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The elephant in the room...

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posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 02:53 PM
The conflict between different Christianity and Islam is simply a visible sign of the conflict going on in the spiritual realm between the forces of good and evil. God created a perfect universe but Satan rebelled against God because he wanted to be like God. As part of his rebellion he tries to get humans to rebel against God and one way of doing this is to form false religions to mislead people into serving someone else besides God. Islam is one of the religions he has formed and appears to be the most successful. This is a spiritual warfare and can't be won by physical force. The only humans on God's side are those who have had their sins forgiven by faith in Jesus Christ and the only way Islam can be ultimately defeated is for Christians to tell Muslims the way of salvation and persuade them to put their faith in Jesus Christ.

posted on Nov, 1 2012 @ 10:41 PM
reply to post by theophilus40

the only way Islam can be ultimately defeated is for Christians to tell Muslims the way of salvation and persuade them to put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Christianity itself was defeated when it allowed secular values to emerge in its societies. So there is no question of Christianity "defeating" anybody.

Christians live in societies that operate by secular values.
This is why Christians live in societies where people are allowed to mock God and the prophets in the name of "free speech".
This is why Christians live in societies where what the bible condemns as sin, is an accepted way of life.
Homosexuality, adultery, pornography, abortion etc. are allowed.

North America and Europe used to have the largest concentrations of Christians. But today.... Christianity is continuously mocked by people in those regions.
What happened? How did Christianity go from the most dominant force to being an object of ridicule?

So why should muslims even listen to a people who failed to even uphold the bible in their own lands?

BTW - Welcome to ATS.

edit on 1-11-2012 by sk0rpi0n because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2012 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by sk0rpi0n
reply to [url=]
Christianity itself was defeated when it allowed secular values to emerge in its societies. So there is no question of Christianity "defeating" anybody.

Christianity wasn't defeated. What happened was that many who professed to be Christians left the faith.

This has happened more than once and when Christianity grows weak in one part of the world it becomes strong in another.

Christianity used to be the predominate belief in the Middle East and North Africa. When the Muslims took control of those areas Christianity came to predominate in Europe and later in America. Not those areas are largely apostate but Christianity is becoming stronger in China, Africa, and Latin America.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:37 PM
I just came across this guys video and boy is he laying it on the line! It's ok to harass American Christians and arrest them for reading a bible outside of a DMV or arrest them for "disturbing the Peace" when Dearborn MI Muslims Riot because they don't like Christian's carrying signs! America is being radically changed, and people are angry at Christians right and left!

One person had the nerve to bring up Buddhists in other countries being attacked as if that has anything to do with what is happening in America. Since when does someone being attacked in another country have anything to do with what is right in America? What? We should give a damn that the police are shooting Americans, arresting Christians and not keeping the law because it might piss off some Muslims?

Try this crap in Saudi Arabia! Let a bunch of Christians have a rally in down town Jeddah or start stoning Muslims in Saudi Arabia for supporting their Koran! You wanna know what would happen? Well, first before anything got started the Christians would be surrounded, beaten, stoned, throats slit and heads cut off before the cops even got there to shoot the Christians.

Yet, we are supposed to sit down and shut up as Christians in America as we watch our founding principals and laws be destroyed.

posted on Aug, 27 2013 @ 12:49 PM
One Christian "Arabs" experience in Dearborn Michigan

He says the police are Muslim. That Christians are discriminated against, and nothing is being done about it. Let a gay person or a black person be told they can't have a job and you would see the media go nuts as long as it does not involve a Muslim.

Why is there such media silence on this?

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