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FukuGate: We've been conned

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posted on Oct, 4 2015 @ 05:21 PM

Your Radiation This Week No 23 | Veterans Today

By Bob Nichols on September 26, 2015
Sept 19 to Sept 26, 2015


(San Francisco) Sept 26, 2015 – Thousands of nuclear savvy people know about the recently unleashed nuclear terror and no one says a word.

No one in authority has breathed a word about the event yet.

In a nutshell, here’s what happened: A powerful nuclear pulse was created somewhere in the upper Midwest and spread a radioactive wave front outward hundreds of miles across America’s Heartland.

The pulse was recorded with yet another Thousand Point increase at the few active and published radiation stations with an unmistakable signature.

God have Mercy.
Bob Nichols

Supercell near Billings – What’s in the Rain?

(San Francisco) Sept 26, 2015 – Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Let’s get right to it.


*Listed in Counts per Minute, a Count is One Radioactive Decay Registered by the Instrument.
All Radiation Counts reported are partial Counts. Uncounted types of radiation include Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Neutron and X-Ray radiation.  Uncounted radiation, if added, makes the actual Count higher and more dangerous.

The highest radiation reporting city is listed first, the least radioactive city is listed last. Still, all reporting cities are above normal.

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]

Normal Radiation is 5 to 20 CPM. [6]
Highest Recorded Radioactive City in America this week

A familiar Leader this week in the race for the Most Radioactive Weather in America is Billings, Montana with 2,238 CPM, down from last week’s 2,252. Congratulations to Billings, MT, again, as the Most Radioactive City in America this week.

Sixteen [16] cities exceeded 1,000 CPM this week in Your Rad Weather. Stay Alert and take all appropriate precautions. A special note here, of the cities listed only WASHINGTON. D.C. is below 250 CPM in this week’s Rad Report.

Two weeks ago some unacknowledged source or sources around Lake Michigan spread measurable radiation all over the country. Like a Devil Wind it could be tracked for several days. Thousands of people know and no one is talking publicly.
German Analysis of Certain Isotopes after Meltdown
Hold on to your hat. In 1992 Germany calculated that in reactor meltdowns like Fukushima Daiichi the radioactive isotope Strontium 90 would aggressively poison the environment for 109.2 years and then decline slowly over the next 273 years. Of course, we will all be long dead by then. Other deadly Rad isotopes put Strontium 90’s generous life span to shame.

The German study is here for those brave enough to tackle it. Source: The IAEA: Dispersion of radionuclides and radiation exposure after leaching by groundwater of a solidified core-concrete meltby Bayer, A.; Tromm, W.; Al-Omari, I. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)) from 8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)

Isotope Count reporting
These CPM numbers do not represent the real radiation counts in your radiation weather this week; it is actually much higher [worse] than these government certified partial reports say. Use these report numbers as your Starting Point in adding up your daily, monthly and annual exposure from your Rad Weather.

b]Most radiation monitors report on the radioactive presence of Cesium 137 and Cesium 134 at the detector. YRTW will report on the secrets the Pros use in estimating the actual Total radiation counts. It is not a pretty picture.

The Lethality from a specific release goes up for 35 years; then the Lethality declines slightly and hangs steady for thousands of years. Regrettably for all Normal Humans that is many generations. The end result, of course, is extinction of our species and all others on the planet. Everybody is included; no one is left out. I know of no variety of Humans immune to radiation.

Day One out of the reactor use a Cesium 137/134 CPM multiplier of 150 Times. After 15 days outside the reactor the multiplier is still about 100 times the two similarly named Cesium Isotopes – Cesium 137 and Cesium 134. After 10 years have passed from that release, the Multiplier is Five Times the common published Cesium 137 report.

The Lethality is still increasing though. Yes, the Radiation is going down and the Lethality is going up at the same time for 35 years after a big release. That is a really hard to understand point about Your Rad Weather This Week.

Each new major Rad release starts the Cesium countdown clock all over again, too. It gets … complicated with all the overlapping and the daily releases.

