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Has anyone else noticed the all out attack on whistle-blowers going on right now.

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posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 12:34 PM
I have been noticing a trend for the past few months(Since the Leveson Enquiry) that there is a serious shift happening. I personally think this is payback for the outing of the MP's expenses scandal.
I keep seeing people that blow the whistle are up on charges, from police officers to press officers to soldiers to members of the public. Do you also notice this, or am i just being "paranoid"?

And what of Ben Fellows?
If half the stuff in this blog... is true then we have a serious problem in this country.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 12:46 PM
"dont want the truth to come out now do we? I must stay in power. someone has to pay for my wifes vacations"


posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:00 PM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Sadly the present administration is one of the biggest enemies of whistle blowers in decades compare to other administrations.

I guess Obama meaning of transparency and clean government was an oxymoron when he claim this administration will be both.

Major names under Obama vendetta so far are,

Peter Van Buren, James Spione, Thomas Drake, Government corruption under this administration is linked to President Barack Obama is “declaring himself above the law; he decides himself who lives or dies by death by drones.”

“whistleblowing in the age of Obama is very troubling because the law is being selectively applied!” Continuing in the Mother Jones article are troubling incidents of being harassed on the job, serious charges of retaliation, even threats to one’s life.

“This makes a mockery of the entire classification system where political gain is now incentive for leading and whistleblowing is incentive for prosecution.”

Now another glaring example of whistleblowers being attacked comes from the environmental green propaganda machine being unleashed to do Obama’s far Left attack on America, her citizens, and her once free land. “Eight government scientists were recently fired or reassigned after voicing concerns to their superiors about faulty environmental science used for policy decisions.”!

The Obama administration in other words only use whistle blowers when the information been expose aid in political propaganda towards governemnt favoritism, while real information that Americans have the right to know and damaging to the government propaganda is deemed illegal and an act of national security

But what can I say, when the crocks makes the laws and passed them they protect their own corruption.

edit on 6-6-2013 by marg6043 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:12 PM

Originally posted by OneManArmy
And what of Ben Fellows?
If half the stuff in this blog... is true then we have a serious problem in this country.

That's a bloody big 'if.' Personally I think Fellows' 15 minutes of fame has gone to his head.

This faux disappearance smacks of a publicity stunt to me. Did you notice he popped up alive and well two days ago?

As for the stuff in his blog being true... I'd sooner believe my wife's pet cat.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by marg6043

I think the OP was referring specifically to the UK.

But I have noticed it much more in the US. They've really started to clamp down, especially after the yolk was dripping off their foreheads after the Wikileaks situation.

They were shown up and embarrassed and consequently threw their toys out of the pram.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Kram09

Sorry about that, I didn't even realized that this was an UK thread,
, but hey our governments are linked closely together so and many cases of the US whistle blowers persecutions span international issues.

Plus now the news that the US government secret courts has been gathering phone call records from verizon domestically and international.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by Kram09

Sorry about that, I didn't even realized that this was an UK thread,
, but hey our governments are linked closely together so and many cases of the US whistle blowers persecutions span international issues.

Plus now the news that the US government secret courts has been gathering phone call records from verizon domestically and international.

I was using a UK perspective to a problem I see in both the USA and UK.
And speaking of secret courts, we have had them for a few years now.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:34 PM
Today we are in a morass of secrets, telling and reprisals.

He warned us about this many years ago. Still as pertinent today.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by intrptr

and also..

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 02:00 PM
Obama has prosecuted twice as many whistleblowers as all previous administrations combined..

And for anyone doubting the legitimacy of the Ben Fellows story, sexual abuse among political elite is the most widespread and real conspiracy there is. Take a look at this thread over at Reddit, for a glimpse of the pandemic. I say glimpse because it is argued solely using mainstream media sources.

