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Sex Offender Charged With Fla. Girl's Death

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posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by littled16
My husband is down in Jacksonville working and has been telling me about the story. He says people are just tore up about it around there. It's so sad!

It's getting to where you can't trust anyone any more. When my kids were growing up I never let them out of my sight in a store, even if we went there with other people, and I'm the same with my grandchild. It's sad that even people who seem nice and act like they want to help have to be eyed with suspicion and distrust. What is happening to society?

I hear you.

Its a shame that Parents are in ever "protect" mode, when it comes to their children. I remember a time where you could leave your doors open, and call your children from the front porch at 9pm to come home.

Where everyone knew everyone on the block. The times have changed, and not in a good way.

edit on 23-6-2013 by sonnny1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:22 PM
reply to post by sonnny1
I'm afraid those days have left us for good my friend, and it makes me extremely sad. I don't know if this sort of thing is happening more frequently than when we were kids or if we are just more aware of it due to instant communication. If the former it makes me sick to think of what it will be like for children born 20-30 years from now, if the latter I am sad for the loss of the time of blissful ignorance.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by littled16
reply to post by sonnny1
I'm afraid those days have left us for good my friend, and it makes me extremely sad. I don't know if this sort of thing is happening more frequently than when we were kids or if we are just more aware of it due to instant communication. If the former it makes me sick to think of what it will be like for children born 20-30 years from now, if the latter I am sad for the loss of the time of blissful ignorance.

Unfortunately, yes.

A few years back I almost went the way of implanting chips in my children. Costly, but I don't know what I would do as a Parent if one of my children went missing. I still think it might be an option for me.

I heard a Parent of a missing child say the one club that No parent wants to be in is the "Missing Children" Club.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by sled735

I hate to say it, but criminals have more rights than victims today. All these pedophiles and rapists should be castrated. Maybe than, those who would think of doing anything so disgusting and evil would think twice.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by brandiwine14

I agree she was very careless letting her child go off with a stranger. She endangered her child's life.

I don't agree she should suffer more because of it. She will suffer enough.
True she wanted the freebies, but if she was very poor , the temptation was there and she fell for it. Stupid mistake she will eternally regret
The rule is, if something is too good to be true, it usually is.

You should never let your child out of your sight, but some mothers are careless with this. I see it all the time. I personally cannot stand to see a parent walking along in a crowded public place with their kids straggling along behind them. Do they have eyes at the back of their heads? You hold their hands, keep them in your vision.

My own mother used to let me out of her sight and one time I got separated from her in a crowded marketplace. Another time she left me outside to wait while she went in the library. Fortunately my father had given me strict rules to follow. He said if a stranger ever offers you candy, don't take it, because when you get up close to take it, he can snatch you and you will never see us again. I was standing outside the library, there was a back alley and a shabby looking old man was in the alley and said " come here little girl, I have candy for you" . As much as I wanted it , I knew I wasn't supposed to take it. I said no thank you, he kept saying come on, come here, take it, I won't hurt you its ok. I might not be here right now if it wasn't for my father and his safety rules. I used his rules on my own children, I was never going to be like my mother.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 05:39 PM

Originally posted by violet
reply to post by brandiwine14

I personally cannot stand to see a parent walking along in a crowded public place with their kids straggling along behind them. Do they have eyes at the back of their heads? You hold their hands, keep them in your vision.

I agree. I see this all the time at the market too. Even when they are outside crossing the lanes of traffic! There's the mother with a baby in her arms looking straight ahead, and a couple of toddlers following behind.
Cars swizz through the lanes of parked cars all the time.
When I see this I just want to scream out at the mother telling her to watch her kids better!
Some people have no business being parents!

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 06:24 PM
Tragic. My heart goes out to the mother who must be feeling horribly innadequate.

Unfortunately these things will keep on happening because of our primitive, emotion-driven ways.

Until we stop frothing at the mouth, screaming for these *monsters* to be PUNISHED, and instead try putting some proper effort into HEALING these *sick people*, this will only keep on happening.

Lets try thinking about this with a level head.

Punishing a sex offender with a jail sentence does what ? They get a ten year build up of sexual tension, maybe get prison-raped which will only reinforce their inclination to sexually humiliate others, and then we release them. And wonder why they do it again.

These people are mentally sick. They need serious, long term medical therapy, not senseless punishment. THAT would solve the problem. And although our backwards drive for revenge would go unsatisfied, a lot less people would have to go through horrific life experiences, or in this case, sadly, horrific life-ending experiences.

We need to start finding solutions to these problems instead of acting like angry toddlers hell bent on getting *payback*. Payback doesn't change anything. *Nothing* can make-up for the trauma induced by rape.

Not only does this immature social quagmire serve no purpose, it only makes things worse, and kids will keep on dying because we prefer to scream and rave and feel indignant instead of trying to actually fix the problem.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Ismail

So... we have 3 teens that may be able to keep their urges in check when released, and 97 that will go right back out and do it all over again. I see this as a total waste of money, and a risk to the public when they are released.

I think if they knew they had some kind of severe punishment to face, it would make them think twice.

It's like the spanking thing... When I was growing up, if I did something really bad, I got a spanking. And let me tell you, I never did it again! I didn't grow up feeling abused by my parents; I felt they loved me enough to teach me right from wrong, in a way that got my attention.

