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NASA Probe Finds Ice and Organics on Mercury!

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posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:12 PM
The beginning of disclosure maybe? Hopefully! Not likely I know.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by gorgon8819

When I first saw this, I had dollar signs in my eyes. I was like, YEAH, DISCLOSURE!!!! I WIN THE BET!!!!

Now im can you have organics without life? I even looked up organic in a dictionary. "pertaining to life". Umm? Doesn't this atleast mean that something died there? Which would mean something was alive there at one point, to die?

Im confused.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by jra

Originally posted by phroziac
Haven't We've always been told Mercury was hot as hell. Its too close to the sun to be habitable. Blablabla.

The surface temperature that exposed to the Sun is hot, yes. The lack of any substantial atmosphere is what really makes it uninhabitable.
They tell us lots of things. Not going to believe or disbelieve there's an atmosphere at the moment. But I guess I forgot about that matter completely earlier.

But, ice on the closest planet to the sun? Really? That's amazing to me.

Infact a couple of landers have been sent to Venus and they show a couple photos of the ground because the camera is melting off the lander. But you'd think the camera would melt much before what it's mounted to, wouldn't you? WTF?

Perhaps you should look up the Venera program to see and understand how they were designed and built to withstand the heat for a limited time.

I find it hard to believe the camera is more melt proof than the mount it's on. Also, why the false color in the photos to make it appear hot, when it really doesn't? Of course I'm not using that to say it's not hot, but that it doesn't *look* hot...

And the greenhouse effect is BS anyway, planets radiate heat out into space, they don't trap it all in....

It depends on how thick the atmosphere is and Venus has a very thick/dense atmosphere.

It's still quite a bit unlike a greenhouse, and it still screams of propaganda.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by wildespace
reply to post by phroziac

I wonder what makes people like you think this way. Are your theories based on any kind of science? Or are you simply opposed to science and ready to come up with any alternative theories, as long as they are alternative?

No, I've found plenty of outright obvious lies from NASA and therefore am skeptical about everything they say. Please note that I did not say I am right, and I don't believe the whole moon landing hoax conspiracy theory (which has been thoroughly debunked), I do not believe in nibiru, and I don't believe there's been a giant tanker refueling the sun or blablablablablaaaaaaaaa.

But, what's up with the false color in images of Mars and Venus? Venus being recolored to make it look hot, Mars being recolored to make it look redder when it really pretty much just looks like Arizona? What's up with the atmospheric pressure on Mars being a near vacuum but theres ice there? Why are pictures of the moon airbrushed?

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Average temperature on mercury during the day time is 350 degrees celsius. Night time its 170 degrees celsius. There is a tenuous, at best, atmosphere on Mercury. So the planet does not retain the heat it receives from the Sun as it rotates. The side facing the Sun is amazingly hot, around 700 Kelvin or 430°C!!! However temperatures can plunge to 110 Kelvin or -163 °C when it is on the dark side. So not quite 10000000000 degrees even the Sun don't get that hot. But what a wierd place to find Ice and organic material. Star and Flag.

edit on 30-11-2012 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

Well. I make no claims to be a scientific type genius but, wouldn't any water have long since evaporated, you know on the 350 degree side which seems more than a little low to me?

There is no way I am buying that Mercury has ice on it. What next, palm trees on Neptune?
I don't care what NASA claims. They aren't exactly filled with truthiness in most of their past claims.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Wow. Amazing. What does that say about the rest of the cosmos. I'd just like to say..... eat that skeptics. We're getting close to disclosure. Maybe Dec 21, 2012.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter

Originally posted by andy06shake
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Average temperature on mercury during the day time is 350 degrees celsius. Night time its 170 degrees celsius. There is a tenuous, at best, atmosphere on Mercury. So the planet does not retain the heat it receives from the Sun as it rotates. The side facing the Sun is amazingly hot, around 700 Kelvin or 430°C!!! However temperatures can plunge to 110 Kelvin or -163 °C when it is on the dark side. So not quite 10000000000 degrees even the Sun don't get that hot. But what a wierd place to find Ice and organic material. Star and Flag.

edit on 30-11-2012 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

Well. I make no claims to be a scientific type genius but, wouldn't any water have long since evaporated, you know on the 350 degree side which seems more than a little low to me?

