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Grey type Entity won't leave me alone.

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posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:28 PM
Is it possible you could post a video of you moving things with your mind? (Telekinesis)

Or did you mean you wanted to try speaking with this "gray" telepathically?

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 03:43 PM

Hey, I don't think these things are as bad as people make them out to be. They look different, the eyes are freakish..humans don't like things that aren't "pretty". Try not to be too freaked out. Pay attention to any images you see when you're relaxed. Document them, and your vivid dreams. If you get ideas from nowhere of anything outside of your normal realm of thought, write those down too. If you don't understand it yet, you will. Get educated if you're not already, go to college, learn as much as you can about everything so you will understand any information you get. I saw one of these things in my room when I was young, then I was flooded with images and thoughts I didn't understand at the time. As I grew older and more educated I understood more. Seemed to be an alert to certain things we're doing to our planet, and to things that we can't control that are happening to change the fundamental elements of everything we know, including ourselves. Try to ignore people who don't get what your going through and just concentrate on absorbing the info you're given. And if you're a loon, so am I and so is half the world. Go with the flow and try not to get too freaked out. It's not going to hurt you. The worst thing to do is let fear kick in and take over. Think about it like this, people who are afraid of the dark see a shadow and turn it into a monster or a demon or something just because they let their fear run the show. If you see something you don't understand it's human nature to assume its BAD and it's going to do horrible things to you, like feed on your fear-when really, your feeding off your own fear. Good luck, don't be skeered, and pay close attention to your thoughts, dreams and what you "see" when your eyes are not open. Take care!

Thanks for your response. I am just trying to learn all I can learn in this lifetime. My mantra lately is, "be water, my friend, water can flow, or it can crash. Be water" I am allowing myself to experience these things without my own personal interpretations interfering. The practice of Zazen is to "open the hand of thought" My hand of thought is open, and will remain opened. Thanks, again.

See if he is any good at cards, take it for everything in it's pockets!!

Ask some questions, but do it to a therapist......If it isn't a physical being where you can get a picture, then I am afraid it's all in your head

I don't think he has any pockets

I did talk to a therapist for a number of years when I was younger, it didn't help. Only through meditation do I find peace of mind. You are right though, it is all in my head. I project the world. Everything, is in my mind.

Is it possible you could post a video of you moving things with your mind? (Telekinesis)

Or did you mean you wanted to try speaking with this "gray" telepathically?

Oh my! I didn't realize I made this miscommunication. I started this thread around 1:30 a.m this morning my apologies. Yes I mean I would like to communicate telepathically.

thanks for clearing up that miscommunication.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Oannes
You might wan't to try smudging with sage. It will change the atmosphere for the better. Should be done once a month if possible. Make sure you smudge the closets and behind doors. Also negative entities hate bright colors(South American belief). Hope this helps.

A salt water ceremony, too, do you think? A single caster can do that one easy, very little prep time, no backlash if you screw it up, just candles, salt, water and bowls, IIRC. You don't even need an arthame.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 05:00 PM
leave a chess set out and make the first move.

and leave it like that until you get a counter move or you stop seeing this "grey".

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by WhoFeelsitKnowsit
thank you for the reply. I'll answer your questions in the way you formatted them.
1. No I have never been involved in a seance.
2. No, well actually somebody I know told me they would pull tarot cards for me but he hasn't gotten back to me with the results yet.
3. No. I do not wish to invite evil entities into my home. I respect the power of the occult and do not treat this subject lightly.
4. A month or two ago I began to attempt to channel my spirit guide, with the help of a teacher across the world. Ever since I had my 'awakening' (not as intense as a kundalini experience but very very similar in nature and effect) I have been seeing 'spirits' and other strange noises that I know don't exist on this realm of existence. Maybe I opened something up, and my Ajna chakra is projecting these entities?

