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"Last Days' events could have been thwarted" more...

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posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Again, for who listens, the Blessed Mother gives the reason for God's judgment of the world.

~ ~ ~

Message to Ned Dougherty

Nov 2, 2013 - Warning from Our Lady of Light...

– All Souls Day

St. Peregrine’s Chapel, Mission San Juan Capistrano, California, at 1:45pm

My son,

I come to you today as your Lady of Light, and I come to you with a serious warning to the people of the world that you are now in the final chapter of the events of the End Times, and to warn you, furthermore, that the ‘Great Events’ of the End Times are soon to be upon you.

It is with a heavy heart that I bear this message today, but the time has come for such events that are necessary to bring about a ‘New Heaven and a New Earth’ in this era of mankind’s journey here on Earth.

You have been aware and have been made aware of these ‘End Times’ events by many different prophets from the ancient world, as well as from the modern world. Despite our best efforts from the Heavenly Realms to get the inhabitants of the Earth to listen to the warnings, mankind has not reacted positively or favorably to the Messages of the Father in Heaven warning all of you of the great events that are about to come.

For many days, and years, and centuries, the tide of the Last Days’ events could have been thwarted, postponed, or ameliorated, but you are now in the times, because of mankind’s rejection of the Father in Heaven, when the ‘End Times’ events will occur.

These events will necessarily be harsh now, because of the failure of mankind to respond to God’s plan for all of you. The opportunities that have presented themselves for mankind to turn the tide of events for the better have been squandered by the materialism and greed; the thirst for power among your leaders; and the folly of your leaders in turning their backs to the Father in Heaven, thinking that they can countermand the authority of the Father in Heaven over all of mankind.

The knowledge of the greatest sin of your civilization has been conveyed to you, as well as to many other messengers in many different messages, but again mankind has not listened to the voices in Heaven that have been warning you in this regard.

The flagrant disregard of the sanctity of human life is the primary cause of all the trials and tribulations that you are now going through and will continue to go through, as long as you as a civilization continue to flagrantly disregard the important and value of all human life.

You can see the results of this flagrant violation of the sanctity of life through the terrible events that are now taking place, giving you witness to the fact that humanity has lost its way, when it comes to the understanding that without life, nothing would exist.

It was never the plan of the Father in Heaven to delegate to humanity under any circumstances the right to terminate life at any stage of life from the inception of the soul into humanness in the form of a corporeal body, until the time of God’s intended natural death, when each and every one of you returns to the Heavenly Realms of the Father in Heaven, as it has been ordained by the Father in Heaven, and not by an act of mankind that is in contradiction to the will of the Father.

Is it so difficult for all of you to understand? Is it impossible for you to recognize the sanctity of life at all stages of life?

Apparently it is so, because the evil one has had his way with the world until now, and it has been his plan to destroy life at any stage of life, as it has been his plan to destroy everything that is good and created by the Father in Heaven, who is responsible for creating and promulgating all life - to the eternal chagrin and damnation of the Father’s enemy, the evil one and master of all wrongful deaths.

So successful has the evil one been in convincing humanity that there is no value or regard for human life, that the world has been reduced to the sad state of affairs in which you find yourselves today.

There are powerful world leaders hiding in the shadows of your governments, who are manipulating all of you and doing the work of the evil one. It is part of their plan to create a new world order to extinguish most of the inhabitants of the world and to reduce the world’s population to a fraction of the souls alive today - for the sole purpose of gaining complete control over all of you, who still remain here on Earth during these trying times of the Tribulation.

In the end, they will not get their way with their evil plans, for the Father in Heaven will triumph overall.

In the meantime, the world must be put through these terrible trials and tribulations to purge the Earth of all the evil that exists today. ...

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 07:23 PM
So, the end is nigh?

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by caterpillage

The end has been nigh for nearly 2,000 years. It's a never ending cycle to keep people ignorant. If the end is near, you better believe!

There are supposed to be "wars and rumors of war" before the end according to the bible. There has been just that for thousands of years already, so its a never ending cat and mouse.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 07:56 PM
So colbe how many threads have you written saying the same thing? 3 or 4? still hasn't happened.
Isn't bearing false witness a sin?

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:15 PM
a prophet is 100 percent accurate..these people arent prophets.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:16 PM

edit on 4-11-2013 by gadfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:16 PM

edit on 4-11-2013 by gadfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:16 PM

edit on 4-11-2013 by gadfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:17 PM

edit on 4-11-2013 by gadfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:19 PM

edit on 4-11-2013 by gadfire because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:21 PM
reply to post by gadfire


posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 08:23 PM
Sorry for messing up the thread..

