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Is humanity literally suffering from a case of species wide brain damage?

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posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 07:30 PM
Its interesting this story hasn't made headlines yet considering its radical nature and the number of brilliant minds in support of it.

Its also interesting how here we are with this unimaginably complex and sensitive piece of bio-equipment (our brain), and yet we continue to assume we can build and fuel it out of junk food without any consequences.

Junk food may just be the icing on the cake however. It seems that we are finding more and more there is an awful lot of evidence that the chemistry of the plants we were flooding our bodies with for millions of years in Africa could have had an epigenetic impact on our development. They dramatically alter DNA transcription, hormone activity, endocrine activity, neural activity, etc, and would have been flooding the womb via the mothers blood which must have had an affect on how the child developed.

Its far too complex to fully explain here, but relatively simple at its core: if you change the materials you use to build and fuel something...something changes! Big surprise. Any guess why this simple engineering logic makes perfect sense when applied to our technologies, but we never seem to apply it to our very own brains? (which make the complexity and sensitivity of even our most advanced technologies look like a a bunch of lego toys)

Heres a free .pdf of the book and interview with the author if you want to check it out. Its mind blowing stuff and no wonder its been suppressed from the media

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 08:01 PM
We are not brain damaged because we have always been broken.

We have never been well enough as a species to be anything but broken from our beginning. A living imperfection suffering the mass delusion that we are perfect.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by nerbot
We are not brain damaged because we have always been broken.

We have never been well enough as a species to be anything but broken from our beginning. A living imperfection suffering the mass delusion that we are perfect.

No offence but...this sounds like brain damaged logic my friend ;-)

Look into this and let me know what you think. I bet you'll find it interesting..Many of the greatest and most insightful minds throughout history have regarded humanity as insane. Lo and behold: there seems to be a mountain of evidence suggesting just that.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 08:14 PM
That would also leave all of these abnormally advanced human abilities unexplained.

It seems that we're not evolving into these abilities...They lay dormant within us, which is why they are so often coupled with autism and other disorders where the left brain is not as functional. This results in it being less dominant: providing a window for these right brained abilities to emerge.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 08:15 PM
reply to post by bobwilson

So let me get this don't agree with what I said, yet you then go on to support it.

OK, you are broken, I understand.

Maybe you missed my point.

Humans cannot be brain damaged because that would entail a state of being unbroken to begin with, which I don't believe ever existed. Hence, we are all born insane aren't we?

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 08:23 PM
Yes, it seems that we are all born this way. Its an epigenetic feedback loop that began reversing once the symbiotic relationship between us and the plants of the african forests was severed.

Read the book memories and visions of paradise by Richard Heinberg. Virtually every ancient culture looks back to a time where humans were much less filled with anger, fear, confusion, and greed, and lived lives in tune with nature. None of them thought humans were progressing. They all chronicled the degradation of human consciousness and even laid out detailed means to try and re-access these states of consciousness (meditation, yoga, shamanism, etc)

Your dismissing this based on a philosophical argument. What i'm saying is have another look at the data while keeping in mind the possibility that the very tool of your perception/comprehension may be compromised and distorting any information coming in that doesn't fit its reality-tunnel.

Dismissing something outright as completely incorrect without even looking into it whatsoever is the definition of closed mindedness/delusion.
edit on 22-4-2013 by bobwilson because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:12 PM
reply to post by bobwilson

This looks REALLY interesting. But I'd like to see some meat, not just ad copy! Every topic I clicked on led to some kind of "coming soon" text. Disappointing. But still, worth watching for.

Ooops - just caught the book link. Filed for later. Thanks. S&F

edit on 22/4/13 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by bobwilson

Actually did my thesis project in university about this. Inhibition of Aggressive Behavior in the Silver Fox by High Dietary Tryptophan. The results where inconclusive, but I do believe that what we eat does affect our behavior.

posted on Apr, 22 2013 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by bobwilson

Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”

Yes we are sick, badly, we need to get away from materialism and start to meditate. There is nothing out there but suffering at the moment. When we go inside to heal ourselves we will come back out as better human being's. Better being's to interact with the World and the Universe, the way we do it just now is catastrophic. Look at the state of the Planet. It is really just as well we cannot travel into the stars, we are a nightmare, we better wake up soon or it will be the end.

