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Nick Pope : "if you take away the base of the pyramid, the top falls down."

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posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by meaningless333

I'm still not quite ready to blackwash Nick Pope and his AMA thread on ATS.

However. . . I must confess . . .

His stances and assertions . . . and lack of . . . significant information, imho, could certainly be consistent with someone filling a role for officialdom.

He's such a gentleman . . . it's sad to have that perspective. However, the evidence is whatever it is.


edit on 31/8/2013 by BO XIAN because: typo

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 04:54 AM
reply to post by Kuroodo

Chemtrails aren't for the ground.... it's for the sky....

So what exactly are these chemtrails for the sky supposed to do?

Are they trying to hide something or could it be that chemtrails do not exist and what you see are a byproduct of burning fuel in a jet engine.

Also called contrails...

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

His stances and assertions . . . and lack of . . . significant information, imho, could certainly be consistent with someone filling a role for officialdom.

Just what exactly did you expect from someone who has a lifetime oath of certain non disclosure that could ultimately land him in prison for violating that oath?

I am sure he would love to talk more about his job and what he has seen, but I guarantee he loves his freedom, and going to prison just to make certain people on a conspiracy website happy isn't his cup of tea.

One question...

Would you give up your freedom for that?

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Bassago

Chemtrails are true IMO. After watching "What in the World are they Spraying?" the soil testing around Mt Shasta convinced me.

Well then this is going to blow your mind...

Still convinced?

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by tracehd1

I wasn't impressed with him then and still am not! Pope believes in UFO's but not chemtrails (?) lol there's just toooo much proof that if anything they 're seeding clouds. Professional ex-military/weather men have confirmed.

Well, that is because there is more evidence for UFO's than there ever will be for chemtrails.

Cloud seeding....Really?

Can you please provide some names for these Professional ex military/ weathermen that you say confirm chemtrails?

And please don't reference Kevin Martin or Scott Stephens as we already know those two are a joke when it comes to meteorology.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by BO XIAN

I dont question Mr. Pope as being a nice person as he certainly is.
I diverge from debunkers or people that work within or for the establishment on the ideas.

I meant that Mr. Pope presence in ATS had a predictable outcome. And I do not subscribe many of his points of view.
But who am I to jugde?
No one owns the truth and concerning the UFO subject (and its ramifications) we havent a clue (although seems that some are intentionally hidding something or pointing us in the wrong direction).

We can certainly disagree about each others ideas, but never to the point of loosing/forgetting our sense of humanity.
We are humans, therefore imperfect, make mistakes (too many), feel greed, jealousy, arrogance, prejudice, etc.
But we should never forget that we are members of the same species and we only have this planet to live.

I just cant understand why some of us forget this.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 10:22 AM
There are fundamental misunderstandings about the "elite" that is so hard for people to understand.

1. The names you know, are not the elite, they are middle management and take orders from above.

2. The groups you know are not the elite, the are middle management groups, who are told to execute plans coming from elsewhere.

3. The elite are a few, 8, who make all the decisions that effect Earth first, then the people. Their concern is Earth first, they're slaves second. And no, saving the Earth is not the point of their efforts.


5. They hate the Earth human race, they hate their managers, and are not above, or below, killing anyone at anytime. There is no name you know that is special to them, none. They are not like you.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 11:41 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Oh, I certainly respect Nick for his integrity of sticking to his values and priorities as he sees them.

Certainly I would NOT hope he'd end up in the clink for divulging super secret stuff. I'd not want to go there and wouldn't want anyone else to seriously risk going there.

Nevertheless, I suspect that there's a WIDE RANGE of options between TELLING NOTHING all the way over to TELLING ALL.

He seemed to stick much closer than necessary to the TELLING NOTHING side, imho.

That was more than a little curious and more than I expected him to take such a stance.

I was wrong about his priorities and personality on such scores. I didn't have high expectations but I did expect a bit more than was delivered.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by crankyoldman

I essentially wholesale agree with you.

The top levels are not in the news.