Ah, yes. I thought something of that sort would be the case. The thing is, if you channel something, you really have no way to know what, exactly, it is you are channeling. Something that calls itself a spirit guide might be utterly different than what it wants you to believe. Now, I know this statement might not be popular, but I am going to tell you what I think, in any case, because I really believe you need to know. It's my opinion that such things are demons. I don't think they are friendly at all, and any place they would want to guide you isn't a place you want to go. That kundalini stuff is pretty bizarre. I have seen videos, and frankly, it looks like people being possessed. That you are seeing spirits and hearing noises are pretty good indications that you have, even if unintentionally, invited something into your home that you don't want there.

In your initial post, you sounded pretty uncomfortable about this entity, and I would bet that anything else you are seeing and hearing isn't making you happy. You should trust those uncomfortable feelings. There are ways to get rid of those things, however. If you want details, happy to share, but I will say straight up that they are Christian in nature, and I don't know how you feel about that. I am concerned, though, about your situation.

posted on Nov, 16 2012 @ 11:48 PM
I don't believe they are demons. I think there is something about this house. I was talking earlier to a family member and they agreed that while people are in this house their emotions are very very negative. Something about this house makes people very negative and mean to each other. Today is the only day in a while this grey has not appeared. And two people tried to break into my home by kicking in the front door no more than an hour ago. A sign? a coincidence? I have no idea, I'm sitting by my window with my knife in my pocket hoping they don't come back. I felt very at peace until this happened. I opened up my front window overlooking my porch, yelled a few obscenities and they ran off. Had a cop patrol the neighborhood and they couldn't find anybody. The family member whom I was talking to about all the negative emotions people experience said "see you start talking about bad vibes and people acting crazy and then this happens!" Did I unknowingly bring this on myself? I have a feeling this weekend is going to be strange. Man, I hate this neighborhood. As soon as I fall asleep, they'll come back.
edit on 16-11-2012 by WhoFeelsitKnowsit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2012 @ 01:18 AM
Hello, I have also seen shadow people in my life. I have seen them full on and in my periferal. I have found that I am excellent in "broadcasting" my thoughts to them telepathically, however, I cannot ever hardly get vocal responses, I usually get knocks or clicks, etc....Try communicating and asking it a question that you need to know. If you don't get anything, ask it to give you a sign for yes or another sign for no....If it is an apparition you are dealing with, you may find out what it wants. If it is indeed a gray, then I have no idea what to tell you on that, THAT is new for me. You could also try doing an EVP session with a digital recorder where you ask it questions and record the sesssion to see if you can hear it on the playback.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 12:26 AM
I hav a weird sitution I am trying to understand it. I have seen and felt a grey like sparkly energy in waves that come towards me when I look at something. If I focus my eyes to it it begins to come at me in waves. The waves are think like a gas like you see at a gas station when pumping gas.(like thick air) Very hard to explain. I cant explain it. Once it hits me I get a buzzing sensation throughot my body. I dont like it..i scares me. Another weird thing is when this started happening to me I would walk past the blinds and they would vibrate even though I did not touch them and was on the other side of the room. I did not notice it, but other people brought it to my attention. It's like i have this energy in me because of this. It is very uncomfortable. The energy itslef looks like it is alive so it creeps me out. Has anyone had this experoence. Please help me understand it. It haunts me!!

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by deborahflorez
I hav a weird sitution I am trying to understand it. I have seen and felt a grey like sparkly energy in waves that come towards me when I look at something. If I focus my eyes to it it begins to come at me in waves. The waves are think like a gas like you see at a gas station when pumping gas.(like thick air) Very hard to explain. I cant explain it. Once it hits me I get a buzzing sensation throughot my body.

Roughly it seems somewhat like the 'waves' which are known modes of collective oscillation in your visual cortex. (Hallucinations have various stereotyped patterns when they occur in this area, the mathematics and physics is interesting).

I personally would get an evaluation by a neurologist, maybe a prelude to epilepsy?

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 10:15 PM
reply to post by scorpiosin

First off I was an Athiest but believed there was something else out there; we're naive to think theres not. However, after my life changing experience I give full love to The Lord

I am writing due to something unexplainable that has happened to me and to be very frank, scared the piss out of me and still does to this day. I want some answers, that is why I am here. Call me crazy I dont care. This is my story.

