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The Demonization & Propaganda Continues Against The Serbs, Sniper 2

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posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:50 AM
Demonizing the Serbs Again, This Time in a Video Game Titled Sniper 2

From an article regarding the issue of Demonization on Serbs.
The Article

The Western media’s relentless demonization of the Serbs of Yugoslavia has, however, produced a very predictable (and no doubt, wished-for) result: a truly genocidal assault on the Serbian people by Western military might, Canada to its eternal shame participating, breaking every relevant international covenant and treaty. The pack-journalism over the last ten years has also succeeded in hoodwinking many Canadians into thinking that what is at stake is the good-riddance of a Serbian Hitler who has attempted a “final solution” of sorts on assorted ethnic groups in Yugoslavia. A lot of well- intentioned people are cheering the bombing of yet another pariah nation into the Stone Age. With the accumulated effects of mediarumour- mongering and willful disinformation, who can blame these folks for their barely controlled blood thirst? After all, because Hitler wasn’t stopped in time, millions perished in concentration camps, goes the heart-felt argument.

Yet the labelling of Yugoslavia’s Serb leaders as Hitlers and the Serbs themselves as brutal, subhuman monsters is a familiar trick from recent history. It has been perpetuated by the various hired hands, PR firms, who have worked overtime for the various ethnic groups pushing for secession which would utterly destroy the once well-functioning, multi- ethnic Yugoslavian federation and replace it with small nation-states which ethnically cleansed themselves (Croatia, for instance, expelled between 500,000 and a million Serbs from its territory.) The media has merely carried the message of these “hidden hands” of the Balkan conflict. The world was shocked to find out that a PR firm, Hill and Knowlton, had manufactured the “incubator babies” incident in Kuwait which precipitated the Gulf War: Iraqi soldiers ripping Kuwaiti babies out of incubators in a genocidal fashion. Phony eywitnesses to this atrocity tearfully testified in front of U.S. politicians and the media, adding to public support for the subsequent bombing of Iraq and contributing hugely to the demonization of the Iraqis, leaders and citizens alike. Even Amnesty International was taken in by the falsehood, which was later exposed as such, but only after the military damage was done.

Serb Demonization as Propaganda Coup

The successful demonization of the Serbs, making them largely responsible for the Yugoslav wars, and as unique and genocidal killers, was one of the great propaganda triumphs of our era. It was done so quickly, with such uniformity and uncritical zeal in the mainstream Western media, that disinformation had (and still has, after almost two decades) a field day.

Has the Bosnian War Anniversary is getting closer, the Demonization & Propaganda Continues Against The Serbs is continuing once again but this time it isn't Hollywood.

Its the Video Game Industry for the first time a Video Game Company has featured Bosnia, Sarajevo in a realistic setting to the war which had occurred however the story in the game itself is no where near realistic other then its location.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2

The player takes control of Private Security Consultant Captain Cole Anderson in various missions around the world including urban fighting in Sarajevo, tropical jungles in Burma and the mountains of Tibet.

Here's the trailer for the Urban Combat in Sarajevo, and yes the para military forces were as usual the "Evil Serbs."

Here's another trailer by machinima the trailer had received 1,285.

Lets see whats wrong with it.

0:42. In this scene it apparently shows men and women both being held by the Serb Para military as Hostages even this did not happen in the actual war.

0:56. As in the movies and TV series it portrays the idea that the Serbs were brutal and were burning innocent civilians with gas tanks that were full of oil.

1:01. An Typical example of the Demonization & Propaganda in the Entertainment Industry that is backed by the military industry complex.

In this scene it shows the Evil Serb, Evil Nazi Serb killing an old Man excitation style, as this never actual had happened during the actual conflict.

1:07. In This Scene it is portraying the idea that this solo brave American Private Security Consultant Captain Cole Anderson has an hero, while waiting his orders for the shot.

Here are some of the pictures.

The actual Inn.

Propaganda Moment. As for all i know this did not occur in the war, nor after we fled during the start of it.

The Reason of An illusion (Sarajevo Under Siege)

In this video game and this specific Single Player mission which is titled Sarajevo,Bosnia 1993 wants the gamers to make to believe this is how the conflict in Sarajevo during 1993 had occurred and was happening.

It gives you an bleak outlook and scene which portrays as stated previously all Serbs as Evil Brutal innocent civilian Nazi killers. As seen in the trailer.

