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posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by billy565

Our maltese mix got very fat recently, he is very small and should not weigh more than 10 pounds, but he was about 14 pounds and I was mostly to blame for that because I can't resist those sad brown eyes, button nose and tilted head whenever I have my lunch or dinner. He loves human food, but the veterinary warned me to put him on a diet, so only dry dog food for a month now, more play time and he is back to his usual svelte self. Maybe you should spend more time with him playing, and no human food. By the way how old is he?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

No,keeping dogs as companions don't necesarilymean you're putting them above humans-or using them as emotional toys.Its about giving and receiving friendship and affection,just plain because we love dogs for the wonderful creatures they are.I have a husband+children myself,and i'm only speaking for myself here,but i really don't Need an animal to fill an emotional void.I would find this world a much sadder,sorrier place without the dog collective as friends and companions to the human collective,though.

And it seems that dogs Want to be with people,that it's in their nature to want to be close to humans.Maybe it fulfills an emotional need in Them,who knows?Have you been at a dog shelter/Spca,where the dogs do get fed,every day,but when someone comes to choose a dog,it's like they Know-how excited and hopeful all the dogs become,you can sense it in the air,you can see it.They obviously Are being fed,so it's not about food-it's about being with humans,being part of a family-that is what they are fervently hoping for.You see it in those dear faces:"Please pick me,please,let me be the one to go with you?"

Not arguing with you here,there's absolutely nothing wrong with not wanting to live with cats/dogs/any animal companion-but i do feel the need to point out that those of us who Do want animals in our lives,do it for the sheer joy that comes from giving and receiving friendship-and lots of fun.

Of course there are exceptions for whom a pet Does fulfill an emotional need-individuals who don't have family,and for them its a much more sensible thing to have a dog,than to enter a relationship with the 1st man/woman who comes along,just to not be lonely,imo.

edit on 13-4-2013 by Raxoxane because: to add pic

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:12 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

burden would mean task in this example. An animal that serves to do work for you. Goats for clearing land, cats for catching disease carrying rats, dogs to heard sheep, dogs for hunting, dogs for police force, ox for plows, horses for load barring, hawks for rabbit hunting (especially cool).

All that sort of thing.

Just because a being serves a purpose for you does not mean that you cannot be friends... You serve a purpose to an employer do you not. You work for someone.. Your employer (if a good one) is meant to oversee you have a fair employment. Get paid fairly, be treated equally and be treated with respect.

So what is wrong with being friends with for example a working sheep dog. Yes the dog is an employee but you still need to look after it and take care of it..

Just like your boss does (or should).. No difference.

By the way in reference to greenpeace, peta etc they are trying to save our friends.. If we do not care for the animals at all they will disappear.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

I never said you did not care. I do not enslave my dogs. I am not scoffing at you. I was merely pointing out that many pets are friends to people.. Yes some will be a bit over the top with their dogs. But there is always a majority and a minority..

The only time I ever put my dog on a lead is when we travel on public transport. It is just easier that way. He could easily travel without a lead. But to save myself and especially him the hassle of being yelled at by people who decide all dogs are bad and scary and heavens forbid should they accuse him of being 'out of control' as he is not on leash.. It keeps him safer that way..

Other than that he never has a lead or a collar on.. He eats when I eat. Sleeps when I sleep. We go out on missions together. He is my best friend.. I do not force anything on him.. He is happy to be by my side.

“Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”

― Albert Camus

This goes for all kinds of friends.. In all shapes and sizes..

We are one big pack. We work together..

I cherish all the children of Mother Earth.. Human, animal, plant.. even amoeba

p.s. Why exactly does it corrupt the mind if a being loves a fellow being.......

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by ballymoney50

You might have joined the convo a bit late. I have no problem with enslaving animals as long as it's for food or burden. That is to say, I am nothing like peta - so don't even go there.

And you can tell yourself that the dog you have doesn't suffer stockholm syndrome but that doesn't make it so. Dogs and other such pack animals instinctively accept others for protection - that's what makes them such great slaves.

