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FB - Find Bigfoot announcement: "HUGE" new video coming Sept 10

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posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 06:09 PM
Personally, I have never been lucky enough to have an encounter with the Big Guy...But, I have had several lengthy conversations with highly credible people, who have.
People who truly believe and are highly confident, in what they saw.

But, being of a very analytical mindset, it's difficult for me to accept, out of hand, their stories. So, I do what I do best. I analyze.

Reading all of the dribble, in this thread, about how these creatures absolutely can't exist, is rather amusing. Whether by conceit or just sheer stupidity, some of the claims of such, simply astound.

One MUST consider, that were these entities' existence even possible, that they must be of a superior intelligence. Bordering on senses beyond our comprehension. Why must the skeptics always assume that we are the pinnacle of knowledge on this planet? Such shallow minds should not be offering assumptions based on such pompousness.

Then there is the conspiracy angle. It states that the Governments of the world, are concealing the evidence of these creatures, to maintain balance in the Religious communities. Fearing a panic, if the so-called "Missing Link" was proven to exist.

My take is, whether they exist or not, it certainly is pleasant to entertain the notion. And, if they don't, then many awards need be issued, to all the wonderfully believable actors and actresses, and/or to all of the clever production artists, which perpetrated the vast number of highly, authentic hoaxes, ALL throughout time!!!

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

Oh yes and i did a thread on the siteing awhile back..This was filmed about 10 mins from were i live very close to home.. peace,sugarcookie1

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by GoOfYFoOt

On humorous note, regarding the conspiracy angle, white man learned it's lessons with the red man and other indigenous cultures it came close to wiping out and are not about to recognize Sasquatch as a legal entity for fear of having 9-12ft tall really angry hairy guys filing lawsuits and being unruly.

On a more serious note, the cover-up angle makes sense in some ways, but, in others it doesn't.
There'd be issues of money, pressure to put pretty much every last bit of unexploited forest under protected status, new laws, sticky issues about is it primate, human, hominid, what? Would killing one constitute murder? Would public recognition of the species (if extent) spur every Bubba with a firearm into open season brush beating and dog running?
Boxers were bred to hunt bear. Some enterprising dog hunter might train some specifically for Bigfoot running.

Recognition of a new species of this magnitude especially if it's a hominid would bring on all sorts of attention, pro and con, and that isn't even getting into the murkier waters of religion and such.

If recognized and found at least marginally cognizant such that linguistic parlay could be had, and semi abstract concepts relayed and understood, half the crackpots in half the world's religions would then take it upon themselves to go "save" every bigfoot, yeti, sasquatch, whatever, they could find, stomping around the wilderness, making a mess of things hoping to convert the big hairy things over to Christianity, Islam, Scientology, Billy Meierism, something.

I've a difficult time believing in the reality of bigfoot, but, at the same time, I really do want there to be another hominid sharing this planet with us.

For one, as bad as HomSap is about making things go extinct, having another hominid around might go a ways in waking us up regarding our treatment of the environment.
It might also give us someone new to talk to.
It may further answer some rather interesting questions still puzzling academics regarding our development as the human species.

There would also be some scary questions that would come up too, like the questions Big Pharma would start asking regarding genetic compatibility where Sasquatch might then become a target for Big Pharma research in muscle development using Sasquatch Growth Hormone for the athletically inclined for one and many others.

When one starts looking at all the pros, and all the cons, some of the downsides really make you want to stop and consider if it might not be best (if there is an extent species) to leave it alone, covered up, out of the public eye, the subject of myth.

edit on 11-10-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 08:08 PM

I've a difficult time believing in the reality of bigfoot, but, at the same time, I really do want there to be another hominid sharing this planet with us.

For one, as bad as HomSap is about making things go extinct, having another hominid around might go a ways in waking us up regarding our treatment of the environment.
It might also give us someone new to talk to.
It may further answer some rather interesting questions still puzzling academics regarding our development as the human species.

There would also be some scary questions that would come up too, like the questions Big Pharma would start asking regarding genetic compatibility where Sasquatch might then become a target for Big Pharma research in muscle development using Sasquatch Growth Hormone for the athletically inclined for one and many others.

