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More and more stories about accelerating climate change

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posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:04 PM
Antarctic melt speeding up

How can there still be global warming deniers when more and more evidence of the damage we have done to the earth is being revealed.

The U.K is drowning in floodwater, we have ridiculously mild and rainy weather here. The earth is bleeding, and no one knows how to heal her.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by December21st2012
The earth is bleeding, and no one knows how to heal her.

Not really a good analogy. Or maybe it is.
Human females bleed on a cyclical basis.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by December21st2012

How can there still be deniers? easy, for every report/study that says climate change is occurring, there will be another one released that says it is not. A report came out not long ago that said the Antarctic ice pack is growing. Unless you are actually a climatologist, chances are you are taking the word of someone else as to what is actually happening. The sad part of that is, there are those that will twist things to suit an agenda and we, the masses of people who are not privileged to the raw data...even if we could understand it...have no idea if we are being given facts or farce...

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:11 PM
It's not nearly as cold here as it was last year.

When I read that the Sahara and Egypt used to be green I wonder if maybe ancient humans changed the climate there too?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:15 PM
reply to post by December21st2012

I hate to be the one to break it to you, but this year Antarctica had the most ice cover since records began.......

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by auraelium

That's cool, but then why are the BBC issuing news such as in the link I gave?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by December21st2012
Antarctic melt speeding up

How can there still be global warming deniers when more and more evidence of the damage we have done to the earth is being revealed.

The U.K is drowning in floodwater, we have ridiculously mild and rainy weather here. The earth is bleeding, and no one knows how to heal her.

The fact I can come back with scientific articles saying Antarctic ice is GAINING mass and not losing it is why a good % of the population simply isn't buying this man made global warming horse puckey. Yours is likely peer reviewed and seen as valid by a % and so will mine. That makes the truth a pure matter of opinion, IMO.

Simply put, I see Earth getting downright wild about weather....and I see reports of the Moon now showing the slightest ...barely detectable wisps of an atmosphere where once I guess there wasn't one. The Japanese probe that skimmed the surface awhile back seemed to show this. Other planets also seem to be showing some temp variations from what I've read in recent years.

This tells me that while our climate is going a bit psychotic on us...One, it's only a little in any fair appraisal of what nature has done for amusement in the past on this planet and two ...It's got a WHOLE lot more to do with that big ball of fire in the sky than thinking Man is SO powerful as to really make radical changes to the Earth's climate in this short period of time.

I think the arrogance and hubris of Mankind as a whole is showing in the worst way to even suggest we could change the Earth by degrees this easily...even if we were TRYING with that as a goal.

On the other hand... Antarctica was a tropic, life friendly and lush climate at one time and North America was crushed under Glaciers right on across where I sit today. So, we know the Earth swings on climate all by itself, constantly and with no hint of Man's help. (Looks back at sun....yeah....Great Balls of Fire!
edit on 23-12-2012 by Wrabbit2000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:19 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
reply to post by December21st2012

How can there still be deniers? easy, for every report/study that says climate change is occurring, there will be another one released that says it is not. A report came out not long ago that said the Antarctic ice pack is growing. Unless you are actually a climatologist, chances are you are taking the word of someone else as to what is actually happening. The sad part of that is, there are those that will twist things to suit an agenda and we, the masses of people who are not privileged to the raw data...even if we could understand it...have no idea if we are being given facts or farce...

The source of the reports is important. Invariably "denier" reports come from non scientific sources or "scientists" of completely different fields e.g. a biologist. Would you trust an an analysis of the efficiacy of drugs from a geologist !!!!!!!!!!!

NB the antarctic ice pack is growing but NOT IN THE WAY CHERRY PICKED BY DENIERS (loud enough ?). There is a massive difference between 1 mile thick solid stable ice cover and 1 foot ice cover over a larger area pushed there by melting ice !. But hey let's not let understanding the data get in the way of denial shall we.........

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by yorkshirelad

A voice of reason.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by December21st2012

Because the BBC is completly biased towards pro AGW. Go research Climate Gate and how it was covered up.and how BBC were up to their neck in it.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:29 PM
reply to post by auraelium

That doesn't really wash. If they were already shown to be up to their neck in it, why would they still be doing it?
No, one way or another the climate is clearly changing. Maybe it is cyclical like Phrage said, but that doesn't alter the fact that something is happening and this happening is speeding up.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:31 PM

Originally posted by yorkshirelad

Originally posted by Jeremiah65
reply to post by December21st2012

How can there still be deniers? easy, for every report/study that says climate change is occurring, there will be another one released that says it is not. A report came out not long ago that said the Antarctic ice pack is growing. Unless you are actually a climatologist, chances are you are taking the word of someone else as to what is actually happening. The sad part of that is, there are those that will twist things to suit an agenda and we, the masses of people who are not privileged to the raw data...even if we could understand it...have no idea if we are being given facts or farce...

