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Planned School Shooting set for Tomorrow. Being prepared or being extreme??? You be the judge.

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posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 11:41 AM
Not sure how I feel about this, but it seems that a High School on the far Northwest suburbs of Chicago will have a planned school shooting drill for tomorrow...

CHICAGO (CBS) — A school shooting drill planned for tomorrow in the far northwestern suburbs has many parents upset.

According to a letter from Cary-Grove High School principal Jay Sargeant, there will be a code red drill at the school on Wednesday.

It will include somebody shooting blanks from a gun in the hallway “in an effort to provide our teachers and students some familiarity with the sound of gunfire.”

Parent Kassy Pinter says: “It’s probably necessary to have the ‘code red’ drill but not really necessary to shoot the blanks in the hallway.”

Parent Sharon Miller says the way Cary Grove has planned the code red drill is absurd and also thinks it’s not necessary to shoot blanks in the hallway.

“If you need to run a drill, you run a drill,” she told WBBM Newsradio’s Bernie Tafoya. “They run fire drills all the time, but they don’t run up and down the hallway with a flamethrower.”

School spokesman Jeff Puma said the small number of parents who have contacted the school are evenly split for and against the drill. He said another notification will be going out today and teachers will discuss the drill plans with students during classes.

So I'm semi-split with this. On one side I do believe schools should take preparation to make sure they don't end up a Columbine or Sandy, but on the other side I do believe it's a little extreme using blanks to demonstrate the noises of an actual school shooting... Tomorrow will be an interesting day regardless, I'm curious to see how this goes..


posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 11:48 AM
You can never instill enough fear soon enough. Get them scared to death of being shot when they are children and they will grow up in fear of guns. Just part of the 100 year plan to completely disarm all Citizens. People that are frightened are easily controlled.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 11:56 AM
Hey kids today we are going to experience a school shooting only your friends won't really die were just pretending, it is disgusting. A disaster drill where they lock the doors and find an area away from doors and windows would suffice. I see this as a psychologically harming activity.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Mamatus
You can never instill enough fear soon enough. Get them scared to death of being shot when they are children and they will grow up in fear of guns. Just part of the 100 year plan to completely disarm all Citizens. People that are frightened are easily controlled.

Yea you may be right... All the signs seem to be pointing that way and it's hard to deny the series of events we've seen just recently...
edit on 29-1-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 11:59 AM
How they going to do a drill, most school are not built to move people away from danger. They're built so you can move from room to room as fast as you can, and so that the most people can do it at the same time with little trouble. This design is bad when it comes to weapons attacks; you’re funneling kid in to the line of fire unless you know for sure where the attacker is. What about the people near the attacker how are they going to leave? How are they going to determine the point of entry? Are they expecting the same point of entry every time?
Most attack on school have been don’t by people who know the building layout very well, so they know where to get in and what areas will let them do the most damage.

Also blanks in a small space are very load and will damage hearing. Are they going to provide hearing protection? Not much of a surprise drill if they’re told to put in the ear plugs.

I think it's just to many things to think about, that just having someone firing blank will not help with.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 11:59 AM
When I was in High School, over a decade ago (right after Columbine), my school started emergency drills where an alarm would go off and all students/faculty would be out of the hallways, everyone would be locked in classrooms and police & police dogs would patrol each level until they got an "all clear"... And that seemed sufficient then, and it seems like it would suffice now, I just don't get the gun fire needed (blanks)... I'm sure most every adult understands what a gun shot sounds like...

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:01 PM
Stupid, stupid, stupid
Then next time, when theres real gunfire Theyll just think its, another drill

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537

.....but on the other side I do believe it's a little extreme using blanks to demonstrate the noises of an actual school shooting...

That's unnecessary, and just plain wrong, and for a variety of reasons. I can't see how that could possibly have any sort of positive effect.

ALL that should be required for such a drill, would be for everyone to know where they're going, and certain people to lock the dam doors.

[color=91F8FF]There are no simulated tornadoes, during a tornado drill.
Buildings are not mechanically shaken during an earthquake drill.
They don't torch the school for a fire drill.
There is no need for any guns at all during a shooting/attack/whatever drill.
[color=999999](not even a tiny plastic squirt gun)

edit on 1/29/13 by BrokenCircles because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:10 PM
I don't see why they need to do this since the city of Chicago banned firearms. No firearms means no gun violence.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

Very nice response... I agree with you... And I wrote above in one of my earlier posts about the emergency drills my school conducted back then and I felt it was good enough... But obviously there is some agenda being played in here..

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by MJZoo
I don't see why they need to do this since the city of Chicago banned firearms. No firearms means no gun violence.

Not necessarily.

Tracking Homicide in Chicago

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Juggernog
Stupid, stupid, stupid
Then next time, when theres real gunfire Theyll just think its, another drill

That's not really the case though. Sure, in the story "The boy of cried Wolf", we learn that lesson. But, in real life, the fear only grows. After hearing the shots, some will start to be scared of guns, and cars that backfire, then firecrackers, then bubblewrap, and then loud sneezes.

These poor kids are an experiment on social engineering.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:16 PM

Originally posted by LadyJae

Originally posted by MJZoo
I don't see why they need to do this since the city of Chicago banned firearms. No firearms means no gun violence.

Not necessarily.

Tracking Homicide in Chicago

I believe he was being sarcastic

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:18 PM
I don't know why everyone is against this. If it helps kids know what to expect and gives them a feeling of security and a plan to follow in case of a school shooting (which is apparently a real possibility), I don't see a problem. This way, kids will feel better prepared and WON'T be so scared every day, knowing that if there is a shooting, they have a plan for safety.

They have fire drills, tsunami drills, lock-down and other safety drills... I think it's a good idea.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by MJZoo

Exactly. If they did away with guns, as they have, then why run a drill for a situation that can never possibly happen.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by jhn7537

Originally posted by LadyJae

Not necessarily.

Tracking Homicide in Chicago

I believe he was being sarcastic

LOL..that's what I get for taking everything so seriously. Thank you

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Benevolent Heretic
I don't know why everyone is against this. If it helps kids know what to expect and gives them a feeling of security and a plan to follow in case of a school shooting (which is apparently a real possibility), I don't see a problem. This way, kids will feel better prepared and WON'T be so scared every day, knowing that if there is a shooting, they have a plan for safety.

They have fire drills, tsunami drills, lock-down and other safety drills... I think it's a good idea.
The drill itself is fine.
Firing real guns inside the school, is taking it too far.

Ya never know, someone could possibly even view this as being a good time to shoot someone.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!!!
"WHAT THE........!?!"
"meh. don't worry about it. It's just a drill."

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:26 PM
Now could you imagine some nut reading this in the local paper today. Pissed he was recently laid off (down on his luck) and mad at the world he decides to take a trip to that school where the exercise is being held... he fires his own gun, but everyone believes its just a test....

I don't understand the test and I dont understand promoting it to the world...
edit on 29-1-2013 by jhn7537 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:41 PM
I still don't see this drill doing any good. Have they planned for all calibers? How are they going to treat the people that fail the drill? If they want to really help your not putting kids through a drill your putting them through combat training. Not every kid is cut out for being put through that, I know full grown adults that curl up in to little balls when they hear gun fire.

posted on Jan, 29 2013 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by MJZoo
I don't see why they need to do this since the city of Chicago banned firearms. No firearms means no gun violence.

Chicago's murder rate has gone up since the ban I believe but not sure if gun related violence has indeed gone up.

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