As for the pictures from the actual level it gives you the idea of the Western Media News Outlets illusion that Sarajevo was really a city that which was Under Siege.

The Truth.
Sarajevo Was not a City that was Under Siege. It was the opposite. The Serbian people who had lived in Sarajevo since middle eve era and since WW1 were defending themselves from the Jihadists which came from different Arab Countries including Iran, which were the Iranian mujahideen.

And others they allied themselves covertly with the Bosnian Muslim Government forces which were targeting Serb-Christian areas in and around all of Sarajevo.

Neutral civilians who didn't chose a side some of them had an unfortunate fate. Have you not heard what happened to some of the Serb-Christians?

Serb-Christians who had a home, or ran an apartment, condo Serb-Christians in some areas of Sarajevo had created a suicide on themselves as they knew their fate if they were captured by the peaceful Democratic Bosnian Muslims.

Final Thoughts
As a war survivor i have no problems of Ex Yugoslavia being featured in a video game however it is games with such levels such as these which follow the same narrative as the MSM Outlets have being during the conflict which i do not welcome. As i see it nothing more then Serbs are Evil Agenda.

How ironic that this mission takes place near my home.

edit on 11-3-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:41 AM
Sorry that I can not view the YouTube posts as they are blocked from my location. I really do not see any difference between this first shooter game/sim than any other. They all seem to be geared to train the young to think that war is a game and killing another human is fun. It's just all fun n games and yes such games/sims are devoid of critical facts as to what actually occurred during the conflict and that war is hell, not a game and not fun.

It is standard practice to demonize the enemy via false information and paint them to be subhuman. It makes it easier to kill them if they are looked upon as being less than human. Even prince Harry called killing the enemy like a video game. So OP don't be surprised that they have done this in regards to the Serbs, it's just SOP.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:17 AM
reply to post by pstrron

Sorry to hear that you cant view them.

It is standard practice to demonize the enemy via false information and paint them to be subhuman. It makes it easier to kill them if they are looked upon as being less than human. Even prince Harry called killing the enemy like a video game. So OP don't be surprised that they have done this in regards to the Serbs, it's just SOP.

I am not surprised at all anymore i am just pointing it out.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:23 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

Propaganda Moment. As for all i know this did not occur in the war, nor after we fled during the start of it.

Game World

Real World

trolls begone

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 05:29 AM
The manipulators who win always falsefy history one way or another. The truth is somewhere in between and humans have a tendency to become a bit nasty when faced with fear and duality.

If we where able to see souls for what souls are shining or not then people would never vote for the politicians they do because they would know what they are really voting for.

I have a Serbian friend who is very nice person but he is a bit annoyed at the Kosovo Albanians and have a hard time to letting it go sometimes. But I should not judge him. Some days I can be a specieist and think humanity as a whole is unevolved mindless small minded dualistic egodemonic monkies. We are not all that but some are it.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
Sarajevo Was not a City that was Under Siege. It was the opposite.

Are you serious ?

Lets start with a picture that shows how surrounded Sarajevo was

it resulted in

How about some videos

Russian writer accompanied by Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic shooting at Sarajevo from one of the surrounding mountaines

General Ratko Mladic orders shelling of Sarajevo

Mladic: General Mladic here. Shell the Presidency and the Parliament. Shoot at slow intervals till i order you to stop. Target Muslim neighbourhoods, not many Serbs live there. Shell them til they're on the edge of madness

Serb sniper shooting a civil

Serbs shelling a marketplace

Serbs shooting on a truck full of civilians

Sarajevo at night

So youre telling me that all this never happened ?
edit on 11-3-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-3-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 11:36 AM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

Are you serious ?
Lets start with a picture that shows how surrounded Sarajevo was

It seems that you easily fail for the Propaganda not surprisingly
and how nice YouTube Videos showing that Serbs are evil along with the pictures which were being used by the MSM.

See your the videos that you just posted.

Eduard Limonov, now of "Other Russia" opposition, seen here on the hills above Sarajevo. Next to war criminal Radovan Karadzic. Limonov, now an "opposition activist", together with chess master Garry Kasparov.

The other video you posted is
Serbian sniper shoot civil , Sarajevo 1995, from the video.

We see three civilians behind an APC and camera carefully placed just between them and the problem with this is you see the traffic in the footage?

