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Psychic parrot

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posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 06:46 PM
This is a video by Rupert Sheldrake, where he shows an experiment that he did with someone and her parrot. In the beginning of the video, it is explained how the experiment was carried out. Basically the owner went down in the basement and looked at pictures that someone else had selected, and the parrot described the pictures while being in another room, with basically no access to the pictures through the normal senses. There are two cameras, filming both the pictures and the parrot, and they have a time on them to show that no trickery has taken place.

According to Sheldrake, there are multiple examples of this and it's by no means a rare phenomenon. Rather, science has refrained from studying these things due to its taboos and dogmas regarding anything that would fall into the category of the paranormal, despite them actually being quite normal. This phenomenon indicates that our minds are not inside our heads and have the capability to reach to the outside world, completely contradicting the current view that everything is a result of brain activity.

I'll let you be the judge.

edit on 11-1-2013 by vasaga because: Added paper

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by vasaga

S&F for the interesting find. tI think my mind just blew at his ability. The notion of being able to hear thought is one I once tested on my sleeping dog and cat. The house was quiet after the kids returned to school after lunch and the animals found a bed to curl up on and fall asleep. An hour later I called them in my head, making sure to remain absolutely still, asking the cat to come onto my lap and the dog to go to the front window. In a moment they came downstairs together to follow suggestion.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by vasaga

How cool is that?!!! Great video. I love talking birds. They are so entertaining. Thanks for sharing.

I've always known animals, birds, etc. have telepathic abilities.

So, I guess this guy got loads of money from the government to research this and prove what is already known.

Why doesn't anyone just ask me? I can save the government loads of money.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by sled735
reply to post by vasaga

How cool is that?!!! Great video. I love talking birds. They are so entertaining. Thanks for sharing.

I've always known animals, birds, etc. have telepathic abilities.

So, I guess this guy got loads of money from the government to research this and prove what is already known.

Why doesn't anyone just ask me? I can save the government loads of money.

You could make yourself a lot of money by performing the same experiment, if you are certain it's a given you can prove it.

I don't dismiss something is going on. We know nothing.

But the confidence that some people have that it's normal, a common thing, well.. when you stand to gain so much, why are there so little experiments that are successful?

Perhaps it only works when no one is looking, apart from this video. Which is more than just mrs birdlady and chacha performing routines on youtube.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by winofiend

Have you ever watched that show on t.v. where this guy goes to people's homes to help with "troubled" pets? (Sorry, I don't remember the name of the show.) He communicates telepathically with the animal to ask what is bothering it? When he relays the answer to the owners, they are usually astounded, and tell him, yes, there was a situation like that before the pet's bad, or depressive behavior began.

Sometimes animals are mourning the death of another pet in the home, or they are jealous of a new pet, or whatever the circumstances happens to be. He has detailed things that he couldn't have known that he says the pet communicates to him.

My animals communicate with me too. It isn't all telepathically, though. I can read their facial expressions to know what they are thinking.
Right now my cat is telling me to get up from the computer, and go to the recliner so she can have "her lap". LOL

Maybe I should do an experiment, as you suggested. I can always use the extra bucks!

edit on 1/11/2013 by sled735 because: correction

edit on 1/11/2013 by sled735 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by winofiend
why are there so little experiments that are successful?
Are you sure that there are little experiments that are successful? I'd actually say there's little experimentation in the first place, due to the dogmas and taboos of modern mainstream science.

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:34 PM
reply to post by sled735

Hehe I don't believe in any of those charlatans. It works on humans in groups, so surely it will work on pets, who can never verify the problem.


posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by vasaga

Flappy bird wings!!!!! To what end, man!!!

Do you not know there are people who will pay you to be able to demonstrate such an ability? A million dollars.

Yet it's the dogmas against the investigations to the efficacy of such confounding absurdities in the way again!

If I could do it I'd be out there in a flash dodging the tax man with my lucrative million smacker ability!

posted on Jan, 11 2013 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by vasaga

Just... WOW! That is amazing!


posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by vasaga

wow! I'm amazed by this. I do know because I have 2 conures that they are very very keen on not only my body language but also my dogs body language. But this is amazing.