Notes and Sources
1. The Radiation charts and graphs of the EPA at  Individual queries can be built at the EPA RadNet Query Builder. Don’t skip the “2” in www2.
2. The EPA based reporting of an LLC.
3. * This station’s Radiation equals combined Beta and Gamma Radiation. Note: Not all locations have reporting Beta Radiation Monitors. Gamma Radiation Monitors are reporting publicly at all these locations.
4. “…If you pollute when you DO KNOW there is NO safe dose with respect to causing extra cases of deadly cancers or heritable effects, you are committing premeditated random murder.” – John W. Gofman, Ph.D., M.D. (1918-2007), associate director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1963-1969) — Comments on a Petition for Rulemaking to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, May 21, 1994.
5. CPM. “Although we can’t see it, taste it, smell it or hear it we can measure radiation and observe its effects. One way to measure radiation which the United States Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] has chosen to use on its radiation websites is in Counts Per Minute. Each Count is One Radioactive Decay.” Quote from the ‘Your Radiation, This Week.’” Apr 3, 2015.
6. Digilert 100 Promotional Flyer pdf, “Normal background is 5-20 CPM.” Copyright @ 2015 Keison International Ltd – All Rights Reserved.
7. Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder along California coast — Blamed for over 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART), ENENEWS, Energy News Aggregator, -disseminated-intravascular-coagulation-chart
8. Dispersion of radionuclides and radiation exposure after leaching by groundwater of a solidified core-concrete melt by Bayer, A.; Tromm, W.; Al-Omari, I. (Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe (Germany)) from 8. International congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA8)

posted on Oct, 5 2015 @ 10:00 PM

posted on Oct, 14 2015 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

Thanks for keeping us informed. Unfortunately even I agree this incident is a bury-heads-in-sand type.....nothing can be done and I don't think widespread coverage of actual radiation fallout will help matters.

posted on Nov, 6 2015 @ 05:32 PM
The war continues against those who would advance the truth about nuclear energy.

Fukushima U. Victoria Woods Hole Has The Nuclear Proctologist Arrested - YouTube

Published on Nov 5, 2015
The University of Victoria B.C. CANADA and Woods Hole oceanographic Institution had me silenced and arrested.

posted on Nov, 8 2015 @ 02:23 PM

A 'Nuclear Proctologist' true believer.

Dana Durnford - Unite to Defeat the Nuclear Liars - YouTube

Published on Nov 6, 2015

posted on Nov, 13 2015 @ 06:40 PM
Thanks for keeping this up to date. There now is a labor shortage there to do the work. Current pay is about $200 a day for the dangerous jobs that still go open for employment. It's a sad story because now they want to build another plant here in Yamaguchi prefecture. I say "here" because this is my backyard. We are lucky as to have the lowest ratings for earthquake activity, but still... The locals are still fighting, but I feel it is hopeless, the project will eventually go through.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 04:57 AM
Oh Thorium, oh Thorium, why aren't thou developed oh Thorium?

Right. The war complex.

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 05:45 AM

posted on Nov, 19 2015 @ 06:13 AM

originally posted by: FreshAirGirl
When Radiation Hit in that great of a concentration and numbers there was no where to hid for anybody.The entire Northern Hemisphere was hit with it and continues to be hit with it. Nothing could of been done because of the speed in which it hit the atmosphere and spread. The only thing that can be done is to move everybody to Antartica. Southern Hemisphere is the only place where a person would avoid the Radiation. That being said how do the World Governments move over 8 Billion people to Antartica. Antartica's temperatures fall to -60 in the Winter. They still can't move everybody to Antartica. I guess you could voluntarily move there. Good luck to you. There's no way of avoiding this problem and its too late for the blame game.Its just like everything else that can potentially destroy us. If there's nothing that can be done why tell everybody. There would be anarchy and I myself would rather not know than have anarchy. It happened so take your Lugol's Iodine and make the best of it. Live each day like its your last and enjoy it.

It's never too late to find out who was responsible for something. With people like you in the world all the Nazi officers tried after WWII was over would have just been let go. "Oh the war is over? Well let's not dwell on any of that anymore. You're free to go, just don't do any more genocide from now on."

Global nuclear contamination from meltdowns could potentially kill even more people than WWII did, and I would certainly want the bastards responsible to suffer for it.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 11:33 AM
Thank you for this thread. For everyone who wonders why there are any questions about the human health impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, it depends on your assumptions, according to independent epidemiologist Steve Wing, PhD.

