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The List of "No" votes on the NSA Spying Bill (Amash Amendment).

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posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:41 PM

Does this finally tell anyone... TWO PARTIES ONE AGENDA!

This kills me I hear this so bloody often i wonder if people ever stop to think for one second that the 'two parties' are the same is because of that GD piece of paper ?

Has that thought ever entered in to their minds?

Thank God for that piece of paper one can only imagine this country is we didn't have it.

Now i wonder if all those who voted no will take a vote on the care act data hub?

That is bigger and more intrusive than the NSA spying.
edit on 25-7-2013 by neo96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by KeliOnyx

First, I never once called you a whore.... also, I am a woman... and I have an IQ high enough to read all your posts before commenting even once....You did not appear to fully read my response to you on the other hand.
I dont care why you need birth control.

I need medicine too... daily, except... I cant get out of bed without them. Not saying anything about your medicine. Just saying, I have no choice. Just ask the man who, when I am in too much pain has to help me get on the toilet because I cant do it all by my damn self.

I have Reflex Sympathetic Dystophy and am disabled. Technically what I have is called CRPS Type two and involves both my legs. I am declared disabled by both the state and every doctor I have met... yet, I choose not to be dependant on that same state and work in effort to be a productive member of the society I love... America...

I work full time grossing 735 dollars every two weeks. On this 735 (before taxes mind you) I pay rent and utilities, buy the groceries, pay transportation costs, and purchase about 100 dollars a month worth of medicine. I am supporting two people. I do not use credit cards, I budget what little I make. PS. I do not receive food stamps or section 8 housing or any other form of assistance from any government agency.

I care about my freedom, and the freedom my forefathers fought and died for... AND I CANT STAND THE FACT THAT PEOPLE LIKE YOU...TO SAVE A BUCK.... MADE THEIR BLOOD MEAN NOTHING AND MY GRANDCHILDREN WILL NEVER KNOW FREEDOM!!!! Because you and those like you wanted to save a few damn dollars!
edit on 25-7-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
reply to post by KeliOnyx

My High Horse?

At least I work and provide for myself and dont ask the state to do it for me!

And THANK GOD I have an IQ high enough to vote with some measure of common sense!

My freedom and liberty was worth your 25 damn dollars!!! I hope you learn the hard way what exactly you gave up for that 25 bucks!

Oh for God's sake,


She said she is concerned about having her option to have this specific birth control taken away from her altogether, for health reasons. She is willing to pay for it out of her own pocket!!! That won't do any good if it isn't available, will it? She is saying she has to choose between a representative who will vote away her right to birth control for health reasons, and a representative who will vote against her privacy!!!!! What kind of choice is that?

What if your representative was legislating to have the meds you are on currently to be banned, and there were no other options for you? Wouldn't you be a little upset about that possibility? What if you had to choose between a representative who would vote to take away your meds (which takes away your quality of life, or even your life, period), or a representative who would vote to take away your privacy? Wouldn't you have to pause on that decision?

Some people would choose privacy over life. That's fine, but you can't harass someone who chooses their life over privacy. It's their right.
edit on 25-7-2013 by kaylaluv because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:00 PM
Now, I certainly know who NOT to vote for.

I realize that a supporter of the NSA could have voted yes, just to save face and the opposite is true. Not all of these no voters really want this surveillance stopped. However, it's a start.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

she is concerned about having her option to have this specific birth control taken away from her altogether

What if your representative was legislating to have the meds you are on currently to be banned

you can't harass someone who chooses their life over privacy.

So, show me .... from a GOVERNMENT website only, the legislation that is being proposed to make birth control Illegal..........

Time to put up

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by pirhanna

Originally posted by whyamIhere

So please offer some advice on this one. Should I choose to go with the one that wants to take my birth control away, which will have serious complications to my reproductive health? Or should I vote for the one that gets their kicks listening to my rather uninteresting phone calls and internet usage?
reply to post by KeliOnyx

Birth Control?....There is a very easy fix for that.

Your Liberty?...It's a hell of a lot more than phone and internet usage.

If it were me...I would put my civil rights before my reproductive health.

But, that's just my opinion.

Those are both a question of liberty.
Either you support liberty or you don't.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Both issues, reproductive rights and privacy, are equally important in the real definition of liberty. Legislating what goes on in a person's bedroom or reproductive organs is just as totalitarian and unacceptable as invading their phone calls, emails, and internet access. Both are things that are very facist in nature.

