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America in Crisis - Five Core Problems, But Are They Solvable or Do We Dissolve As a Nation

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posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:16 AM
This thought was provoked after reading a simple question from a friend on Facebook. Basically, he was noting that India and China were making major investments in education at the same time the U.S. is slashing education funding and what did this bode for our future here in the U.S. in terms of competitiveness. But our "problem" goes much, much deeper and I thought the place to layout my thinking was here and not Facebook.

Important questions like the education one above are at this stage pointless to ask. Can we really continue to ask how we fix any single thing without addressing first the grim realities of our country that all feel in their bones, but few want to admit? We have so many fundamental, even existential problems as a nation that if not dealt with, prevent any action on the particulars. I really mean this and frankly I am doubtful we’ll come out on the other side of these issues whole.

Here’s a few of what I consider to be nationally existential issues and I'd be curious about thoughtful members' input.

1. A recalcitrant and cynical major party that views every issue through the fun house mirror of religious dogma and because they are literalists, they are pre-disposed to reject science – all science (natural and social). Academic studies mean nothing because with every issue they head to the bible for an answer. And since the bible is to them absolute truth,, the real, testable facts are rejected. Everything becomes a matter of opinion and nothing is a matter of fact, save for their Truth. Rational discussion and problem solving become impossible.

Further, as literalists, they are only able to view the Constitution and its parts in the same literal context versus allowing it to be a living document whose tenets can be thoughtfully applied to modern challenges. Theirs is a world without nuance, without adaptability.

Finally, the Constitution becomes secondary to the bible. If God is first, what then is man's law to get in its way? A Republic based on the Rule of Law cannot be maintained when half the populations considers another, self selected set of "laws" primary to the civil law.

There are so many consequences to all this they are too numerous to mention, but I think it fair to say we have headed to real Constitutional crisis on multiple fronts.

2. A national blind devotion to the myth of American Exceptionalism, keeping us from acknowledging deficiencies with the “American Way,” much less objective assessment of those problems or consideration of solutions proven by other nations. Too many Americans will simply refuse to believe how far we’ve fallen or that what we claim is almost certainly not unique and usually far from the best. Even such stalwart concepts we think as being quintessentially American, like the best opportunity for upward mobility is simply not true (a person in France, for example, has a more likely chance of moving upward). But let’s face it, it is a patriotic heresy to say, “Hey, it works great in Europe, let’s see if it can work here?”

I hear comments like, "At least in the U.S. we have freedom." Well, more than half the world has freedom at least as equal to ours, some greater. But more than that, is our modern American definition of freedom even real freedom? In the U.S., "freedom" actually translates into "no government intervention."

A European definition instead looks at human well being: "I am free to do what I love and follow my dreams because I need not factor in if that work gives me access to health insurance." By contrast, an American faces a Hobson's choice: "I am free to do what I want, but if that leaves my family without healthcare, that's life." It is like saying, you are free to live or die, which will you choose? Consequently, Americans stay in jobs they hate and their dreams are harder to achieve. Sadly, many in the U.S. will say, "tough luck," a decent, humane life is only deserved by those either skilled enough, lucky enough or dogged enough to earn it.

3. The American obsession with unfettered capitalism such that anything that deters maximum profit must necessarily equal “bad” or even “immoral.” We’ve long ago forgotten that economic models are creations by people invented to serve society, not the other way around. We have elevated it so much, it is not only orthodoxy, but actually codified in law, that corporations are people.

Profit has become the best and highest good that our government can promote. So, for us, a dying three year old is a profit opportunity. For us, it is legal and considered smart for companies to take out life insurance on regular employees, with the company as beneficiaries. For us, it is immoral for government to do what the private sector can otherwise control for profit. Prisons, schools, war, health, national intelligence, highways, human genes – these are all things we have turned over to the necessarily and by definition amoral corporation. The needs of the society become a long second versus the needs of the corporation, which is solely more profit and perpetual growth ( logically unsustainable) independent of "goodness" or the well being of the society on which it feeds.