That says a lot, when a sniper starts shooting everything becomes silent yes even the traffic would stop, if Serbs really did target the civilian in your post.
Serb sniper shooting a civil

Why just one shot during bright day? listen ArtooDetoo i am from Bosnia and Sarajevo i know how it was like and i know people who had stayed longer during the war in Sarajevo.

Serb sniper shooting a civil

From your post. Serbs Evil, Serbs shot and kill innocent Civilians all filmed by a cameraman if i may ask how you know its a Serb Sniper?

In Sarajevo there were also Bosnian Muslim Snipers whom were shooting randomly at civilians. But it seems nothing what i will say will go through you.

As usual you are exactly what i am talking about in my thread thank you for that. Your just proving my points easier.
edit on 11-3-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

Serbs shelling a marketplace

Ah yes the marketplace the place where i used walk and buy things when i was younger to bad you didn't bother on posting this.

Who was responsible for the market place massacres in Sarajevo ?
Who was responsible for the market place massacres in Sarajevo ?

Open military confrontation in Bosnia-Herzegovina ended with the signing of the Dayton Peace Agreement on 14th December 1995. The conflict had resulted in more than 160,000 deaths, and 2.5 million refugees and displaced persons. Not long before, the United Nations (UN) had ordered the first combat units from its rapid reaction force into Sarajevo, after after Serb rebels killed two French peacekeepers. Three Bosnian Serb shells had hit the French and Danish areas of a U.N. compound in Zetra, north of Sarajevo's centre killing a French peacekeeper and wounding another French soldier and a Dane. A half-hour later, another French peacekeeper was killed and two wounded, one seriously, when a U.N. convoy was targeted by Serbs in the suburb of Butmir. The deaths brought the number of French dead to 42 since the Bosnian war began in April 1992 - and not all of them were killed by the Bosnian Serbs, a number of them were also killed in crossfire or deliberately by the forces of the Bosnian government.

The first of three attacks happened on 27th May 1992 when 16 people killed in a "mortar attack" on a bread queue in Vase Miskina street in Sarajevo. As The Independent (22nd August 1992) noted, the televised scenes of civilians cut to pieces by an explosion as they queued for bread horrified international public opinion, and added growing pressure for NATO to "intervene" in the civil war against the Bosnian Serbs. Vivid footage showed dead bodies littering the street and "terrified crying people sitting on the pavement in pools of blood". The attacks came shortly before a meeting by European Union ambassadors to consider imposing sanctions on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. UN officials from the start were "suspicious about the circumstances but would not go public with their thoughts without jeopardising the UN mission" in Bosnia. Classified reports given to the commander of the UN peace keepers, General Satish Nambiar, concluded that it was likely that the army of the Bosnian government in Sarajevo carried out the attack. In fact, they were reported to believe it wasn't a mortar attack at all but a "command-detonated explosion - probably in a can". The impact mark left by the "mortar" on the market square floor was nowhere "near as large as we came to expect with a mortar round lading on a paved surface". This is also supported by another UN commander in Bosnia, General Michael Rose of the British army, who according to his book Dispatch the Bosnian government in Sarajevo shelled their own people to get a military response by NATO against the Bosnian Serbs (The Observer, 28th March 1999). NATO launched air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs as a result of this attack.

As of the result attack in market place in Sarajevo and the massacre in Srebrenica NATO quickly intervened in Bosnia under the pretexts of saving and protecting civilians but it was the opposite of it. NATO wasn't protecting no one, it was aiding the future Bosnian Muslim of Government Alija Izetbegovic.

The same man seen here meeting with the Jihadist terrorists.

I am surprised that you left out that one. But i am not worried after all your doing a great job just like CNN was.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:36 PM
This is utterly ridiculous..

Nobody "side" was innocent in that conflict, anyone who doesn't have their head up their rear knows that.

But to come in here and claim that Sarajevo wasn't under siege is totally ridiculous. I guess tunnels were dug in and out of the city just for fun? That civilians weren't being shot dead in the street by cowardly serb "snipers" positioned around Sarajevo? Anyone that can put a civilian in their sights and pull the trigger is not only a coward but a sick individual. I'm not claiming either side was worse than the other, but you are.

You are a serb apologist. They didn't do anything wrong, they are just the good guys, it's those evil muslims always causing trouble (funny how they are the bad guy, yet are constantly being slaughtered by the "good guys') I've heard it all before.

