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Skeptics: How Do You So Easily Dismiss Testimonies From Astronauts About UFO's?

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posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

If what you say is true, you aren't really doing anything in this thread to change that paradigm. You post a bunch of accusations of some great astronaut heroes and don't back it up with any proof. If you don't have time to do so, maybe wait until you have the time to post and provide the necessary links to back up your position.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:45 AM

reply to post by solongandgoodnight

The skeptics will taken a bit aback by your thread, but they will charge forward with a variety of excuses that touch not at all on the exact situation of each but with general Saganisqe types of explanations as we have been fed for decades that always winds up deny the reality of UFOs, whether it is photographs, landing traces, radar tracks, pilot sightings or abductee reports. They have to do that because that is the establishment's position and the most vocal ones always come from some aspect of TPTB.

You have to wonder why the detractors, like somebody like Oberg won't step to the plate and say, "You know, this alien UFO thing has been going on too long now. Let's get a very official and very public scientific investigation of this phenomena started and clear up the matter once and for all."

'Course, it won't happen. He'll likely claim that Project Blue Book already did that decades ago. Disclosure won't happen until the polls show that enough Americans/world citizens can accept the concept of ETs. Not until then.

Not taken back at all, same crap...different day. This has been posted numerous times in the past, it doesnt make it any more credible.

Oberg wont step to the plate for the same reason others wont, you dont want the truth, you want fantasy. Its not worth debating it with you guys. Its like trying to teach a monkey how to play a Mozzart track, you can try and try, but it will never sink in.

Who is going to fund this pointless study?? The government i suppose....with what??? How?? Why??
Wasting billions on looking for aliens is stupid, hence the UK stopped wasting tax payers money on such rubbish...SETI.

There are no benefits as looking for something that isnt there is just a waste of everyones time, leave the UFO experts to Youtube, they seem to be doing an excellent job at sharing the truth

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:48 AM


These people were stupid, if they were not stupid why were they in the dark ages for so long?


Back then, some people even referred to ufos as dragons..

edit on 3-10-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:50 AM
Sh#t sorry. Misused the quotes! Sorry

I wanted to quote your dark ages theory. Found it amusing

edit on 3-10-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 10:57 AM
Another Believers vs. Evil Skeptics thread.

Don't see enough of that around here.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:08 AM
ignorance is bliss
The lack of knowlege to a situation. Usually once the whole truth is revealed you realize you were happier being clueless.
Sherry was very happy with her boyfriend.. until she was informed he was cheating on her.
She thought to herself "ignorance is bliss", and broke up with him.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:34 AM

Sh#t sorry. Misused the quotes! Sorry

I wanted to quote your dark ages theory. Found it amusing

edit on 3-10-2013 by Tucket because: (no reason given)

I wrote a big reply, but its not worth it....keep on living in that fantasy world of doom porn you all so love.
Anyone working for the US government CANNOT lie, this is a fact i just made up. So its all good, aliens will soon be here to help us sort out our mess, then Jesus comes back to save us all....YAY

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:40 AM
Government cannot lie? Aliens will sort it all out? Jesus will save us all?

Wow.. bold statements.

Thanks for keeping it short.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:55 AM
I knew from the moment that this thread was made, skeptics would jump on this like a dog in heat.
Skeptics are a good thing. Because I have personally seen skeptics turn believers through their own experience.

