posted on Apr, 30 2003 @ 02:57 PM
For this same reason I was drawn to ATS some 3 years ago.
I have a long history on these topics.... being involved in MUFON in the 1980's, interviewing "abductees", researching political conspiracy,
running a pretty large political conspiracy forum on CompuServe in the early 1990's, etc.
Over time, as the hysteria around many major subjects of conspiracy and aliens never gelled, I became skeptical of nearly all of it. In general, I
discovered more outright lies and disinformation from those claiming to be conspiracists, than those about whom conspiracies are theorized.
I'm still very skeptical, but I know there are things classified as "conspiracies" that merit discussion and investigation. And from what I've
seen, and what's available online now, ATS is by far the best place to talk about these "alternative topics".
I've also seen paranoid-types come here, spend time, talk things through, and become more critical in their thinking as a result of spending time
here. In any environment where we interact with other people, we tend to absorb some of the attributes of those we interact with. It's simple human
nature. Here, we take on the attributes of a generally more critical and intelligent community than anywhere else.
This is the unique feature, positive or negative, of online communities... they are like large virtual organisms, they take on a life and personality
of their own. In our case, it's positive.