4. A media too integrated into and cozy with the power structure to do much more than showcase conflict and construct false equivalence because they now think truth to be mutually exclusive of objectivity. Imagine modern media moderating a debate between Hitler and Churchill. “Mr. Prime Minister, Chancellor Hitler says Jews are a lesser, subhuman race, you say they are not. Why is his opinion any less valid than yours?”…

5. An insatiable Mil/NatSec sector leveraging both fear and American arrogance (see #2) to breed a militaristic, intrusive, gear-up-shoot-first culture -- both domestically against its own citizenry and overseas – to keep itself the unquestioned top budget priority. One byproduct is a vulgar and dangerous erosion of the most basic civil liberties and rise of the police state: the militarization of law enforcement, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, forfeiture laws, the War on Drugs, etc. The other is the militaristic, arrogant foreign policy: extrajudicial and unilateral killings with drones (even of American citizens) in sovereign nations, the oxymoronic Bush Doctrine of “preventative war.” Does anyone really believe this has done anything other than breed hatred of us the world over, degrading us from a nation with some argument of holding a moral high ground to now a pariah that is more feared than respected?

Maybe I am too pessimistic because I do not think any of the above gets fixed. I expect over the next generation or so a disintegration of the U.S. in to multiple parts is inevitable. Our differences now are too great, our animosities too virulent. The disintegration will be peaceful hopefully, but maybe not an maybe even doubtful.

Then again, would not an optimistic PollyAnna attitude be a reflection of an American Exceptionalist attitude, as in it can’t happen here, not in the good ol’ U.S.A? But it can and we did. In fact, we did it better than anyone in the past few centuries – the Civil War.

edit on 26-8-2012 by pajoly because: sp

edit on 26-8-2012 by pajoly because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:14 AM
Actually I don't see your 5 core problems, only 3. Now as for the school system, its more like daycare! What do they really teach them but the basics and even that after grad there either dumb or think they know it all! Out here in the rural where there are only 10 to 15 kids in class its more for sports games then really learning.
And what do they learn about the world in school but history. I my view, 1/2 the day should be the basics and the other should be what you need to know in life. Job skills, opening a banking account, trust and responcibility for your actions. Comdoms and why you need them, LOL. Relationships, could go on you got the point.
As for relig, I say its for the person to decide since its gotten so out of control and stupid should be a class all by itself in school. Everyone of them torn apart and looked at. Higher minds know its basicly only Mans understanding of what they THINK is there, no real facts.
As for the gov, its just a bigger corporation thats all. Look at history, its all there deceite, control, power, etc... Would not matter if we had a King, still would be the same. You have a good idea, use it and it either get taken from you or remade another way by another company.
One of the main core problems is due to credit and bail outs. Start a bussness and it fails, try again. Don't have any money, just don't buy it. My tv is 20yrs old and works just as good as todays tv - the pounds!
House is 90+ yrs old, but its better then a new one. At least it was built right and not the crap they use today.
Only the real problem is Respect for another!

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by pajoly

Nice, thoughtful, and relevant post.

The only thing that I believe we can solve will pretty much solve the list.
Our beast of a gov't need de-funded.

Because if you truly look at all the topics, you can point directly at them.
They try to control and regulate everything, from education to military, etc.
I believe that once the cash cow stops getting fed, the problems cease to exist.
If they have less money to pump into their MIC, then how can they try to police the world?

The major party needs de-funded, but I believe BOTH parties need de-funded.
We need less morally and economically corrupt politicans and more hard working Americans in office.
Less people bought and paid for and more people who would throw the lobbyists out!
Congress should not be where you go to live like kings and queens.
They do exactly that and that needs to stop.

I am a firm believer in taking money out of poli-ticks because it has ruined the nation.
But greed and lust has become the norm and where the people see it as "the usual" so it spreads.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 11:12 AM
I agree, but we can't take money out of politics because the Supreme Court -- dominated by literalists on the Right -- say money is speech and thus anyone can spend any amount on any election at any time. That's the Supreme Court. Case closed, maybe for generations and certainly not changeable in the time frame needed to salvage the nation -- there is neither the political will, a public demand, nor an inclined Court to change it.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by pajoly

Salvaging the United States is an easily doable thing. With the exception that it will take hard decisions that nobody wants to make.

Financial cuts across the board, from the DoD, HUD, DHS, IRS, etc,…everything and everyone would have to do more with less. Both Government and individual citizens.

The thing is, nobody wants to do this.

