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The NSA slide you haven’t seen!

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posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 11:37 AM
reply to post by Sandalphon
It is called Keep it simple Stupid "KISS" for short so any one can understand it, here it is and your right this is not new info NOVA, Frontline, wired 60 min and others, have done a bit on how the Gov spies on us so why the big deal , most did not know about it for they had their head stuck in the sand saying the "P"act is good for us and for keeping us safe , now that you have that cake you must eat from it. mo bet mos of the cry babies are the ones that cheers for the drug war , gulf war, one and 2, the invasion of Afghanistan, the Pact, and have john McCain as their hero

edit on 11-7-2013 by bekod because: line edit

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Stealthwatch
reply to post by Indigo5

What saw no terorist in your neighborhood. Look out your window they are also called goverment officials, military and most importantly THE POLICE. So the terrorist are there.

Although I find your comment funny...

It is simply not true. My dad was a 30 year cop. He loved the Constitution and respected rights.

The thing is, cops hate video. When you are dealing with scum it can get ugly.

Video completely changes the way they do their job. They can't use discretion.

The street cops are the "well regulated militia". I can tell you from experience.

They are not the ones spying...On the contrary...They are the worst victims.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

Are you freaking kidding me?
Cops are the WORST victum of the spying!!!!

I guess this ranks right up there with "they put their lives on the line everyday" and "your human rights dont trump officer safety" as yet another example of cop worshiping.
Right behind the idiot a few days ago who said hidden video should not be used to prosecute abusive officers who violated the rights of a handcuffed prisoner.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 02:09 PM

Originally posted by Rocker2013

Originally posted by Foxy1
well! its a good thing I use bing instead of google!

I'm not sure if you're trying to be funny.
Bing is owned by Microsoft.

Besides, when they can gather the information directly from cable tapping it doesn't really matter what service you use, they can intercept, decrypt, read and store everything you do in the US, and every communication that travels through US systems from elsewhere.

I was thinking the very same thing! You know what they say...Great Minds Think Alike.

It doesn't matter what search engine, email, social network, etc. that you utilize. If you are using the interwebs and online, they can snoop and spy. Wow...that makes me wonder if the development and creation of the interweb is a conspiracy in itself?

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Dragoon01
reply to post by whyamIhere

Are you freaking kidding me?
Cops are the WORST victum of the spying!!!!

I guess this ranks right up there with "they put their lives on the line everyday" and "your human rights dont trump officer safety" as yet another example of cop worshiping.
Right behind the idiot a few days ago who said hidden video should not be used to prosecute abusive officers who violated the rights of a handcuffed prisoner.

Cop worship...That's rich.

Do you judge people much?

All cops are bad?

You have met them all and they all spy?

Is it hard living with such huge preconceived notions?


posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 02:59 PM

Originally posted by Sandalphon
I'm a little confused. Maybe first because these government slides are so amateurish. I'm wondering if this is on purpose, that there's a secret Snowden code in these slides, that maybe a real government worker will see a forgery, like the direction letters in red in the corner should officially be blue or black. See this intelligence stuff is so partitioned this could be the slides they let hang around as bogus slides, that should the computers ever get hacked, they'd know at what computer was the data breach. I'm saddened that the Internet elites that snoop around the data of the nation are making these slides and calling it a finished work for the government. Please tell me this was their rough draft and the finished product is still unseen.

PRISM, it was developed in the 1990s with some of the most advanced knowledge computer programmers of the time. I read about it on the Internet. Which is a surprise in itself because if it's so up there in the secrecy why even publicize it just as it was developing, then turn around and shock-n-awe the public in 2013?

So there is this slide that shows Gmail, Facebook, and Skype. Those weren't exactly around when PRISM was started. I reminisce, where I had the sprynet and Earthlink and the internet was free when you agreed to have an ad banner bar at NetZero, and cascading style sheets were the breakthrough code to revolutionize websites. Where it would take like three minutes to download a three minute video from YouTube, and Amazon was the supersite of the Internet, not Google.

This is bunk that it's just the service providers, unless there is another program that was mentioned in 90's news. See the NSA has the PRISM, but the military had something totalitarian just the same through the Intel chips, which just about every computer has. But that program, which name escapes me, isn't being hyped. Something with a "key" in it. Maybe that was thin thread.
edit on 11-7-2013 by Sandalphon because: there that then thusly

Key Escrow with the Clipper chips?

