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Afghans protest Remembrance Day ceremony in Canada.

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posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:00 AM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

I have only one war I support the celebration of and that was for my countries independence.

What, you don't think you're War Of Independance was more about money than anything else?

And you seem to miss the point completely; it's not a celebration, it's a reminder of the horrors and futility of war and a time to respect those that suffered in those horrors of war.

Personally I find it quite disturbing that so many choose to blatantly ignore that and to put their own spin on things in an attempt to justify their hijacking of an apolitical event to further their own political / religious agenda's.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:04 AM
They are Arabs. Arabs protest everything, they can't be anything but what is in their blood and heritage.

Italians and Irish are different too. So are Canadians.

Now lets have Canadians disrupt a cultural event in Afghanistan and see if they get to live? Arabs are such hypocrites in this regard.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by bobs_uruncle

Digression in a thread is not unusual and given the topic at hand is perhaps understandable. However, it can lead to the evaporation of the original point.
The whole point of Remembrance Day is to remember those lost. The clue is in the title. To employ an analogy would it be acceptable of me to intrude on the grief of a family and express antagonism because I had an issue with the deceased. I think common decency would suggest otherwise. Not the time, nor the place.

The poppy bears no relation to the opium conflict. I believe It was chosen due to the proliferation of the said plant on France’s battlefield’s after the first world war, particularly the Somme, the vivid red colour being self-evident

I think your teacher got it right.

posted on Nov, 22 2012 @ 11:42 PM

maybe she should just go back home, no longer live with freedom, pay tribute to the soldiers that make sure she has no rights as a woman. she can write that article here because she has freedom of speach..... try that in your home land lady, refuse to pay respects to there traditions and see where it gets you......

my family is black and white 4 generation's of soldier's that fought for and with Canada.....
you don't deserve what they fought and died for

you think you have the right to live in there country and disrepect them, yupp yupp, I say we send her on back to where she belongs...... herhome not ours

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 02:25 AM
I keep reading negative comments about remembrance day using the word celebrating, I'm Canadian and I had family members in WW2 and I don't think anyone "celebrates" people mourn, why do you think there is a moment of silence. If we were celebrating wouldn't there be a moment of cheering? Get your heads out of your a&$ people, stop trying to twist the day into something it's not. If you think it's celebrating then you obviously don't have a clue what this day is about.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
We are quite proud of our military record.

we are?

Maybe you should speak for yourself...

I was more proud of Canada when we were Canadian peacekeepers helping with Humanitarian Aid & relief. Now we are branded as killers & torturers of innocent civilians.

I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I were a canadian soldier today.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Target acquired : engage

I have no connection to any Afghans, but I do have a connection between my heart and my brain.
Therefore I will also protest this imaginary sentimentality which only serves to condone and celebrate goverment tyranny in general and historically. Celebrating violence, even victories, is outdated and tasteless in a civil society.

Disengage : target destroyed

You have just demonstrated that you do not know what you are talking about.

Remembrance day isn't "celebrating violence" or "victories".
It is remembering the dead.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by Gazmeister

"Target destroyed" haha well said

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 10:32 AM

Joining the military is voluntary. Fighting for your countrymen can’t be forced on anyone. Yet they do it, not just for their families but even total strangers.

The soldier who goes to the battlefield isn’t just putting his / her life at risk. He leaves behind friends and family as well. Some of these soldiers get stationed in foreign countries for several months on end. They hardly get the chance to see their kids grow. Soldiers gave up the chance to spend time with friends and loved ones so you may do so. This doesn’t just affect the soldier of course; it affects their families and friends as well.

The threats of terrorism and other enemies are always present. If not for these fighting men and women, you wouldn’t be able to sleep at night. When you walk around the park, enjoy a movie or play video games downtown, it’s because these soldiers made it possible. To this day there are places in the world where people are afraid to leave their homes, because they might never be able to make it back.

Why Should We Honor Veterans

When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Their Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today. Inscription on the memorial to the dead of the British 2nd Division at Kohima.

We honor veterans because for a time in their lives they risked, or potentially risked, their lives for us. Not all veterans of course are heroes, old news for most veterans, and most veterans who serve never see combat, but the potential risk was always there during their service. Most veterans at that point in their life personified the virtue of courage, the ability of we mere mortals to rise above our fears and terrors, and that always deserves to be honored. -- CS Lewis --

If there is a problem, let it be with the ones who ordered the soldiers into combat, the elected officials who are on the payroll of the multinational corporations.