I had a very close friend that told me some terrible stories about what happened to him, which gave me interest in the whole subject. And after researching and looking at it from both sides, the only conclusion is that the ONLY good guys were the civilians trying to survive, guys with guns looking to kill, regardless of the side, are the bad guys PERIOD.

By surviving the war, does that mean you were a civilian trying to stay alive, or a guy with a gun making sure that didn't happen?

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by James1982

But to come in here and claim that Sarajevo wasn't under siege is totally ridiculous. I guess tunnels were dug in and out of the city just for fun? That civilians weren't being shot dead in the street by cowardly serb "snipers" positioned around Sarajevo? Anyone that can put a civilian in their sights and pull the trigger is not only a coward but a sick individual. I'm not claiming either side was worse than the other, but you are. You are a serb apologist. They didn't do anything wrong, they are just the good guys, it's those evil muslims always causing trouble (funny how they are the bad guy, yet are constantly being slaughtered by the "good guys') I've heard it all before.

Thank you for further proving my point which my thread is about
"Demonization & Propaganda Against The Serbs"

That civilians weren't being shot dead in the street by cowardly serb "snipers" positioned around Sarajevo?

Its ironic that that your "Friend" hasn't told you about how that the Bosnian Muslims also had snipers in Sarajevo.

I'm not claiming either side was worse than the other, but you are. You are a serb apologist.

First you state that your not claiming either side was worse than the other, even though you already had proven that false by pointing out and accusing me of being Serb apologist. Which in your view you would view the Serbs as the most worse.

But i am not surprised seeing some ATS users defending the Mainstream News Outlet narrative on Bosnia if thats the case then i guess i could say the same thing that GW Bush was right on attacking Iraq. And that the media weren't wrong at all.

They didn't do anything wrong, they are just the good guys, it's those evil Muslims always causing trouble (funny how they are the bad guy, yet are constantly being slaughtered by the "good guys') I've heard it all before.

It seems that you also avoided the video of Alija Izetbegovic talking and meeting with the terrorists eh? care to explain it? or are you going to rant by attacking me as an Serb apologist,

i am from Sarajevo and fled during the start so i know how it started and i also had friends who had stayed longer in Sarajevo during the war. They were lucky to survive it.

And here you are accusing me of being Serb apologist even though this isn't the first time that i am being accused as an Serb apologist.

edit on 11-3-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

Sent you an PM and i already replied below, its interesting to see there are few still some sock puppets on Bosnia defending the Western Mainstream News Outlets agenda on Bosnia.

If the Mainstream News Outlets were so truthfully they wouldn't lie about Iraq nor Afghanistan.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 04:48 PM
I'm not saying either side is better or worse, you are evidently supporting and defending the serbs. If I saw someone make a post demonizing serbs I'd comment exactly how I commented to you. It's all finger pointing and accomplishes nothing.

I don't have a dog in this fight, you obviously do. The only innocents, and the only victims were the civilians that were trying to survive, that's it. The military and whatever non-military forces of both sides all have blood on their hands. Glass houses and all that.

Just to repeat myself, if you would have started a thread saying how the serbs are evil and the cause of all the Balkan's ills, I would have replied exactly the same way, only using examples from the other side of the fence. In the name of honesty I would say on a purely political level, I think Slovenia and Croatia had a right to be independent, as do any peoples that wish it, but at the point of conflict in Bosnia it didn't matter anymore, things had degraded to the point where there was extreme evil on both sides.

Not everyone is partisan on this issue, rooting for their favorite team.

edit on 11-3-2013 by James1982 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by James1982

You already made your point by using the same Mainstream News Media narrative on Bosnia and there is no reason now to backtracking your own comment.

But to come in here and claim that Sarajevo wasn't under siege is totally ridiculous. I guess tunnels were dug in and out of the city just for fun? That civilians weren't being shot dead in the street by cowardly serb "snipers" positioned around Sarajevo? Anyone that can put a civilian in their sights and pull the trigger is not only a coward but a sick individual. I'm not claiming either side was worse than the other, but you are.

You are a serb apologist.

If I saw someone make a post demonizing Serbs I'd comment exactly how I commented to you. It's all finger pointing and accomplishes nothing.

I highly doubt that you would do that judging by your post in this thread. Firstly this sub forum is called "Deconstructing Disinformation" and the thread which i titled is as The Demonization & Propaganda Continues Against The Serbs.

