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Catholic Nun Reports US-Backed Al Qaeda Syrian Rebels Dismember Girl Alive with a Frame Saw

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posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:31 AM

Mother Agnes Mariam: ‘Footage of Syria Chemical Attack Is a Fraud’

By Daniel McAdams at 02:30 am EDT on September 10, 2013

Mother Agnes Mariam el-Salib, mother superior of St. James Monastery in Qara, Syria, told RT today that she has evidence that the video footage currently being shopped around by Sen. Feinstein and the Obama administration as proof that the Syrian president used gas on his own people is a fraud. Part of the problem with the videos is that they were all taken nearly at the same time as the alleged attack itself. How to gather all the bodies in one place and begin videotaping in some cases before the attack had even taken place?


A total of twelve Alawite villages were subjected to this horrendous attack. That was a true slaughterhouse. People were mutilated and beheaded. There is even a video that shows a girl being dismembered alive – alive! – by a frame saw. The final death toll exceeded 400, with 150 to 200 people taken hostage. Later some of the hostages were killed, their deaths filmed.

We do not of course have proof that this is true, but in light of other reports of similar atrocities carried out by the 'rebel' forces at this time I can see no good reason to doubt it.

It disgusts me that the US regime backs these people, people who by all accounts should be the enemy of the US.

Along with what it seems may be planned as documented in this thread the drums of war are beating and all advice is being ignored.

I can only hope that Assad manages to get the chemical weapons under International control BEFORE the 'planned attack' false flag if it happens. That would make it much more difficult for the US regime to hold it's head up in the International community as they would be uncovered for the warmongering bloodthirsty despots that they are.

The US is in serious need of a regime change.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:42 AM
Sadly it makes sense to me that the US is supporting, funding and arming these pigs.

Bet they get em to film it so they can enjoy the demonic spectacle for themselves. The real terrorists congregate around a white house in Washington and their demon lords occupy ivory towers around the globe.

Our taxes support unconscionable acts because we are fooled into believing someone with a degree and a smart suit cannot be a terrorist despite them displaying the literal definition of 'terrorist' in their words and actions.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

The US is in serious need of a regime change.

^^ What you said right there!^^

+5 more 
posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Until this whole Syria indecent, I was loosing faith in the majority of Americans. America has shown that they will not lay down and be lied to, like they did with 9/11. They have taken that as a lesson learnt, and will not accept it this time round.

I have great faith that if Obama goes for war, we will see something great happen in America, hopefully something that will start off a chain of events to change to western world and peoples conscious.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:50 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Not such a happy thread to start off the morning

The administration is going to start back peddling hard.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by SomethingsJustNotRight

The real terrorists congregate around a white house in Washington and their demon lords occupy ivory towers around the globe.

Regrettably so very very true.

It is so hypocritical that they can 'engage' these people and then accuse others of terrorism whilst 'offering succour to the enemy'. I thought that in most countries that is treason and a capital offence.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:24 AM
The American people of this nation, will NOT be fooled twice into another war. The president and Congress are already starting to realize that they have No chance in hell, to go to war legally, with 2/3rds of Congress vote. This is why we are seeing Propaganda tools being brought out for fooling the masses. Problem is no one is willing to buy the BullSh@t this president is selling anymore. Z president is screwed

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Because Islam is a religion of peace.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:51 AM

The American people of this nation, will NOT be fooled twice into another war. The president and Congress are already starting to realize that they have No chance in hell, to go to war legally, with 2/3rds of Congress vote. This is why we are seeing Propaganda tools being brought out for fooling the masses. Problem is no one is willing to buy the BullSh@t this president is selling anymore. Z president is screwed

The trouble is dear friend, can the American people do anything about it? I sincerely hope they can.

I have great faith in the ordinary man/woman who want to live their life, raise their family, etc in peace and harmony but we are all beset by the tyrants that we install as Government for it is a fact that once 'elected' these representatives of the people pretty much do anything but represent the people who elected them in most cases.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 10:59 AM
Haha start back peddling? Obama already went back on his "Red Line" "policy" and is now saying they can handle things democratically, as opposed to the war path he was on before. The Obama admin. took the chances of fooling Americans into another affair in the middle east by saying the chem weps were used, again. The clowns tried to use the same tactics the Bush admin. used... (minus a 9/11-type incident, yet) Sad how they think how ignorant the American pop. is...

Syria needs help, that's for sure, but not the kind the Obama is offering.

reply to post by PuterMan

Not such a happy thread to start off the morning

The administration is going to start back peddling hard.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 11:25 AM
I not sure what to think of this latest "news" from Syria. It's getting tough to believe any info coming out of that mess. I keep reading on many different sites about the video of the girl being dismembered alive.