But I have come to learn that some SKEPTICS, such as this amber loon, can't be shown anything, regardless. Its like some internal hate, "all my friends have seen them! how come I haven't? WELL HMPF!! THEY ARE JUST IMAGINING IT..."
A flying saucer could land right on their front porch and an EBE would walk out and knock on Amberleafs door, amber will answer it, with a can of fosters flat beer, unwashed wife beater and stained undies, look right at the EBE an the saucer then say, "now! C here! wat kinds of stuf u sellan 2day?!1"
Some people cannot, will not be swayed.
I like these kinds of people, they are useful in other fields, like extremist groups and what not.
Ask yourself, why are you on ATS?
well for me, I came here because I had a fascination with UFOs, Aliens, Ancient civilizations. I was a lurking for a good 2 years before I joined, simply because I was involved with another forum at the time.
Coming here I was able to join in discussions with like minded individuals, I didn't come here to debunk, I came here to BELIEVE. To converse with other people who had the same thought with variations on their own ideals.
lately as of last year, there seems to be a new camp forming, blinded skeptics. They just come into the thread and say, "OMGZ!!11 tats nOt tru!!11 u craZy!111 dUMmy." without even being open minded.
I didn't join to fight with skeptics, I joined to develop ways to understand what these things are. UFO's are something that has interested people for years, sure its not always aliens, but what are they and who are they? just because there is no proof doesn't mean that's not always a POSSIBILITY.
POSSIBITY and a OPEN MINDED is something that we all can enjoy.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:55 AM

So the question stands. How is it so easy to dismiss the existence of UFO's when there are credible witnesses' with testimonies?

What do you mean by UFO's? visiting alien space craft or unidentified flying objects?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 11:58 AM

Another Believers vs. Evil Skeptics thread.

Don't see enough of that around here.

I believe I said I wanted to know your point of view. Thanks for not all.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

by ufo's i mean the possibility of aliens, sure, but most importantly the existence of the technology. I assure you that it exists. I have seen it myself and I count myself lucky to be able to say that. I know many people go there whole life without seeing anything.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

Because my naive young and impressionable, an astronaut would lie his
ass off worse than you could ever imagine. If it were coined to be
in the best interest of country ( ITBIOC).

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by randyvs

what do you base that off of?

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by AmberLeaf

I don't know what UFOs are but I sure as hell know rudeness when I see it. And to expect anyone to give credence to an internet troll over the testimony of astronauts is in and of itself a form of ignorance.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:19 PM
reply to post by solongandgoodnight

Skeptics don't deny the possibility of aliens, you obviously don't understand what a skeptic is.

Skeptics are sensible enough to not believe in what people think they have seen and the way their brains interpret what they couldn't understand at the time.

Skeptics do not think like "i dont understand/cant explain what that was.. so it must be aliens"

edit on 3-10-2013 by PhoenixOD because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:30 PM

reply to post by randyvs

what do you base that off of?

Knowledge, the same way I know you're young.
You've only seen the rabbit hole. You've not been
inside, so it would be in your best interest, not to
draw conclusions. Because those conclusions may
not be your own. That is to say although you may
possess thoughts and ideas. That in no way
determines they belong to you or weren't put there.
It's easily done.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by PhoenixOD

this was a well thought out response and I appreciate it. thanks for the perspective.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:45 PM


Another Believers vs. Evil Skeptics thread.

Don't see enough of that around here.

I believe I said I wanted to know your point of view. Thanks for not all.

Your provocative subject line directed at "skeptics" makes your point of view clear enough - that "Skeptics" unanimously refuse to believe such unimpeachable sources as former astronauts [NASA/Air Force employees] regarding alleged UFO sightings. I don't believe that you are interested in differing points of view so much as making yet another "us vs. them" thread based on your biased misrepresentation and oversimplification of the "Skeptical POV".

My point of view? It seems the "Never A Straight Answer" "Disinfo Agent" "Government Coverup" mantras only apply to NASA/government employees who do not support the ET narrative. Funny how they suddenly and conveniently become "credible" when they seem to say the right things. No eyewitness testimony is beyond scrutiny - no character beyond reproach.

posted on Oct, 3 2013 @ 12:59 PM
I have Heisch quote in my sig for a reason. I am not familiar with UFOs in space but the general idea has enough evidence to accept possibilities of other civilization based on the things that happen. people have no right to mock and ridicule such possibility, there are a lot of cases. However, the cases have not enough credibility to believe and say 'yes' to visitation or other beings, that is also wrong.

Open minded to both being a lie and being true until it becomes clear what they are is the best you can possibly do, better than being a believer or a skeptic. That's what I am for.

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