Here is a good blog i came across............

Krishnamurti: “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” krishnamurtiI once had a disturbed young man come to a meditation class I was teaching in Edinburgh. As we’d gathered and during the meditation instruction I’d noticed that he was unusually intense and that he had noticeably poor personal hygiene, but in most ways he seemed like a fairly typical young man. In the discussion following, however, his conversation started to veer off into more bizarre areas. He’d had “cosmic” experiences during the meditation session — experiences whose details I no longer recall but which sounded very off-balance. His girlfriend was apparently an Iranian princess. He was being shadowed by various security forces. Later still, as we were winding up and preparing to leave, and he was able to talk to me more or less alone, his conversation became more delusional still. He had developed special powers through his spiritual practice and could make things happen in the world around him. As we talked a housefly smacked noisily into the glass door we were standing beside. “See!” he said, excitedly. “I made that happen.” He was obviously ill and suffering, and I experienced that pang of knowing that there was little or nothing I could do to help. I’m no mental health professional, but his behaviors reminded me of what little I knew about schizophrenia and so I suggested as kindly as I could that he might be misinterpreting his experiences and that he might want to talk to a doctor about what was going on. He was clearly having problems with his mental health, but here’s the thing: according to the Buddha, so were the rest of us. “All worldlings are mad,” he said. “Worldling” is a translation of “putthujana,” which is simply anyone who isn’t enlightened. That’s me, and you. The Buddha had his own ideas about what constitutes mental health, and by his definition anyone who isn’t well on the way to Enlightenment is insane. Quite how literally he meant it when he said “All worldlings are mad” is hard to say, but when he looked at ordinary people like us going about their daily business he saw a world out of balance — and a world that by necessity is out of balance, because it is composed of those same off-kilter individuals. He had a term for this imbalance, which was viparyasa in Sanskrit, although the less-well-known Pali equivalent vipallasa is a bit easier on the tongue and the eye. Vipallasa means “inversion,” “perversion,” or “derangement.” Specifically, in using this term the Buddha was talking about the ways in which we misunderstand the world we live in, and the ways in which we misunderstand ourselves. Just at the young man at my meditation class was constantly misinterpreting what was happening (“See! I made that happen”) so too do the rest of us live in a virtual reality of delusion, confusion, and distortion. What’s more, we largely share the same delusions, which means that we don’t even realize that our minds are disturbed. And thus, as Krishnamurti suggests, it’s possible to think that we’re spiritually and mentally healthy because we share our mistaken values and understandings with those around us. Collectively, our ill minds create a society that is itself ill, and we consider ourselves healthy because we see our values reflected in our fellow worldlings. When I think of the vipallasas in modern life I’m overwhelmed by examples, but the one that springs most to mind is to materialism. We keep thinking that the answer to our sense of existential dissatisfaction is to buy more stuff: more stuff, and better stuff. I guess I notice this most with gadgets, but for other people it’s houses, furniture, shoes, clothes, or cars — none of which I care about at all. I get a new gadget — the shiny MacBook Pro I’m writing this article on, for example — and I feel a sense of pleasure just looking at it. It’s better, faster, prettier than any computer I’ve had before. But then what happens over time? Newer, better, faster, prettier computers come on the market, and I start comparing my machine unfavorably with them. My gadget starts to look a bit old-fashioned (after only six months!), less cool, less capable. It feels less fast. And I’m no longer so happy with it. I now start to hanker after something new. And I’ve been through all this craziness before. (Don’t they say that insanity is doing the same time over and over and expecting a different result?) Even knowing that I’m on a materialistic treadmill doesn’t entirely blunt the craving for a new computer, although to give myself credit I live without a television and rarely make impulse purchases. But on some level I really believe that the answer to the discomfort of my cravings will arrive in a box carried by a UPS truck. I work with these cravings in my meditation and in my daily life, because the Buddha suggested that there was a better answer to the problem of craving. His advice was that we need to look deeply at our craving itself, and to realize the many levels of delusion that come packaged with it. The new gadget (or pair of shoes, or that lovely sweater, or sexy car) doesn’t contain a magical ingredient that will make us happy. The object of our craving is impermanent and therefore incapable of giving lasting satisfaction. Our craving itself is impermanent! We can watch cravings arise and pass. As we watch them come and go, choosing not to act on them, they begin to develop an unreal appearance. As we start increasingly to see through them we no longer take them so seriously, and they become weaker and less frequent. And in the end we come to see what the Buddha himself saw, which is that the answer to the problem of our cravings is not acquiring the object of our cravings but letting go of craving itself. It’s through abandoning craving that we will finally find peace, that we’ll come back to our senses, stop seeing things in a distorted way, and find true health and wellbeing. And having done that, to whatever degree, we can look around at the imbalance that surrounds us — really seeing it — and then compassionately reach out to others so that we can help them bring about their own healing.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
reply to post by bobwilson

