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Has anyone tried Sizzling minerals,

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posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 11:38 AM
Hiya , was wondering if anyone on the forum has tried Sizzling minerals. My friend is a distributer of them and has been asking me to try them for the last month or two.Anyway to cut a long story short i began taking them around two weeks ago and have had a great positive effect from them.I have got loads more energy, during exercise i don't seem to get the same lactic acid burn, i recover quicker,i always have an afternoon nap but over the last week i no longer feel the need to go and lie down
Just wondered if anyone else has tried them. I have looked on-line for any bad results from anyone taking them ,but cant find any,the testimonials i have found have been all good.
I have included a link to explain a few things about them .Its eleven minutes long so you may not be bothered to watch it,, sorry i don't know how to embed videos,hope someone can do it for me.Thanks .

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:08 PM
I am taking a calcium in this form at night, it makes you sleep well and is supposed to absorb much better. So this seems reasonable to me.

reply to post by themove1904

edit on 23-7-2013 by Char-Lee because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:28 PM
Thanks for embedding the video for me,have just spoken to another couple of friends
who are also taking the Sizzling minerals and are reporting great benefits as well.My friend
who has started distributing them tells me in the next few weeks i will see even better results from
taking them.So fingers crossed and i,ll post up any more positive results i have from taking them

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 12:35 PM
I was in pretty bad shape before I finally quit taking my meds that I was found to be allergic to. I found myself staring at a colloidal mineral liquid at the store and bought was twenty bucks. I started to take the mineral water and felt so much better that I drank the bottle in a week instead of a month. I bought another one and that one lasted two weeks. The next one lasted a month. At the end of that my health had drastically improved from what if was and I could get off the couch without great difficulty. I think that was my start of researching things. Since then I have what would be equivalent to at least four years of college in research on this kind of stuff. That would be four years of specialist training, no gym or math, an average of six hours a day for four years@ and all twelve months of the years. The last year and a half I have only been doing about three hours a day.

With all this research I have come to a conclusion that most people in this country are mineral deficient in one type or another. If you are deficient in minerals including salts, you are hungry more. People eat too many foods that bind to minerals and they don't get absorbed. These antinutrients are abundant throughout the Western diet, praised as good for you. What a crock. Healthcare workers have been taught to parrot deceit. If you want to lose weight, eat some antinutrients and it will reduce the fat and muscle in the body evenly.

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by rickymouse

Take a look at this my sister sent me.

The Calcium Wars: Magnesium deficiency causes heart disease Learn more:

posted on Jul, 23 2013 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

I tried writing a simple response but the necessity of microminerals and balanced minerals in the body is so complex, I was into my third paragraph and I had twenty paragraphs to go just for a simple explanation.

I had to back off, the Buddha show just came on PBS, I have to go watch it. Another interest of mine

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 03:39 AM
reply to post by rickymouse
thanks for the response rickymouse, i think you have hit the nail on the head, and yes i also think most people are mineral deficient ,have you ever tried to educate friends or family to that fact.I,ve tried talking to the wife about it but she doesn't seem to care,and she can see i,m sleeping better and have loads more energy .Have offered to share them with her but she's not interested.
We,re both 52 years old and really should be thinking about anything that can boost our health , oh well i,ll just continue to take them on my own . Even this morning when the alarm went of i bounced out of bed and was wide awake and full of the joys of summer ,it took her her usual 10 minutes to rouse herself ,came downstairs had the mineral wafer , offered to put another glass out for her but got the usual negative response .You can lead a horse to water and all that.
Will keep you posted on any more benefits i have

posted on Jul, 24 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by themove1904

When you start to look younger, she will start to listen. That takes about three years. I look for natural ways to get these microminerals. Dandelion has many of them because they can break down rock.

There has been little testing done on the presence of these micro-minerals in foods, I think the reason is that the ones running the show know that our food is deficient because of our farming techniques. The thing is that when you go to the store, there may be some good mixed with the bad. Clay in soil is full of minerals. The problem is it is bound so a little garden lime releases the nutrients. Too much lime and you get a couple of good years and the nutrients are gone.

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