Alex the parrot - to me - proved the intelligence of greys beyond the shadow of a doubt. But I never thought of mind reading. I'll have to experiment with that.

alex the parrot

S & F. thanks for sharing!

edit on 12-1-2013 by horseplay because: added link

edit on 12-1-2013 by horseplay because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:21 AM
reply to post by winofiend

Hmm. Now what other types of experiments are affected by the act of observation? Oh wait..

And even the top neurosurgeons in the field today, are in disagreement on how the brain really functions.

Of course discussion of these anomalies and furthering are taboo in Academic circles because of the pretentiousness of the community. Only until peer reviewed study is done can these topics be discussed.

No-one want to be labelled the outcast for independent thought.

May I remind the "smart scientists" out there that Nicola Tesla (and many pioneers) had to go through the same sh*t dealing with closed minded scoffers the entire way.

Breakthrough inventions in my life have not taken any major leaps such as in the past. Flight, combustible engine, alternating current, radio, etc. were all accomplished prior to my lifetime. These were monumentous to humanity. All we've really done since the moon landing is make better phones.

Internet is pretty revolutionary, but really. We could still communicate across the ocean 100 years ago.

All I'm proposing is that we haven't developed something mind-blowing for a LONG time. This can be because of two scenarios.

1) Our scientific community figures we pretty much already know everything and devote themselves to building better phones.

2) Huge scientific leaps have already been undertaken, but some entity/organization has kept the findings secret.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by vasaga

Rupert Sheldrake is amazing his work is so interesting. I love the parrot too - birds are amazing and clever, very clever. S and F thanks for posting

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 01:49 AM
i don't doubt it, but lets put this experiment in a professional setting

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by winofiend

I would really like to know who these people are, that would pay millions. People are only willing to invest if they can get a return from it, and with these subjects being such a taboo, it's not gonna happen the way you think it can.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 08:55 AM
Very interesting. If we assume psychic abilities exist, I see no reason that animals wouldn't possess them, maybe even be less likely to bury them by being encumbered by biases.

One question/concern, though... During the video showed to the audience it has a disclaimer that the clocks were synchronized at the beginning but then there was an 11 second difference. Why would that happen? 11 seconds could certainly leave the door open for some trickery. Is it common for video records to have their clocks get "off" by that much during the course of taping? I don't know much about it,so I hope someone can address this issue.

Thanks for posting this!!

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 09:17 AM
That was great!! I really like Rupert Sheldrake.

I think most of us pet owners know that this kind of communication happens.

When my oldest son went off to college, his cat (who had been very attached to him) began pooping in his bedroom doorway each time my son was coming home to visit. He'd do it about an hour before he arrived each time. He seemed to be making a point of his discontent.
One time we were expecting him, he had said he was coming home.... but I noticed the cat did not do it. Many hours after his planned arrival, we finally got a call and he explained he wasn't coming. THe cat knew it before we did.

Not only do I find that my horse and I have a similar connection when riding, but can do so over distances too.
I found this out when I would be thinking at home about an exercise I was planning to do with her the next day. I would be planning out and visualizing the sequence of movements I would work through to get to a complex manouver.

The next day, when I got on my horse, she would be anxious to show me something. When I would just let her do so (without controlling, sometimes without even being mounted), she would immediately carry out the entire movement I was planning on teaching her! -Something we had never worked on and that normally should take a progressive process of training before putting together.

I've also known from afar when something is wrong with her, so it works both ways. It passes through images and sensorial memories, and not only with my own animals.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:34 AM

Originally posted by VegHead
Very interesting. If we assume psychic abilities exist, I see no reason that animals wouldn't possess them, maybe even be less likely to bury them by being encumbered by biases.

One question/concern, though... During the video showed to the audience it has a disclaimer that the clocks were synchronized at the beginning but then there was an 11 second difference. Why would that happen? 11 seconds could certainly leave the door open for some trickery. Is it common for video records to have their clocks get "off" by that much during the course of taping? I don't know much about it,so I hope someone can address this issue.