Actually did my thesis project in university about this. Inhibition of Aggressive Behavior in the Silver Fox by High Dietary Tryptophan. The results where inconclusive, but I do believe that what we eat does affect our behavior.

Interesting..While getting my degree we ran a study on some 100 people to find the connection between junk food/fruit intake and stress. Unsurprisingly the results were very solid and there was a strong connection between junk food levels in the diet and anxiety level.

The important thing about Tony Wrights information is that it seems highly likely that the biochemicals we were flooding our nervous systems with for millions of years not only affected our behavior, but the way in which our actual brains developed and evolved. There is some clear cut biological mechanisms for how this occurred that are well evidenced and presented in the book
edit on 23-4-2013 by bobwilson because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 12:56 PM
You have to literally dig deep within the origins of mankind through the likes of various religions and philosophy, and you will find that we are living a veiled life here on Earth. The ego in man creates those long side visors you see on some horses so they can only look forward.

Plus the brain is only used 4-8% of its total capacity, the programming of the world makes being dumbed-down the popular choice, and from birth the majority are in sleep walking mode.

This will all change with transhumanism and genetically modified born children (the first modified children have already been born in New York the last few years, and China has plans to modify super smart babies with larger brains). So it's all underway, now that human evolution is in the hands of scientists.

Where is Spirituality in all this? I feel that with increased brain percentage usage through modified babies, Spirituality will be much more accessible as direct experience. And with Transhumanism, we will eventually get to a point where we can download various perspectives directly into our own consciousness like in the movie the Matrix. At that point, one can download the state of Enlightenment, directly from a enlightened monk.

This will create the Schism between the Enlightened Beings, and the skeptical Atheists. The Enlightened one's will become masters of self, selfless, loving, peaceful, and intuitive. While the Atheist-hardlined-skeptic, will fight all of this change tooth and nail because the ego is so crystalized and bias has hardened any other possible option other than their own stance.

Eventually, the enlightenment comes on a mass scale and we will reach a global utopia. Though it may take a few hundred years

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
You have to literally dig deep within the origins of mankind through the likes of various religions and philosophy, and you will find that we are living a veiled life here on Earth. The ego in man creates those long side visors you see on some horses so they can only look forward.

Plus the brain is only used 4-8% of its total capacity, the programming of the world makes being dumbed-down the popular choice, and from birth the majority are in sleep walking mode.

This will all change with transhumanism and genetically modified born children (the first modified children have already been born in New York the last few years, and China has plans to modify super smart babies with larger brains). So it's all underway, now that human evolution is in the hands of scientists.

Where is Spirituality in all this? I feel that with increased brain percentage usage through modified babies, Spirituality will be much more accessible as direct experience. And with Transhumanism, we will eventually get to a point where we can download various perspectives directly into our own consciousness like in the movie the Matrix. At that point, one can download the state of Enlightenment, directly from a enlightened monk.

