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"Humane" officer guns down a litter of kittens in front of children

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posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 02:15 PM
There are laws against animal cruelty and this certainly qualifies. This is a person who should never be allowed to carry a gun and he should be tested for steroid use. I'm becoming increasingly sure that an awful lot of the 'cop out of control' scenarios lately are cops on steroids, AKA 'roid rage'. Something is going on making them whacko. Maybe they're stealing meth and coc aine out of the evidence rooms.

I still remember my aged father telling me about how he drowned a litter of kittens in a flour sac back probably in the 1920s. (This was a rather common response to unwanted litters back then when you couldn't spay them).

He choked up retelling this story over 70 years later. THAT is what is meant by having a conscience.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 02:25 PM
At least they got the chance to breathe the air...Would it be more acceptable if he killed them before they were born?

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 02:36 PM

Originally posted by Vasa Croe

I am not for animal cruelty, but feral cats are not exactly an animal that needs saving....they are domestic wild cats and are known to cause harm to the surrounding indigenous wild life.

I will start off by mentioning that I am a now retired feral colony specialist and have been working with communities for more than 25 years to educate and help communities control the unchecked breeding of feral colonies on the west coast of the US. It is unfortunate that many still see feral felines as vermin and until the myths surrounding feral cats are addressed this kind of thing will continue to occur.

The myth that true feral cats in the US are detrimental to wildlife is exactly that, an oft repeated myth. Study after study has shown that loss of habitat is the largest contributor to the loss of wild bird populations and to songbirds in particular.

There is also a huge difference between strays and feral felines and to assume that these kittens are feral because they were born in a wood pile comes from a simple lack of knowledge on the part of all involved.

This is a good place to start when it comes to the facts about feral colonies.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 02:40 PM
Men and guns eh? Do they think their c***ks grow if they shoot something? Someone ought to tell them the truth - they fall off!
I wonder when the stupid woman will be phoning a pest control officer to complain about the rats that have moved into her precious woodpile.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 02:57 PM
The terms and conditions of this site prevent me from expressing my opinion on this incident, the excuse made by the person responsible, and his employers, at this time. Perhaps a few hours, maybe days, and I will be able to comport myself with restraint on this subject.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 03:06 PM
The police department was getting reamed on their Facebook page and had to shut it down for a while.

The North Ridgeville Police Department said it was forced to take down its Facebook page for hours on Monday due to “overwhelming abuse.”

“We are firm believers in everyone having their right to express their opinions about what we do, even dissenting, but they must maintain a level of common decency,” the department wrote on its page on Tuesday. “We created this post to give you a place to speak out for or against what is being reported. Please be respectful of others and use the manners that you were all raised with. Thank you.”

Raw Story

I'm sure the irony of the statement was lost on the police officials.
They sure didn't show any common decency or manners when dealing with the kitten situation.

As of now, the page is back up. Here are some of the better posts showing there were better options.

Trisha Spriggs Mills

The Girl Scouts in North Ridgeville earned a badge last year by learning how to do trap release of feral cats...
They took calls, raised money for spay/neuter and were able to trap and release 20-something cats in North Ridgeville...maybe they should be given this guys job..they did it better.

Kelly Smick Ohio SPCA

According to a statement provided to the media and posted on the North Ridgeville Police Department's Facebook page, " Research and other animal organizations accept shooting as an acceptable means of euthanasia." No HUMANE organization would recommend that non-threatening animals be shot as a method of euthanasia. The use of gunshot to end an animal's life should only be used when an animal is attacking or has been injured so seriously that ending suffering must be immediate. The 8 to 10 week-old kittens posed no immediate threat to anyone. Trap, Neuter, and Release Programs (TNR) have been in place in a multitude of cities and towns throughout Ohio and the United States for years. Humane societies and shelters not choosing TNR as an option, should only be using Euthanasia by Injection (EBI).