As we approach the "five years on" mark for the beginning of that disaster, for everyone who wonders what we can do to protect our health now and in the future, my advice is that the best book on that subject in or out of print to become familiar with is from NY State nutritionist Sara Shannon. She self-published it in order to keep its purchase price as low as possible. You can order the book at any Barnes & Noble bookstore. (I have no financial connection on either side of the nuclear power debate.) Author link:

edit on 11/27/2015 by Uphill because: Fixed a sentence.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 11:53 AM
yep, don't forget to include the first Chenoybyl in Denver on of all dates....Sept. 11....1958...Arvada Colorado....I lived two miles away...Cesium all over the place from that one ...not discovered till 1967 when the second accident happened...they went out to measure and found the previous layer of cesium from 1958

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 06:59 PM

Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 debris removal operations released 280 billion becquerels per hour | Enformable

July 2014

TEPCO has announced that they estimate some 1.1 trillion becquerels of radiation was released during debris cleanup operations at the Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 reactor.

According to TEPCO’s estimates the removal work generated 280 billion becquerel per hour releases.

Some of the radioactive cesium which was released during the debris removal operations was found over 12 miles away in Minami Soma rice fields.

The Fukushima Daiichi plant is still estimated to be releasing 10 million becquerels per hour of radioactive materials.

The debris cleanup operations at the Unit 3 reactor released more radiation into the environment then will be released from the plant in the next 12.5 years at the estimated 10,000,000 becquerel per hour leak rate.

TEPCO officials stressed that the precise amount of radioactive materials that had escaped during the debris removal operations is still unknown.

posted on Dec, 24 2015 @ 10:34 PM
Hire the mob and get the job done right! oops they are already hired.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 07:05 PM
Report: “Red Alert! Sharp increase in radiation… at Fukushima” — Levels spike 400,000% under plant — Almost 1,000,000,000 becquerels per cubic meter — TV: Officials investigating cause

December 10th, 2015
NHK World, Dec 9, 2015: Radiation spikes in Fukushima underground ducts
— The operator of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says levels of radioactivity in underground tunnels have sharply risen. Tokyo Electric Power Company has detected 482,000 becquerels per liter of radioactive cesium in water samples taken from the tunnels on December 3rd. That’s 4,000 times higher than data taken in December last year. The samples also contained 500,000 becquerels of a beta-ray-emitting substance, up 4,100 times from the same period… They plan to investigate what caused the spike in radiation.

Rossiya Segodnya (Russian gov’t news agency)
– Sputnik: Red Alert! Radiation Spike Registered Under Fukushima Nuclear Plant
— A sharp increase in radiation levels was detected in one of the underground tunnels at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, according to media reports. According to a press release issued by TEPCO, Fukushima plant’s operator, the water samples retrieved from the tunnels on December 3rd contained 482,000 becquerels per liter of radioactive cesium and about 500,000 of beta-ray-emitting substance becquerels per liter of a beta-ray-emitting substance, which is about 4,000-4,100 times higher compared to the samples taken a year ago, Japanese NHK TV channel reports.

posted on Feb, 21 2016 @ 05:13 PM

Fukushima SLAPP In The FACE to Censor, Intimidate & Silence Dana Durnford 1/21/16 - YouTube

Published on Jan 21, 2016

Fukushima How UVic (University Of Victoria BC Law School) Used S.L.A.P.P. To Censor Intimidate Silence Dana Durnford Jan 21st 2016.

Strategic lawsuit against public participation

ALSO, see: Big Boys Gone Bananas or /hp9yw7q

And, more importantly, view these two videos of "behind the scenes" of the link mentioned above: Big Boys Gone Bananas Trailer

Dole's Corporate Greed with Fredrik Gertten of Big Boys Gone Bananas

Does anyone see the similarity between Dana's situation and the above links?!

Find Dana Durnford TheNuclearProctologist live 10:30 am 6 days a week here on
Chat room & info by and for the Fukushima Hounds.