Financial problems are the number one cause of strained relationships. This analogy also explains the relationship that citizens have with their government. People are becoming more and more disenfranchised and divided basically because of this.

Charter schools may be the way to go to fix the educational problem. If a teacher does not perform by education their students, then they should be fired. Throwing money at that particular problem does not seem to be working.

Replace all regulations with simple common sense laws. The current cesspool of regulations stifles individual innovation and discourages people from wanting to start their own business.

These are just a few ideas that need to be implemented, but people are unwilling to neither take nor enact.

The lack of responsibility will be the Nations downfall.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

But this does nothing to solve the problem. You cannot affect your proposed solution due to the barriers presented by the core problems. To say, we'll just cut off the money, that'll fix everything. That fixes nothing because it is not a realistic solution unless it can be done.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 12:54 PM
reply to post by pajoly

There is a saying that hard times tends to make a mind clear. People are ignoring the hard times that are upon us by passing more laws rather than enforcing the current ones all in a effort to appease.

On a individual level, we can downsize and simpify our lives, but there are always those who have their hand out for more money.

In today's society, money is the root of all our problems. The world as a whole, not on a individual level, have given up on honor, integrity, morals and ethics. Until as a Nation return to these roots, we'll never be able to fix it.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:31 PM

In today's society, money is the root of all our problems. The world as a whole, not on a individual level, have given up on honor, integrity, morals and ethics. Until as a Nation return to these roots, we'll never be able to fix it.

I agree to most of this, except the "world as a whole" bit. I think the U.S. has grossly abandoned honor, integrity, ethics. Excepting the banking system, I think much of Europe retains its grounding, integrity and sense of honor.

I see this election as emblematic. To me, Romney has the least integrity or honor of any politician I have ever seen. He believes in nothing, only what gets him through the day or advances his profit. He is the embodiment of "corporation." Completely valueless, focused only on beating his competition. Even his religion, to which he claims great fidelity, he tosses aside with relish and ease when it gets in the way of his investments. The man even ditches his own wife at the Olympics because he does not want to appear the patrician he is, instead of manning up and supporting her, screw the optics. Where's the honor in that (rhetorical question)? Everything he even says about his own state accomplishments are twists of the truth. "I balanced the budget for four consecutive years." Big deal, that a state Constitutional requirement in MA. "When I left, unemployment was only 4.7%" MA under Romney saw the greatest exodus of workers in the nation except for Louisiana, which lost theirs due to Hurricane Katrina.

Massachusetts [under Romney] was 47th out of 50 in the percentage of job growth. If you look at all nonfarm workers, for example, Massachusetts went from 3,158,800 jobs to 3,198,500, an increase of 1.3 percent. Only Ohio, Michigan and Louisiana were worse. The national average was 5.3 percent.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by pajoly

1. A recalcitrant and cynical major party that views every issue through the fun house mirror of religious dogma and because they are literalists, they are pre-disposed to reject science – all science (natural and social). Academic studies mean nothing because with every issue they head to the bible for an answer. And since the bible is to them absolute truth,, the real, testable facts are rejected. Everything becomes a matter of opinion and nothing is a matter of fact, save for their Truth. Rational discussion and problem solving become impossible."

I guess from your viewpoint you can't see that people who reject that Truth of God are any part of the problem?

Thou shalt not murder? Those who accept that as Truth don't murder, especially their babies, don't cost the taxpayers millions by going to prison, create safe neighbourhoods etc.

Thou shalt not steal? Those who accept that as Truth don't backstab others for promotions, don't steal others people's property, don't break into homes and don't pirate films and music.

Thou shalt not commit adultery? Those who accept that as Truth don't download porn thus enslaving women and children to the sex trades, don't cheat on their spouses and thus honour their spouses and don't buy all the self-help jumbo jumbo spiritual books.

Thou shalt not covet? Those that accept this as truth don't waste their life by chasing the next fad, don't pollute the environment by trading in their phones, TVs and cars every time a new model comes out, and don't get caught up in trying to live like the Jones.