North Ridgeville Police FB

Police, being police are going to defend one of their own, no matter how outrageous his behavior. Only by applying overwhelming pressure does any cop get held accountable for their crimes. I hope the people keep up the pressure enough for an independent investigation into this matter.

edit on 6/12/13 by FortAnthem because:
___________ extra DIV

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 05:13 PM
That gun is for large animals in suffering, not kittens. It's for sick cows, horses, and insane dogs, not kittens.

His supervisors are idiots who are avoiding a lawsuit. It probably is a sign that their entire business at that location needs to be tipped upside down and checked for abuses and mismanagement, animals not being accounted for and the like.

The man is a sociopath. They should have screened him before handing him a gun in the name of his company.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 06:37 PM
So he pulled out a gun and "Hasta la vista baby" style blew away a bunch of kittens.

I feel so much safer knowing the Judge Dread of Humane officers is keeping the world safe from disease ridden filth.

You know at least try to have a little compassion and find the little buggers a home.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 07:13 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem

Originally posted by ShadellacZumbrum

Originally posted by FortAnthem
People like this need to be removed from society IMO.

Removed in what way?

upon further consideration, why stoop to his level when a swift kick to the balls might suffice?

Why not remove them and get rid of that testosterone!!!

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by TrueBrit
The terms and conditions of this site prevent me from expressing my opinion on this incident, the excuse made by the person responsible, and his employers, at this time. Perhaps a few hours, maybe days, and I will be able to comport myself with restraint on this subject.

Very well said.

I will attempt to do the same. Chances are I will refrain from what I would actually like to say about this no good....................................................................

Nuff said.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 07:57 PM
I am utterly disgusted at this ! What the heck was humane about this crazed act of violence.
& for the children to witness such violence.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 08:37 PM
SO... Where is the account of how he moved each kitten to insure they weren't laying or sitting on a piece of hard metal or other ricochet friendly item? I kinda wish they had been. I almost lost my manhood one bright day in my teens when I thought shooting a cooler a few feet away would be cool. No one ever mentioned at that point, bullets and bullet fragments sometimes go in totally unexpected directions. I'd say he directly endangered those children, the mother and anyone else within at least 1/4 mile. Perhaps this cop hadn't heard about the Amish who was shot and killed with a single hit to the head.....from someone who'd fired from further away than that and had no idea where the round went.

I'd say his judgement is too badly warped to ever be trusted with OWNING a firearm, let alone actually carrying one in public with authority to use it.

That's after I think he ought to serve a jail term. Not prison perhaps... Lets not get totally absurd with overkill? However, there is no way ANY of us could have just shot multiple animals which posed absolutely NO threat to anyone, in a populated area and NOT gone to jail for at least a short time over it.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by leolady

I am utterly disgusted at this ! What the heck was humane about this crazed act of violence.
& for the children to witness such violence.

Not sure how this vile man sleeps at night or looks at his evil face in the mirror.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by leolady

I am utterly disgusted at this ! What the heck was humane about this crazed act of violence.
& for the children to witness such violence.

Not sure how this vile man sleeps at night or looks at his evil face in the mirror.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by Kituwa

If that was anyone else he'd be in jail by now.
But because he has a badge. It's all good.
Somehow that doesn't seem right.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 08:52 PM
Kittens often do not get adopted. Pet stores send the kittens to be put down after a few months and even a lot of pet shelters have trouble adopting Kittens, especially since vaccinations and whatnot still have to be paid for.

None-the-less, this is not an excuse for his actions. Firstly, I am sure he broke a multitude of laws and should be charged for every single one. Secondly, I am sure the fact he fired the gun caused some kind of damage (i.e. to the concrete or whatnot) and additionally it is likely to have caused mental distress. The woman should consult a lawyer and see if she has a case.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 09:20 PM

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Tribunal

O.K. that was in very poor taste.

You might consider revising that.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by ShadellacZumbrum

Why? It is a perfectly acceptable sentence. No profanity or nuttin'.

posted on Jun, 12 2013 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Tribunal

That's fine, just leave it.

They may get a kick out of it just before they dock you 1000 points.

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