BONUS VISUAL: How To Make A Brick From Pollution
FOIA DOC /j4ljmze

Canada Water Tests Positive For Fukushima Cesium-134

Fukushima Means Do Not Eat Pacific Sea Food (episode #14)

Fukushima & Climate Scientist Death Cult Dec 12th 2015 (episode #13)

Nuclear Boils 10 Trillion Billion Creatures A Minute & Troll ISIS Day (episode #12)

Canadian Uranium Stockholders Mass Murderers (episode #11)

Fukushima Unit 4 Pictures & Breakdown Media Deception Dec 8th 2015
/jbtacc8 (episode #10)

Pro Nuclear Are Just Useful Idiots Dec 7th 2015 (episode #9)

Carbon Free Nuclear Just Killed Pacific Ocean Dec 6th 2015 (episode #8)

Fukushima: How Japan Is At War With Canadians Dec 5th 2015

Fukushima Radioactive Particles Concentrate Over California

Fukushima Facts w/ Dana Durnford 12/3/15

Fukushima Ignored during Paris Climate Conference

Fukushima & the Nuclear Agenda at the Paris Climate Talks

Fukushima: Polar Bears & Marine Ecosystem Collapse

Fukushima: An Overview of the Melted Nuclear Reactors


test 9 (his first one hour intro presentation of sorts)
or here /nurno33

Anti Nuclear Sadist On Why Fukushima is A Extinction Event

Should Canada Legalize Hangings like Japan: Azby Brown SAFECAST

Fukushima Fallout thenuclearproctologist 2nd Court Apperance Gets Crazy

Fukushima theglobeandmail hates kids whales birds fish but loves loves Uranium Stocks

Paris Terror Attacks Probably Staged Event AKA False Flag

Fukushima UVic Woods Hole Has The Nuclear Proctologist Arrested

Largest Stranding of Whales in History! 337 dead in Chile Fukushima Madness (Rense)

Fukushima WASTE Even Falling Out of BAGS & More update 6/16/15

MONUMENTAL Troubles at Fukushima. From BAD to WORSE update 8/31/13

Fukushima Ground Turning to QUICKSAND, Buildings May Topple update 8/13/13

Fukushima & Pacific Ocean Health ☢ Update 7/28/15

Fukushima Totally Out of Control, Fishermen F#cked, Update 8/29/13


Fukushima Raging Radiation 6,500X More! NO SOLUTIONS, & Selling Fuku SEAFOOD Update 10/19/13

JAPAN has LITERALLY LOST Their MINDS! Fukushima update 7/25/14

Fukushima "Apocalypse in Progress" Gundersen & Wasserman

Fukushima's Ongoing Impact w/ Helen Caldicott

Tour of Fukushima Daiichi with Arnie Gundersen 10/3/13

Shocking Tokyo Japan Radiation Test by Chris Busby (Fukushima Fallout)

Fukushima is 1,000's times worse than we thought!

Fukushima's Harsh Warning by Chris Busby

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 11:10 PM

Indian Point nuclear power plant has been called on by environmental groups to
shut down while officials investigate the source of its latest leak.

Indian Point power plant’s radioactive leak is getting worse - NY Daily News

NY Daily News, Feb 11, 2016 (emphasis added): Cuomo to launch probe into troubled Indian Point power plant as radioactive leak gets worse — The amount of radioactive tritium leaking from the Indian Point nuclear power plant is growing, officials said…

New samples from groundwater monitoring wells show 80% higher concentrations of tritium compared with when the leak was first reported Saturday…

Wednesday, [Cuomo] ordered a more sweeping investigation…

“Last week the company reported alarming levels of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with one well’s radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000%,” Cuomo said…

“The news just keeps getting worse,” said Paul Gallay, president of the watchdog group Riverkeeper.

“Last week the company reported alarming levels of radioactivity at three monitoring wells, with one well's radioactivity increasing nearly 65,000%,” Cuomo said.

“The trends of unexpected outages and environmental incidents like these are extremely disconcerting.”

AP, Feb. 10, 2016: New testing has shown that the amount of tritium in the groundwater below the Indian Point power plant in Buchanan, New York, is about 740 times the amount allowed in drinking water…

Entergy Corp., which operates the plant at the edge of the Hudson River, said Wednesday that the latest samples from monitoring wells found tritium at a level of 14.8 million picocuries per liter up from 12,300 pCi/L, a 120,000% increase.