I was 15 years old (Im 19 now but the memory remains burned into my mind) and I had a relativley normal and mundane day. Woke up, went to school, came home yada yada yada. It was when I went to sleep in my rural British Columbian home that something happened, something benine. I awoke in the middle of the night and sat up in my bed panicky and startled, like I had a nightmare but with no recollection of the dream. I looked at the clock and remember distinctly that it was 3:24am in the morning. I then laid back down and that's when it happened. I sleep in the downstairs basement room in my house and there is only one window. I was used to seeing passing car lights on my walls and at night but this was different. As soon as I laid down my room became FULLY illuminated with a bright white light, brighter than anything I have ever seen in my entire life. My body became paralyzed and every strand of my moral fiber, my entity, my soul was engulfed by this presence. I could FEEL it coarsing thru my entire self and heard a low rythmatic mumbling/humming in my ears; it was simultaneously ear drum bustingly loud and yet the faintest and quietest thing in the world. It filled me with such an unimaginable feeling and sense of pure evil while coursing thru me and connecting to me that mere words will never be able to describe how it felt. There was nothing I could do at this point so I started to call upon God to save me from this thing, this pure evil feeling, and all of a sudden it ceased. I was laying in my bed breathing very heavily in a pool of cold sweat on my sheets. I then ran upstairs to my parents room where my dad proceeded to tell me that I was a pussy and to stfu but my mom understood that I was quite rattled so she got up to see why I was so frightened. I told her what has just happened when her face went white and she told me her story that happened to her when she was 8yrs old and it was almost IDENTICAL to mine. She also has no explanation for what happened and keeps the story under wraps for fear of being called crazy.

I still live in fear of this happeneing again and it haunts me constantly, but I know that God is here to protect me.

If anyone has an explanation for me, a thought or hypothesis I'm all ears.

posted on Nov, 18 2012 @ 11:05 PM

Originally posted by WhoFeelsitKnowsit
I don't believe they are demons. I think there is something about this house. I was talking earlier to a family member and they agreed that while people are in this house their emotions are very very negative. Something about this house makes people very negative and mean to each other. Today is the only day in a while this grey has not appeared. And two people tried to break into my home by kicking in the front door no more than an hour ago. A sign? a coincidence? I have no idea, I'm sitting by my window with my knife in my pocket hoping they don't come back. I felt very at peace until this happened. I opened up my front window overlooking my porch, yelled a few obscenities and they ran off. Had a cop patrol the neighborhood and they couldn't find anybody. The family member whom I was talking to about all the negative emotions people experience said "see you start talking about bad vibes and people acting crazy and then this happens!" Did I unknowingly bring this on myself? I have a feeling this weekend is going to be strange. Man, I hate this neighborhood. As soon as I fall asleep, they'll come back.
edit on 16-11-2012 by WhoFeelsitKnowsit because: (no reason given)

You state that you don't believe it's demons, but that you think "something about the house" makes people act in negative ways. Wouldn't it be logical to consider that this negative force was, in fact, demonic? They can attach to places. That this thing wasn't around the day that people tried to break in could be set up to make you think it's protecting you, or something like that. As for the attempted break-in, be careful. Sometimes, people like that DO come back. it's also possible, since the cops didn't spot anyone, that they live in the area. Did you happen to get a look at them? Be aware of neighbors. See if anyone is paying undo attention to you, just in case. But, no, you didn't bring it on yourself. There are plenty of criminals out there, and the odds are good that everyone will have something happen, of a criminal nature, at some point in their lives. In any case, don't trust this entity. Nothing that was good would be sneaky like it's been, not allowing you to see it straight on, and making your cat afraid to be in the room. Whatever label you want to apply, it's not friendly.

For the safety.....yeah, I would worry, too. First, I would see if the police can run extra patrols down your street for a few days. That alone might deter a repeat. Might. Might not, though. being armed is a good start, if you are willing and able to act if you have to. Now, the fact that they ran off might mean they wanted an empty house, but if they are gang types, they might come back with more people, so be alert. Make sure everything is locked, and if you can rig something at the door as a makeshift alarm, so much the better. Having a window clear that you could escape through wouldn't be bad, either. Stuff is replaceable, but life isn't. If you have someone that can come over, that might help as well. A gun would be VERY handy. If that were my place, they would have come in the door, and found themselves with new holes. Keep us posted, anyway, and consider what I suggested. Praying for some protection your way.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 09:57 AM

Should I try to communicate through telekinesis?

