed to become their own 'authority' over mankind, they were 'cast out' of Heaven and bound to earth and it's underworlds. Here they reigned 'supreme', though only for a time and with limited influence, not comparable to the Holy Father and His Councils that bore the Power to Bind them for their evil rebellions.
edit on 6-11-2013 by PrimeLight because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:29 PM

reply to post by undo

I was wondering if you could provide the research materials that corroborate what you are saying? Authors, books and such. I would greatly appreciate that.

which part would you like references for?

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:36 PM

reply to post by windword

Nonsense! I've repelled "them" by laughing at them and telling them to leave me alone. No hocus pocus!

You repelled them in a sustained way, i.e they have never since come back or tried to interact with you again by laughing at them once on that occasion???

Yeah, that's right!

At first, I had to put up with and bear them. Then, I tried ignoring them. That seemed to make them angrier. That's when I started laughing at them and told them "Get lost". Haven't seen them since.

edit on 6-11-2013 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by PrimeLight

so are you saying that the adam that were males and females, created in the image of elohim, were evil fallen ones?

posted on Nov, 6 2013 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by undo

I was actually referring to all of it. I know it is a broad request but I'm hoping you can post the various authors and books that led to your conclusions.

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