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I have started to take prepping more seriously

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posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:20 AM
fubarprotocol on Youtube has an inexpensive water filter system that can be made for around 50 dollars. Check it out...

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 11:21 AM
As far as "prepping" turning you into an obsessive compulsive hoarding misanthropic doomsday prophet idiot... Huh. Not been my experience.

If someone obsesses about it, it's highly likely they would and/or do obsess about something else. It's sort of like blaming the victim in reverse, to say that aha! The object of your obsession has caused your obsession, not the fact that it is you who fixated upon it in the first place. To each his own, and whatever

Just saying, don't be afraid that "Oh noes! I r teh preppar and now I am teh crazy! it made me crazy! arrr".

Would surprise a hell of a lot of people just who in their communities are included in the group of crazy preppers lmao. Probably best they don't know, or they just might preemptively curl up in the fetal position they tell us we all should assume if an emergency hits.

Good for you to avoid the temptation of the sands, you know, the ones you can stick your head in.

And don't let being painted with an extremely broad brush keep you from learning to take care of you and yours. Frankly that's just being responsible, IMHO

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 12:14 PM
I'd like to know how learning survival skills and stocking up months' supply worth of food and supplies, including weapons, makes you ill in the head? I've always wanted to have the kind of cash to do that, just in case America goes to hell, albeit because of some virus outbreak, world war three, or some other large catastrophe. Hell If I were anyone I would do that, it would help in protecting my family in the long run or just surviving in general.

I just want to know how it makes you crazy or psychopathic or paranoid? It's not like it's believed something will happen on an exact date (and if it is, then 2012 believers should be considered crazy as well), it's just in case.

Imagine having an underground shelter that looks like a Vegas penthouse that seems so real thanks to advanced display, have a balcony even, simulating a real balcony due to perfectly placed fans and ACs. Months' worth of food and an underground garden growing fresh vegetables and fruits, I thought that was the prepper dream.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to protect you or your family. OP I hope you read up, and there are alot of good guides around ATS, you don't even have to look hard for them. Cheers

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 01:31 PM
It makes you "ill in the head" because it shows a mistrust of the system. Therefor The System has to ake others think you're nuts. The System is to be trusted. You can't be dependent on a system that the population at large doesn't trust. Get the picture?

MEanwhile, I thikk there are going to be a lot of unhealthy preppers should we have real problems with the food supply. Which, as the years go by (especially the next 10) we will experiece.

You can't live in a healthy manner on wheat and beans and rice. That's a VERY high glycemic diet. Sure it's cheap and stores forever, but it's not healthy. Don't forget that the populaiton got sicker and shorter when we went from henuter gatherers to the agriculture model.

You need to store meat and fats. Sardines in olive oil or water (not soy oil), coconut oil, beef tallow (not hydrogenated preferably home-made). Pemmican, with it's 50/50 mix of tallow and beef is the perfect survival food. It will keep for 20 years and you can literally live off of it. Just make it with grass fed beef and tallow so you get the omega 3 fats. Graonfeed beef has very little omega 3 fats.

Another great storage food is coconut milk in cans. Wal Mart has Golden Star brand for around $.1.50 a can that has only coconut milk and water. No gaur gum or other stuff. Coconut milk is high in healthy fats and is good for longer term storage.

Now go start a garden. Google the "mittleider method" of gardening.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:29 PM
Nothing wrong with being prepared.
edit on 25-11-2012 by VwMk1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 02:36 PM
Actually NOT prepping is a newer way of life for many people. Until about 80 years ago almost everyone prepped, some more than others, depending on their specific set of circumstances. Prepping was a way of life, how you thought about taking care of yourself and your family in the future. Because of mass production of foods and modern technology, many have lost the 'need' to prepare for possible damages to food sources such as failed gardens, droughts, fire or flood. Because of our modern modes of transportation, travelling to get food no longer takes a full day or more. It's just minutes to the large grocery store. Prepping is good. If anything, it will save you money in the long run because instead of buying as you need and spending more, you can plan ahead and shop bargains. It's just common sense, especially for those on a tight budget.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 04:55 PM
reply to post by CosmicCitizen

As somebody who bore witness to the before and after of Yugoslavia, I can assure you that prepping isn't about millenium bugs and Mayan calendars but the long view of history. All empires will fail. No exceptions. Whether it is civil war, financial collapse, natural disaster, or external invasion it will happen. There is no promise that your generation will be the generation that gets to watch their civilization collapse, but one eventually does.

Most preppers understand that the "end of the world" is just a phrase. It doesn't mean the end of humanity, just the end of you.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 06:58 PM
In America everyone says beans. Blah

Rice when cooked makes three times volume and therefore you can store three times the amount in the same space.