So really, in choosing one over the other, you are choosing tyranny in the end. This is why I deeply HATE conservatives as much as I do liberals. Both sides hate your freedom and will do whatever is in their power to rob you of that freedom. It's only a question of which freedoms each side seeks to violate, as they both have their favorites.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB

Originally posted by kaylaluv

she is concerned about having her option to have this specific birth control taken away from her altogether

What if your representative was legislating to have the meds you are on currently to be banned

you can't harass someone who chooses their life over privacy.

So, show me .... from a GOVERNMENT website only, the legislation that is being proposed to make birth control Illegal..........

Time to put up

I will let kelionyx tell you about the representatives in her district. I'm sure she is concerned about voting for someone who is known to be a far-right conservative fundamentalist type with a reputation for being against abortion and birth control. My only reason for posting was to communicate what she has already clearly communicated. That her concern IS NOT about getting free birth control. It is about having any access to birth control, period. Can you at least understand that concern?

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

I do not want to hear about her representatives, we have heard all that. I want to see PROOF from a government website of this legislation that is being proposed to make birth control pills illegal.... hence proof of her fear for her very life since they are proposing to make birth control pills illegal in this country.


posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:45 PM
I can think of numerous legislation measures and attempts to ban or severely limit birth control options. The two that come to mind most readily are the Arkansas and Mississippi personhood laws.

Doesn't matter if those laws were from a couple of years ago. The point is not wanting to vote for the kind of fascist scum who would write or promote such laws any more than wanting to vote for fascist scum who support government surveillance,

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:54 PM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB
reply to post by kaylaluv

I do not want to hear about her representatives, we have heard all that. I want to see PROOF from a government website of this legislation that is being proposed to make birth control pills illegal.... hence proof of her fear for her very life since they are proposing to make birth control pills illegal in this country.


Okay, well the WHOLE POINT of her very first post on this thread was that the representative in her district was one of the ones who voted no on the NSA spying bill. This representative is a democrat who is pro-choice, so she's happy about that, but very unhappy about how this representative voted on the NSA bill. She said her only other choice is to vote for a representative who is a conservative right-winger. She doesn't like that choice, because of conservative right-wingers' reputations for being pro-life/anti-birth control. She doesn't want to take the chance on voting someone in who might try to ban birth control. She (and I) never said there was legislation right now on banning birth control. But if anyone is going to try to, it will be a conservative right-winger, hence her dilemma. She wants to vote for someone who will vote yes on the NSA bill, but who is also a more liberal democrat. There isn't anyone in her district that fits that description, hence her frustration. The old "stuck between a rock and a hard place". Get it?

All she was saying was that she wants better choices of people to vote for. What's so horrible about that?

This is why I keep telling myself not to post on this website anymore. You people don't pay attention. You are just too quick to go all whacko on someone. It wasn't about the damn $25. Just admit that you were too quick to jump all over her about the money. It wasn't about money. It was about no good choices of representatives to vote for.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Personhood laws have nothing to do with birth control pills....with that personhood was being defined as:

Personhood begins with fertilization, cloning or its functional equivalent.

This does not effect birth control pills because that prevents fertilization in the first place. That would only effect abortion and things such as the morning after pill, which has not one thing to do with what she is talking about.

She specifically stated that they were attempting to make illegal her birth control that she needs for what I am assuming is ovarian cysts.

Second, congress does not have the power overrule Roe vs. Wade so the whole thing is a non issue.

So again, I want PROOF.... or you all to admit there is no such legislation...
edit on 25-7-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB

Second, congress does not have the power overrule Roe vs. Wade so the whole thing is a non issue.

I guess you haven't been paying attention to what they've been doing in Texas then. They have shut down most abortion clinics through their recent legislation.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by kaylaluv

I understood her "point" She was trying to come up with any excuse to mask the fact that she is in favor of NSA Surveillance. Because obviously the whole "they are going to ban my birth control through legislation" was a smokescreen because there is no such legislation.

Now, because she fell into her own hole, dug out with exaggerations and untruths, you are here to save the day!

Got a white horse?

This is why I am upset, people trying to justify what is happening in America today with propaganda. I cant be psyoped into thinking any of this has a good reason, or that any of the people we have voted into office have our best interests at heart.

This is wrong, and derailing the thread in a clear attempt to derail the entire topic, which is concerning our rights as American citizens to privacy, is just as wrong as our pseudo leaders grouping all Americans together with enemy combatants.

We aren't, we have rights, some of our forefathers died for freedom in a land freedom is no longer to be found.