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by gadfire

Damn! That's the first sextuple post I've ever seen! Major props on that. Lol

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 09:40 PM

So colbe how many threads have you written saying the same thing? 3 or 4? still hasn't happened.
Isn't bearing false witness a sin?

boymonkey and 3NL, hi,

Heaven keeps repeating the same because of our fallen disbelieving nature. God warns and expresses His love. The message to Ned Dougherty, no one talks like that down here. God speaks through the prophets.

Sharing the messages from Heaven help, read them, I think you will recall when the divine events to
save mankind take place. Accept what Heaven says now and when they do take place it will not be
a shock. Prepare, we all can, keep a daily prayer life and confess with true contrition your mortal
sins to God.

God bless you two,


posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 09:43 PM
In the message to Ned Dougherty, 11/02/13:

"The flagrant disregard of the sanctity of human life is the primary cause of all the trials and tribulations that you are now going through and will continue to go through, as long as you as a civilization continue to flagrantly disregard the important and value of all human life."

The fruit of contraception is legalized abortion. I think Mother Teresa said that...

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 09:58 PM

So, the end is nigh?

Actually from what I figured out the answer is yes. Based on a reading of Matthew 24 it appears the Apocalypse started on or was already running on May 15 1948 when Israel became a state. A end time event predicted in several places in the bible.

Therefore the Apocalypse is 65 years old and could possibly run for 80 years. Meaning we have a maximum of 15 years before it's all over.

posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 10:34 PM
The message to Ned Dougherty is very serious. Here is another, give your heart to God, follow Him, choose
Him. He loved us first, He made us. God is so humble, He still waits for us to love Him.

Message to the Tenderheart

Monday, 4 November 2013

Do Not Think Yourselves Unworthy Of My Love
Children of My Divine Heart,

Hear Me. I Am. I Am Who I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Open your hearts to Love. Surrender in all confidence. Surrender at once. Give Me permission to transfigure you in love. Do not fear the actions of grace upon your soul. Do not fear My touch. I Am desires to raise you to holiness. I will be gentle with you. I will never violate you in any way. I have GIFTED you with free will. I await your permission to enter within your hearts. Beloved, I Am, the Encourager, knocks at the door of your hearts. Will you now answer My call? Beloved, remain faith filled. Do not doubt Me. Do not think yourselves unworthy of My love. Satan PLANS to deceive you. Accept My love. Accept all tokens of My love for you. I place many on your path in order to draw you back to the fold. Accept all expressions of love as My words to you. I Am, Love commands you to gift others generously with small tokens of your own love. Rejoice in that one day you will know Me, True Love. One day, you will behold My face, and hear My voice calling to you in love. Rejoice for this day nears for many of you. Be strong, My Little Ones. ...


posted on Nov, 4 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by colbe

Couldn't He just come take out the bad guys? And leave the rest of us, who DO value life? I'd really, really like that to happen.

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 05:04 AM
The so called End times, apocalypse, ragnarok, whatever you want to call it, is a bunch of bologna. It only serves to create a sense of urgency and fear. Supposedly the world was supposed to end on 2000. And it was also supposed to end back in 2012 because the 'spooky' Mayan calendar apparently ended there. And also, I believe some Christian person also claimed the world was supposed to end on about October of 2011, or somewhere around there.

There will be no "end times" because time is probably something that doesn't even exist. The only reason why we humans perceive time is because of our relation to our sun, and the tilt of our planet. Every 24 hours, or day, if you will, our planet successfully rotates 360 degrees. And every 365 days (technically a tiny bit less if you consider the leap day) our planet successfully revolves all the way around our star (the sun) one time. And the fact that our planet wobbles, and has a tilt to its axis, creates what we call seasons. Which can also be considered a period of time.

Lets say our planet did not spin, or revolve around the sun, or be tilted, for the sake of argument, time as we know it wouldn't exist, because there would be nothing to measure it by. So claiming that the "end times" are coming makes no sense, since time is actually a pretty goofy concept.

Not to mention Religious folk believe that after death they will live forever in heaven (or hell if you break the "rules"). So my question is, how exactly can you measure forever? And if the "end times" are coming, then why do you refer to it as "the end" when in fact it would technically just be the beginning? But then again if heaven has always been around, then how can you even call that the beginning either?

posted on Nov, 5 2013 @ 06:11 AM
reply to post by 3NL1GHT3N3D1

Thats what I get for hitting the back button then refresh

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