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by sunspear33

Thank you for your link. I have studied all the information you presented a few years ago.
It was actually reading David Icke's - "The Biggest Secret" that I learned of the Dutroux case(and also opened my eyes to the fact that the world is nothing as it appears). And was my first eye opener into satanic ritual abuse. I have also seen "Conspiracy Of Silence". I also saw a documentary on UK channel 4 a few years ago, it was about Fred and Rose West. The thing that struck me the most from the whole program was that a female that managed to escape with her life, leading to the discovery of the horrors committed by them, gave testimony to being at a party full of big important people, she described watching another female having her fingernails removed and being tortured to death. Fred used to "pimp" his wife Rose to top police officers and court officials.
I also saw documentaries from Ted Gunderson(RIP) on the McMartin preschool case.
I have always hoped that this wasnt true, but slowly as the years have past and the evidence mounts I am constantly reminded that there are people in this world controlling our lives, that are so absolutely corrupted by power that they believe they can do whatever they like without reproach, and so they do.
My problem is that I had a tough upbringing, I was never abused and to be honest my "tough" upbringing was a walk in the park compared the the sad lives led by the abused in these stories. But what my poor upbringing and hard knock life gave me is empathy and understanding of the struggles and pain of others. I have an imagination able to envision myself in the situations as related by witnesses, and sometimes I truly want to cry for them(I have on a couple occasions).
Im a human being and this is 2013, and this disgustingly sick perversion is going on at epidemic proportions and yet- NOBODY KNOWS, and those that do face a problem so big and pervasive as it cannot possibly be true. Or it is true then what do we do about it?

posted on Jun, 6 2013 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by intrptr
Today we are in a morass of secrets, telling and reprisals.

He warned us about this many years ago. Still as pertinent today.

Sorry , but this is debunked

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by OneManArmy

Sorry for the delay. That is a good one too. Both those men were a far cry from what passes as "Statesmen" (politicians) today. Thanks for sharing it.

It is interesting to note that Eisenhower mentored Kennedy to some extent and I can figure what about. The rise of the very forces that killed him eventually. Kennedy was trying to enact what Eisenhower taught him about the MIlitary Industrial Complex. For instance cutting back in Vietnam.

And they killed him for it.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 12:04 AM
reply to post by xavi1000

Sorry , but this is debunked

Thanks for the read. I may disagree ultimately because I see the meaning differently today..., WE are the Soviets.

Just my take.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by intrptr

Just watching obozo and holder, and the rest of his top-dog scum these last few weeks - These people really believe they are above the law - They are better than the rest of us - They decide who lives or dies, or goes to prison.

They are delusional, egotist, satanic liars - and it doesn't even bother them, being caught up in their lies.

posted on Jun, 7 2013 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by Sankari

Originally posted by OneManArmy
And what of Ben Fellows?
If half the stuff in this blog... is true then we have a serious problem in this country.

That's a bloody big 'if.' Personally I think Fellows' 15 minutes of fame has gone to his head.

This faux disappearance smacks of a publicity stunt to me. Did you notice he popped up alive and well two days ago?

As for the stuff in his blog being true... I'd sooner believe my wife's pet cat.

I have noticed a trend with all your posts I have seen on this forum. It would be wise to do your own research before discrediting anything. Research Ted Gunderson's work(former FBI chief Investigator), Michael Aquino(Church Of Set), just look at the pathetic sentences recieved by convicted paedophiles. You are Australian, do you remember the queens top man in Australia being kicked out the country for paedophilia?
Watch "Conspiracy Of Silence" and learn of the paedophile party scandal involving high level democrats and republicans, then there is Jimmy Saville and his very high reaching connections, Haute De La Garenne care home where they found the bones of dead children, the north wales care home paedophile cases.
DID(Dissociative Identity Disorder aka Multiple personalities) caused by extreme sexual/physical abuse as a child in 98% of cases. Which leads on to MK Ultra and mind control.
Then there is the testimony of the many victims describing the same things time and time again, including satanic ritual abuse.
Now in my opinion, those that seek to cover it up are just as guilty as those that commit these depraved acts.

After reading a few of your posts that would probably have to include an ignorant and arrogant narcissist like you.
Unless you would like to prove me wrong, because when I read your words on any thread all I see is a sad pathetic individual that thinks they know better than anyone else(hence my narcissist assumption). Statements without backing or substance or any place in the realms of reality.
Now I would like you to prove me wrong.

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