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 11:14 AM
Remembrance day is about peace and reflecting on our actions of violence and the millions of deaths of both soldier and civilian from both world wars. Its not just about honoring the veterans. The poppy is a symbol of peace, these two stupid little twats should be kicked out of the country before they betray it, because they have already spat on the plate they eat from and their actions have contradicted themselves because they do not know the significance of remembrance day. Good luck trying to find a job. One of them said in her bio she wants to get her dream job in the east cost , yeah right , this will stain them forever , especially in the east cost =hardcore Canadians

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 11:26 AM
Rememberance Day is intended to be observed as a memorial for the fallen Allied soldiers that preserved our freedoms in WWI.

If immigrants want to protest the recent wars in the middle east, they can voice their opinions on any other day of the year besides November 11th.

There is absolutely no excuse for the actions of protesters on Rememberance Day in Commonwealth countries. End of Story.

posted on Nov, 24 2012 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
Target acquired : engage

I have no connection to any Afghans, but I do have a connection between my heart and my brain.
Therefore I will also protest this imaginary sentimentality which only serves to condone and celebrate goverment tyranny in general and historically. Celebrating violence, even victories, is outdated and tasteless in a civil society.

Disengage : target destroyed

Ignorant fool who lost a great opportunity to be quiet ^

posted on Nov, 25 2012 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Freeborn

"What, you don't think you're War Of Independance was more about money than anything else?"

Actually 90% of the war for independence was fought over money, the right to print it. And IM pretty damn sure we "celebrate" it with tons of bright lights in the sky? And anytime you do more than have a moment of silence on the day, its a sign of celebration. Parades, bands, armed guard, reserve, veterans, ect ect marching in thus said parades,selling concessions on the sidewalks, constitutes as a celebration. and i have seen such parades on more days than july fourth.

posted on Nov, 27 2012 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by intrepid

I can relate very strongly with your attitude intrepid. Both my grandfathers fought in the second world war, and their burdens from that were heavy enough that my parents had a tough time when they were young, for one reason or another, that link back to thier fathers suffering during that war.

Everyone in the "free" world has a debt of gratitude owed to those who laid down thier lives against such a vast, deadly, and totalitarian regime, which had the men and machinery to make total domination possible, if not tactically likely. I believe it is important to remember them, and those that died senselessly in the first world war also.

However, it just isnt accurate to compare the second world war, or any action that happened in it, with anything that happens today, in any of the armed conflicts in which the western democracies and thier armed forces have a hand.

First of all, in the second world war the danger posed by Nazisim and its war machine, was in the form of the threat of invasion, and a seizure of all control from a soveriegn government, by a people who wanted to remove vast numbers of people from the genepool on the word of ONE psychotic, godless bastard. The organisation that made this happen systematically killed millions of defenseless people in an industrial manner.

The SPECIFIC threat posed by the Nazi war machine was what justified the staggering bombing runs staged by the RAF.

Had the threat been that a very small minority of people, who were not in control of vast numbers of men, and thousands upon thousands of tonnes of war vehicles, planes, and ships, were threatening to blow up the Houses Of Parliament, or detonate a bomb on a Dover to Calais ferry, then nothing like that would have been done at all. The people involved in the plot would merely have been found out, caught, questioned, detained, and then hung like a hunters days work. I.E. drawn and quatered to boot.

But these days, we dont have the gumption to put up with the COMPARATIVELY small threat of idiots with backpack bombs, or hunt them cleanly, with no collateral... ooooh no! This once stoic nation that at one point was the only effective fighting force opposing the might of Nazi germany, now bombs people from the air with the merest provocation, fully understanding that the risk to innocent bystanders is huge, and not carring a single damn about it.

Now... I care about the fate of, and have no issue with, the individuals who do the fighting. But the public should accept that they shouldnt have been sent, and shouldnt still be there.

While I find it impossible to empathise with people protesting at the rememberance of World War One and Two, and the horrible toll they took on those who fought in those wars, I can totaly understand someone protesting against the rememberance of those who fell in more recent campaigns, because they were fighting unjust wars, against a foe which posed no military threat to the world, and should have been dealt with by the intelligence services exclusively, rather than full scale invasions and bombing runs.

posted on Dec, 1 2012 @ 12:12 PM
reply to post by ~widowmaker~

The war of Independence was about money? You, sir, are jaded beyond belief or a pacifist intent on disparaging any violent response under any circumstance.

It's obvious with even a casual glance that the resulting Constitution, bill of rights, etc. that resulted-the highest articulated ideals ever created- weren't the result of money motivation.

Wishing there was no need for war doesn't translate to no war under any circumstance. The current situation "may" be too far the other way, yet it remains that where that line is drawn is the hard part to decide.

Always will be....

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