Not that I'd want to see such brutal barbarity, but it would lend a little credence to this story if the video actually exists. I don't believe it does though, because I could not find evidence of it anywhere on the web.

Has anyone here at ATS actually seen this video in question?

This could be more propaganda.

Who knows whats the truth anymore unless your boots are on the ground in Syria.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 12:01 PM
WHY.. are you people in an uproar over this stupid stuff?

Just across the border the Mexican Cartels are beheading Americans left and right - yet no one does anything and that Does effect us unlike Syria.

I don't care if the Syrian government systematically beheads every last man woman and child - in fact they SHOULD.. it's the only way the people will learn to fight back.

Some will use this and say this is justification for the US getting involved but NO.. we must stay out of this.

If we can go into a Muslim country and force our will on them - why is it wrong for them to come to the USA and try to force their will on us?

It's Not. We are hypocrites. If we want them to stay out of our way, we Must stay out of theirs.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 12:35 PM

I not sure what to think of this latest "news" from Syria. It's getting tough to believe any info coming out of that mess. I keep reading on many different sites about the video of the girl being dismembered alive.

Not that I'd want to see such brutal barbarity, but it would lend a little credence to this story if the video actually exists. I don't believe it does though, because I could not find evidence of it anywhere on the web.

Has anyone here at ATS actually seen this video in question?

This could be more propaganda.

Who knows whats the truth anymore unless your boots are on the ground in Syria.

You know, I have seen your type a lot lately on ATS. Deniers of gas having been used on children, or the graphic violence that takes place there being viewed as mere propaganda to make Assad look bad or the rebells look bad.

I can assure you that what has taken place in Syria, takes place and will probably take place the coming years is such a bruatlity that it makes even the Iraqi war look peaceful in comparison.

Ppl speak of the latset sarin gas videos as 'unreal' or 'staged'. Unfortunately I cannot post the most graphic videos of children being gassed, beheaded, shot in the eye or a 5yo girl having half her body blown off, lying dead on a cold slab because of the strict TC rules here. Hence the regular conspiracy rednecks, that refuse to face the brutal truth taking place in Syria are spreading their verbal manure around with their latest 'theories ' of what they believe takes place in Syria.

I don't know whether to laugh or cry, but I know one thing; Every day nothing is done by the western countries to stop this ongoing slaughter and daily massacre of children (which now is the new hype in syria among the psychopaths), the world will one day come to regret it deeply. I for one having seen many of these videos of children being killed by brutal beasts, (jihadists or syrian snipers, all the same) all killing in the name of their depraved religion or ideology have lost all my faith in the human race.

If you really want to know the truth then search for what I have written above and you will find it very graphic and right in your face.

Right now, if you have noticed, the world is mired deeply in pure evil. It is everywhere. I moved to a Scandinavian country some years ago, a pure paradise compared to USA, and what do you know. The past years this country is suddenly flooded in killings or brutal force against children. The last episode taking place a couple of days ago where a dad and his 2 year old son where attacked by a racist mob threatening to throw him and his son off a bridge. Luckily ppl close by intervened and chased the racists away.

But my point is, that you can no longer escape the evil that is seemingly spreading around this globe, like some damn alien virus.

You just wait and see till it comes calling for your neighborhood. Where will you go then, and who here will care about your complaints?
edit on 10-9-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

Reading this makes me sick.

How are we really to know anything about anything and how do we decide what to do? The answer isn't clear.

edit on 10-9-2013 by onequestion because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 12:53 PM

WHY.. are you people in an uproar over this stupid stuff?

Just across the border the Mexican Cartels are beheading Americans left and right - yet no one does anything and that Does effect us unlike Syria.

I don't care if the Syrian government systematically beheads every last man woman and child - in fact they SHOULD.. it's the only way the people will learn to fight back.

Some will use this and say this is justification for the US getting involved but NO.. we must stay out of this.

If we can go into a Muslim country and force our will on them - why is it wrong for them to come to the USA and try to force their will on us?

It's Not. We are hypocrites. If we want them to stay out of our way, we Must stay out of theirs.

Have you actually seen a real beheading or even one uncensored on a video online. Have you seen all the gore, the grueling sounds from a man or woman loosing their lives under a knife cutting through their throat?

If so, and you still advocate this, as you do in your post, than you are truly one of the resident psychopaths on ATS and shoudl be treated as one. Your views absolutely disgusts me. You are the very proof I wrote about earlier; the evil that is spreading around like a virus, making humans insensitive to the suffering of other sentient beings.

edit on 10-9-2013 by johncarter because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 12:56 PM
reply to post by PuterMan

I strongly believe we should not intervene in Syria.

