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Astronomers Discover a Planet Almost Identical to Earth

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posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:35 AM
Its just a matter of finding element 115. Then we are all good.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 11:35 AM
THought they found it but for a few miliseconds.

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 02:47 PM
reply to post by jemoeder

I was wondering when somebody would bring up Bob Lazar.....

posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by yeti101
reply to post by Krakatoa

before we build TPF we need to find out where earth analogues are within 100ly

Based upon the current increased find rate, by the time its built and ready to launch, we will likely have a list of them as long as your arm.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Astronomers Discover a Planet Almost Identical to Earth

Just over a week after astronomers boldly announced that they would discover an Earth twin elsewhere in the universe within the year, NASA's Kepler telescop spotted a pretty good candidate. Unglamorously named KOI 172.02 -- KOI stands for Kepler Object of Interest -- this planet is the most Earth-like planet astronomers have discovered yet.

The differences are slight. It's roughly 50 percent larger than Earth and orbits a star that closely resembles our own sun at a distance that would make the surface of the planet habitable. (The size makes it a "super Earth" rather than an "Earth twin.") With an 242-day long year, it's slightly closer to its star than the Earth is to the Sun but otherwise enjoys all of the same ideal conditions as we do, as far as astronomers can tell. "This was very exciting because it's our fist habitable-zone super Earth around a sun-type star," said Natalia Batalha, a Kepler co-investigator at NASA's Ames Research Center in California. "It's orbiting a star that's very much like our sun. Previously the ones we saw were orbiting other types of stars."


Here we go....

This is becoming so routine it's getting scary. In my lifetime first they discover that other stars have planets, then they discover just how many planets are out there then they say there could be "Earth like" planets out there then just a few weeks ago they state there could be millions of possible "Earth Like" planets and now this.

As I stated last week when I posted another related topic thread something seems to be up...


OP is that picture from the film Another Earth? If so, well done. I adore that movie.

posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 07:19 PM
Big mistake, and so I thought, at first you do not have an orbit satellites, and the moon are preserved only 2 days and have not even found.Na those recordings where the flag flies at moon.Flies only if there is somewhere in the wind, the only a month vacuum.
Another thing is that the above very low temperature, and electromagnetic radiation to prevent enormous anything from electronics to function, so satellites operate.
The Earth's atmosphere has a height of 3000km and 1500km on the satellites above the earth.
There is almost an absolute vacuum, but air layer protects the earth from radiation.
In no vaccum space heating only radiation through space where there vaccum.U air, photons create friction on the other particles that make up the air and creates a warm up, because our missiles are heated by the passage of the earth's atmosphere to higher razredjenijeg layer where they are exposed to radiation too high .
As for more state like ours does not postoji.There13 more.Everyone heaven and heaven has a time gate, to connect people with demons and evil, but it is not that.
Passing through the gate you go back to go forward or backward in time.In every time you go live and people to the worlds parallel to our own, at the same time, these flows as well as for us, just as there are some differences in the time.
The country is one big hologram and the pyramids are there as a source of energy for holograma.Gods resident on other planets and take care of the hologram.
Moon is placed there to maintain life on Earth because the Moon's Light helps grow flowers.Flowers all see that there are red and blue spectrum light.Blue range is used for flowering plants, and the red for the vegetation.
Red spectrum 2000Kelvin and the blue goes 2020Kelvin.
The sun and the moon bluish red, white and bluish means there are to the human eye and the photosynthesis of plants.
Sunlight moves much more quickly because of the vaccum in space, as it passes through the ozone layer, creating a prism and the sky is blue and white, it also creates a certain light for plants, people of UV radiation, which must have been a warm-air temperature.
Scientists lie people that UV is harmful, but it is damaging UV is there to kill microorganisms in the water and water is fed to survive.
The world's aquarium UV source used for the sterilization of water, the water has a special coating that allows uv sterilize water, one part white spectrum to pass through the water, and one that bounces off the water heating up the air.
Water has a reflecting layer as a mirror.
The gods have thought of everything and it's all as it should be created.
We can not ever pollute the atmosphere emissions, volcanic eruption 100x more than we pollute the atmosphere in the last 100 years.Oil say there are infinitely at 1500 meters in the earth's crust is created using special micro-organisms that live in 400 degrees, but we do not know that there are people who know and it's none of our business.

edit on 13-1-2013 by Majstorx because: neznam engleski samo srpski koristim google translate jebiga

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 08:39 AM
Awesome find, but not surprising since the galaxy will most likely
have many millions of planets in the goldolocks region of stars

posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 10:24 PM
Great news, very interesting, not too surprised to say the least.

It's a beautiful world & universe we get to be a part of. IMHO I hope their are no so called "intelligent" life forms like us to ruin its beauty.

posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by m1r4g3
Great news, very interesting, not too surprised to say the least.

It's a beautiful world & universe we get to be a part of. IMHO I hope their are no so called "intelligent" life forms like us to ruin its beauty.

Lol that's a nice one

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 02:27 PM
Its about time they found one, There are only an infinite number of them in the universe

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:01 PM
So, when are they going to announce they have found a habitable planet or two in the Zeta Reticuli star system?

posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:36 PM
I wish I was a member of our secret space fleet. Who knows where they can go in the massive starships orbiting earth!

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