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Father disowns daughter in epic letter when she kicks out her gay son

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posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:10 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by bigman88

Exactly. The entertainment industry is pushing their agenda down our throats at every turn.
Case in point
idiots are now even trying to force Sesame Street to show this perversion.
Postcards From Buster and The Simpsons are getting onboard, Family Guy, Friends, Scrubs, you will be hard pressed to find a television show or movie that does not have some form of homosexuality shown in it.

Those of us with morals and are God fearing Christians are being FORCED to accept something that we do not agree with. Oh the hypocrisy!!!

NOthing is pushed down your throat. You may have music playing in public spaces....but that isn't intrusive. Most media you can choose to not partake in. That is hardly "pushing it down your throat".

You are pointing out that TV is representing the viewpoints of a majority that it depends on to pay attention to its shows.....and then say that TV is the cause. You have the cause and effect all mixed up. TV is a portrayal of the culture, not the other way around.

The sad thing about claiming others are weak minded enough to be controlled by television is admitting that you, yourself, are just such a weakminded person. Even sadder: others really aren't that weak minded.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Wow talk about reading only what you want to from something. I never said tv controls me I was pointing out how pathetic it is that we can no longer turn on the idiot box without seeing the gay agenda. I don't watch television. My children do but their shows are closely monitored. It's sad when the people making the news day in and day out are the trashiest celebs and the homosexual celebs (one in the same to me)
We have even cut out SpongeBob because of it's content.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:16 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by bigman88

Exactly. The entertainment industry is pushing their agenda down our throats at every turn.
Case in point
idiots are now even trying to force Sesame Street to show this perversion.
Postcards From Buster and The Simpsons are getting onboard, Family Guy, Friends, Scrubs, you will be hard pressed to find a television show or movie that does not have some form of homosexuality shown in it.

Those of us with morals and are God fearing Christians are being FORCED to accept something that we do not agree with. Oh the hypocrisy!!!

You are not forced to watch any of those shows, they are not forcing anything on anyone. You have the option of turning off the TV or changing the channel.

You want to talk hypocrisy? You mean how over the last few thousand years Christians and catholics of the like would pretty much condemn people to death because they did not hold the same beliefs as the church? How many scientists and great thinkers who doubted the very existence of god that were cast out or put to death? Your god gave us the free will, or so it says in the bible. The freedom to choose if we want to believe or not. But no, small minded people decided that if you don't believe in their belief system they should die.

How many wars fought and how any people died due to the sheer ignorance of religion? Yea before you start spewing your script about being forced into anything, how about looking at history and the vile things the religion you hold so dear has done. Torn countries to shreds, killed millions of innocents, advocated for slavery, and bigotry towards anyone who was not a straight white male.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by gr1ill3d

I tell you what, since you don't believe in God, do me a favor, an experiment if you will. Look up toward the sky, clinch your fist and tell God everything you have told me about him. Go off on him out loud. Then say just as loud "Now prove me wrong". Go into a private room if you feel more comfortable doing it. I will PM you my personal email address and in 1 month email me and tell me what your life has been like for the month, good or bad.
I'm not looking for a counter offer, not interested. You claim I'm wrong about God and the Bible then do this one simple thing.


If you are so sure that I'm wrong and you are right then you have nothing to fear and nothing to lose.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:25 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by gr1ill3d

Says you, I would imagine a few billion Christians in this world would disagree with you. But hey I guess you are just more enlightened than the billions currently and billions previously.

Yea they would disagree with me, do I care? No. Do I think that I am more "enlightened" than the rest, No. I tend to keep more of an open mind on these maters. You see I wasn't forced to believe anything unlike the millions of brainwashed fools who think a book that has been translated by man for 2 thousand years and has had stuff added and erased is the true word of god.