I remember the 1990's. Demon Internet in the UK gave me internet access through a 14.4K dial-up modem. Would spend an hour or two downloading the Usenet headers, then deciding which forum threads sounded the most interesting, and then downloading the discussions. That's about 1000x slower than the average connection now. Everything was text based. My PC only had 60 megabytes of disk space, and the largest images from NASA were well beyond that size.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:01 PM
reply to post by whyamIhere

The " good cops " are the same lame shi$ as the usa citizens who cry it is not us it is our government. If they are too useless too take care of their own men who step out of line or just keep quite and look the other way, they are as guilty as the one who did it.
In my time when i was in the army we really took care of our own. You step out of line and you did not come home. We all know that so even if there was one who felt the need for stepping out of line, the consequence was too high so you did not even thought of it. This was 25 years ago and not in usa just btw.
That eye for an eye thing worked.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 03:26 PM
reply to post by Stealthwatch

I am with WhyamIhere...and that is not usual. enough with the cop-hating. It is just so effen tired that people post vids of cops behaving badly and try to cast ALL cops as those poor examples. the vast majority of cops are good people trying to do good and actually protect folks from the worst amongst us. Yes...Out of the nearly 1 Million cops in the USA...some suck and some are corrupt...that is not news, nor does it make all cops bad people.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 05:36 PM
This whole snowden deal being blown up the way it is, I can only assume that its being used as a litmus test.
To see how everyone reacts to it. And as expected, our dumbed down ignorant selves have done nothing about it.
I dont know if its drugs in the food or in the drinks, or serious mass brainwashing or just downright apathy.
But the way the general public has taken this news and hasnt even batted an eyelid, its the scariest thing of all.
Government tyranny is growing daily, and us plebs are watching our freedom flush down the toilet, but still its just too much hassle to do anything about it, or we can just let someone else deal with it.

What has happened to mankind? How has the sacrifice of our ancestors in blood to give us the freedoms we so freely throw away come to the point that we do it and dont even care.

Our politicians are blatant liars, but somehow thats okay with everyone.
You can only trust a politician to do exactly the opposite of what they are saying. But we accept that!!!
We have our police undercover in civil rights movements trying to dig up dirt and discredit the very people that are fighting for our freedom.
Here in London we have more surveillance cameras than the whole of the usa.
And the UK as a whole has an estimated 1 camera for every 11 people. There are around 60million people in the uk.

We are going to hell in a handcart, more and more of these little stories will leak, but only incrementally, that way the people will just process and forget the news within a few days.
It will only become apparent once certain freedoms that they took for granted are no longer there to protect them personally, only then will they realise its already too late.

Just the way that this news is getting such mainstream coverage makes me think its government sanctioned release.
And the way we all as a society just accept it makes me realise its already so damn late. And we deserve the fate we get.

With a broken economy,a broken environment, a broken power structure, a broken population, the time is ripe for the circle of control to be implemented in our faces. Or a world war. History repeats and the global condition is very similar to pre ww2.

My instincts are telling me that we are past the point of no return and we are plummeting rapidly into the abyss.
I hope I am wrong.

posted on Jul, 11 2013 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by charles1952
reply to post by GrantedBail

I guess I'm just confused.

That'll be the day.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by whyamIhere

Originally posted by Dragoon01
reply to post by whyamIhere

Are you freaking kidding me?
Cops are the WORST victum of the spying!!!!

I guess this ranks right up there with "they put their lives on the line everyday" and "your human rights dont trump officer safety" as yet another example of cop worshiping.
Right behind the idiot a few days ago who said hidden video should not be used to prosecute abusive officers who violated the rights of a handcuffed prisoner.

Cop worship...That's rich.

Do you judge people much?

All cops are bad?

You have met them all and they all spy?

Is it hard living with such huge preconceived notions?


