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Students Arrested for Harlem Shake Dance In Egypt

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posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 04:42 AM

Cultural wars in Egypt continues some want to go back in time while others want to move fwd away from a fundamentalist society ,not saying this dance created by some guy in Australia is the real thing people in Harlem may take issue with that but it does goes to freedom of expression,I have had it up to here with religious fundies in the states or in Egypt and other places around the globe telling us what we can and cannot do leave the rest of us alone and go lock yourselves in your Mosque,Synagogue,Churches and Temples.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by Spider879
Students Arrested for Harlem Shake Dance In Egypt

Sensationalist headline is a lie.

They were not arrested for doing the dance, they were in fact arrested for indecently exposing themselves in public.
Many many many people have managed to do the Harlem Shake in Egypt without stripping down to their underwear in public, and if these idiots had also done so then they would not have been arrested.


posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:11 AM
I still don’t know what a harlem shake is... Just like it took me about four months to learn what a gangam style was, but to be honest, I still don’t really know what it is? Anyway, their country their laws = stay out of it. Sure, it may sound extremely harsh and of course I don’t agree with arresting someone over this, but its their land to govern how they see fit. It’s not for any foreigners to dictate. They may think some of our laws are harsh or silly - many would agree too.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:22 AM
Could they (meaning every single shop-owner, cop, and so on, whoever is responsible for the place at that moment) please try to punish anyone who does something as stupid as that harmel shake-crap or the newer and even more useless and stupid and irresponsible "milk-gallon-throwing"?

Not as in "beat the crap out of those youngsters", but in "take that mop and start cleaning up! stop being so annoying!".

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 05:26 AM
I don't know what the Harlem Shake is either.

But countries have different ideas of what is indecent exposure, and that's their business.
I like being in a country where I don't have to worry about having a top at the beach or around the pool, and I still think it is silly that I can't do that in the US without being arrested.
But whateva...
edit on 26-2-2013 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 06:28 AM
I believe the Harlem Shake is just another viral epidemic.. Well it started as a song, then over the months of being on the internet it became this...If you were wondering the song is Harlem Shake by Baauer - a Trap artist (it's pretty much rap music, without the rap)

If you like bass then it's pretty good, I never saw in a million years it would reach the audience it has...
edit on 26/2/2013 by conz1992 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 08:20 AM
The Harlem shake isnt really a dance like Gangum style, Gangum style has a set of moves that are performed a certain way, the Harlem shake is just flopping around like an idiot.

If this was invented by an Australian Im just embarrassed

So they were arrested for doing this in Egypt, its a good start but did they go far enough?
Every time Ive seen one of those vids Ive wished I did actually own a gun.

For once the religious nuts did something I can agree with

P.s Before someone jumps down my throat Im just joking, the above represents my complete and utter disdain for the fad that is called the Harlem shake, luckily like all moronic fads, think planking or that cat bread thing, it will be short lived. Lets just hope what ever comes next isnt worse


posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by IkNOwSTuff
The Harlem shake isnt really a dance like Gangum style, Gangum style has a set of moves that are performed a certain way, the Harlem shake is just flopping around like an idiot.

If this was invented by an Australian Im just embarrassed

So they were arrested for doing this in Egypt, its a good start but did they go far enough?
Every time Ive seen one of those vids Ive wished I did actually own a gun.

For once the religious nuts did something I can agree with

P.s Before someone jumps down my throat Im just joking, the above represents my complete and utter disdain for the fad that is called the Harlem shake, luckily like all moronic fads, think planking or that cat bread thing, it will be short lived. Lets just hope what ever comes next isnt worse

Couldn't agree more with every single word in that post


posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 09:34 AM
Here is the problem in some countries showing your ankles is a punishible offence if you are a woman, or not growing a beard if you are a man, or not covering your head,go to the beach fully dressed the bottom line is fundies refused to let folks be,and they won't stop at one thing they'll push and push and push until your are a slave to their will,they will dictate what kind of music you will listen to (if any),what you will read and watch on screen,they will even invade your bedroom, I'd rather take the kid's excesses than be controlled by a bunch of kill joys.

posted on Feb, 26 2013 @ 11:09 AM
- The thread title is misleading. The people were arrested fro being out in public undressed (in their underwear), not for doing a dance.
Just seemed like some people here missed that part.

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