You have to be incredibly dense to think that was all written by god, and to really think that it has not been manipulated countless times to benefit man, is absolute insanity.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

Well, that's just stupid. What about the desolate people in 3rd world countries who live in dirt huts, whose children starve to death daily that pray for relief? Where's your god then? I swear, religious folk can prove insanely self centered to believe that God would hear only certain voices and not those of the most innocent---suffering children. There was a post here a while ago that talked about an atheist who changed his beliefs because he prayed for his mother to win the lottery and she won. Yet thousands of kids still suffered needlessly that day. Un-freaking-believable. I live a comfortable life (not rich, by any means) full of love, tolerance and health. I sure would hope God would completely ignore me and help someone who needs it if I were to ever be so selfish to ask him for something I do not need.

If I did shout out loud to him that I do not believe in him, I would certainly hope he would not be so egotistical that he would make his point by making my life crappy instead of proving his omnipotence and benevolence by eradicating cancer and other deadly diseases.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by CoherentlyConfused

I never said he'd make your life crappy. What does God have to do with 3rd world countries that are starving ? Last I checked most of those nations are heathanistic Godless nations. God does not live our lives for us. He gave us free will and the ability to choose for ourselves. Everytime there is a tragedy someone wants to shout "WHERE IS GOD"
For a long time America was under God's hand but then atheists and homosexuals and others sued everybody in this country to have him removed and that's what happened. He still carries his children through the tough times and he still answers prayers. I will add this to that. God answers all prayers, he answers yes, no, and wait. Someone not living according to his will praying for personal things will be answered NO! You are not going to live a sinful lifestyle and expect God's protection and help. Doesn't work that way.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:50 PM
reply to post by CoherentlyConfused

We can do the What ifs and what abouts all night and you keep throwing them and I'll keep hitting them back. Semantics is all you are dealing in now.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 09:54 PM

she did right thing.

See how many stars this post got. Just shows you that a lot of people that visit this site aren't the "wide awake, eyes open, truth seeking" citizen but right wing, redneck, bible thumping idiots with their own supressed homosexual tendencies.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:04 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

Wow talk about reading only what you want to from something. I never said tv controls me I was pointing out how pathetic it is that we can no longer turn on the idiot box without seeing the gay agenda. I don't watch television. My children do but their shows are closely monitored. It's sad when the people making the news day in and day out are the trashiest celebs and the homosexual celebs (one in the same to me)
We have even cut out SpongeBob because of it's content.

One thing i can tell you for sure: over protective, hovering parents smother their children to rebellion. Believe me or is true.

Nothing wrong with raising your kids straight....but if you talk to your kids that way you are teaching them to hate another human being for being a "sinner". And if you try to spin what you say into not being hate, nobody will believe you.

Not that it matters.
And not that you will listen. I don't even think you will remember this conversation when the rebelling starts. You cannot expect your children to share your fanatical views.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Logman

Wow, what a bunch of angry dribble. So I am a Christian and believe homosexuality is not only a sin but unnatural and that makes me a closet gay in your eyes ? That was really a pathetic jab. I assure you that I am no closet homosexual, I have no suppressed homosexual urges, and never have.
In the words of Damon Wayans, Homie don't play dat!!!!

What say ye we get back on track with the subject of the thread?
My official stance on the issue is
1. Mama's house, Mama's rules
2. We do not know all of the details (only details come from the juvenile letter) surrounding the expulsion
3. Daddy is a major hypocrite and has anger management issues
4. Chad should be ashamed for broadcasting their dirty laundry for the world to see (the mindset of the homosexual)
5. Supporters of Daddy are simply displaying knee jerk reactions based on the homosexual agenda chip on their shoulders (the I'm a victim mentality)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

I am not fanatical. So teaching my children that homosexuality is wrong = teaching hatred ? How does that add up ? I know you nor anyone else will believe this but I do not hate anyone. It irks the fire out of me that everyone pro gay has the mentality of "Agree with me or you hate me". That's not the case at all.
Dang I have had to explain it so many times on here. You can love someone deeply and sincerely that you do not like, you can like someone passionately that you do not Love. My nephew ate his boogers when he was younger, did I hate him for it ? NO!!!, was I disgusted by it, yes, did I despise what he was doing, yes but I still Love him.
Please don't come back insinuating that I'm comparing booger eating to homosexuality. I'm saying you can Love someone and despise what they do. I have a buddy that has been my friend for 13 years and he is gay. Now mind you he's not openly gay but he has a man living with him that is his boyfriend that he tells everyone is his nephew. He knows very well how I feel about it and it is rarely brought up. If he asks I will tell him what I think but I never just bring it up. We do not hang out much because we live so far apart now but we talk at least every few days. I love him like a brother but I have never given him support of his lifestyle. The same would go for my child. I Love my children no matter what but will I stand back and accept their sins ? Absolutely not.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:16 PM