Brilliant thinking and perspective, s&f eyes wide open.

edit on 11-10-2012 by Lonewulph because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 08:34 PM
And even More Puzzling...What if these "People/Creatures" are not the retarded Pre-Man that modern HS would think, but are rather THE NEXT STAGE in Human "Evolution" and the Next link of Humanity.
We have ancient man...Some African tribes, Australian Tribes...

More Modern Man, the Asian tribes, Indians, European tribes...

What if Bigfoot/Yeti/etc, is the next advanced tribe of man....Maybe they are Modern humans who went back to nature 10,000 years ago??..5000years ago (guessing)..disillusioned with society........yes they are concurrent with modern man, but with different beliefs, culture, standards etc etc (much like the Older tribes compared to the younger tribes).
Maybe they are ancient Hippies? Dont laugh...why not?
Maybe thousands of years ago, they Turned On, Tuned in and Dropped out?
Man has been bloodthirsty for years now....
When was the last time the Bigfoot had a war? or even attacked a human...yes they any animal, but they seem to prefer to run and avoid, than confront, regardless of superior strength.
Perhaps an art we have lost over the millenia.
So who are the smarter, sophisticated creature?

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by gort51

If there is a relation on the Hominid tree, the argument regarding more/less advanced isn't how evolution works. It's about adaptation.

For instance, let's just say that BF exists.
BF would certainly be more "advanced", ie; adapted to primitive survival where we, HomSap tossed naked into the snow will freeze and have our fingers and nose turn black and fall off if we don't die first.

On the other hand/paw, we, HomSap are more "advanced", ie; adapted for affecting our environments to our needs, as well as socially cooperative in coordinating purposeful effects like building vastly complicated buildings and structures that require lots of forethought, planning, and cooperation to achieve.

HomSap, at some point during the evolutionary process evolved trousers, stylish haircuts, lawyers, and flags.
BF, as of yet, has not shown any evolutionary leanings towards trousers, stylish haircuts, etc.

All in all, if BF is real, and a true hominid, it's most certainly related to us, but, likely once or twice removed such that Neanderthal (it's argued) is not an actual direct ancestor of us, HomSap, but another branch in the tree coming off the main trunk making the difference between HomSap, Neanderthal, and possibly BF like 3 siblings, or cousins all with the same super extra great Grandmother, but having different mothers and fathers such that our separate lines Branched off and lost touch some 200,000+ or more years ago.

We, HomSap came down the line from HomoErectus into Cromagnon and then contemporary you and me *pow-pow-pew-pew*.

Neanderthal possibly came down HomoErectus too, but, branched off from there into Homo Heidelbergenis then Neanderthal and then extinction ... *poof*

For all we know, if BF is indeed real, BF could be an offshoot of old Homo Habilis some of the first tool makers way back in the old school 1.4 - 2.4 million years ago. word.

To help you out, here's a nice interactive evolution of man thingey from the Smithsonian:
Human Evolution Timeline Interactive (Smithsonian Institute)

Clicky on the red dashes to find out all about all the past hominids and you may be able to piece together who got jiggy with doing the bam-chica-wah-wah to produce who and where it went and died off or continued on.

Granted it gets a little messy come round the Australopithicenes on into Homo, but, we're people, and people are kinda like sand at a beach and for some reason tend to get everywhere including the most peculiar of places, almost with anyone or anything if they get in the mood and Barry White or the requisite equivalent is playing to set the mood.
People today still do it with sheep! ick! ew. gross.

Anyway, yeah. play around with that, and I'll leave you with some music to to set the mood while you think about who's great great great great great x100 Granny was boinking who, or erm, uh, what.

edit on 11-10-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 11:41 PM
Thanks for the link, good to see we think along the same lines on this subject.
Tho I still dont "Buy" the Out of Africa theory, it seems to be the mainstream the moment.

Too many variables in firm theorys that.."this skull is such and such, etc" I can show you 100 skulls of modern man, and they are ALL different, some almost as ancient looking as so called "Early Man" skulls.
6 billion humans on planet Earth, and some still look like Neanderthals and even Homo Erectus.

Perhaps the Modern Caucasians are the hybrid "Man" of Neanderthal and Bigfoot, hence the Variable hair colours, and eye colours (which dont exist in African or Asian varient) ??