I hope that I am showing you that the ills of society are a direct result of those who abandon His laws, not the way you have it in your head. And please try to separate out men of God from the Republican party, because I haven't seen one yet make it very far in that vile and hypocrital institution. Men of God live as above, bringing no ills to our society. At this time, our nation is crumbling at the very foundation because of crime, corruption and immorality, and yet the ones who utterly reject Our God in Heaven just want more of it whilst never understanding that we are all determining our eternal fate. Choose evil and death follows. Choose good and life follows. Just from those examples above, which clearly demonstrate the societal blessings of choosing good, you'd think a few might understand that collective results are dependant on each of us. But sadly, the love of evil as good is blinding. We have blind leaders and the blind are following them into the pit.

And I'm confused about your "science" angle, for what of science necessitates a change of morality?

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by pajoly

Romney has his "Hand out" for the Corporations.

Obama has his "Hand out" for those who want more entitlements.

Where is the guy/gal who just wants to give the rest of us a "Hand up"?

That person will never serve as POTUS because they will have to make the tough decisions, and if by some miracle, that person and those in Congress DO make those decisions, I don’t think they would last long.

One side or the other would instigate something.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by pajoly

Since the constitution is no longer law, the point is moot. That being said, the viewpoint that the constitution is a living, fluid document is just incredibly careless on your part.

The very purpose of drafting a constitution and a bill of rights is to specifically withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy. Their meanings cannot be altered without the consent of The PEOPLE. If rights only mean what you personally think they should mean, and not what is explicitly written, they are worthless. Your OP is courting disaster by suggesting a portion of society can just haphazardly eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like without following the lawful procedure written into the document.

The US is a representative Republic, I'm sure you know this. This is elementary school stuff. If you and so many others want it changed then vote to amend the constitution via article 5.

The Constitution is a written instrument. As such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when it was adopted, it means now. – South Carolina v. United States, 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905)

On every question of construction, let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed. -Thomas Jefferson

Do not separate text from historical background. If you do, you will have perverted and subverted the Constitution, which can only end in a distorted, bastardized form of illegitimate government. – James Madison

To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition. – Thomas Jefferson

I cannot assent to the view, if it be meant that the legislature may impair or abridge the rights of a free press and of free speech whenever it thinks that the public welfare requires that it be done. The public welfare cannot override constitutional privilege. – John Marshall Harlan, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Patterson v. Chicago

The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate.

edit on 26-8-2012 by METACOMET because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by WhoKnows100
reply to post by pajoly

1. A recalcitrant and cynical major party that views every issue through the fun house mirror of religious dogma and because they are literalists, they are pre-disposed to reject science – all science (natural and social). Academic studies mean nothing because with every issue they head to the bible for an answer. And since the bible is to them absolute truth,, the real, testable facts are rejected. Everything becomes a matter of opinion and nothing is a matter of fact, save for their Truth. Rational discussion and problem solving become impossible."

I guess from your viewpoint you can't see that people who reject that Truth of God are any part of the problem?

Thou shalt not murder? Those who accept that as Truth don't murder, especially their babies, don't cost the taxpayers millions by going to prison, create safe neighbourhoods etc.

Thou shalt not steal? Those who accept that as Truth don't backstab others for promotions, don't steal others people's property, don't break into homes and don't pirate films and music.

Thou shalt not commit adultery? Those who accept that as Truth don't download porn thus enslaving women and children to the sex trades, don't cheat on their spouses and thus honour their spouses and don't buy all the self-help jumbo jumbo spiritual books.

Thou shalt not covet? Those that accept this as truth don't waste their life by chasing the next fad, don't pollute the environment by trading in their phones, TVs and cars every time a new model comes out, and don't get caught up in trying to live like the Jones.

I hope that I am showing you that the ills of society are a direct result of those who abandon His laws, not the way you have it in your head. And please try to separate out men of God from the Republican party, because I haven't seen one yet make it very far in that vile and hypocrital institution. Men of God live as above, bringing no ills to our society. At this time, our nation is crumbling at the very foundation because of crime, corruption and immorality, and yet the ones who utterly reject Our God in Heaven just want more of it whilst never understanding that we are all determining our eternal fate. Choose evil and death follows. Choose good and life follows. Just from those examples above, which clearly demonstrate the societal blessings of choosing good, you'd think a few might understand that collective results are dependant on each of us. But sadly, the love of evil as good is blinding. We have blind leaders and the blind are following them into the pit.

And I'm confused about your "science" angle, for what of science necessitates a change of morality?