There is no way I am buying that Mercury has ice on it. What next, palm trees on Neptune?
I don't care what NASA claims. They aren't exactly filled with truthiness in most of their past claims.

Remember the whole thread about water on the sun? Know how Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun? And what about the poles? Perhaps theres caves.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 08:10 PM
double post
edit on 1-12-2012 by phroziac because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 09:17 PM
There is organic material EVERYWHERE in space and on planets. The building blocks for life as we know it are all over the place. I'm sure there is living organisms in both Saturn and Jupiter's atmosphere.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Water on the sun? Afraid I must have missed that. A ridiculous theory if the sun is a ball of fire.
I don't care if there are caves on Mercury. It's about like having a pot of water on the stove, it's still
going to boil away over time.

Have you ever heard of the helical theory of the helical spiral rotation of the planets?
I do not think that the planets rotate around the Sun. They chase after it, much like debris after a comet
in a pattern akin to DNA.

The Sun moves forward and each planets will be pulled in it's wake.
Mercury is the best evidence for this. If it were rotating it would have eventually been pulled into it's center by gravity.
If NASA wanted to come out with a big revelation, they should announce that.
But, they don't because it would frighten the atheist non-creationist scientist to have to admit that the pattern
repeats in an orderly pattern from the cells making up our bodies to the planets making up our solar system,
and the larger pattern of helical spirals that form galaxies.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 09:27 PM
If organic material exists under those surface conditions, that close to the our sun, then the hypothetical probability of life in our galaxy just radically increased. If we also find life on Mars, then that probability shifts even further. I know a lot of people have absolutely no doubt that we've already made contact with intelligent life from beyond our world. I respect and accept that belief. But for me, this is an exciting time.


posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by PaperbackWriter
reply to post by phroziac

Water on the sun? Afraid I must have missed that. A ridiculous theory if the sun is a ball of fire.
I don't care if there are caves on Mercury. It's about like having a pot of water on the stove, it's still
going to boil away over time.

Have you ever heard of the helical theory of the helical spiral rotation of the planets?
I do not think that the planets rotate around the Sun. They chase after it, much like debris after a comet
in a pattern akin to DNA.

The Sun moves forward and each planets will be pulled in it's wake.
Mercury is the best evidence for this. If it were rotating it would have eventually been pulled into it's center by gravity.
If NASA wanted to come out with a big revelation, they should announce that.
But, they don't because it would frighten the atheist non-creationist scientist to have to admit that the pattern
repeats in an orderly pattern from the cells making up our bodies to the planets making up our solar system,
and the larger pattern of helical spirals that form galaxies.

Uhm, so, come the planets can be seen to go around the sun then? I don't comprehend this. And I didn't say the water was liquid on the sun! Sunspots are cool enough for water VAPOR to exist. The rest of the sun is hot enough that it breaks the molecules apart. But why can't the water vapor fly out of the sun then? And wouldn't Mercury get hit by quite a bit then? And if it ends up on the cold could stay there for quite a while. But, you have to have atmospheric pressure to make it stay around, don't you?....

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 09:48 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Sun has water vapor coming off it? Er, if you say so.

Here is one of many videos that depict the helical vortex of the solar system.
Admittedly it sounds sort of hypnotic, but I chose it because the question you posed
is answered in the comment section.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 10:21 PM
reply to post by PaperbackWriter

they've known it since 1909 apparently.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 10:46 PM
They can't even show clear pictures of the Apollo mission left overs and they can tell Mercury has organic material.

What a load of rubbish!