Because this is the first time that in a video game in which where Sarajevo has being featured realistically so what kind responses i get? nothing more then the usual (Serbs are Evil Posts) other then having a proper discussion on the actual title of the thread.

I had seen similar sock puppets before in ATS before, this isn't the first time that this had happened to me or how users like you always show up and try to bring someone down by attacking his points, not just on ATS but elsewhere and this line from your posts says otherwise.

I guess tunnels were dug in and out of the city just for fun? That civilians weren't being shot dead in the street by cowardly serb "snipers"

What about the civilians that were shot by the heroic Bosnian Muslims Govt Forces? oh thats right lets forget about them they are the Good guys according to you and ArtooDetoo.

In the name of honesty I would say on a purely political level, I think Slovenia and Croatia had a right to be independent, as do any peoples that wish it, but at the point of conflict in Bosnia it didn't matter anymore

That's where we have to disagree and where your wrong if Slovenia and Croatia had a right to be independent why are they joining the European union? when you join the European union you will lose the stats as an independent state country.

An independent country is much like Switzerland. Switzerland hasn't joined the European Union nor has it taken sides during World War II. That's how an independent should stay and be.

Ah and also hows the economic outlook in the Balkans of today? not looking good.

Unemployment rate rising in Croatia

I am quite sure they made a wonderful decision. When they join the EU Union they will became the next Greece asking the EU for an bailout.

Note:I am not accusing of you being an sock puppet its just that i had seen similar users back in 2006.
edit on 11-3-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

It seems that you easily fail for the Propaganda not surprisingly
and how nice YouTube Videos showing that Serbs are evil along with the pictures which were being used by the MSM.

See your the videos that you just posted.

Oh you dont say so. When i post Youtube videos of atrocities commited by Serbs than its just "western propaganda", but when you post a Youtube video of Mujahideens in Bosnia than its perfectly fine to use Youtube as a source to further your agenda, yeah ? Bollocks.

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
We see three civilians behind an APC and camera carefully placed just between them and the problem with this is you see the traffic in the footage?

That says a lot, when a sniper starts shooting everything becomes silent yes even the traffic would stop,

Your reasoning is somewhat strange. If that car had stopped, the people in it would become sitting ducks. It's hell of a lot tougher for a sniper to hit a moving target. Dont confuse real life with whatever game your'e playing these days.

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
From your post. Serbs Evil, Serbs shot and kill innocent Civilians all filmed by a cameraman if i may ask how you know its a Serb Sniper?

Easy. This video was shot in the part of town that was known as "Sniper Alley". Many people were shot there. No conspiracy here.

edit on 11-3-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 08:44 PM

Originally posted by ArtooDetoo

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter

It seems that you easily fail for the Propaganda not surprisingly
and how nice YouTube Videos showing that Serbs are evil along with the pictures which were being used by the MSM.

See your the videos that you just posted.

Oh you dont say so. When i post Youtube videos of atrocities commited by Serbs than its just "western propaganda", but when you post a Youtube video of Mujahideens in Bosnia than its perfectly fine to use Youtube as a source to further your agenda, yeah ? Bollocks.

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
We see three civilians behind an APC and camera carefully placed just between them and the problem with this is you see the traffic in the footage?

That says a lot, when a sniper starts shooting everything becomes silent yes even the traffic would stop,

Your reasoning is somewhat strange. If that car had stopped, the people in it would become sitting ducks. It's hell of a lot tougher for a sniper to hit a moving target. Dont confuse real life with whatever game your'e playing these days.

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
From your post. Serbs Evil, Serbs shot and kill innocent Civilians all filmed by a cameraman if i may ask how you know its a Serb Sniper?

Easy. This video was shot in the part of town that was known as "Sniper Alley". Many people were shot there. No conspiracy here.

edit on 11-3-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

Its thatt the best reply you can give? if so i have to its weak.

Oh you dont say so. When i post Youtube videos of atrocities commited by Serbs than its just "western propaganda", but when you post a Youtube video of Mujahideens in Bosnia than its perfectly fine to use Youtube as a source to further your agenda, yeah ?

The Mujahideen of Bosnia

Ali Izetbetkovic and the true face of the Muslims/Mujahideen in Bosnia -from the SS to Srebrenica

Still not satisfied about the sources? i got plenty more.

Dont confuse real life with whatever game your'e playing these days.