I also strongly believe that the tonnage of evidence shows that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people and that evidence involves much more than multiple, various videos from multiple sources that validate one another.

I see scant evidence or proof of the horrific claim of the child being dismembered?

I can both be against intervention...while at the same time maintaining a healthy skepticism of wild and unfounded claims.

edit on 10-9-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 01:07 PM

You know, I have seen your type a lot lately on ATS. Deniers of gas having been used on children, or the graphic violence that takes place there being viewed as mere propaganda to make Assad look bad or the rebels look bad.
reply to post by johncarter

What? Your type??? Who's denying anything that's happened over there? There has been terrible atrocities committed across the middle east, and yes I've seen many videos of said atrocities.

Obama beats the war drum, but nobody's following the beat. Too many people know about the propaganda and lies with regard to Syria.

Now consider for a moment that the other side uses propaganda as well to further their agenda.

This is why I get skeptical about much of the info coming out of Syria. Old video footage is used by MSM to show atrocities, and the videos that aren't old may not even be from Syria. We're getting played by both sides to some extent that is certain.

Now please quit insinuating I'm some holocaust denier type for simply questioning the validity of the info we receive concerning Syria.

I think we should all be very weary of the propaganda fest swirling around Syria.

You just wait and see till it comes calling for your neighborhood. Where will you go them, and who here will care about your complaints?

You'd better EXPECT it to come calling to your neighborhood someday, AND be prepared to handle it when it does. It's getting worse worldwide.
edit on 10-9-2013 by nucleardoom because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 01:08 PM

reply to post by PuterMan

I strongly believe we should not intervene in Syria.


I also strongly believe that the tonnage of evidence shows that Assad used chemical weapons on his own people and that evidence involves much more than multiple, various videos from multiple sources that validate one another.

I disagree. There is little or no evidence that Assad used these weapons and much that this was an accident that occurred in the rebel areas because they did not know how to handle the weapons. The effects of the chemicals were not those of military grade weaponry.

I see scant evidence or proof of the horrific claim of the child being dismembered?

Did you really expect to see such videos on You Tube? Surely not.

I can both be against intervention...while at the same time maintaining a healthy skepticism of wild and unfounded claims.

Indeed. No problem with that point of view.

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 01:29 PM

The American people of this nation, will NOT be fooled twice into another war.

It's like that old saying, by a great, wise leader: "Fool me once, shame on... shame on you. Fool me... you can't get fooled again."

The song version of this saying is also pretty good.

That said, on a more serious note-- I'm not sure it really matters what we think. I mean, sure, it does to a degree. The govt wants us to agree with their policies and actions, of course. Things run more smoothly for them, if we do. However, I don't think it's ultimately important to them... because... what are we really going to do about it?

They don't want protests, or riots.... but I don't think we're even close to that level. The massive anti-war protests this country saw during vietnam were a kind of a fluke, driven by quite a number of important factors, including but not limited to the draft and the hippie movement. People hated the second war in Iraq. It made the administration wildly unpopular, and probably encouraged the growth of conspiracy theorists... but that's about it.

I really don't think our government gives a flying fart what we think, as long as we're not so PO'ed we're taking to the streets. As long as the economy keeps on rolling, and the dollars keep on coming in, and they get to carry on with their plans....

posted on Sep, 10 2013 @ 01:39 PM


I disagree. There is little or no evidence that Assad used these weapons and much that this was an accident that occurred in the rebel areas because they did not know how to handle the weapons. The effects of the chemicals were not those of military grade weaponry.

So you 100% believe that a child was dismembered by the rebels while still alive...despite there being absolutely ZERO proof of the same?

Yet..Your skepticism suddenly springs to life when it comes to the overwhelming tonnage of evidence that the Assad regime used chemical weapons????

Has it occurred to you that the Assad regime has now said it would hand over it's chemical weapons to an international force as Russia proposed? Yes, that's right...the very same Chemical Weapons they have 100% denied having...they now suddenly acknowledge.

Or that your theory of the rebels accidentally dispersing Saran gas is full of more holes than swiss cheese?

There are hundreds of eye-witness accounts collected by the UN, Human Rights Watch and a dozen other orgs all recounting Syrian Rockets.

There are recovered pieces of the Syrian rockets.

There are multiple videos...not just one...from multiple the nun claim is nonsense.

And apparently, though not publicly released yet, the NSA got the Assad regime on multiple taps, multiple officials, discussing the attack and how to deny it.

Pics of recovered rockets..

But...hell Someone Somewhere claims there is a video of a child being dismembered...yet no one can find the video...and THAT is indisputable proof?

Again...I am against intervention, but WOW is this OP a load of BS.
edit on 10-9-2013 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

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