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by phroziac

Weird. I scanned it but did not see where they theorized whence the oxygen originates.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by CALGARIAN

Holy Schnikee! This is the biggest-most unexpected news in history. Organic life found on a planet? WTF! Awesome!

I can't wait to hear more on this. You know now this is the gateway we have all been waiting for-the first release of life on another planet, now they can talk about more life, and more life. It's here! Finally!

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 12:48 AM
reply to post by TommyD1966

the holes are over 1600 miles in diameter.

As for the pilots, you might want to listen to this guy's account.

All pilots avoid it at all costs, due to two things, 1. it screws with their instrumentation. and 2. They were told to avoid.

Looking over this, the plane misses it by a lot. An average persons unhindered field of view is about 2 miles, they are out of site of the egress by a couple thousand miles.

The location of the Northern Egress is in the Northern part of Canada, question arises, why don't they reverse their path? Can you answer the question on this, if you will please.

Since your a new guy around here, I have a standard towards government words; Never trust them.

However, it's the place after the hole that I really want, in one word, it's Heaven. No need to eat, no need to drink, no need to sleep.

As for the satellite pictures, there are some that made some blunders and put them in magazines.

Most satellite pictures today about the Earth as a whole are all doctored. Why? Going off of a book that gives a first-hand account of traveling there by foot and with a guide, on page 355 of a book named Etidorhpa saying: Science has confined it labors to superficial descriptions, the elucidation of the fundamental causes of phenomena.

What that quote says is true. Switching gears, in order to make a aurora you need a highly charged air. If there were no egresses, then would they not be their? Very funny instance is where in Canada, whenever there are auroras around, transformers would blow-up. What auroras are, are they are the exhaust of the Earth. May sound too impossible to be true, but question; what does Earth do with all that cosmic energy when it has too much?
edit on 2-12-2012 by FreedomCommander because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by phroziac

Originally posted by wildespace
reply to post by phroziac

I wonder what makes people like you think this way. Are your theories based on any kind of science? Or are you simply opposed to science and ready to come up with any alternative theories, as long as they are alternative?

No, I've found plenty of outright obvious lies from NASA and therefore am skeptical about everything they say. Please note that I did not say I am right, and I don't believe the whole moon landing hoax conspiracy theory (which has been thoroughly debunked), I do not believe in nibiru, and I don't believe there's been a giant tanker refueling the sun or blablablablablaaaaaaaaa.

But, what's up with the false color in images of Mars and Venus? Venus being recolored to make it look hot, Mars being recolored to make it look redder when it really pretty much just looks like Arizona? What's up with the atmospheric pressure on Mars being a near vacuum but theres ice there? Why are pictures of the moon airbrushed?

Could you please give examples of those obvious lies from NASA?

Mars isn't being recoloured redder, it's how it looks to the camera, due to the dusty atmosphere. In fact, they sometimes adjust the colours to give us an idea of how it would look on Earth. Here's a raw true-colour image from Curiosity:

Venus might actually be reddish like in the images (which are actually radar images, not photos), it's simply the colour of volcanic rocks. A photo from the Soviet probe shows reddish/brownish surface:

Ice can exist in vaccum, and the Martian atmosphere isn't a near vacuum. On many cold bodies in the Solar System (for example Pluto) gasses can freeze out on the surface to form ice, and later sublimate when it gets warmer.

Many early photos of the Moon are low-res with blurring and image artifacts. Latest hi-res images from LRO have no "airbrushing", I suggest you use them to examine the lunar surface.


posted on Dec, 2 2012 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by phroziac
But, ice on the closest planet to the sun? Really? That's amazing to me.

The ice is only in deep craters in the north pole, so the sunlight never shines on it, thus it would stay cold.

I find it hard to believe the camera is more melt proof than the mount it's on.

What mount are you speaking of? Please show me on a diagram of one of the Venera landers as to where the camera and its mount are.

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