Today parents send their kids to their room, or ground them. Big [snip] Deal!! What kid fears being sent to their room with their t.v./games, music, smart phones?

And it's the same with adults. No hard punishment, nothing to fear to stop them from going back out and doing it again.

edit on 6/23/2013 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

edit on Mon Jun 24 2013 by DontTreadOnMe because: edited per author request Mod Note: Do Not Evade the Automatic Censors

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 08:03 PM
I wonder what the rate is for a sexual predator to commit another sexual crime. It seems to me that they are never rehabilitated and tend to commit heinous crimes even after prison. Just turn them loose in general population even murders,drug dealers and robbers know they don't deserve to live.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by aboutface
reply to post by sled735

I share your outrage and disgust. What a manipulator, grooming his victims and scheming to separate the child from her mother so he can act out his depraved fantasy.

We must never ever let our guard down. It's been my experience that people are mostly opportunists and rare is the truly selfless person who gives and does not expect something back in return.

You know what is really disgusting is that she would allow any man into her life with a child that young and beautiful without being introduced by a trusted friend.

You can't trust people whose identity and character that hasn't been establish and verified by people you know, especially when female children are involved in a nation which lets repeat sex offenders back into society.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:37 PM
This guy should have NEVER been released

Smith has been a registered sex offender since a 1993 conviction in Duval County for attempted kidnapping and selling obscene materials. He has been arrested several times since then, most recently in 2009 on a charge of child abuse after making obscene phone calls to a 10-year-old girl, making verbal threats, and impersonating a social worker with the Florida Department of Children and Families who claimed to be investigating the girl's family.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:38 PM
rehabilitation does not work on sexual predators......this mom will live with her mistake for the rest of her life, terrible thing all the way around.

heres another mom who screwed up , she was a therapist or a psychologist, she had a patient in jail, a child molester. Now in her profession she should know how bad the statistics are for recommiting crime....he wrote nice poetry ...she let him move into her house when he got out.

she has a young boy...of course the guy molested him....that story really shocked me I am not meaning to go off topic.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by research100
Now in her profession she should know how bad the statistics are for recommiting crime.

So many women in this country will put their own need to have someone in their life before the safety of their children.

It's called co-dependence. Something this doc should have been well familiar with.

I've seen women with children try to communicate with me and pursue me. And they take pics of themselves with their kids and put it on facebook. Dumb. It's like flypaper for a sexual offender.

I ignore women like that. Why would you ever want to have a child with a women like that? They will just put your children at risk.

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Miracula

I'm on a singles site and there are people with 7 pics of their kids, one of them...
I stay FAR AWAY from those postrings...

posted on Jun, 23 2013 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by HomerinNC
reply to post by Miracula

I'm on a singles site and there are people with 7 pics of their kids, one of them...
I stay FAR AWAY from those postrings...

Good job.

It's a good sign that they are using the wrong things to motivate a potential date and a good sign that their children's safety is a secondary consideration to their own desire to not be alone. Men will date a woman with a child if they find the woman interesting.

Why reward incompetence by talking to them?

Good job.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:39 AM

Originally posted by markosity1973
It is difficult for me to express my disgust and outrage that monsters like this are allowed back into the community and remain within the site's T & Cs.

Perhaps the best solution is 2 emoticons

There has to be something that can be done to keep these people away from the children permanently.

There used to be, but that was considered cruel and inhumane. I say, take em out back, line em up and shoot em or hang em in the town square... but then again the death penalty is so wrong. (sarcasm intended)

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by violet

All sex offenders should, because they all repeat their crimes. They never rehabilitate,

That is not true. That's the media hype.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by sled735

Yes, the idea of punishment is great, but it won't happen in this society. It reminds me of those Jerry Springer episodes where you have a guy who likes to beat up on his girlfriend and claims he can't help himself, but when a big bad ass guy gets in his face he doesn't attack him so obviously he can control himself out of the idea of self preservation.

I lived in Saudi Arabia from 1978 to 1983. You could walk through the gold suk (market) and there would be gold laying out on the counters, hanging on the walls, and NOBODY ever stole it! Why? Because in that same market was a nice wooden block stained red over the years for anyone who tried to steal and was caught. They drug them over to the block and cut off their right (clean) hand!

I am not advocating we start cutting off hands, but there is no deterrent for these scum in our society. Crime pays, and perversion is gratified at every turn. One in three women have been sexually abused in some way. The next time you are in your office just look around and you will see our society in a new way if you haven't been watching. Perverts beget perverts and the cycle never ends unless you cut it off. Kill em or jail em, but don't let them back out into society.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by WeRpeons
reply to post by sled735

I hate to say it, but criminals have more rights than victims today. All these pedophiles and rapists should be castrated. Maybe than, those who would think of doing anything so disgusting and evil would think twice.

I understand your thoughts, but if you studied rape then you would know it is not about sex, but power. Many rapists don't use their "member" to rape, but an object! Many women and girls are severely injured via those encounters. So, cut off all you want, but they will just grab a bottle or something else and hate women all the more. I know, sick huh.

posted on Jun, 24 2013 @ 03:50 AM
Am I the only one who finds it very disrespectful how much it is emphasised that this is a sex offense? Its like the most important thing the poor girl did was to serve as a sex object, even in death. The guy is a murderer now, not some lousy kiddie fiddler, and should be treated as such.

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