No more broad than your statement that cops were all just being painted negatively by the few bad apples.
I get your it, your Dad was a good cop. Thats fine and that may in fact be the case. What you dont see because of that family involvement is that those days are long gone. I will stop painting cops in such a broad brush when I see more cops bringing their fellow cops to justice. The cop who says nothing and does not turn in his partner for abuse is just as wrong as the guy who did the abuse. The problem is that the cop who stands up and says "this is enough" will be treated just like Snowden and raked over the coals. That sucks but its the battle they have to face. They either face it or they will one day have to face us and justify their inaction. You have principles and believe in liberty and rights or you a party to tyranny. History has not been kind to those that collaborated.

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by Dragoon01

I wasn't defending all cops.

I was just pointing out in such a large group of people (way too many).

You have your good and bad. I know you already know that.

We are not very far apart on our perceptions...

posted on Jul, 12 2013 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Indigo5
reply to post by Stealthwatch

I am with WhyamIhere...and that is not usual. enough with the cop-hating. It is just so effen tired that people post vids of cops behaving badly and try to cast ALL cops as those poor examples. the vast majority of cops are good people trying to do good and actually protect folks from the worst amongst us. Yes...Out of the nearly 1 Million cops in the USA...some suck and some are corrupt...that is not news, nor does it make all cops bad people.

Your right all cops are not bad people. Just like all people who are not cops are not bad people. Look I know guys who are cops. They are just fine to me they are friendly and approachable. Thats because they KNOW me. The ones that you know are great to you again because they KNOW you. Get them to tell you about some of their arrests that they have made.People whom they DONT know. Be really chummy with them and get all the gritty details. When you look at those details and put yourself in the place of the guy or gal getitng arrested Officer Friendly starts to look WAY to much like Officer Jackboot.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by Dragoon01

Your right all cops are not bad people. Just like all people who are not cops are not bad people. Look I know guys who are cops. They are just fine to me they are friendly and approachable. Thats because they KNOW me. The ones that you know are great to you again because they KNOW you. Get them to tell you about some of their arrests that they have made.People whom they DONT know. Be really chummy with them and get all the gritty details. When you look at those details and put yourself in the place of the guy or gal getitng arrested Officer Friendly starts to look WAY to much like Officer Jackboot.

coincidentally I got pulled over during a road trip this weekend. In a state where apparently my liscense has been revoked for an old fine years ago. The Cop was obligated to turn my vacation into hell. Potential arrest...huge fines...driving without a valid liscense etc. etc. he said past fines? $420...the speeding ticket he pulled me over for? $275 for doing 15+ over...or arrest on the spot for no I was driving my wifes car and she couldn't find the insurance voucher...know what happened?

He told my wife to switch places with me and get in the drivers seat. He said he was going to pretend he never asked for my liscense and was unaware of all of the above, because otherwise he was obligated to arrest me on the spot until the fine was paid in cash...and he wrote her a WARNING for speeding...not even a ticket...ignored that she couldn't find her insurance. He placed his hand on my shoulder and said, "just remember thier are good people in the world and pay it forward...and pay your back fines!" smiled and walked away.

I swear to God the above happened to me two days ago...Funny how life works.

posted on Jul, 15 2013 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Indigo5

There are not all bad.

I'm glad the cop didn't ruin your vacation.

If you give respect....You almost always get it in return.

Nice twist to the thread...

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by Indigo5

Last summer I was camping in the mountains and doing a little trout fishing. I was standing in the middle of a creek about knee high in water. I heard a cracking sound in the woods above me. Down the hill comes a Black bear. It stops about 10 feet from the water and snorts at me a few times. He was a good size for Bear in these parts about 120 lbs. I just stood still and didnt move. He snorted a few more times and then lumbered back up the hill. I took that as a sign to move to a new fishing hole and promptly headed back for my truck.

That bear could have easily made it into the water and probably caught me if I tried to run. I was in wading boots afterall. See thats the nature of predators.. they are unpredictable.

You got caught in the creek and the bear just snorted at you. Next time he might tear your arm off or taser you.

posted on Jul, 16 2013 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Dragoon01

The bear realized you were fishing and decided he would wait until you caught something and he would come back for a twofer!

In all seriousness...We need to equate Cops with wild predatory animals for your tale to be anlagous...and I am still not buying.

I have known cops to be good and I have known cops to be bad or corrupt with the same consistency that the rest of the human race is.

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