Thanks for posting this!!
Well clocks do not really run in sync. They will all desync from each other the longer they work. 11 seconds is quite high though, for something that was probably done in a few hours. Normal clocks desync for about half a minute in a few months. But, I don't see how this could be used for trickery, considering each picture was shown for two minutes, which kind of makes the 11 seconds insignificant.

If someone has another perspective on this, feel free.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:59 AM
I have always thought that critters are better at discerning matters unknown to us. Call it psychic or ESP or whatever. Don't we entertain that animals like dogs are the first to detect "spirits" in the environment? They are closer to their senses than we are, they hear and see and feel much better that we do, why not in an extrasensory capacity as well?

Edit: You do realize this means that animals have souls, right?
edit on 12-1-2013 by intrptr because: changed

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by vasaga

Originally posted by VegHead
Very interesting. If we assume psychic abilities exist, I see no reason that animals wouldn't possess them, maybe even be less likely to bury them by being encumbered by biases.

One question/concern, though... During the video showed to the audience it has a disclaimer that the clocks were synchronized at the beginning but then there was an 11 second difference. Why would that happen? 11 seconds could certainly leave the door open for some trickery. Is it common for video records to have their clocks get "off" by that much during the course of taping? I don't know much about it,so I hope someone can address this issue.

Thanks for posting this!!
Well clocks do not really run in sync. They will all desync from each other the longer they work. 11 seconds is quite high though, for something that was probably done in a few hours. Normal clocks desync for about half a minute in a few months. But, I don't see how this could be used for trickery, considering each picture was shown for two minutes, which kind of makes the 11 seconds insignificant.

If someone has another perspective on this, feel free.

Thanks for your response. Honestly, my personal bias is that what we saw in the video is real (or, I should say, I believe that such a thing exists and is real). But when such lengths were made to prove this was a tightly controlled experiment, why would they allow for a clock difference of 11 seconds? Why not repeat it with a different camera with a better clock?

I don't see how a clock could get off by 11 seconds over the course of this short experiment. How could it allow for trickery? It could be as simple as a brief pause in which the woman shouts a word up to the bird to repeat. It seems unlikely, these seem like honest people trying to show something remarkable --- but that 11 seconds really bothers me. Why would they allow that?

Are cameras prone to having clocks that are this off? That lose or add seconds so quickly? Any AVers out there know? It sounds like the cameras used were consumer-level, so maybe this is a very common issue and it really means nothing.

I agree with the previous poster that I'd love to see this done in a more professional and controlled setting. Very cool stuff!!

ETA: I also wanted to add that an even simpler way this could have been tricked is to simply have a monitor in the room with the parrot showing the live feed from the camera downstairs where the women is opening envelopes. Without more cameras and/or more people to verify events, I guess it is impossible to "prove" this is real. Again, I think this is possible - but I don't think that what we just watched is the best "proof" or evidence for it. We need something more tightly controlled. If the parrot is as remarkable as this video implies, it should be pretty easy to prove in a stricter more controlled environment.
edit on 12-1-2013 by VegHead because: just a few more thoughts...

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by VegHead

Yeah I don't really know much else than what I already said, so, hopefully someone else can shed some light on the camera/clock thing.

And yes, I agree as well that it should be tested in a more professional and controlled setting. Sadly, due to scientific taboos, most of these experiments have an 'amateurish' feel to them, despite the results appearing pretty conclusive. According to mainstream science, they already 'know' that all these experiments are fraudulent. It's an easy cop-out for mainstream scientists when they use the lack of professional experiments to not conduct any professional experiments.

For this reason I really like people like Rupert Sheldrake and Dean Radin, who challenge the status quo. It's not necessarily because they try to prove what I already believe in (I'm still doubtful actually), but rather because different perspectives push science forward. If everyone thinks the same thing, there will never be progress. But by bringing challenges forward, sooner or later, people will be forced to at least consider their current perspective does not account for everything.

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