The source of the reports is important. Invariably "denier" reports come from non scientific sources or "scientists" of completely different fields e.g. a biologist. Would you trust an an analysis of the efficiacy of drugs from a geologist !!!!!!!!!!!

NB the antarctic ice pack is growing but NOT IN THE WAY CHERRY PICKED BY DENIERS (loud enough ?). There is a massive difference between 1 mile thick solid stable ice cover and 1 foot ice cover over a larger area pushed there by melting ice !. But hey let's not let understanding the data get in the way of denial shall we.........


The head of the IPCC , Rajendra Kumar Pachauri is a............... Railway Engineer.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by December21st2012

Nothing is happening, temperatures have been stable for 17 years now. We were told that we should be in a period of runaway warming,we are not.2012 is turning out to be one of the coldest years we have had for years.Britain just had its coldest Novenber since records began.........
edit on 23-12-2012 by auraelium because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by auraelium

Thats cause it's really not about the temparatures, it's about the changing weather pattern all over the world with constantly record breakings, and it's with the speed of a bullit, as far as i know cyclical changes happen over a long period of time.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Mianeye

and what record breaking wether would that be? where?

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by auraelium
reply to post by Mianeye

and what record breaking wether would that be? where?
Search and you will find, it's not up to me to do your homework

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Mianeye

Originally posted by auraelium
reply to post by Mianeye

and what record breaking wether would that be? where?
Search and you will find, it's not up to me to do your homework

There isnt any worth talking about.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 01:56 PM
Everything is matter of opinion and perspective, which themselves are built on fixed base values. So beware anyone offering you 'the truth', because whether they realise it or not, they are loaded with belief.

Seems to me belief of any kind narrows the resources to make your own mind up. The objective has to be to be detached from facts, because 'every tool is a weapon, if you hold it right'. Something can be the most obvious irrefutable fact to everyone, until some points out we are all looking at it from only one viewpoint (flat earth syndrome).

To me, the bigger picture is that eventually the earth will cease to support life as we know it anyway, whether the human influence is but a butterfly in the wind, or a real significant accelerant. So if you are concerned that our environment is changing, do you think we are even remotely capable of fixing it at the constant we would prefer it to be? Or do accept change is inevitable and remain fluid in your opinion of all things at all times. It's not easy, but once you find this freedom, the mental ride through life seems a lot less frustrating!

So sod whether it's true that humans are affecting it, or if indeed there is any great longcycle change at all. Sooner or later we gotta get off the planet, so why not focus on that? But then again I know smoking shortens my life, yet I still smoke. Intelligence is not guarantee of application, so I've learnt to shrug.

To paraphrase Bart Simpson in a retort to one of Lisa's 'save the planet' righteousnesses...."ah Lisa, the planet's doomed anyway....all people like you doing is making the last few years pointlessly uncomfortable". Metaphoric wisdom delivered in the ironic form of a pop culture bigot. Genius.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 02:01 PM
In thinking about this...You know, there are a couple things man IS doing to hurt the Earth as a closed environmental system. These are just the REAL problems that can't be addressed in a bumper sticker and can't be solved by any one politician to claim none bother trying all that hard. suggest global effect? Actually, Yeah...I guess I might have spoken a BIT hasty...if only a bit.

First, how about those fires? Yeah... A measurable % of South American jungle by satellite coverage has burned in the last 20-25 years and those are then lungs of the planet. Low vegetation means higher Co2 with lower oxygen eventually. The surviving plants will love it since Co2 is their version of steroids....but we don't breathe it so well. Maybe stopping the burning of a continent on the installment plan would be a good start?

Then we have what I think...IF having global effect for weather pattern? This is.... Google up the Pacific Doldrums.

The Pacific Ocean is home to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, which also is known as the “World’s Largest Landfill,” according to the European Commission. An estimated 3.5 million tons of trash reside in this landfill that are the result of whirling currents in the Pacific Ocean that pull trash and pollution into the ocean. The landfill’s area is the size of Europe, or 3.45 million kilometers squared -- that’s a lot of trash.

I'm no scientist but I do know the whole planetary climate system ties directly into the free flow of ocean current and seasonal changes that come with that. How much garbage can we suspend in the top levels of the water stack before the whole behavior of those top layers change? When that happens....then we see climate change and probably catastrophic by our measure of things.

So, I'll just correct myself to this specific area in saying..yeah.. there are two things that could be attacked with a vengeance.....if anyone yelling about Climate change ever had the DEEP courage and force it would require to address the REALLY big issues that MAY actually contribute to it.

posted on Dec, 23 2012 @ 02:22 PM
Just take a look at this. Its devastation.
UK drowning in its own bath water

And just before Christmas too. My heart goes out to all those people affected by the global warning.

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