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Obama Massive Election Fraud with Help from Republican Insiders

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posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 03:04 AM
There is a glaring hole in the election story that simply does not add up. The vote totals show that turnout was low, with 10 million fewer votes for Obama than in 2008 and several million fewer for the republican candidate. Does that mesh with voters experience at the polls? The long lines the enthusiasm? So really did McCain get more votes than Romney this time? I think not.

Moreover low vote counts always favor Republicans, since they tend to be more enthusiastic about their candidates than uneducated masses who are tricked into voting for the democrats.

Could the vote count have been changed to pave the way for Jeb Bush in 2016? If so we are looking at a de facto dictatorship here in the US.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 12:10 PM
I see what you did there. Cute. Republican voters are informed and smart, while everyone else is just stupid and don't understand. Republican candidates had a pretty terrible night on Tuesday, primarily due to the constant stream of ignorant crap coming out of their mouths. Swing voters told them where to stick it.

If they don't wise up and get something done in the next year and a half, they will get another beat down come mid term elections.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
There is a glaring hole in the election story that simply does not add up. The vote totals show that turnout was low, with 10 million fewer votes for Obama than in 2008 and several million fewer for the republican candidate. Does that mesh with voters experience at the polls? The long lines the enthusiasm? So really did McCain get more votes than Romney this time? I think not.

Moreover low vote counts always favor Republicans, since they tend to be more enthusiastic about their candidates than uneducated masses who are tricked into voting for the democrats.

Could the vote count have been changed to pave the way for Jeb Bush in 2016? If so we are looking at a de facto dictatorship here in the US.

Really? OK, a couple of things here. First off, I did not vote for Obama. Romney wasn't my first choice but I felt he was the least destructive of two bad choices...but he lost. I'm not happy with it, but Obama has been re-elected. Like it or not, he is our president and if you are a person of faith, you need to pray for his safety and pray that he will do his job well. Time for us all to move forward and not have a pity party. Perhaps there was a low voter turnout because a lot of people figured that it really doesn't matter who won - that the president is little more than a figurehead now who has no real power anyway regardless of which "side" won.

Second - just because I don't understand why anyone who isn't receiving some sort of handout could have possibly voted for Obama and I think it's an idiotic choice does not in reality make those voters any less intelligent than I am or you are. "They" look at people who voted for Romney as idiots too, but calling each other names or saying one side or the other are idiots is really idiotic in itself. You don't win debates or arguments by calling the other side stupid. "Uneducated masses" are the people on both sides who vote strictly along party lines instead of on issues.

And third, while I'm certain that there's some voter fraud in every election I highly doubt that there is some deliberate set up to "pave the way" for Jeb Bush in 2016. I honestly believe that people on both "sides" would actually agree that there is no way in hell any current member of the Bush family will be elected president again. Democrats think the Bushes are too much of a "neocon warmonger" family and republicans think they are way too much of the progressive/liberal Republicans In Name Only (RINO's). None of us will live to see another Bush white house.

So Obama won. Obama is our president. We have to either accept it and move on or not accept it and move to a different country.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by tallcool1

It's not just a matter of being a sore loser, it is rather a matter of a glaring discrepancy between what was observed in the field and what was reported in the stat.s. In an election where an unprecedented amount of money was spent on campaign ads, an extremely divisive election, we end up with a decidedly lower number of people actually voting?

This is an election where long lines were observed at the polls, where people were turned away at the polls. I personally had never seen my polling place as busy as it was. Yet we are to believe that the turnout was really low. Low turnout is supposed to favor Republicans as I mentioned.

Supposedly 7 million fewer white people voted than at the last election. Really? I don't think so. Something doesn't add up here. The white population has increased. The number of white voter registrations was up. We had a contentious election with a polarizing president. Nope I don't buy it sorry. To me it's as easily explainable as, "We tossed Osama's body into the ocean in a traditional muslim burial". Not only do I think we have a fraudulent gangster administration in place, but I actually believe they deliberately show their corruption to torment the opposition with how helpless they are to change anything.

posted on Nov, 8 2012 @ 02:12 PM
Republicans are working for Obama
thats why they needed a troll in Romney to have the election easy
with Ron Paul in place in the GOP candidate .. Obama would have no chance
the reason why they needed to ignore all the RP delegates

between RonPaul and Obame .. the choice is easy --> Ron Paul
between Romney and Obama .. the choice is easy --> Obama

posted on Nov, 9 2012 @ 09:14 PM
Uh, you guys don't get it. Ron Paul is a anti-zionist agent. While his "LF" economic agenda gets pushed up the most, Ron's biggest dedication is anti-zionism.........just like the Rothschilds and Astor's.

Compare that to pro-zionists like Alex Jones, you get the picture.

Freemasons built up over the course of the 18th and 19th century into the first half of the 20th. By now you have 13 ruling families. They built up modern capitalism and invented "Bolshevism"(and helped with Nazism) to make money.

You see, Democrats=Sub/Urban. Republicans=Rural/Gated Rich.

Got it? I would be more inclined to support Obama because I am urban, while others in the rural areas are more inclined to support Romney and Romney had to sell himself.

Republicans want to gut the cities while continuing the federal cash cow into the rural areas with those sky high prices. Democrats who used to be for these subsidies are now turning against them for urban infrastructural wonder why.

Even Federal Reserve policy is under attack by arch-Democrats(which moderates are not part of) for providing to higher land prices. They want money into the cities and suburbs asap. Go to any blogs and they want the FED to buy Muni bonds up the ying yang to force interest rates higher and flight from saftey.

Freemasonry's power is far beyond your understand. They control EVERYTHING. They invented global communism for money, they invented "Bircherism" to build anti-communist network. They built up the modern day "right wing". They pushed the Republican party into just about a complete rural party, which would make Eisenhower scream. The Democrats lost all connection in the rural white populations.

This was always planned. AGW believers vs. the AGW skeptics is all a battle of freemasonry. DuPonts,Astors,Bundys,Rockefellers ete ete ete are fighting each other over our future. Why did AGW believers suddenly get mucho support in 2005 after being laughed at in the late 90's? Why is AGW skeptics financed by oil companies who's investments in the future...........are in the arctic ocean.........which is not supposedly possible to drill!!!!!

We are all played and always have been. NWO? Good grief, what a amateur sounding name. Illumanti? Again, they died 200+ years ago. It is always the freemasons, always. They try to cover their tracks but I see through them. The only true "rebels" are the ones that want the end of freemasonry and christianity. They believe the last 1000-2000 years of western civilization is one big collapse.

Even the posts above me are freemason talking points from your bloodline:

Bankers, capitalists, industrialists ete ete ete all invented capitalism, bircherism, communism, consumerism, modern christian fundamentalism ete ete ete. We all serve them. Every American voter does. When a fat white women says she wants to kill "'n-word'" Obama, she is mouthing propaganda from her masonry master. When a black man hates on white people they are serving his masonry master. It is all planned.

Time to transcend and move on to a higher ground.

posted on Nov, 10 2012 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Darksummons

Interesting but there is more to it. There is a real spiritual component, and I have seen the beings they serve in action. They are not pretty. The machine elves the elite worship and obey are not cuddly little benign balls of light.

The end is being orchestrated because God is withdrawing his protection. So the hearts of men go cold as they do the bidding of demons. Things are just going to get weirder and more dangerous here on out. More blatant fraud and cheating. More violence, more natural disasters, more terror and helplessness.

Maybe if the wool could be pulled from the eyes of the masses, if they could see and expose the cheats and the frauds, they could rise above their partisan alliances and make a stand for what is right, rather than making a stand for what feels good.

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