And again, my argument is not that you have them captive, you can get 10000 dogs and make a circus of them, and I wouldn't mind so much; it's the overly "love my animals" nonsense that I dislike.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:21 AM

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
reply to post by ballymoney50

You might have joined the convo a bit late. I have no problem with enslaving animals as long as it's for food or burden. That is to say, I am nothing like peta - so don't even go there.


I am sorry I have to laugh because that is even worse !!!!!!!
I am sorry I have to laugh or I would cry... I did not realise people were so cruel in such a casual and cruel way.
Do you not see that - read the words above again.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:22 AM
Put out dry dog food--A full bowl of it--Never let it go empty...

Quit "feeding" your dog.

Let him feed himself.

Problem solved in eight weeks

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:23 AM
reply to post by fluff007

You do not think of them being enslaved because they're already tamed.

It's corrupting because it makes people think of animals as people; and from that many many problems arise.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Are you one of those vegan vegetarians or something?

Not sure where your mind is at. I think you're pretty far detached from reality.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

Bleep - honestly what i think is this.

I believe in a God - a force that I call the life force, it permeates all of us, unites us all, we are all connected.

I love the beings and creatures of this earth, the innocents. They are what makes this world so magical and special and God like,

What I see however is animals who claim to be human, having no regard for life or the magical nature of this world, so stuck in materialism are they. So they stomp all over this lovely planet of ours, ripping out the hearts and souls of the innocents [ I hear the pain and screams in the etheric] - until ultimately we will have a dead planet - the equivalent of a concrete carpark.

It breaks my heart, attitudes such as you exhibit, literally break my heart.

If you do not understand this it is because you are not connected to the web of life - the life force - God.

As I have said to you before - open your heart chakra and connect to the web of life.
edit on 13-4-2013 by HelenConway because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by fluff007

PETA save are pups and kittens by killing them i wouldn't quite call that saving them and i do not give to so called animals should be free folk who also burn down buildings and send people with death threats etc etc.

I get what you are saying with everything else though lol we just love are wee animals

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by Raxoxane

Ahhh so sweet - who is the babe with the big paws ?

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Pets are slaves. You deny it because it fulfills some twisted love affair you have with them.

Nothing wrong with me except that I see things as they are, and I do not care who knows it - usually. Pet love is not sacred to me as it is you - that's all.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

But I am wondering why you want to enslave the animal kingdom to either work for you or be eaten by you.
Why do you not feel their love and beauty and connection to the real God ?
Not a dusty book written in Greece 2000 ish years ago but the real life force which is God.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

This is getting so silly i'm guessing you are still at school and are to young to understand how to looks after pets,
or do you maybe think we should just let all the pups and kittens go when there born go run free and fend for themselves?

I have never heard such silly comments as captives slaves enslavement in my 51yrs of talking about folks pets, the mind just boggles over hay!!

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Have you never tasted bacon?

No but seriously, yes it's because I was raised to think we are superior to them - and I happen to agree with that. In the scheme of it all, animals as our property fits better with the rest of the puzzle.

Maybe you need to go stay in the wild and see that the true animals would eat you just to satisfy their hunger. When you're being chased by a grizzly, cheetah, lion, alligator, wolf, etc you will see I was right. They don't care about you like you do them. You're living with tamed beasts not whatever you said.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

Hi Helen,i just posted more pics of her on my Animal Encounters thread-that is Lily-my miracle dog-who came to my house in the middle of the night,JUST as i was sitting outside wishing we could afford another female Great Dane!

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Bleeeeep
reply to post by HelenConway

Have you never tasted bacon?

No but seriously, yes it's because I was raised to think we are superior to them - and I happen to agree with that. In the scheme of it all, animals as our property fits better with the rest of the puzzle.

Well maybe that thread about some people in human form not being connected to their soul is true.
Do not think but feel - connect to your heart, then come back and chat about this.

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 08:58 AM
reply to post by HelenConway

I lost the plot when she said something about a load of animals eating you up for dinn dinns Helen

Go buy a bigger dog you might need it lol

posted on Apr, 13 2013 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by Bleeeeep

Are you young bleeep - and there is nothing wrong with that, lucky you.
But perhaps - you may realsie taht just because your parents think something, does not mean it is true, or right.

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