... and I felt the need to get back on point. it's not the crazy fundamentalist conservative Republicans, nor is it the wacko communist liberal Democrats. It's ALL of them. Just look at the votes. That's why I said "I'm in shock" in my very first post in this thread

edit on 25-7-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by eLPresidente

This post might qualify as one of the worst I've ever seen on ATS. I mean, trying to draw parallels between some leftist talking point (just admit it) and the blatant disregard of the privacy of millions....

And this might qualify as one of the worst I've seen. How sanctimonious of you to say that privacy of millions matters more than the privacy of women! Privacy matters PERIOD.

Left issue? Are you kidding me? This is a human liberty issue. She justified why she needs the Pill (Not for birth control) even though she shouldn't have had to. It is between her and her doctor.

It shouldn't even be a debate. Not to mention you missed the entire point! She has to choose between voting for someone that doesn't respect the privacy of womens bodies (THAT IS A LIBERTY ISSUE) and someone that voted against the Amash Amendment. That is a choice no one should have to make! Both issues deal with liberty and she is being forced to choose between sacrificing liberty of all and her personal liberty to be able to have children someday. I suggest you go back and read all her posts and then apologize. And just for the record no woman should have to publicly state, nor document for some bureaucrat, her goddamn medical history in order to get a goddamn prescription (one that she will pay for btw).

All of us are essentially forced to make similar choices every election, because we aren't banded together enough to get behind candidates... and YOU are a perfect example of why. YOU are declaring what liberty is and what liberty isn't. Maybe we should instead embrace the broadest definition of Liberty possible: So long as it harms no one, it's no one else's business!
edit on 25-7-2013 by Kali74 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

Personhood laws absolutely do have something to do with birth control pills. Because you can take an overdose of them to induce a miscarriage. So yes, there is no shortage of old men and crackpot women intentionally using broad, unspecific terminology in bills so that birth control pills are included in anti-abortion legislation.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:28 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

LOL, so first, you went all whacko on her because of $25. Then you went all whacko on her, saying she claimed there was legislation on banning the pill. Now you're going all whacko on her, calling her a liar. I wish you'd make up your mind.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:34 PM

Originally posted by kaylaluv

Originally posted by OpinionatedB

Second, congress does not have the power overrule Roe vs. Wade so the whole thing is a non issue.

I guess you haven't been paying attention to what they've been doing in Texas then. They have shut down most abortion clinics through their recent legislation.

1. That still isn't congress, it's the state of Texas. Congress, as in "The UNITED STATES Congress, are the ones who just gave the NSA a pass to continue invading our privacy - yours and mine.

2. You said "most" abortion clinics. Why only "most"? If Abortion were outlawed, wouldn't ALL of them be shut down? Is "late term" abortions the point of contention there? If a child is able to survive outside the womb, is that "murder"? BUT - that is for another thread, and has nothing whatsoever to do with either NSA spying on citizens OR allegations of banning birth control pills. Frankly, I have to wonder why you brought abortions into the discussion to begin with, since they were not among the points of contention.

3. If you want to discuss abortion, make another thread.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:36 PM
nevermind, there are 2 people with the same last name.
edit on 25-7-2013 by sandman441 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:40 PM
reply to post by OpinionatedB

This thread is about the reps who voted no on the NSA spying Bill. The implication of the thread is to encourage people to vote these reps out. Kelionyx simply said that for her own personal reasons, she didn't feel she had a good choice of a representative to vote for. Because she listed her personal reason, you all went whacko on her, instead of listening to her original point - that there aren't good choices of people to vote for.

posted on Jul, 25 2013 @ 09:58 PM

Originally posted by OpinionatedB

This does not effect birth control pills because that prevents fertilization in the first place. That would only effect abortion and things such as the morning after pill, which has not one thing to do with what she is talking about.

She specifically stated that they were attempting to make illegal her birth control that she needs for what I am assuming is ovarian cysts.

Second, congress does not have the power overrule Roe vs. Wade so the whole thing is a non issue.

So again, I want PROOF.... or you all to admit there is no such legislation...
edit on 25-7-2013 by OpinionatedB because: (no reason given)

I would suggest actually learning about birth control and the various methods, and how they work, before blatantly making such ignorant statements.

Methods like IUDs and various hormonal birth control pills act by preventing implantation of a fertilized egg. Thus, "personhood" laws would prohibit these methods, since it would state personhood begins at fertilization.

There are a few hormonal birth control pills, other than the morning after pill, which do not prevent fertilization, but prevent implantation. That is the issue.

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