Christian Voice
reply to post by palmalBlue2

The hormones found in some birth control meds is used for treatment. The birth control aspect of it is not intended. Birth control meds are one means of administering the hormones however
The success of the BCP for treatment of endometriosis is not as effective as with other hormone drug treatment. Many women find they have problems with break-through bleeding on the BCP, and some say it does not get rid of the pain symptoms.

Give me another one

well, in 1997 it worked for me until I absolutely had to have the surgery. I am also against using BC in my own life for BC reasons.
As far as other things you have mentioned. I take it your children are younger. What will you do when they get older?
I have met so many Christian kids that rebelled or were very shocked when they went off to college.
Not trying to bash, but kids can rebel when they are older no matter how hard one tries to 'keep their path straight'.
I wouldn't like it very well if my son announced he was gay, but I would not kick him out because of it.
Again. not bashing, just please consider that when your children are older, they may not end up believing the way you would wish them to on everything.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:18 PM
reply to post by Logman

Your reply was gay

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Christian Voice

I assure you that I am no closet homosexual, I have no suppressed homosexual urges, and never have.

You just haven't seen me twerk yet sugar.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by palmalBlue2

When building a house the first thing to do for a sturdy home is build a strong foundation. If the foundation is not strong the house will eventually collapse. If the foundation is unlevel then the entire home will be unlevel. By teaching our children at an early age the fundamental Christian teachings they need for a strong foundation we prepare them for the teen years and adulthood.

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:27 PM
Did not God create ALL humans? Which includes those Godless heathens starving to death? And gays? And blacks white reds yellows blue with pink dots? According to the Old Testament God created the heave & the earth and the creatures that live on it and dwell in the sea and all people....he isn't particularly your own personal God!! Therefore each and every human on this planet is, if you like, part of God's plan if you believe in God.

And that includes gays my dear.

Unless you believe God made a mistake or which case he's not the infallible omnipotent wonder being you believe in. Why would he create homosexuals just to punish them? Hmm not likely

And do you really I mean really think that a stupendous omnipotent INTELLIGENT creator would give a poo about what you wear what you think or eat or your son/daughter being gay?

If there is a "fault" in our DNA which churns out homosexuals on occasion then sorry Mr Christian but God put it there. If a child is born with 1 too many chromosomes and it makes them gay, again God's plan. You can't accept God created everythign and everyone but not gays/blacks/godless heathens. You cannot choose to believe in bits and pieces of the "infallible word of God" that only suit your own personal agenda.

In my own experience, the religious types that hate gays, have always hated gays, would probably have always hated gays even if they weren't religious, their religion just gives them a defence to hate with impunity.

I feel certain that if Jesus knew what he had started he would turn in his grave or afterlife or whatever!

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by Domo1

What the hell is twerk and what does that have to do with the discussion ? Are you insinuating that your gayness is enough to turn someone gay ?
Thank you for adding stupidity to the thread. Your response to the thread is to come onto me. Stupid

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by phyllida

No God did not create homosexuals. He made people. People choose to be homosexual. Sorry to burst that bubble. God has nothing to do with people being gay. There is no fault in a homosexuals DNA, there is a fault in their sinful heart.
edit on 4-10-2013 by Christian Voice because: (no reason given)

And again dearie, I do not hate anyone. How does disagreeing = hate ? That is the way a child thinks. All or nothing.
edit on 4-10-2013 by Christian Voice because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 4 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by phyllida

I'm sure Jesus is very upset. Not upset the way you imagine it. He is upset at all of the evil wicked people like you trying to defend sinful lifestyles and using his name to try and do it.

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