Another good one is solid spaghetti. You can store an enormousness amount of this one because it packs so well.

Please remember to put the food in some sort of container that is vermin proof. Those storage bins are good. Make up one with a good mix of food so, Beans, rice, spaghetti, cans of toppings, sugar, honey, powdered milk and something like weetbix that packs very well. Seal the storage bin with duct tape and start the next one.

Check the bins daily. Now, you may want to consider hiding all this food.


posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 07:12 PM
Malt-O-meal is very nutritious and a $4 box will go a long, long way.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by MojaveBurning
I would take exception your following comment:

"Another tip I've picked up is stock what you eat. If you don't normally eat a lot rice and beans, don't stock a lot rice and beans."

The reason to stock rice and beans is that they can be stored for a very long time and they are good sources of protein. If you decide to stock up on what you eat be sure what you are eating is going to provide the protein you will need if there is a loss of access to good protein.

Then hope and pray we never have to use it.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:18 PM
I grew up knowing how to can the harvest, sew patches of scrap fabric to make quilts and blankets, and raising a garden to have food through the winter. One does this to keep grocery costs down cause heating fuel consumption is more in the winter. So to offset it in the tight budget a family gives up something to stay warm and whats the first thing people cut back on when things get tight? The quality of their food choices. Higher up in the posts someone said pasta instead of beans. Beans are a source of protein, where as pasta and rice are carbohydrates. Both are necessary for muscle and energy. Just be sure to balance them out, you'll feel better and be stronger for it. Quinoa is a good source of protein in grain form, just get creative with it cooking, its bland just by itself.
I don't necessarily consider my self a prepper, but I guess by definition I am. I prefer to describe myself as preparitory toward self sustainibility. I began dehydrating for hiking and camping meals. Then more just as a means of food preservation of my herbs. Expanding into veggies because I water bath can, and am just beginning to pressure can because most vegs can't be water bathed. This has led me to seed saving and trading. I got to my local ag center, which has produce markets and auctions. When foods we eat are in harvest season is the best time to save money, so I get enough for the week and about two cannings worth to boot. I save the non gmo heirloom seed for next years garden therefore I might not have to rebuy that product cause I will be raising my own. Also ask farmers at the market if they have "seconds" good produce but maybe not as pretty as their premium sell items. I don't have space to till a lot of soil, so I get icing buckets from wally world, ours sell on Sunday nights one dollar a bucket. I ended up with 17 buckets I drilled holes in for tomatoes, peppers, cukes, carrots, green beans, etc. I also got the shipping pallets free from another store, turned upright, made landscape fabric pockets filled with soil and compost and planted more beans and herbs. So I am not out alot of money and have to invest the time into blanching freezing or canning, or dehydrating. But knowing how to use these methods gives variety to your eating habits. I ask neighbors whose pear tree never gets harvested for some and they gave me all if I would clean up out of the yard. I ask two others for the rose hips from their lovely bushes and dried for rose hip tea. Dried my mint, which is yummy on a cold grey afternoon when weather beats up and you just want to get home! I do this as a way to save money as a lfiestyle, cause frankly I am cheap. We now have beautiful quilts and a varied diet.

Sorry to prattle on so, but I have learned so much, I just want to share. This skill is a building exercise. A good easy way to stretch a budget to make ends meet, or have that income go toward say paying for internet. We did without cable for necessity but now it a choice not to have it, and frankly don't miss the drivel and commercials.

My latest dehydrating item was oranges and lemons. On sale now its the holidays, will package with home grown teas for presents. And just plop one in the cup while steeping and enjoy. Or mince into muffins mix. I would like to have chickens, but really rather support my local vendors till am ready for the next step. We do have "get home bags" in our vehicles in the event we have to abandon it. We do have contingency plans if water or electric go out during a winter storm, with alternative heating and cooking methods. We live in a tornado and earthquake prone area, so it only makes sense to be able to take care of yourself, cause I really don't want to get shoved onto that bus and be a victim of circumstance.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:26 PM
Water is number 1 on the necessity list: The best on the market IMO is: Katadyn Pocket Water Filter, it will last 13,000 gallons before ceramic filter needs replacement! Well worth the $$. I have one and am very pleased with the size portability and reliability!

Katadyn Water Filter

actual website: LINKY
edit on 25-11-2012 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

ALSO: Storage for beans, wheat and rice can be expensive. THE BEST prices are through the Church of Latter Day Saints or LDS....Im not a mormon but they sure know how to store and prep!!!!