I dont know how many years it would take to grow thick hair in the wild, but I know many a white man that is as hairy as an ape.
In fact, that is what whitey are known for....Mmmm Hairy man = Bigfoot ???

posted on Oct, 11 2012 @ 11:53 PM
Must have got the footage of my ex wife walking around...

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by sugarcookie1

I'm not talking about the amazon. Thats different. There's possibly tribes living in there that no one has discovered. I'm talking about Canada and the you-es only. Lots of sightings but no real evidence. It's a scam! It's drunk hunters out in the woods seeing things.

edit on 12-10-2012 by r2d246 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 12:49 AM
reply to post by gort51

Ah, but there are some key differences.
Morphologically from the neck down, Homo Erectus, Cromagnon, and Modern you and me are essentially the same.

Neck up:
Homo Erect (left) vs Modern HomSap (right)

The adult Homo erectus brain size ranged from around 750 to 1250 cm3, averaging about 930 cm3. This was only around 69% the size of modern human brains on average but 50% larger than Homo habilis. The upper end of the Homo erectus brain size range overlapped that of modern people. However, the larger brained Homo erectus mostly were relatively late in time and are considered by some paleoanthropologists to be a more recent human species (Homo heidelbergensis or early archaic humans).


Now for the shocking bit. Make sure you're sitting down for this ...

Cro-Magnon vs. Modern day you and me:

The results obtained show that the main specific characteristics of the brain of Homo sapiens are found in the fossilised specimens. However, they also show that the brain has decreased in size and has been reorganised in our species over the last 30,000 years. Today, our brain is smaller, lower and compressed at the level of the frontal and occipital lobes, while the temporal lobes and the cerebellum have become enlarged compared with our predecessors. This demonstrates the anatomical plasticity of the brain of Homo sapiens, as well as the complexity of the relationships between its size and shape and its cognitive capacities.


Our modern day HomSap brains are actually smaller than Cro-Magnon.

Interesting hmmm?
In just 30k years too.
Such astounding changes in such amazingly short time lends support to Punctuated Equilibrium over Gradualism, and tempts all sorts of hmmmm at the blank spaces and gaps in the fossil record where some branches have shown definite Gradualism.

Could we, modern HomSaps be at the thrust of another messy moment in our developmental adaptations similar in scope to the messy mess around the time of Australopithecines and Homo emergence?

It's pretty exciting stuff without old Bigfoot on the scene at all.
Still, there's the BF question which will also be super amazing if it ever gets answered.
Additionally, though I haven't mentioned it, before, there's some speculation that the Cryptid Orang Pendek (the miniature mini-me bigfoot of Indonesia) might maybe possibly could be surviving remnants, or adaptive offshoots of Homo floresiensis also dubbed the 'Hobbit' for their small stature of about 3ft tall.

Exciting, Exciting, no? We could have not 1, but 2 mystery hominids left on the planet.
That's all super duper speculative heady pie in the sky kind of thinking though, at least until one or the other pops out , or gets dragged out of the trees for a 'hello' to Science.

edit on 12-10-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:22 PM
I agree, very exciting.
I do think there is much more mystery to this "Human" business than we have a clue of.

Big brains, yes I believe the Neanderthal brain was as big, if not bigger than modern man as well.
As bigfoot seem physically large, with big noggins, perhaps they have bigger more useful brains as well? They can certainly avoid modern man easily.

Im no expert or academic, but I do question the ridged thought of many "Experts". That Geneoligist who stated without a shadow of a doubt, that All modern man are descended from one Ethiopian female 66000 years ago...not a day longer...66000 years is the maximum....
Fine, but Neanderthal are thought to have been in Europe 600,000 years ago?? What happened in the ensuing 534,000 years?
It is proposed that Neanderthals and humans had relations and mixed therefore,some modern humans are not genetically the same, as "mother" number 1 from Ethiopia...but where is the "Expert" answer to that?.
Australian first tribes are thought to have been on the big Island for 100,000 years.....
How did they get there, before modern man even existed in Africa?
How did Peking man, and other Home Erectus travel all around Asia and at least to South America (they have found ancient man bones in Brazil) with their puny brains and no skills, all the way, supposedly from Africa, thru the deserts, the Ice ages, etc etc.
Perhaps Academia underestimates early humans..Perhaps we were genetically modified by "Aliens", or a great mutation from a nuclear Space war??
Gigantorpithicus..the 15foot giant "Gorilla", How did he get to SE Asia...The Oranguatang, how did he get to SE Asia, not to mention all the lower primates. Did they independently evolve? (out of Africa? not Out Of Africa).
As you many questions, no Real answers......
And now Homo Gigantus (new name I just thought up for our bigfoot cousins)
He has been seen for 1000s of years on every continent...even the island Australia, and is mention in mans legends.
Surely HG is more than some dumb ape running around eating leaves.
So do we welcome him as an equal, sharing our wonderful planet? or shoot him as a pest, and lock him in a cage at a zoo or worse, bring him into our society to become a slave to consumerism, a mortgage, wear clothes, tv, wars and the man?
SO......Who is the Smarter creature?