The [EPA] has set a limit of no more than 20,000 picocuries per liter in drinking water…
[C]ritics of nuclear plants said the mere fact of the leak’s occurrence is cause for concern, partly because investigators had yet to pinpoint how it happened.

“There a leak somewhere, and I don’t think they know where it is,” said Arnold Gundersen, a nuclear engineer and former industry executive…

Gundersen said he was concerned that other, potentially more problematic elements could also have leaked out…

[Indian Point spokesman Jerry Nappi] said testing had also found elevated levels of antimony, at about 5,500 picocuries per liter… “It’s like an old car ready to fall apart“… said Assemblyman Tom Abinanti…

Reuters, Feb 10, 2016: Entergy said it continues to look for the source of the tritium leak

WAMC, Feb 11, 2016: Tritium Levels Spike In Groundwater…

Additional testing has turned up higher levels of radioactive tritium in groundwater than what was reported last week at the Indian Point nuclear power plant…

One reading showed an 80 percent increase in tritium levels over the 65,000 percent increase initially reported… [An NRC spokesman said]

“So given the migration of that water, we would expect those to continue to go up for a period of time…

Our specialist inspector will be there… tasked with trying to better understand exactly what happened”…

posted on Feb, 22 2016 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: thorfourwinds

Where are your sources? OMG so many posters didn't check your links! Ha, everyone go back to the OP, his signature are other Fukushima conspiracy threads, now look at the OP's links and what the OP wrote and quoted and see there are no sources for the quotes. There is nothing debunking all the scientific articles that debunked Fukushima. NOTHING. Now if you can show how all their numbers were wrong in not an alarming way, I'd like to see that, otherwise...

It's a completely different conspiracy theory that this topic resurfaces i.e. propaganda, scare tactics, fear, control, etc...

Where is the link, the exact source of the following from the OP:

"FOIA file request by Friends of Earth, Physicians for Social Responsibility, Nuclear Information Research Center has unearthed a shocking series of new evidence proving a deliberate, global cover-up of the true severity of the
Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster."

LOL just after googling the above and seeing it's an outdated conspiracy on other sites/blogs this thread is also from 2012.

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 10:13 AM

Thank you for your participation.

How about debunking the post right above yours regarding Indian Point?

And your point about Fukushima?

a reply to: game over man

posted on Feb, 23 2016 @ 07:55 PM

Study Links Increased Thyroid Cancer Outbreak In California to Radiation ☢ Maybe Farming? - YouTube

Strontium Milks
Published on Dec 15, 2015
Reuters is reporting Study finds higher rates of advanced thyroid cancer in California


A new University of California, Los Angeles study has found that in parts of California the rate of thyroid cancer patients with an advanced stage of the disease is well above the national average, prompting research into possible links to farming or radiation.

According to the study, 35 percent of Californians with thyroid cancer were not diagnosed until the disease had already spread to lymph nodes or other parts of the body, compared with 29 percent of people nationwide. Dr. Avital Harari, a member of UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center and lead researcher on the study, said there was no geographic pattern to the California counties with the highest percentage of people with advanced thyroid cancer, prompting her to consider possible environmental factors.

"There's definitely something going on here, but we're not sure what explains it," Harari said. "To find the etiology of why its happening we need more research."Harari said she was just beginning a second study that would examine potential links to farming, pesticides or radiation. Other studies have previously found some pesticides to be endocrine disruptors, she said, but none have established a link to cancer. Read the rest at reuters.

Blanch broke this story before me and he is right: this is a big deal.

Fukushima breaking news; U.C.L.A. CANCER CENTER SAYS California ADVANCED THYROID CANCER spikes - YouTube

Published on Dec 14, 2015

“prompting research into possible links to farming or radiation.”

“prompting her to consider possible environmental factors.”

“Harari said she was just beginning a second study that would examine potential links to farming, pesticides or radiation” “A new University of California, Los Angeles study has found that in parts of California the rate of thyroid cancer patients with an advanced stage of the disease is well above the national average, prompting research into possible links to farming or radiation.”

edit on 23/2/2016 by thorfourwinds because: duke of url

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