LDS Food for storage
edit on 25-11-2012 by Starwise because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Starchildren

So which one of you are working? Did you write this thread during your work break or during an at-home boredom break? I am only saying this for the fact that when only one person has a job and no others chip in, then obviously you will fall into the mob pit to get hot priced items because that is all you can afford.

Seriously though, I think you need a time out. Focus on what matters to you the most. If all else fails and you move up North....make sure to bring a tent and warm clothes and plenty of mosquito repellent

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:40 PM
that video is absolutely disgusting. big fat greedy americans mobbing to buy stuff, any kind of stuff as long as it's cheap stuff because we're big fat dumb greedy consumers.....

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by GreyGoo
that video is absolutely disgusting. big fat greedy americans mobbing to buy stuff, any kind of stuff as long as it's cheap stuff because we're big fat dumb greedy consumers.....

Speak for yourself....don;t include others because you think you are dumb, fat, and greedy.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:22 PM
Glad to see you've decided to make this step.

I've said it before in previous threads, but I highly recommend simulating your "plan" before spending money on any stuff. There are countless people/vendors out there telling you what you "need," and you may end up wasting your money on stuff that will collect dust.

I have done that and wasted money. For example, I bought a nice katadyn water filter and camp stove among other camping/survival gear. After moving to the mountains where I am now -- both are pretty useless. The water here is clean spring water, and we use pine wood for cooking food in metal pots on/next to a campfire.

So... Point is.. Each person's situation is different. If your plan is to hole-up in your house, then try to simulate it. Turn off electricity at the breaker, and if possible turn off your main water valve or just don't use any faucet (unless you have a water tank at your house.) Also, if you use gas to cook make sure you have a gas tank as the utility companies should also not be working.

See how long you can last, and make a list of things you think you need as you practice living out your survival plan.

Just my contribution. You'd be surprised how much stuff people think they need to live, and all of the "fancy" stuff companies want to sell you -- are just not worth it.

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:23 PM
reply to post by SunflowerStar

Completely agree that we should aim for a balanced diet although it may be difficult when SHTF. I prefer my protein through meat sources so lots of Spam and such like.

Just a warning for all, read the labels on cans before you decide it would be good prep food. Many of the 'Meal in a can' type of foods contain so little meat they would be useless. They are also contain water so they are not at all great. Watch out for pasta sources that have no meat, you are better off using tomato puree to keep up Vitamin C and such like. It amazing what you can do with a bottle of mixed Italian herbs. Get an extra one each week and put them away. Could also be used for barter.

You have to decide if you will or will not be in a position to find live game and be able to kill and process it. Makes a huge difference and please remember that a million other people have the same idea as you. If you need meat then buy a product that is all meat.

Before you start to prep work out if you are going or staying and how to defend yourself and hide your food. It will get ugly real fast until certain types of people have been eliminated.


posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 09:48 PM
Don't let it make you crazy, build up your supplies as you can reasonably afford it. You have a good start all ready. Look at it as a hobby, this one won't be expensive though if you keep your food in rotation. Try to buy foods you would normally eat, it's going to be hard enough without completely changing your diet. Don't forget the coffee and a bottle of booze for "Hic" medicinal purposes

If you do a trial run of two days without power or the store, you will find you are missing things. Only by doing a trial can you find problems. Make it into an adventure, prepping doesn't have to be serious, it can be fun. My wife and I find it a great hobby. She likes shopping but now spends money on foods instead of junk we use a couple of times and bring to vinnies. Doing this means you have to have all the supplies for your favorite dishes on hand. Why not eat good food if something happens, why does it need to be tasteless.

posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:21 AM
reply to post by Starchildren

I'm a little confused, though it is always a good thing to have a proper bug'out gear for the whole family in case of unforeseen disasters--floods/tornadoes or even another 9/11...
But are you panicked over overly enthusiastic, greedy adults on black friday, or is it something else?
Yes, be smart, have emergency preparations ready, just do so at your own speed, and finance capabilities...
Get items through trustworthy measures, and buy nothing unseen...

Your neighborhood pharmacist will have water purification, and iodine tablets.
Camping shops, and local online MRE suppliers are best, so you can actually see what your buying...
Plan ahead with a map, choose a destination, and check it out...
Check our current iterms on hand, tents, camper, vehicle, to se if travel is warranted?
Keep activities like this low-key, or you'll have unexpected company... bad company...

This who Mayan 2012 thing is BS, so please relax, take your time, and enjoy your family and the holidays!
I am surrounded by fresh water lakes also-- and in Michigan-- water location is everything...


posted on Nov, 26 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by Starchildren

Nothing bad will happen can't hurt to have some supplies just in case.

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