posted on Oct, 12 2012 @ 08:46 PM
If you have some extra time, I found a video on youtube here that really did make me rethink the whole bigfoot theory.

close to 2 hours long, many of you I am sure do not have the time to watch this video at its length. Those who do will find it very much worth their time to listen and understand.

For a long time, I really put Bigfoot theories to the side, and felt it was more rubbish than what was worth my time. I have to step back and really take some time to re think my stance on this subject.

For instance. How long did it take man kind to find and locate the Panda bear. For a long time the Panda Bear was only thought of as a myth. It took them close to 60 years to locate one in its own habitat. And these are just bears. To track down a bigfoot, is to go into its zone, and try to find something that has a higher intelligence.

Anyone that takes the time to watch this. I would very much like to hear your thoughts.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 06:12 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

I also live in Europe, and I dream of going to the pacific northwest for some wildernes trekking/camping. You have a lot of knowledge about sasquatch, I could have sworn youre from the US or Cananda!

We are just to densely populated here in Europe.

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 06:18 AM
reply to post by Druscilla

I have done a lot of reasearch on bigfoot and have heard that he looks really human. Thats might also be a reason people are hesitant to shot. Its would be like shooting a person (murder). If it doesnt attack you, why shot it? Also they are so huge that even if you manage to shot at one, he probably would survive, and then he would really have a reason to attack you. You would be in big trouble!

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by hesse
reply to post by seabhac-rua

I also live in Europe, and I dream of going to the pacific northwest for some wildernes trekking/camping. You have a lot of knowledge about sasquatch, I could have sworn youre from the US or Cananda!

We are just to densely populated here in Europe.

Yeah, Europe is one big seething mass of Homo Sapiens!

Someday I plan to visit the North American wilderness, although I'm not so sure about wanting to meet a sasquatch face to face. If I were to go looking for him I would start someplace like Vancouver Island or around that region. But being Europeans we would probably not get a nights sleep contemplating the bears and wolves that live in those wild places, but I'd like to give it a try.

I've been interested in Bigfoot since I was a kid.
Here's a website that has sasquatch accounts posted by witnesses, are they all true? Who knows but it is very interesting to read: Bigfoot encounters

(Look to find the "Washington, Cowman Of Copalis Beach", true or not it's a great story!)

posted on Oct, 13 2012 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by hesse
wow great piece of footage,and is very likely real.
I say this because the of their human features is exactly what people has
described in a face to face encounters,thus the confusion
of what they were seeing.
I believe these creatures are real and are more human than
animal and have been around as long or longer than humans.

I'm no expert in cgi's but from my viewpoint this video looks authentic.

People need to stop faking bigfoot videos so the real truth
can come out.

thanks for posting this clip

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:43 AM
reply to post by seabhac-rua

Haha, yeah thats so true!

Vancouver Island, would be a great place to start. But yeah I guess we would be pretty freaked out by all that vast wildernes and the wild animals. Let alone meet sasquatch face to face! Im trying to get used to the outdoors by trekking/camping around forests in europe. But as you know, it just doenst come close to us/canada.

I have also been fascinated by sasquatch since my childhood.

This might be a little off topic, but have you heard of the book the missing 411? Its about strange disappearances in nationalparks. I think there might be a connection to bigfoot. What do you think?

Ohh and thanks for the link, I will check that out later!

edit on 15-10-2012 by hesse because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by TWILITE22

I thought it might be that "HUGE" new video.
I think its pretty interesting!