Since when did Christians actually DO ALL THESE THINGS??
Get real

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 08:56 PM
Honestly...burn it all down and start over.....this time around leave money out of the equation.....This country needs a reboot, not a bandaid.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:11 PM
problems are but a means to another problems solution! this is a controlled collapse, and nobody is going to stop it anytime soon.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by pajoly

I can only offer the idea of looking at analogs to the US today, in the past and what they did or did not do. Unfortunately most of the time, it does not work out.

I am not a doomsayer but just looking at it clinically.

I do believe the governmental infrastructure to salvage this voyage is there. It can work. But currently there are too many parasites, from the chronic welfare recipient to the venture capitalist. There are not enough doers. Call me crazy, but I see this as intentional.

Public education is worthless by design. The media is bought and does not enlighten. A handful of global's milk the American taxpayer with our representatives willing and ignorant consent.

Many a nation has been destroyed not through the might of Armies but through the neglect of its citizenry to do little more than sleep as their house burns down around them.

For me, I will not run to their aid as they are not willing to reach out for true help. I cannot single-handedly destroy the machinations of the wealthy and powerful who care not what our Constitution stands for. I can only applaud your efforts to seek a solution. I wish you well.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by METACOMET

I don't understand your point. I am very familiar with what's required to amend the Constitution.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by WhoKnows100

Nothing in the Ten Commandments requires religion to drive the morality. Those are basic human concepts that any person could arrive at independently. I don't need religion to teach me right from wrong.

My point with science, is that science is useful to inform us so we can make rational decisions. Whether climate change, monetary policy, civil planning, health policy, etc. we need science provide the data we need to make realistic decisions. Religious dogma is of little value except for the informing maybe some folks moral justification for action. But religion can be a barrier if it leads to rejection of science or assertion of parochial pseudo science.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by ABNARTY

I find myself in agreement with most all this. Basically, all I think I can do is to get out of the way of the collapse (unlikely that I can because I have an ex and can't take the children, ergo, I am stuck unless I choose to abandon my kids, and I won't do that) or disengage my children from the American myths and nationalism that might otherwise bind them here versus making their break to saner grounds when they become adults.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by pajoly

I am starting to see a slight lean coming from the content of your posts.
Being that I don't stick to sides or parties anymore, I don't agree with the division that has been created.
It seems that both sides are just playing the people for more political prowess.
Because the problem still exists with either side in CONgress.
So what does that prove? This nation doesn't want true change.
Change comes from the people, not the gov't.
We have given them to much "power".

I must say that before we can act upon real change...
We all must literally see the problem.

And it is not bundled in a speech from every POTUS-elect about their so-called "change".
That type of short-lived promise never flew with me.
The public shouldn't fall for it either, but unfortunately they do.
Unfortunately people are completely consumed with this lifestyle too.
Change that we need is probably too drastic for them.

Maybe we all need to just turn our collective "programming" off...
And be the change we want to see in this nation.

posted on Aug, 26 2012 @ 09:54 PM
we've been throwing trillions of dollars at our problems for years, and it only gets worse.

the department of education doesn't educate anyone, but hands out 70 billion every year.
the kids are dumber than ever.
the teachers don't want to be burdened with large class sizes.
the unions protect terrible teachers.
the unions take in 3 billion every year, then buy politicians to bail them out after they spend all the dues.

the dept. of education was created by democrats during the carter admin.
it's been downhill ever since.

how did children ever get an education, before the dept. of education?

s.s. created by dems under FDR.
sold to the people as an retirement insurance program.
argued as a tax before the supreme court. (sound familiar)?

s.s. is broke, unsustainable, and unnecessary.

investing the same amount of money in the stock market, will yield you 6 times the amount of money, over the same time period.
3 times if invested in treasury bonds.

fannie mae , created by democrats under FDR, which caused the housing collapse

all created by the democrats.
all broke, and sucking the taxpayer dry.

these programs do not exist to help the poor and unfortunate.
they exist to keep you poor, and reliant on government.

the democrat party is not the party of freedom, or compassion.
it's the party of government.

the only "core problem" i see, is the party of government.
the tyrants who steal the labor of one to give to another.

they sure do a good job of pulling your heart strings though huh?

read my signature

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