Mind control, coercive hypnosis, non-consensual human reprogramming technology is being released to the public very soon.
Known Information About Chase Hughes as of 13 July 2014
Collected and researched independently by Rachel H., friend of an MK ULTRA victim who is now deceased.
There is a man living inside of the United States who is a known behavioral scientist and was trained by the US military. He is a practicing expert on
mind control and involuntary hypnotic programming (IHP). There is evidence and photos online of him being welcomed in and initiated as a Freemason in
the Honolulu Lodge, where he has had known residence.
He has openly stated in public forums and at one university in Texas that he has experimented on US Citizens. This man has trained government agencies
as a matter of public record.
His program is about to be released to the open public and is based on CIA training and he has developed behavioral tools for "black ops"
interrogations. There are numerous petitions online and one pending on whitehouse.gov to stop this from being released. Please find them if you have
time. This man seems to have been involved in more than just research and experimentation.
The quote, "I can hypnotize a man, without his knowledge or consent, into committing treason against the United States." Was spoken by George
Estabrooks; known for hypnoprogramming US soldiers and contributing to the CIA mind control experiments.
Chase Hughes has been quoted several times as having said, "George Estabrooks was a pioneer, but had only begun to discover what's possible with the
control of human behavior. In a matter of a few minutes to an hour, we can install multiple personalities, advanced schizophrenia and even, quite
simply, verbally control almost anyone into committing acts of violence and self-harm. George [Estabrooks] was at a preschool level of knowledge, and
we've developed that into a level well above a doctorate."
This program he has developed that started decades ago has not been left alone. Watching this information to everyone would be equivalent to handing
assault rifles out to people without care. What would happen if this information is planned on being released...if rapists and career criminals had
control of people who were hypnotized AGAINST THEIR WILL and without their consent?
This is not safe or ethical by any measure. This should not and cannot be tolerated to be released to the public in any way.
If anyone has any more information about this program or others like it,please post a rely or PM me anytime.
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