I agree, I dont understand the hoaxers out there. If those missing people are bigfoot connected, then the hoaxes might even be government sponsored. Just like all those fake cgi ufo videos that have flooded youtube. Seems like they are trying to hide soimething.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 07:43 PM
I am all for believing that there is something like sasquatch out there. I believe that there is something there definitely......i will believe it even more when i see it with my own eyes! I've always seen it as they are very smart animals....not many too many of them. So if you do catch a glimpse of one. You're lucky! If you were to go on an expedition to catch proof. I believe you would have to go about it a whooooollleeeeeee different way then some of these guys do.Some of these people on tv crack me up....they go out in the woods lookin for this animal , almost as if they're going for a stroll with binoculars, parabolic dishes and FLIR cams, they probably see you coming and get the hell out the way!..............i havent seen anyone try staying in a nice tree stand 15 feet up to get off the ground with all that equipment for a few nights.......just an idea.......

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by zysin5
If you have some extra time, I found a video on youtube here that really did make me rethink the whole bigfoot theory.

close to 2 hours long, many of you I am sure do not have the time to watch this video at its length. Those who do will find it very much worth their time to listen and understand.

I watched this in several segments since it was posted.
While the speaker has some interesting questions, he's entirely off base on several points.

For one, makes the logical fallacy of of arguing from incredulity when he attempts to detail evolutionary progression.
He further exaggerates the issue as a matter of showmanship when it comes to the issue of evolutionary Gradualism without ever touching on Punctuated Equilibrium.
Punctuated Equilibrium

Additionally, the speaker commits the additional logical fallacy of cherry picking to fit his pet hypothetical that modern humans essentially sprang fully formed from the test tube at the behest of Alien Annunaki for the express purpose of slave labor for mining gold.

Finally, he sources Zecharia Sitchin as his keystone for his entire reasoning on the Sumerian civilization without actually sourcing the actual material. He builds his work off of someone else without verifying the material from the original tablets.
This fallacy is seen over and over on the fringe where people simply build off of other pseudo-scholarly work without practicing due diligence in accessing the real source material, just taking someone's word for their own sloppy and completely erroneous assumptions.
This error is easily illustrated in this section about the Annunaki in the Ancient Aliens Debunked film:

As mentioned, you can also go to Sitchin is Wrong to get information on verifying and cross checking actual source material relating to Sumerian writings.

There are other glaring errors in the film. Mining Gold to use in the Atmosphere of some other planet?
Does anyone realize how HEAVY gold is and that no matter how fine of a particulate anyone can grind the gold down into, it's just going to sink through the atmosphere down to the ground.
It's a HEAVY atom!
It's why Oxygen gets thinner the higher you go in our atmosphere because Oxygen is heavier than many other gases. Forget about something like gold floating around.

Another thing too. Why mine gold here for a dying planet when there's a perfectly wonderful planet right here? If these supposed Annunaki were real, they could have simply kicked their old planet to the curb and set up full time on Earth. If someone wants to argue that they're not properly adapted to live on Earth, it'd be a simple counter argument that if they could genetically engineer an entire species of Humans to mine gold, then they could equally modify themselves for suitable adaptation to live the pimp life here on Earth.

The speaker has some fun questions regarding speculation that Bigfoot/Sasquatch etc., are surviving remnants of other hominids which is fine. Such could very well be quite a strong possibility if Sasquatch/Bigfoot is indeed real.
Bigfoot could be remnant Homo Habilis, remnant Homo Erectus, remnant Neanderthal, or remnant/hybrid something else with natural adaptation tossed in over the years.
These could be possibilities.

All the Annunaki talk is talk based on erroneous reasoning based off of someone else's totally erroneous work where the originating primary source material was never re-sourced for verification.
When doing ANY research, you need source the actual PRIMARY source material, even if building off of someone else's work.
That's how real science works, and that's why so many of these so-called 'researchers' on the fringe stay on the fringe, only contributing to the circus atmosphere of something that could do with some real science, where all these circus sideshow personalities such as the speaker in the quoted video scare off any desire for real science to jump in and do anything because no real scientists want to have their names associated with clowns like these.

edit on 15-10-2012 by Druscilla because: (no reason given)

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