It seems apparently that your the one whose confused about my post, i wasn't comparing it to an video game.

as a source to further your agenda, yeah ?

Thats rather ironic, that you still haven't replied to my private message, no matter i will post it here then.

posted on Mar, 11 2013 @ 08:47 PM
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

It seems that your new to the topic and the only thing that you had brought up to the discussion is nothing more then a map of Sarajevo which was used quite often in the mainstream news outlets during the 90s, even though during the start it didn't look as shown in the map.

Now about the First Video that you posted which you had tiled it as.

" Russian writer accompanied by Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic shooting at Sarajevo from one of the surrounding mountaines "

Did you even read in the video text on the YouTube link before posting or not?

"Eduard Limonov, now of "Other Russia" opposition, seen here on the hills above Sarajevo. Next to war criminal Radovan Karadzic. Limonov, now an "opposition activist", together with chess master Garry Kasparov."

The founder of National Bolshevik Party a imperialist nationalism party and Eduard Limonov claim about the video you just posted.

"Then asked about the incident in 2010, Limonov claimed he had been shooting at a firing range and that Pawlikowski had added an extra frame to make it appear he was shooting at occupied buildings. "

Then he switched by claiming that he "celebrated his 50th birthday in Kninska Krajina by firing from a Russian-made heavy gun at Croatian Army headquarters.

If the statements by Eduard Limonov are true why are you using this footage for your own propaganda propose?

[ General Ratko Mladic orders shelling of Sarajevo ]

First how you know its Ratko Mladic voice in the footage? this reminds so much of the bin laden audio and video tapes which the majority of the time weren't his voice.

[Serbs shelling a marketplace]

I already replied to you about the marketplace and as usual it seems you avoided it. I already had seen sock puppets before for supporting Media's Narrative agenda on Syria, Iraq and Bosnia since 2006, so its not surprising.

I will be still waiting for an reply.
edit on 11-3-2013 by Agent_USA_Supporter because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
reply to post by ArtooDetoo

It seems that your new to the topic and the only thing that you had brought up to the discussion is nothing more then a map of Sarajevo which was used quite often in the mainstream news outlets during the 90s, even though during the start it didn't look as shown in the map.

I posted that map because it perfectly illustrates how easy it was for Serb forces to shell every inch of Sarajevo from the surrounding mountains, even that marketplace.

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
Now about the First Video that you posted which you had tiled it as.

" Russian writer accompanied by Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic shooting at Sarajevo from one of the surrounding mountaines "

Did you even read in the video text on the YouTube link before posting or not?

"Eduard Limonov, now of "Other Russia" opposition, seen here on the hills above Sarajevo. Next to war criminal Radovan Karadzic. Limonov, now an "opposition activist", together with chess master Garry Kasparov."

The founder of National Bolshevik Party a imperialist nationalism party and Eduard Limonov claim about the video you just posted.

"Then asked about the incident in 2010, Limonov claimed he had been shooting at a firing range and that Pawlikowski had added an extra frame to make it appear he was shooting at occupied buildings. "

Then he switched by claiming that he "celebrated his 50th birthday in Kninska Krajina by firing from a Russian-made heavy gun at Croatian Army headquarters.

If the statements by Eduard Limonov are true why are you using this footage for your own propaganda propose?

What ? What propaganda ? Dude you dont make any sense anymore. If you scroll to 2.40 in the video you see this:

Karadzic and Limonov talking, the yellow building in the background is Sarajevo hotel Holliday Inn.

Originally posted by Agent_USA_Supporter
[ General Ratko Mladic orders shelling of Sarajevo ]

First how you know its Ratko Mladic voice in the footage? this reminds so much of the bin laden audio and video tapes which the majority of the time weren't his voice.

I have posted pictures, videos, audio recordings that show Sarajevo in fact was under siege, all you do is question validity of everything i post - yet when you post something you consider it as a ultimative truth.

That way of debating might work when you are arguing with other Serbs or at home talking to your mom and dad - it sure doesent work on a internet forum.

The Siege of Sarajevo was the longest siege of a capital city in the history of modern warfare.
11.541 persons died, 1430 of them were only children, those are the cold facts, period.

edit on 12-3-2013 by ArtooDetoo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 12 2013 @ 05:08 AM
I just checked my John Simpson books and he was pretty certain that the Bosnian Serbs besieged Sarajevo. Same with Martin Bell, who was almost killed there.

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