I don't know where you got your "8" figure of top leaders. The "ET" fallen angel critters?

I do think that Kiss . . . and George S and Hillary C, Biden, O, and John Kerry et al

are in the upper ranks of the middle puppets, stooges.

I think you posted a lot of true stuff . . . as horrible as it all is.

Thx thx.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by crankyoldman

Can you be more specific about those 8, please?

Are you talking about non-human beings (at least human in a conventional way)?

Thanks in advance!

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by meaningless333
reply to post by crankyoldman

Can you be more specific about those 8, please?

Are you talking about non-human beings (at least human in a conventional way)?

Thanks in advance!

The basic eight are a kind of hybrid of sorts, human but not subject to the DNA limitations that you and I subject ourselves to when we take time to use a body. They are a kind of go between between us and who they serve - they do NOT serve us at all. They "guide" the planet and its inhabitants in a way that serves the ultimate goal of those who they serve, without regard to any who agree to assist them or those they oversee. If there is a person in charge on this planet who feels they will one day ascend to the chamber of the gods because they helped enslave the human race they are delusional - they are the first to get whacked as they are sellouts and can't be trusted.

You will never know them, you will never see them, you will never hold them accountable.They have been here for eons, and their "plan" is hundreds of thousands of years long. But they are in a quandary, without the Earthlings to control, they have no job, and they will not move on either when things transform. They served their masters well, but they will not be rewarded for the effort, they too will be left behind as things progress.

posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 08:25 PM
Do you know anything about the existence of ... let´s call it a "counter-group" (since I cant find a better definition) that oppose those 8 malevolent beings?


posted on Aug, 31 2013 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by meaningless333
Do you know anything about the existence of ... let´s call it a "counter-group" (since I cant find a better definition) that oppose those 8 malevolent beings?


There is no counter group per se, there are many who seek to "wake up" for lack of a better term, those who are under the influence of the rulers. While many portray it as a war, it really isn't as each one of us is here by choice - we could all leave at anytime, but the eight can't.

posted on Sep, 14 2013 @ 09:03 AM

The points Nick Pope made are simple Economics 101, if anyone cares to study that. The way our country is set up, requires people to take on the simple tasks, such as cleaning cars, and waiting tables. And thank goodness those jobs are there, because there are people who for whatever reason, are not able or skilled enough to do much more. Jobs that need people, and people that need jobs. It works.

(Many people at the top started out in those type service jobs, so they are usually something to fall back on when times get hard, so I'm surely not putting them down.)

But it is a fact they are required to keep the country running in an orderly way. Anyone who believes they want to kill the blue collar population is paranoid. Sorry.

As far as chemtrails, if they are trying to kill us with those, they are not doing a very good job are they? Contrails over my house often, and I'm still alive and well, and so is everyone else.

As far as robots and machinery, this has been happening for years and years. People complain and worry over losing jobs to machines.

So OP, a little more studying for you, please.

I don't think you are seeing the situation as it really is. You seem to think our situation today is the same as it was 2000 years ago. It's true that the Romans did not want to kill all the slaves, because they knew they needed them. But today it's really different. Automation is not science-fiction, it's already present in many industries, and there already are factories which use minimal human presence. What do you think of Chinese factories like foxconn when they announce ( link ) they are going to replace hundreds of thousands of workers by robots ? If it is not already done in many industries, it's because human labor still costs less than buying and maintaining a robot, but with the accelerating rate of improvements in technology, this is becoming less and less true.

But me ? I am not complaining, because I know this is going to happen, and I want it. I want it because there is no point in trying to maintain an economic system when we know we can do faster and better. If we can do better and faster, we should do it, and we need to adapt the economic system to the reality of science and technology. But the real problem is ideology, and the current ideology is : "if there is no profit to be made, don't do it". We are entering an era where the current economic system looks more and more like a farce, a joke, a play in a theatre. To give you a somewhat funny analogy : it is as if we had the star-trek universal synthesiser, but we decided that we should not use it, because hey "ECONOMICS" man! Economics! Current economics are no more than a dogma, like a religion.

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