How are you going to use telekinesis to communicate?

Are you going to use a pencil with your mind and write a letter to this gray?

I am assuming you might have meant telepathy, however wilder claims have been made on ATS a lot more so than using telekinesis to communicate.

So if you meant telekinesis could you please help me understand how such a process would be undertaken?

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 09:58 AM
Lend him 100 bucks.
You'll never see him again.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by LadyGreenEyes

Wouldn't it be logical to consider that this negative force was, in fact, demonic?

NO, that would actually be illogical.

Logic would dictate that a rational down to earth answer could be found if logical and rational questions were asked.

Has the OP asked him/her self could something be wrong with my vision or with how my brain is processing visual stimuli?

Has the OP asked whether there is any history of mental illness in the family?

Has the OP investigated what could possibly causes seeing figures in their peripheral vision?

This would be logical, for a start

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by WhoFeelsitKnowsit

Every time it appears my Ajna chakra absorbs massive amounts of energy.

That happens to me when I eat pizza...

Seriously, could you explain that? (no pictures required)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by alfa1

Camera, recording, pics or it didnt happen.

Do you realize that we know dark matter exists with out even being able to see it? No pictures or anything, yet we know it exists.

.... Lack of pictures does not equate to lack of existence.....

I am not saying I believe the OP and I am not saying I don't. Just saying these silly little " Pics or it didn't happen" posts mean nothing and add nothing.

That said, OP, I wonder about the possibility of migraines or something. You don't have to have pain with them. Not at all. I was diagnosed with migraines and all that happens to me, is when they start, I see this little.... thing that looks like a squiggle of light that always stays in my peripheral vision.

It goes away after an hour or so and then comes back with the next migraine. I wonder if perhaps something like that is going on with you?

Just throwing out any idea I have for you. Worth looking into, anyway.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by DirtyLiberalHippie

Originally posted by alfa1

Camera, recording, pics or it didnt happen.

Do you realize that we know dark matter exists with out even being able to see it? No pictures or anything, yet we know it exists.

.... Lack of pictures does not equate to lack of existence.....

I am not saying I believe the OP and I am not saying I don't. Just saying these silly little " Pics or it didn't happen" posts mean nothing and add nothing.

That said, OP, I wonder about the possibility of migraines or something. You don't have to have pain with them. Not at all. I was diagnosed with migraines and all that happens to me, is when they start, I see this little.... thing that looks like a squiggle of light that always stays in my peripheral vision.

It goes away after an hour or so and then comes back with the next migraine. I wonder if perhaps something like that is going on with you?

Just throwing out any idea I have for you. Worth looking into, anyway.

How so, the OP made a wild claim that a grey wont leave him alone, many here on ATS are dying to see ET so its a reasonable request to the claim being made.

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by InhaleExhale

Try reading the tread before posting...

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:01 AM
What are the circumstances surrounding the appearance of your guest?
What time of day is it? Do you have lights on?
Do you see it at home or your place of work as well?
Where are you when you see it? Have you seen it in more than once place? Ie: In the living room, and then in the bathroom. What are you doing when it appears? I mean, specifically. I don't want to hear, "Oh nothing interesting, really." Are you reading, looking at your laptop, phone, tv?
You say it is in your peripheral vision, does it appeared smeared as though not quite in sight, or is it fully detailed and discernable?
Sorry if I've miss-spelt anything, I'm not wearing my glasses and my eyes aren't what they used to be

edit on 19-11-2012 by Lulzaroonie because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2012 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by seudonymous
reply to post by InhaleExhale

Try reading the tread before posting...

How about quoting what you think I have misinterpreted and grill me then, don't trash the site with your lack of spelling when trying to tell others what you assume they have or haven't done.

Also please stay on topic as you have contributed nothing but an assumption on whether a reader has read the thread or not.
edit on 19-11-2012 by InhaleExhale because: (no reason given)

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