This will create the Schism between the Enlightened Beings, and the skeptical Atheists. The Enlightened one's will become masters of self, selfless, loving, peaceful, and intuitive. While the Atheist-hardlined-skeptic, will fight all of this change tooth and nail because the ego is so crystalized and bias has hardened any other possible option other than their own stance.

Eventually, the enlightenment comes on a mass scale and we will reach a global utopia. Though it may take a few hundred years

No thoughts on the symbiotic relationship between humans and plants? Did you look into this information at all?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by soficrow
reply to post by bobwilson

This looks REALLY interesting. But I'd like to see some meat, not just ad copy! Every topic I clicked on led to some kind of "coming soon" text. Disappointing. But still, worth watching for.

Ooops - just caught the book link. Filed for later. Thanks. S&F

edit on 22/4/13 by soficrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by bobwilson

Is humanity literally suffering from a case of species wide brain damage?

Are you talking about Fluoride, or Mercury Filled Vaccines?

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:02 PM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by bobwilson

Is humanity literally suffering from a case of species wide brain damage?

Are you talking about Fluoride, or Mercury Filled Vaccines?

Read the OP? No.

Although if we are suffering from a negative hormonal feedback loop due to our separation from the biochemistry of the forest then of course there will be other peripheral things that only make the situation worse. Such as fluoride, junk food, etc.

posted on Apr, 23 2013 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by bobwilson

Read the OP?

I was answering your question.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 01:15 AM
Sorry, guess that went right over my (damaged?) head.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 01:17 AM

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 08:22 AM
Is humanity suffering brain damage? No. Sociologists have looked into civilisations that have risen and fallen, and many state their conclusions are that internal moral decay into hedonism was the last stage before the fall. Why ignore these microcosms? They are symptomatic of the entire earth's population. As we descend into pleasure and selfishness, our society rots - sexual pleasure is exalted and the life it produces is slaughtered. Where is diet an issue? Nowhere. If you'd only believe Jesus Christ when he states that is is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a man, but what comes out of it that does. Our thoughts (hearts) produce the murder, rapes, abortions, crime, anger, rage, lies etc that is sinking this world. Many want to act out those thoughts, and do so. Many are in reprobation, and will do so.

The fact is, the entire Bible is about the mind. Adam listened to Eve. And once again, the serpent is allowed to deceive and it will use the same tactic - targeting eve, just what this article is doing by suggesting the bypassing of the rational Adam and targeting the emotions and such of Eve. This should put a new perspective on Apostle Paul's
exhortation to not allow "woman" to speak in his churches - e.g. The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet.

God gave you that rational mind to know His will. Bypass it and you get "eve" who was deceived. This pseudo science article is doing no more than pushing brain altering meditation under a medical disguise.

Look at the President of Iran's last UN statement:

The arrival of the Ultimate Savior will mark a new beginning, a rebirth and a opening the gates of science and knowledge....-He will come to return all children of Adam irrespective of their skin colors to their innate origin after a long history of separation and division linking them to eternal happiness......not by force or waging wars but through thought awakening

What's any different? Why would you not accept a Shi'ite Kabahalist Freemason yet believe this so-called science? Do you not yet understand their "beehive imagery" ? Hive minds? Bliss? The serpent uses the same tactics. Beware.

posted on Apr, 24 2013 @ 03:06 PM

If you honestly think that the galaxy of chemicals that orchestrate how the human brain is literally built and fueled on a cellular level could suddenly be lost without any consequence whatsoever, then in my opinion your point of view is merely a symptom of the delusional condition itself. I don't mean that in a negative way, since we're all in the same boat and its nobody's fault. The diagnosis leaves open the incredibly amazing possibility of rectifying the condition, so its not as pessimistic as it sounds.

But would you really think you could change the build materials and fuel of a car dramatically, build it out of junk (analogous to junk food), and expect it to work right? Wouldn't anyone who claims that it would work just fine either way be considered NUTS? Why don't we apply this simple engineering logic to the human brain, which is infinitely more sensitive and complex than any of our technologies? Any guesses why???

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